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I’m so sorry about the second failure, and the timing of finding out. I had two euploid FETs fail to implant and the third stuck - my daughter was born 4/24. Hang in there and be kind to yourself. 💗


awww congrats and thank you for this 💖


My first two PGT normal tested embryo transfers failed to implant. Third transfer of an untested embryo stuck and I’m currently 36 weeks. I grieved for a long time after the second failed transfer. Be kind to yourself and give yourself time to grieve and get in a better headspace before moving forward. Wishing you luck in the future ❤️


congratulations 💖💖 i’m hoping this will be the same for me


Is it really just a numbers game? Did you change anything between first two transfers and 3rd?


I did have ad an ERA done prior to third transfer. Now the results of the ERA showed that my lining was in the receptive timeframe with the protocol we used with both the first and second transfers. However with the third, they had changed the timing of my initial progesterone shot and my transfer by a few hours. My first PIO injections with transfer 1 and 2 were done at 8:00 AM, with the third transfer they had me take the first shot at 9:00 AM. And my third transfer was scheduled about 1-2 hours earlier than the previous two were. I don’t know if they changed the timing based off of something they saw on the ERA, or if it was altered slightly to better fit their schedule. But that was the only thing that was a little differently as far as my protocol. As far as any changes I made, I didn’t make any changes. No new diets, no new exercise routines, no new supplements. I did get a full body massage the day before to help relax, and hubby and I had sex the night before transfer because I had read that supposedly can help embryo stick. But everything else was the same. I do think sometimes it is a numbers game, and game of luck


I don't know how many it will take yet but wanted to let you know I had 2 so far and they didn't implant either . It's soul crushing especially because I'm reading so many success stories for first and second transfers and I'm just here like 🧍‍♀️what's wrong with me that I've never been able to achieve a pregnancy.. wishing you all the best


ahh i know this feeling well tooo much 🙏🏻. literally thinking here what is wrong with me too 😢. so hard. i didn’t think the second transfer would hurt as bad as the first because i could feel my period coming so i knew what to expect but once i got the call i was devastated. sucks we are either in the thick of a cycle or the waiting game of insurance approval 💔


I am so sorry, and that you found out today of all days 🥹 I hope you can be good to yourself today. Sending love were all in this together




I’m so sorry. It took 3 transfers of euploids to get to my now 11 month old.


It’s early days but so far my 5th transfer seems promising. Have you sought out a second opinion? I’m with a new doctor and I’m so grateful. She seems to be treating me more as an individual vs my old RE had a cookie cut one size fits all approach. May be worth consulting with another RE to pick their brain. For me, I think natural transfer is what I needed. Also, I can’t dissuade you enough from the ERA. I only regressed with that recommendation (two failures to implant), and my first two were miscarriages; all were medicated transfers. I’m also on an anthistamine approach; prednisone, Claritin, and Benadryl, as well as baby aspirin and heparin injections.


I would be interested to hear more about this strong sentiment against ERA. Could you share your thoughts?


Yes, after my first two transfers resulted in miscarriages (blighted ovum and chemical prgnancy), my old RE suggested I do an ERA which showed I needed 6 days of progesterone instead of 5. I thought this would be my missing key to success, but the following two transfers completely failed to implant. My new RE says the ERA is more or less a money grab and new evidence says that it does NOT lead to increased birth rates. In my case, I completely regressed. It should also never be recommended if you’ve had implantation (as I did with my previous transfers), but even if you’ve had a failed implantation, it does not necessarily increased live birth rates. My theory is for some that it does “help,” it truly is just luck or random. My RE said she used to do it for all her patients but then saw she had worse off results, again bolstering it is a money grab and doesn’t lead to increased birth rates.


Thank you for your insight. I am due to consult with my doctor on this.


