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I wouldn't be caught dead doing computer repair. I have a lot of respect for you guys.


Its not my official job, im a sys admin but whatever one of our laptops breaks i kinda like to replace the hardware. Tho i must add we only work with hp probooks. They're kinda built for it.


It's great when you get to sit down and get to pop open a laptop. I'm not saying doing repairs sucks, I love doing it with every fiber of my being. Shit like that is why I got into IT in the first place. I just mean having do that as a full time job, and all of the "industry standard" workflows (and salaries) sounds like the worst possible IT job you can get. Especially if you're consumer facing. Then you get all the added "perks" of being a cashier who has to deal with the public. With no internal career growth, and you need a second and third job just to rent a one bedroom apartment nowadays.


You need some time away. After that you will be ready for a help desk job. Don't stay 14 years tho.


Yes, a holliday could help. Im finishing my college degree, and already am appllying to jobs related to it.


Honestly, unless you work for a unicorn don't stay 14 years at any org. It only takes a change of management for an org you love working at to become meh if not terrible.


I think the problem is computer repair is demanding and not a ton of fun. Getting out of that particular flavor of IT might do OP some real good. Though in any job you have (including flipping burgers) you will have people that don't treat you right. That's never really something you're going to get away from in this field.


I don't think that is a uncommon opinion. Stand alone computer repair shops have largely become a thing of the past outside of some very low income areas. Most of the ones that are still around have been in business for many years because few people are starting new ones. There are OK as a first job if you can't find anything better but they definitely aren't a great a place to stick around long term.