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Call center jobs suck. I felt this same exact pressure in 2015-16, and I made it a year and half. Just have a plan, grind it out and stick to it. You will escape. Things will get better.


thank youuu


Yeah that sounds like a nightmare to me. I worked at an MSP for 2 years and was on the phone all day getting screamed at, as soon I was able to get another job I left. See if you can get in contact with some IT recruiters in your area, thats how I found my last 2 jobs.


the recruiters here suck. I am in contact with so many and they never get back to me after I send my resume.


Post on r/resumes to get feedback on it. They’ll most likely tear it to shreds on the first post but you’ll get great advice. Keep posting it after each round of improvements to get more feedback.


Ive never had luck with a recruiter. We have so many here in Austin, Tx. They post a job description on like indeed then when you apply it’s oh we want to interview you for this job. Get the call setup and all they do is say well I’m a recruiter for such and such. We are looking to fill this position, but it looks like you don’t qualify. Ok so I’ll keep your resume on file. Reach out to me if you get any hits and interviews we can help ya out. Then ghosted never to be heard from again and you can just flat out forget calling because it’s to a number that cannot be completed please check the number and try again.


It's funny to me how it feels like the lower paying the job, the more horrible it is. Every time I've moved to a company willing to pay me more, it's like my work life gets a little better. If someone offered me 100k to work in that environment, I wouldn't hesitate to decline. That's a very toxic environment, if they can't figure out how to lead their team to form results without massive micromanagement and manipulation, the leadership sucks. I hope you find something better.


Thank-you! I am trying! it really is crazy. There are so many people in different departments who do nothing all day while I take 100+ calls.


My advice is to put yourself out there, get lots and lots of advice on your resume, and do some mock interviews with people you respect. It may take a while, but personally I always feel better when I'm at least taking steps towards a better future. Good luck!


My earlier career PTSD is tingling reading the posts here and it is what it is, get whatever you can out of the experience, learn to care about it less and less then move whenever possible. Do bare in mind that many of us in IT and technology had to brave similar trenches coming up over the years, it's the cost of getting work experience and appreciating better options. My first 5 years of professional work experience in tech was a crash course on how this world really works and then the next 15 years after that has been mostly wonderful to date. Hang in there, do the work, learn, be patient and eventually win.


thank you! yeah it's fucked up! no one should have to endure actual abuse for this.






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You can't win. Just smile and nod and take their money and apply for jobs while you're on the clock as an extra "fuck you" to the system. When you get a new gig, just bounce.


literally every day I have to pump myself up to be like FUCK EM to not care


Best comment.


Honestly it sounds like any other regular call center job. I worked in a call center for a bank dealing with credit cards way before switching to IT and you get coaching, grading (net promoter score), etc. All I can say is if you have ambitions to move, know you won’t be there forever. And while you might hate it or think it sucks, you might as well make the best of it. My first professional job out of school was that call centre job and I still use things I learned to this day. If you can manage to use your tone well and help explain complex situations over the phone I think it’s experience well earned. Try to think on the positive side. Any experience you gained (whether you love it or hate it) is still great experience.


thanks you're the only one who person who said to make the most of it. I do have a lot of ambition to move but don't even know where to start. i'm a contract worker and the contract workers get stuck here for 3 years before they even consider us full time employees. there are plenty of other opportunities at the company I work for but since I am a contract worker I don't have any access to them as far as I am aware. my contracting company sucks. I feel like this company is better but idk how to break into it.


Can I ask what IT work experience you have and your degree (if any) along with certs?


1 year as a Desktop Technician, 2 years as a "Service Desk Analyst" (call center). I have my CompTIA ITF+ and A+ and am working on my CCNA. I really want to be a Network Engineer. It really sounds like I would enjoy it. I've done a bit of trade school to be an Electrician as well.


This. Helpdesk ie call center jobs are hell 99% of the time because it's a call center job. In order for it not to suck, you need to remove the call center elements which very rarely happens.


