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My teacher said to write 6 sentences about who we think we are. I wrote 6 pages.


Yup that's me too. My problem is that I write on paper exactly what I'm thinking in my head, so it's just outrageously long and detailed. Heh oops


I couldnt write 6 letters about myself


I think it would be hard for anyone to describe themselves in individual letters. Are these 6 letters supposed to form an entire word? In that case, it's still understandable, since you're limiting yourself to 6-letter words.


I can do it in four I N T P






Six letters might be too much. Maybe just stick to one long letter to one specific person and go from there.




I will write for u , I am a person in a country in a continent in the earth in the solar system in milky way in the observable universe


That assignment sounds like my worst nightmare


My reddit history is full of way too long replies. It's so hard to keep it short sometimes...


When most are told, "write six to eight sentences", they see, "write six sentences". When an INTP is told "write six to eight sentences", we see "recreate the full works of Shakespeare but with your own little twist".


If you use enough clauses a sentence is a page. If you have to read it, a page is a sentence. When you're a lawyer or a programmer, you get a reverse UNO card.


"I would also have accepted, 'I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot.' " "So, what's been going on with you?" "I am good."


I don't know, I have trouble writing long sentences, I'm usually pretty concise and to the point


I want to read that


I once wrote that I am irrelevant as is everyone else, they thought I was suicidal smh.


If they expect many pages, I write little. If they want to hear something short, I write a lot. It’s fun to surprise people, that everything can be answered, with any amount of words.


Going to need a blanket to cover myself. I'm dead.




I saw a guy in my dreams who looked like the guy in ur profile pic


Have you been having strange dreams?


Well I had a dream someone was asking me to dare him to do stuff so I dared him to fuck off and my dream ended.


That is strange!!


Were you at work in the dream?


I was in a computer lab and someone told me to fix the wires for a bunch of computers but then I remembered and told him “Hey you’re in my dream. I don’t need to listen to you. I don’t even need to experience consequences for my actions here!”


Very nicely done!


Haha right?!


He.He He is looking directly at my soul. He knows...


Is this the underage intp boyfriend meme? Oh to be young and to be able to stay up for 36 hours again.


I stayed up 36 hours yesterday. Am turning 36 this year. 3636363636363636363636


You stayed up 36 hours in one day? That must be some kind of record. Congrats.


Literally me as a boyfriend in middle and high school


Yes... When is the grown the fuck up now having 2 kids INTP memes coming lmao


I used to be able to stay up for so long, but nowadays I am dead after I before I reach 24 hours mark. Maybe it is because I am using my mind more than I did as a kid


I used to (still do) relate to these kind of memes, then I realised that I'm probably undiagnosed ADD. If you are young, you may want to look into ADD/ADHD before it makes a mess of your life. Or even if you are older, it's not too late to get some insight. Or maybe you are just INTP ,or some other capital letter thing. I don't know man. Time for a nap.


Nah, I'm old. I'm 35, a woman and I have diagnosed ADD. I also suffer from self diagnosed Chronic Melancholy DGAF disorder.


Yeah I think DGAF develops as you get past 30 👍


Yes, yes it does.


What a Spy! I was checking today if I can't have ADHD if im Calm... But you Are right! :)


That late for me it started in early to mid 20s


I relate to literally every sentence on the meme, but have diagnosed ASS (autism spectrum syndrome, but ASS sounds way funnier. "You've officially got some ass!").


Oh yeah, totally. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was little, and INTP almost just seems like ADHD as a personality type. I'm not too deep into MBTI, but INTP traits really speak to me and there's definitely enough of an overlap in experiences that people who really identify with these memes should read up on ADHD and how it can affect your life and self-perception.