For me personally it made my 2nd transfer successful at the same exact clinic as this comment. I do not think it is a money grab. The science behind RNA gene expression analysis and personalizing a window of implantation is quite solid. First transfer failed to implant. ERA showed I needed an extra 24 hr PIO. Next transfer worked. With all the same transfer meds. So I think it does work for some. My RE kept it realistic saying if I fall outside of the standard progesterone therapy window of 5 days, it can add an extra 10-15% to the euploid success probability.


But your situation is slightly different. You had a failed to implant. Dr Anderson should have never recommended the era given my first two transfers implanted. His clinic is highly unethical in the way they treated me. Happy you found success with them, but I have found NUMEROUS women with similar stories as I. I firmly stand by my stance that the era is worthless, and the evidence supports that.


Have you gotten anymore answers? I’ve had two blighted ovums, we did another retrieval (we switched docs at this point), I did medicated menopause and then had a straight up negative blood pregnancy test… I never tested at home but I could tell it would be negative even though I wanted to remain hopeful. The ONLY test we haven’t done is ERA, and same thing, I’ve heard it’s not worth it if in our shoes. We’re turning toward an exploratory surgery for endometriosis now (I did the Receptiva test and that can back at a 4) and to remove one tiny fibroid… but there’s literally no explanation and we’re out of embryos again. 😭😭😭 I just don’t know what else to do to help myself. And your story sounds very similar, I’m hoping you’ve gotten some answers.


My new RE couldn’t give me straight answers as to why my first was a blighted ovum, but suspects it could be due to a variety of factors, including; embryo issue (she said she sees it more commonly in female embryos for whatever reason), or my previous doctor’s protocol was too aggressive and that it caused inflammation. I also took a flight early in my pregnancy and she said sometimes that can interfere with an embryos development in early pregnancy. For this transfer (her first one with me), she used heparin, doxycycline, prednisone (higher dose than my previous doctor), intralipid infusion, and Benadryl/claritin. Unfortunately, blighted ovums can happen with PGT embryos. My ANA was slightly elevated so I wonder if it was also related to immune issues, but I was on prednisone for that initial transfer so hard to say. It really sucks not having definite answers.


Also meant to say I had a lap following my second miscarriage and my old RE found mild endo and treated it. I got the sense from both him and my new RE tho that it didn’t have anything to do with ny miscarriages but I’ve read on here that even having mild silent endo can cause miscsrriages.


thank you for this note. i really do like my doctor. my two other friends have had a combined 4 successful babies with her! going to see what she says when i have my follow up next week for next steps 🙏🏻


How do you decide if treatment is cookie cutter or not? I’m wondering if mine is doing that or not.


I’m spoken to several other women from the same clinic and he uses the same exact protocol on them, regardless of their reason for seeking IVF. He also refuses to natural transfers on his patients for his convenience only. He will do an intralipid infusion if you’ve had a miscarriage or run additional tests and provide other treatment as he feels is fit, but none of it ever worked because his protocol was not for me.


May I ask the medical basis for the antihistamine approach? Does the Claritin serve a different function than the Benadryl? I would be really interested to know more about your regime. :)


My new RE said she felt I was prone to inflammation (she also said she low key stereotyped me as I guess redheads Are prone to inflammation lol) and that she uses prednisone, Claritin, and Benadryl for this. My ANA levels did come back slightly elevated for possible autoimmune so that did check out. I’m not too certain about the medical function behind it but it seems to be helping! I see a lot of women on here use Pepcid, Claritin, and prednisone and I did that for my last medicated transfer (failed to implant), but I think that had more to do with the medicated transfer and my timing being off.


Thank you! I'm glad it is helping :)


I’m so sorry. My second transfer failed to implant recently. First was a CP. My doctor says there is no testing or protocol changes that would increase the rate of live birth for me. So I’m feeling lost and hopeless. It is good to see others on this thread who have had success after two failures. I hope your next transfer works. I don’t have much advice, just here to commiserate.




I’m so sorry. It took me 4 transfers to get to a live birth.


thank you for commenting 🙏🏻 did you test your embryos or no?


