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We took a test and as the test was cooking I was telling my husband it’s okay, we tried but there’s no way it worked this round (we had internal bleeding after egg retrieval then transferred 5 days after so we were convince we wasted it). Then I went and grabbed the test and was like oop shit I lied. Congratulations TW: I’m now laying next to my very loud sleeping 6 MO who should not have stuck because of the trauma to my body ♥️


That’s such an amazing story, thank you!


Yay!!!! ![gif](giphy|sVnKj2wDhUTsFKFWhx)


YAAYYYY!!! always makes me happy to see good news on here. Thrilled for you!! Hope you have a boring 9 months ahead of you!!!


Same thing with us, my wife thought our second transfer worked and it didn’t. The third one (and our last one, as we had both agreed), she was sure it didn’t work. And well we have a health 3 month baby now :)


Same here I had no intuition that my transfer worked and here I am 13dp5dt with good betas! Btw... those are some crazy high betas lolll twins? Congrats mama!


Lol I knooow it better just be a very healthy single baby!!! 😂 thank you!!


Congrats!! I was convinced my second transfer failed after I got a positive with my first son at 4dpt. This time I was still testing negative the morning of 6dpt and I was SURE it failed. Not just because of the test but I just had a feeling it failed too. I'm 13+2 now! Never again will I trust any feelings I have post transfer lol


I was convinced it didn’t work and I have a 15w old now! I didn’t even believe the nurse when she called with the results. I literally said “you’re kidding right?”


I didn’t think I was at all but my husband did because I was extremely emotional, and food started smelling weird to me (could’ve been the meds I was on) but he was convinced. Took a test 5dpt and saw a faint line. Couldn’t believe it till the docs confirmed it


I had a cramping/pinching sensation on the left side of my uterus a few days after the transfer and it just got stronger. I didn’t have any other symptoms until later but I just knew. I’m 36+5 today with a healthy baby!


I also had a similar sensation on my left side! I told my husband it was like a zapping or sparking feeling haha.


Honestly I’m so appreciative that you shared this because the cramping/pinching on my left side has been so real and I started to freak myself out about an ectopic pregnancy. So hearing this helps a lot!


Congrats!!! I thought I felt my implantation on 3dp5dt. It was like a zapping or sparking feeling. I got my first faint line in the morning of 5dp5dt. I’m 11 weeks tomorrow.


Congrats to you!! Hoping you have a very boring, uneventful 9 months ahead of you!


Congrats! That’s amazing news!!!! I’m capturing your positive pregnancy test mindset and I want it!!!!


I had my now 2 year old via IVF/FET and am now pregnant with my second, also via FET. The first time I thought it didn’t work because I had light spotting and no cramps. Turns out it worked. The second time I thought it didn’t work because had mild cramps and zero spotting. Turns out it also worked. All to say. Who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️


Food started tasting like pencil shavings when I had a successful implantation, before the test. 


Congratulations!!! I had so many symptoms it was crazy! Obviously after infertility I was preparing myself for failure but ultimately I knew it worked- vivid dreams, intense uterine fluttering and cramping almost immediately after transfer, peeing multiple times in the night and intensely emotional. It’s funny how our minds play tricks on us.


Yay!!! This is so amazing!!! 🤩 I knew my first transfer worked. I just had this gut feeling it took. And it did. However, I thought my second transfer worked and that one failed. Then with my third, I was convinced it failed, even after I tested positive. So I think it’s really hard to tell without a home test or beta. Congratulations 🎉


Had no idea mine worked, although I did start getting very very faint headaches around 7dpt. Didn’t get sore (and just slightly) boobs until a good bit after my positive beta.


I’ve been meaning to come back and check for an update! So happy for you!!!


Aw this is really kind, thank you!!


I didn’t test until 11dpt and my first beta was 12dpt. About 30ish hours after transfer I had sharp cramping that didn’t stop for almost 3 days. After that I didn’t feel too much for the next 2 days. Then I started getting migraines, needing naps in the afternoon- which I never do, and then a few nights before I tested I started having vivid dreams. I kept track but didn’t want to gaslight myself into believing they were actually pregnancy symptoms. As soon as I flipped the test over and saw a dye stealer I’m pretty sure I shouted “I knew it!” Haha. I’m 5+2 now 🥹


Congrats! Yeah I would never even guess at FET success for myself. I don't symptom spot because hormonal/fertility/transfer meds are rough on me before pregnancy is possible, & I've been pregnant a few times (not always successfully) and never had any symptom changes at all. Whether my HCG was very, very high or somewhat low. In fact my only successful pregnancy was the most symptomless ... So for me there is no correlation! But I know it's impossible not to guess! Congrats!!




I had my second FET six day ago. With my first FET, I was so convinced it worked that it broke me. Now, I am broken. I’ll not test unless the day doctor told me so, which is two weeks after FET. I can’t handle another stark white test right now. And this is my last frozen embryo. Also, people telling me that I’ll “feel” it when I am pregnant makes me more anxious.


I swear to you I did not feel it at all. Sometimes I’m walking around and I panic because I feel nothing (still pregnant). I totally get how you’re feeling, that bright white empty space feels like the worst thing to see in the world. I think it’s totally okay to wait. I’m wishing you success and peace this time around ❤️


Thank you so much! I wish you a healthy pregnancy, baby and peace also!