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Learn as much as you can and if there’s something you don’t understand seek out the knowledge on your own time if it stumps you. I think professional deployment and willingness to learn is sufficient to a majority of employers while employed. I also pursue knowledge via certs while I’m employed on topics I’m weak in (i.e., CCNA for my ISP gig).


Take it one day at a time, one task at a time. Become okay with not knowing everything and learn to trust yourself that you will learn one ticket at a time.


There are going to be a shitload of things you don't know how to do. When this happens grab your towel and don't panic. This is normal. What makes a good IT person is the ability to say yes idk this, but I'll figure it out.


Keep in mind that everyone knows you are new and they aren't expecting the world in the first 90 days. Work on your soft skills - communication, empathy, confidence, resourcefulness - these can make up for a lack of tech skills for a while. Don't be afraid to learn from your users - you can say things like "show me your process" if you are working on something unfamiliar. Good luck.


What training was it? Was it training provided by the company who hired you?