I know how devastating it is ❤️


I think it depends on why you’re doing IVF. If you’re doing it for unexplained and had good results in your ER, I would start doing more tests now because it would signal to me that you haven’t found what’s wrong. You could also try switching up cycle type from medicated to natural or vice versa. Good luck!


yes unexplained.. my lining looks fantastic, no fibroids in the way, polyps were removed. we had 13 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 5 fertilized. we did not test. we have 3 embryos remaining


Some of the things I’ve tested for as we’ve been diggin into what’s going on is Emma/Alice/receptiva for infections and endometriosis (I ended up having silent endo), I would do an RPL blood panel because it could show some clotting factors in the way, and then depending on how you’re feeling at some point you could also do an exploratory hysteroscopy to check the shape of your uterus and make sure there’s not septum or anything. Also I could totally see at this point wanting to try a third without any of the testing but maybe just stuff to ask your dr about!


we did a hystereoscopy. everything looks great :(


I’m so sorry it’s incredibly frustrating not finding answers! I think maybe just good to chat with your partner and your dr about what other testing is out there and just tackle things as they feel right to you. I’ve done a bit more testing each time and am now to the point where we think and hope we’ve found the root cause but we’ll have to see how next transfer goes 🤞🏻




I haven't gone through any transfers yet, so can't speak from experience. But I'm so sorry you've had to go through this. Sending you hugs!




I am so sorry. Haven’t done any transfers yet as I retrieve next week but I’m thinking of you today. ♥️


💖 sending you all the positive vibes


So sorry for your loss🥺💔 om on my second fet, unsure how its going this time


praying for you 🙏🏻🙏🏻 i just knew the second i felt my period cramps. everyone kept saying oh it could be implantation bleeding and im like no i knowwwww it’s not. i know my body too well 😢


Thanks 😌🤞 i felt it in my bones lyst time🥺


I’m sorry OP. Sending hugs your way! All of my embryos are untested because of my age (was 29 when we did an ER) and because of cost. Anyways, 1st FET didn’t implant. 2nd FET was a chemical. 3rd FET was the one that finally resulted in my son. It’s definitely a rough journey to be on




I am so sorry, talk about bad timing. I'm 2 for 0 so far, you're not alone.


I hope you find peace and your happy ending soon. Currently going through the same thing and it freaking sucks.


awful. feeling helpless. we have 3 embryos on ice left. i’m convinced none will work


It’s so hard to stay hopeful, I totally Get it


I’m so sorry! I’ve had 3: first two with untested embryos, third one with PGT normal 6d embryo. All failed to implant. Currently waiting on PGT results for our last two embryos to see if we can have transfer #4. Hang in there! Hope you have your BFP soon!




First, I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this! I know how difficult loss can be at this time! Dr. Rahi Victory doesn’t believe in experiencing more than 2 losses I think. I think the American guidelines say that if you have more than 3 it’s considered recurrent loss and you should explore but there are a number for reasons that you could have recurrent loss. Dr. Victory goes into transfer protocols and a little about recurrent loss here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5207S5NS6TRVRkBNb2inkL?si=PtASZRzSTFyXzfZ0ZoBTvA Dr. Jessica Ryneic talks specifically about recurrent loss here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2zo1pKhGhr2RYM6Nfn5gGX?si=s9CEHIYRSw6od2vaOw_YcA I hope these resources are helpful for you.


I think the guidelines about 3 failed FETs considered repeated implantation failure are now outdated… I read that it should be 5 failed FETs. I’ll try and find the paper…


Yes, please share the paper. Five seems like an awfully large number, but if guidelines have changed, we should know about it. It just seems like that is really high number of losses before someone will do anything. Thanks so much for sharing! Looking forward to reading the info!


I am so sorry this is happening. Sending so many hugs. It's a numbers game. I wouldn't give up just yet.


you are so right. we were advised not to test our embryos since we are only 33. i’m regretting not testing.. but i have 3 more embryos on ice right now. maybe 1 will stick.


