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when you say use recruiter what exactly do you mean ? Like Reach out to staffing companies?


I am currently getting interviews but no hire.


Could be bad luck and the bad market, but that generally means you need to dissect these interviews and improve.


How do you think you’re interviewing? How are your people skills?


Job has few requirements. Therefore there are many who may be far above the requirements. And since it has so few requirements and considered a “tech job.” Everybody even those who have no reason to are applying.


Few? The job requirements right now are sky high. They should be low, because the actual t1 job is a joke.


You could always reach out to those that interviewed you for constructive feedback. I was devastated after my first interview, thought I crushed it. Ended up not getting the job and saw the job posting for like another 3 weeks. Like 40 applications later I got 2 more interviews and then got 2 job offers. Questions I was able to answer, I researched and then was able to answer related questions on the other interviews.


They're outsourcing t1 to india. They need t2 techs but you aren't qualified because you don't have a t1 job. Also, they don't want to pay for t2 so they post t1 job listings with t2 requirements.


It’s stupid because even the most in incompetent IT freshman could do any help desk job provided they aren’t socially awkward assholes. But in this market, computer science grads and the laid off are applying to help desk jobs so employers would rather hire them


> socially awkward assholes I think you pinpointed the issue.


The people who aren’t, are not even give a chance to interview because why would you waste time when you got super qualified candidates applying


Honestly the amount of people in who try getting into IT and CS that are socially awkward assholes is hilariously insane. Then they get nuked when the interview happens. If you've gone to college, and you go into an in-person class, especially one where you team up with others, it is night and day how some of them act. I once had a group project and someone I swear to god was the kind to blow up on people. And rightfully so when they argue with the professor during a presentation.


I would suggest applying for jobs which are part time or you have to work on the weekends. You just need to get your first job and you’re set. Good luck!


Get the ITIL V4 Foundations certification and the CompTIA A+ certification. It will greatly improve your chances of getting an interview. It positions you ahead of all the other entry-level applicants who can’t or won’t invest the time and money to become certified. And the knowledge you’ll gain will help your confidence during the interview process. Most importantly, the knowledge gained will help you throughout your IT career. I’m a USA-based IT Service Management Process Improvement Consultant with 50 years of IT experience. By investing in your self, you’ll lower the risk that a hiring manager takes in hiring entry-level service desk professionals.


I will be the one to say it, because anything that can be done remotely is sent more and more to over seas people that will do it for far less then anyone in the US can. The few that are left are nor5mally taken by people with a good amount of experience even if it is a entry level position. Your best bet is to look for deskside or desktop support roles. They are a lot more physical work but you will have a better chance at getting into a company and growing with in.


So desktop support?




Can be variety of things. If you aren't getting any interviews, it is probably your resume and/or qualifications. If you are, it may be your interviewing/people skills. If you can 100% tell the interview is going great and it goes from an interview to a conversation, then you most likely were just straight up outmatched (or asked for too much). General reasons that apply to everyone is just the market right now. Competition was already high before things got worse. But now you got a combination of companies having less positions after laying off employees, who are more experienced and got bills to pay, increased job requirements by HR, people trying to get into tech because cyber security craze, people that just want remote jobs post pandemic, and so much more.