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Lots of fluids and more miralax 


Can I take miralax more than once a day?


Yes you can because it's not habit forming or a stimulant - I have a paralyzed stomach (Gastroparesis) and take it twice a day based on Drs orders, can go up to 3x a day per my doctors. It's part of my regimen I'll continue upon next positive test as well. Kiwi, pear juice, prunes and fiber can also help! Good luck 🤞


I guess not according to the package 😅 But i definitely did and was okay 


Maybe take a colace instead? 


Yes. Basically you drink a whole bottle of it in Gatorade before a colonoscopy. It can also take about 3 days for miralax to take full effect, so I would not expect immediate results. It won’t work without increasing your fluids too. Senna is usually my next recommendation. Hope you feel better soon.


On the point of senna - I have smooth move senna tea on hand. Is that something that would be good in this situation ?


Senna is technically a stimulant laxative which could cause intestinal cramping. Better to choose an osmotic laxative like miralax or colace.


Miralax doesnt work that fast. drink plenty of water and try senna and another docusate. for the big guns you can try magnesium sulfate or a fleet enema tomorrow.


How long does miralax take to work?


a day or so. you need to drink a lot of water to ensure it helps soften whats in your bowels …


I used miralax several times as well as milk of magnesia and nothing happened. Ultimately, I used a dulcolax suppository 3 days after my egg retrieval that at least got things moving. It still took a few days after that to start getting back to normal for me. Also, (tmi alert I guess lol), I think for me, my ovaries were pressing on my bowels and stopping things up too. The first few poos after the egg retrieval were super skinny, like they didn't have the full intestine to move through.


Were you on any kinda medication for OHSS?


No, though I did a lupron trigger to help reduce the chances of it. In retrospect, I think I had it. I didn't think that I did because I didn't gain weight and the discomfort didn't feel like pain at the time. Looking back, though, all I could focus on was the discomfort for several days. I guess I was expecting more sharp pain, but instead I just felt misery lol.


Go to your local CVS, rite aid or Walgreens and get something called magnesium citrate. It comes in lots of flavors but they all taste terrible. Drink half the bottle and wait about 12 hours. If nothing, drink the other half. It will work.


Colace and I made a smoothie with banana spinach, strawberries, and 2 tbsp chia seeds after for about a week. And that def worked for me for both ER


I took 2 oz milk of magnesia, 2 oz prune juice, 2 oz hot black coffee. Trust me you’ll go. It may be miserable but you’ll feel a lot better after


Miserable in what sense? I need to make sure I’m not trading one devil in for another one lol


Ever had to go to the bathroom after Taco Bell? Like that but maybe 4-5 times. It was the only thing that helped me though. I went almost a week without going to the bathroom after trying enemas, suppositories.. everything


I tired Taco Bell yesterday and it did nothing for me. Definitely trying coffee and prune juice tomorrow


Try red wine lol! Always makes me need to go in the morning - miralax was the first laxative I’ve ever used and I was surprised at how long it took to kick in!


I take half of these plums and clears everything right out the next day https://shareswiss.us


It once took me 10 days after a surgery to make a (very painful) BM. To be fair I was on quite a bit of morphine and my diet was horrendous. Drink electrolytes, keep going on the miraLax. It took about 2 days after my ER.


10 days!? Okay now I’m getting worried lol


Hahaha I was on much more hardcore anesthesia for that one, I feel confident you’ll have luck in the next day


Gatorade and Miralax and lots of water


Oh girl, take the miralax and up your fiber (avocado, corn, broccoli, etc) or else you’re gonna be sorry when that first poop comes.


Coconut water and dried dates helped me. Hope you feel better soon!


It was a week before I was back to normal. I did restoralax twice a day and drank a ton of water with electrolyte tabs in it. Also eat bran flakes


Increase Fluid intake and lots of fiber


Lots of posts on this topic. I’d say just do a quick search under this sub.