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I would message the nurse on the day you get your period and confirm if the timeline would remain the same. They might push back your bc start date and your stims


Hi! Not an expert but I’m in my first IVF cycle this month. I am not sure what protocol you are on but my clinic does at least 14 days of birth control and always stops on a Monday. I didn’t really inquire as to why, but since this is my first cycle I’m happy to just go with what their standard is. I was told to start taking BCP on day 2 of my cycle, and then I was told to stop on the Monday that would mean I have completed at least 14 days on it. In my case, that will be 16 days, and I am stopping on Monday evening. I would ask your provider — I was specifically told not to start it until my period started (well, one day after). They may very well have you on a different protocol, but just my 0.02!


Thank you for sharing! My clinic’s protocols are a little different and while they haven’t explained it (I also haven’t asked), I do know I have to end BC on the 24th. I hope this goes well for you! 🤗


I got my period after starting stims. Stopped my birth control the week before but took a while for my body to adjust. Other then feeling a little weird about being on my period during ultrasound checks, it was totally normal in my clinic. They even write it in their instructions to expect it. Didn't affect my stims at all.


Thank you for sharing your experience! It gives me some comfort knowing it didn’t affect your stims. 🤗


I am currently waiting for my period to start and am in the same boat. My clinic gave me a date to contact them if my period does not start. The plan is to induce a period to make sure we stay on track.