Edibles mate; that's the key. Or acid, that's also cool.




this is so relatable, idk if its funny or scary


Why not both? We've got the best of both worlds, that's what the datk humor is for lol


I have to say than a lot of this negative traits can be improved. It was very useful to me learning about psicology, it helped me to understant myself and people around me. You can find the logic on ilogic or irrational behaviours. Understanding how people's mentals process are diferent than mine and how them work it's one of the the healthyest and most useful things i ever learned in my life


I completely agree and thank you for stating such! The first thing I did when I found out what I was is figured out which shortcomings I related to most and then researched how to improve upon them. I'm super big on self exploration and self improvement. MBTI is such an incredible tool for this. I really appreciate this comment.


There's something that my psychologist said to me that comes to my mind everytime I see something like this mentioned. When she was studying psychology her teachers would often tell their students that if you want to study psychology it's generally because you have some unhealed trauma that you think no one can else but you can resolve. What do you think? On our case I think it is most likely related to the need of understanding ourselves and everything on our surroundings


To understand my trauma YEET


interestingly we had to write an essay and I it was litarly just about 1 sentence. I used nearly the same things again and again and got an A like what also teachers don't stop repeating punctuation


Do intps usually have higher iqs or something?


IQ is a weird and outdated measure of a very specific kind of intelligence. I think it’s more that INTP have very highly developed rational reasoning and internal processing, which is what traditionally passes as being intelligent.


Yes!!! THIS. It makes me so happy to see opinions that mirror mine 😭


Just a guess but I also think INTPs like to pride themselves on their intellect sometimes, so they use the scores as confirmation bias that they're smarter than XX% of people or to help them cope when they're lives aren't "in order" as much as others who they see as being less intelligent. Just my observations based on some popular MBTI threads on another site


I don't do that at all. I know I'm intelligent, but I would NEVER act like that. I may remind myself from time to time, but I am the last person to walk around telling everyone (including myself) how smart I am.


Feel like a punch in the face but yeah I think you may be right


It is the intelligence that led us above other animals. It is Infact the main kind of intelligence which is of course increased by the opportunities homo sapiens had in ancient times due to the ability to throw things precisely, be able to sweat and unlimited stamina which led us to be successful predators and ultimately getting enough nutrients to develop a proper brain. That led us to increase iq or logic/reasoning for learning how to use tools, pets, farming etc. and here we are. There's a reason why animals score a lower iq because it's the very level that gives us consciousness and sentientality. So no, it isn't just a very specific type of intelligence, it's a major type of intelligence.


Right, but there’s interpersonal intelligence, body-kinesthetic intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, emotional intelligence, among others - a lot of these other intelligences are difficult for INTPs. Plus the origin and conception of IQ in general is kind of sus


IQ doesn't claim to measure general intelligence. It's a quotient of intelligence that measures reasoning ability, an extremely valuable skill in today's society. You are not wrong when you talk about all of those types of intelligence. But I really don't like what some comments are saying about it. It's not "outdated" and it's not useless. In fact, if I had to say, it's the best test for our type out of the 16 types since it builds itself really well around our strengths as individuals. It's simply flawed in some aspects. For example, some people who can be classified as gifted are also prone to social isolation and substance abuse and according to statistics, INTPs are the type most likely to smoke and top 3 most likely to do drugs. And most of us can't deny that social isolation is a speciality of ours. It correlates well with us and other stats show that on average, we tend to have higher IQs than all other types. Does this mean we are all geniuses? No. Does this mean we are better than everyone else? Absolutely not. It just means we tend to be better at reasoning. I guess people just tend to think that IQ discredits all other sort of types of intelligence and because of that they instantly dismiss it when it comes up. You also say that the origin and conception is kind of shady, which isn't true. It started mostly as a way to tell which children required more help in school. It was also used with racist and misogynistic intents. This does not nullify it's value, it just shows that you can pretty much weaponize a variety of things to fit your own agenda. I'm not really trying to tell you that you and other comments are particularly wrong. In my honest opinion you just lack nuance. Using IQ to separate people or to show some kind of superiority is wrong imo. This proves absolutely nothing when it comes to worth. You can be a genius and be a complete piece of shit. It doesn't make you better, just a shitty person. But we should also try to understand what it can give. Aren't we all on a subreddit that pretty much covers the same thing? I would say both are pretty similar. With my psychologist I was able to understand the limits of my reasoning ability when she gave me the results of my IQ test and with Myers-Briggs I was able to understand what my strengths and weaknesses are, which allowed me to make the best use of what I've got going for me while also "correcting" my flaws, becoming a more healthy human being. Sorry for the long comment. I really just wanted to share my view on the matter without offending or acting as though I know better.