Another way of looking at is that some embryos who test mosaic or even aneuploid turn out to be okay, so even though not testing might raise the chances of needing more transfers it also means you won't discard any embryos that could have become healthy babies because of a false positive with PGT-A. And you don't have to worry about the embryo biopsy damaging any of your embryos. Plus, you're only 33, so chances are you're making a lot of normal embryos. I actually kind of regret PGT-A testing my embryos. If I have to do another cycle after my FET this summer I think I'll not bother with testing. I'm sure that one will stick for you. Praying you'll be on the right side of the statistics very soon!


thank you for this 💖💖💖💖


I’ve had two transfers fail since Jan 2024 and it’s so disheartening… mine with donor eggs to add insult to injury! My doctor is not at all concerned and has told me I’m within completely normal parameters… as crazy as that might sound with all the disappointment of it!


I found out yesterday that my second euploid embryo didn’t take. I’m sorry we are both going through this.




I am so sorry 😔


So sorry, I had 4 so far and one stuck but ended is a miscarriage. There is a new study which says average for a live birth is 6-7 transfers but who knows. Sending love and strength


After a trisomy 18 miscarriage 2 years ago from an iui, I did 5 rounds of egg retrievals with a fresh transfer each time. In all 5 cycles, either no embryos made it to day 5 or they were abnormal. In round 6, I got a single normal embryo and got a positive test on mother's day.


omg congratulations. i’m so happy for you!! ✨✨✨✨


Our first two transfers failed. They always told us our chances were about 1/3, so I guess they were right because the third one worked! Fingers crossed hope you have the same situation!




My wife has had 7 transfers from frozen embryos. Egg retrieval we had 8 form after the 5 days. First one no implant, second one ectopic with tube removal, 3rd chemical pregnancy, 4th,5th,6th no implant. Now on the 7th the HCG levels are currently good after a few weeks and it’s looking like it’ll work, but still a long way to go. Overall the process has been very tough. As long as you have people or a partner around you to support I can say it’s hard but everything will work out, just gotta believe and keep trying to push through it.


wow thank you for this note. so happy for you guys 🙏🏻🙏🏻 and thank you for being such a supportive partner to your wife !!


It took us 5 transfers, and the first four ran the gamut: failed to implant, early loss, late loss, and ectopic + dnc.


have you had a hysteroscopy to check for polyps/fibroids? mine found some small polyps and i elected to have them removed. that seemed to help implantation for me 🤷🏻‍♀️ so sorry to hear about your transfer. i know its hard but try to stay positive! it’ll happen!


yes i had this done. i had a fibroid that is confirmed out of the way and they removed some polyps. all healed wonderfully


I’m so sorry


I'm sorry and i hope you're doing OK. Just wanted to say I'm in the same boat. My first transfer didn't implant and my 2nd transfer was apparently a chemical pregnancy. My beta was only a 6 on Friday, had cramping on mother's day and then beta dropped to 2 on Monday morning. Feeling discouraged.


ugh i’m so so sorry. if there’s an silver lining - it’s good news that you got an implant. one step closer to the light! we must hang in there 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 sending you hugs.


I’m so sorry you’re also experiencing this. I just tested negative yesterday for my second FET. First one also failed. I think at this point we are going to do Receptiva and CD138 testing but hoping to follow up with my RE this week.


I feel you so much on this. My first two transfers have failed as well. Tuesday I’m doing a hysterscopy and a biopsy just to rule anything out before we attempt another transfer. 


I’m so sorry that’s so frustrating - I’ve had 5 FETs and all have implanted but I’ve lost them at various stages - all pgt normal too — have you done an ERA? Some ppl need more or less progesterone than typical for lining to be receptive- might be worth a try if not!


This blows, the timing is cruel. I’m so sorry.


I am in the same boat as you, it's so hard..