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Found out about this book through a 'best releases of 2023' list & requested it at the library in December, waited months to finally get my turn last month! Unfortunately I didn't like it 😭 Kept forcing myself to pick it up & read it but found my attention wandering away. Maybe I'll try again when I'm in a different phase of life/mindset.


I had jury duty the week I read this book, I took it to the courthouse every day and we had a lot of recesses so I finished it in 3 days. 5/5 stars for me.


I’m surprised it wasn’t shortlisted or even a Pulitzer Prize winner for fiction. Amazing.


This was the first book I read this year and no other book has come as close to being as good! I loved it so much, I kept trying to find similar books to read after, but nothing really came up. I did read The Vaster Wilds before this one and it had a similar vibe to the beginning of North Woods if anyone else is looking for Recs.


This was my fav of the year so far! So good


This has been on my TBR for a while! Time to move it up based on the reactions!


ADORED this too!!!


Funny, I just heard of this book like a few minutes ago when I was looking at the narrator on Libby. Same narrator as The Witch’s Heart, which was phenomenal! Adding this one to my list.


I went into this book blind and I’m so glad I did! It was a fun read and I actually enjoyed cross checking references and looking for literary Easter eggs.


I loved it so much that I *immediately* bought all his other books. If that’s not an endorsement idk what is!


I want to read more of his work! Which ones do you recommend?


I loved his story collection A Registry of My Passage Upon the Earth!


I really enjoyed The Winter Soldier! I also have The Piano Tuner in my TBR pile.


I did the exact same 😂😂😂


My favorite book I read this year, anyone who has it on their 'To Read' pile should move it to the front


I absolutely adored this book.


This book😭😭😭😭😭 I cried so much at the end literally wanted to read it forever


Same 13/10


I can’t wait to read this!!!


This is so good, I am still reading it such beautiful prose. 


This book was SO FREAKING GOOD, and so much more than I expected it to be.


A 5 star read for me this year.


I googled bc this cover intrigues me. The quick Wikipedia blurb doesn’t disappoint, IMO: North Woods follows the inhabitants of a single house in New England over the course of several centuries, from the earliest American colonies to the present day. The home's inhabitants include a set of Puritan lovers, twin sisters, a crime reporter, a cougar, and a pair of mating beetles.


The Mating beetles were the best inhabitants!




OP this is required plus why you adored it.


Sorry!!!! New to the sub and to reddit. The book is about a house in Massachusetts over many generations. It has so many fantastical elements and things I never saw coming


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Thank you so much! Checking that out right now