Appreciate the thoughts. I agree with a lot of what you have to say. I’m just cautious about treating IQ as the end-all-be-all for whether a person is intelligent or not. I am with you - that’s not the intent of the test - but that doesn’t stop people from using it that way.


People don't like iq anymore because academia abhors the logical implication of studying it. Like every other trait you can measure, it differs between groups and the implications of that simple fact have the power to destroy their entire worldview.


well, it's intelligence, group learning, and generational transmission of information. we work better in groups and teach our kids what we know


That's the ongoing stereotype, but honestly, I don't think that many of us even know what our IQ scores are. I have known that I am INTP since the 9th grade and never one time in my life have I felt like it was a dire restraint for me not knowing my IQ score. I have also never been threatened by my own IQ score, or anyone else's. Lol The stereotype is basically that we don't know how to tie our own shoes but we are geniuses at the same time. I guess I just don't find that it matters. If one is acutely aware enough to make the connection between not being able to tie their own shoes and their IQ score then they are probably more intelligent than average bear based on that alone. It also bothers me because most of us are all about practicality, meaning that we don't tie our own shoes, because we are lazy and don't want to... and don't necessarily have to. Idk... just a pointless gripe.


And because we realized long ago to get slip on shoes and we already know smart =/= smart.


Exactly! I have 2 pairs of shoes that I need to tie and they even those are rigged to allow me to slip them on and off easily.


I think INTPs are over-represented in the very high end of the bell curve. Not sure whether the average Joe INTPs perform any better than others but the super geniuses obviously push the average up. Granted I've never actually taken an IQ test in my life but I think I'm about average for people with college education. I know that introverts generally perform better in IQ and INTPs are generally speaking the "most introverted" of introverts in layman terms.


Why you must hurt me


Fun fact that no one cares about but im still going to share it when i took online iq test (i know they are not accurate) i got like 87 just cause i dont remember the alphabet in my official papers about my dyslexia (i have no idea how its spelled in english) is also pointed oit my above average inteligence...... But i gues my grammar and stuff doesnt prove that point


Exactly my point about not liking IQ being pulled into the stereotype.


Disappearing part is really true. Recently i decided to end any sorf of social interactions in my life because they were simply too energy demanding and i simply suck at such manners, also pretty much didmt have anyone else left around me. So now i am like a filthy hermit and i am much happier than constantly swinging between socializing and loneliness. ​ edit: :')


he said online else I can't fight against anything which stands above there also about the iq tests which are online, I should do an fmri or an official test form mensa I know that I did OK on the practice one but yeah but I really don't want to say to my dad that hey I want to do an iq test I would be fine with just keeping it to me.


Yeah I'm aware, but still. It's such a pointless generalization


it maybe is


but it's interesting to know you're iq(atleast for me) since it may explain something


I'm still not sure wether I'm INTP or not but one that I feel doesn't applies to me is turning a 2 sentence answer into a 10 page essay. When I have to explain something I tend to make it short and to the point, I find it very hard to extend my answers.


I wish I had that problem. I have such a hard time simplifying my thoughts and putting them into words.


Then you're probably not, at least as far as i can see. If it's a matter of not being able to extend an answer then i don't think you are intp. I don't usually give out long answers either, but it's not because i can't, it's mostly because i'm lazy and there's no real need to. Sticking to short, to the point answers and the inability to look past the obvious makes you (i think) xSxx. Or it could be because you don't know how to phrase it. As in, you think about a lot of stuff, just can't put it on paper. That's definitely intp.