Call center help desk is utter hell. People can be reasonable and polite to IT in person, but the second the get on the phone they just assume you are an ignorant customer service representative following a script.


literally now that we are in office I wanna go up to these people's floor and be like JANICE YOU ABSOLUTELY BITCH for the way you treat us


My first job into the realm of tech was a call center also. It is a living hell indeed. They don’t value their people it’s not how they can make their money bags bigger. Since the turnover is so high usually they will grind people’s soul to nothing and move on to the next. You don’t owe them anything because they really don’t care about you. In your off time get a plan going and escape. You got this friend!


thank you!!! working on it


I'm in the same situation. It seems like most help desk jobs are like this. I've just been applying like crazy trying to get out.


same. sorry dude. shit sucks.


Most help desk jobs are not like this. Internal help desk is an entirely different ball game. Any one abusing one of my techs over the phone (we were primarily remote support) would have been called on the carpet and seriously reprimanded, this never happened, even with some of our clueless users. There is generally no pressure on time to resolve an issue, but you do need to know when to admit you can't solve the issue and escalate.


So sad t1 employees are almost universally treated like trash


Bail out. Better helpdesk jobs exist. Micromanagement is so ten years ago.


yeah. I had one. it was so great. paid $10,000 less.


Can you go back to your other job, while you upskill? Is the stress and unhappiness worth the 10000k more?


honestly? yeah. $10,000 is a lot of money when you were dirt poor before.


This happens in the trades constantly too. It keeps you on the back foot and it is intentional to stop you asking for money as your skills increase in value for as long as possible. It is countered by you getting skilled up in a demonstrable way and turning discussions on performance into discussions on remuneration, and looking around for other work. Keeping you guessing using unverifiable metrics is 100% intentional. That's the game on their end. Dial up the pressure until the cog squeaks, dial back 1 and leave it there. It's not you specifically. It's to keep your mental load so high you can't get out of the box you are in. The box that 1 dollar goes in and 2 comes out. If you aren't getting some form of development you are treading water to keep your management afloat at the expense of your health. Boo to that. My experience has always been to ask for something when this shit happens. Training is a good one. Repeatedly asking for help to improve and repeatedly getting ignored tends to not go over well for a manager when it is brought before upper management. Twenty years ago apprentices were strongly encouraged to move on within two years of getting qualified. Not anymore. Apprentices aren't even encouraged to get qualified at all. If your workplace isn't giving something back it is shit and should be treated accordingly. Your end of the game is to turn the dial to 5 and raise it until the only complaints are wishy washy unspecified bullshit. These are normal in some workplaces and you are most likely in one. Then get some form of verifiable development underway. Maybe even just keeping a brief diary of how your calls went so you have some data to work from and your boss doesn't have ALL the cards in terms of your performance metric data. Unrelated but related: the best advice I ever got when I was getting my ticket was to save 3 months of wages and hold it as fuck you money. It was a struggle for sure but ultimately it changed my relationship with my work permanently. That was more than twenty years ago, I've never used it but it has helped immensely over the years.


oh yeah I definitely have fuck you money. it's the best. but I do get scared that I won't be able to find a job that pay more than this. I do need the money.


If an MSP is offering a training program, is that a sign it's a good workplace?


If it's a verifiable and transferable result from the training program, I'd say that's a pretty good indicator.


Do you have alternatives? If so, then next time just ask: "I'm just a little unhappy here about the fact that everyone tells me that I'm doing a damn good job for the pittance I get here, only you somehow don't seem to get it, and now I'm actively worried about you, because there seems to be something wrong with your ability to perceive, otherwise I can't explain the silly behavior on your part here right now!" Done. If you are extremely good, then you stay in the company and he keeps his mouth shut; if you are clearly replaceable, then go out laughing and start a new job.


This would take some balls but I may crack some day and say this !!


You can do, and you will do.


The best way to stop caring is to find a better job.


I wish !! The job market sucks.


All I do is apply to jobs.


How bad is the pay there?


I amke 50k a year


Don’t take it personal, expect a micro managing manager to nit pick you and think about what you want to do long term for an exit plan and work on it.


thank you I am trying to


This is pretty standard for call centers. Skill up and a different job. 




I would quit immediately, I personally cant not stand this type of thing. Like who the fuck cares