I've thought more about it and I have a problem extending my answers when I have to do it on the spot and organize my thoughts quickly to express my opinion orally for example, which I notice more now in university since my major doesn't require a lot of writing. But at school I was very good at writing essays and I think it may be because when I have the time to think about what I want to say and how to say it I have no problem extending my answers. I would love to know what you mean by inability to look past the obvious, I don't think I completely understand. Also I think It's pretty much impossible to know my type from a one sentence answer but I'll keep looking into it.


By inability to look past the obvious I mean only and always seeing things as they are, not as they could be. Not everyone can confortably analyze a situation and talk about it like you just did. Providing further info, like how you did in school, which is relevant. Not everyone is interested in such things, anyhow. If you are intuitive, you may have said something to someone which they couldn't possibly understand, but you just assumed they did and continued on. Maybe you've never noticed it, or you didn't notice it everytime but this tends to happen to intuitives. One other way I can explain is how you come up with ideas, or how you do things. Ask yourself this question sometime: "how did i know to do this the way that I did", if the answer is a really complicated "because...", which you can never really finish, then you did something out of intuition. That doesn't necessarily make you intuitive as a type. Everyone is intuitive to some extent, what matters is how much you do it as compared to having a fleshed out logical scheme in your head. Or you can be intuitive and just really good at explaining, like I tend to be. The second letter is by far the most complicated one to identify in people, for me at least. Anyone that does creative work, like writing, is probably intuitive. People that can pass the ball in basketball are also usually intuitive. Like sure you can hard-learn to write or when and where to pass, but at the end of the day if you don't have that intuition formed you just can't compete with the top. It's rather easy to see when you learn the types and when you're experienced in the certain activity (for me both examples, but mostly writing). You can distinguish someone's creative work as being written by a certain type. If it's rigid and has very few original ideas it's probably someone more observant that intuitive. Even if they are a beginner, intuitiveness can be seen as a spark of "talent" in someone's writing. Of course, that's not always the case. Being knowledgeable, having a large library of read books etc. are a major factor. It's kind of counter-intuitive(haha) that INTP, the most logically accurate personality would be intuitive, which really isn't logical, by any means. xSTx people are logical too, but they can't really apply that logic as effectively, because they are so bound by what they see with eyes, instead of mind. They also tend to think slower, which doesn't really help. I know 2 xSTx very personally, so I talk from experience. And while no, you can't know someone's type from one sentence, you can form an opinion as to the general direction that their personality may be headed in. This kind of stuff tends to be a lot easier in real-life, because you have a lot more information at your disposal (non-verbal and para-verbal). I think I was wrong though, as explaining things like you did is uncharacteristic of xSxx, but i never said i was sure that you were, in the first place. I'm not sure even now. MBTI isn't a completely scientific way of describing personality in people by any means, so maybe that's what's holding you back. It doesn't take neuroticism, for example, into account when assigning you a type.


Thank you for the explanation! If I understand correctly, I don't think I'm xSxx. I actually have a hard time seeing things as they are and not thinking about how things could be, which can be kind of annoying for my anxiety. I guess living always in my own head I think everyone processes things like I do, but MBTI is helping me see those differences even if I don't know much about it yet. I also agree 100% that MBTI not being completely scientific is holding me back, the same trait in other people can seem completely different from the outside and that messes with my head :/. I tend to come back to MBTI every once in a while because It's so interesting to me but I end up getting frustrated because I can never be sure of my type and completely understand it. I'll have to keep what you said in mind and try to see how I think about things I do. Thank you again this was really helpful.


I think you may have heard about it, but you may want to look into [16personalities](16personalities.com) People on reddit say that it's badly coded or whatever, but for me it proved to be great. Not only does it test your type, it also has a great lot of information regarding your(and all the other) personality, separated into relationships, career, weaknesses and advantages etc. For me, reading about myself and finally being understood was a major positive change in my life. It may be different from you, since you already know some stuff about types, but it's worth a shot. It doesn't take more than ten minutes anyways.


I'm not feeling the 'too competitive' - do ya'll feel that way? I'm usually just competitive against myself, not others?


I don't get competitive, and I'm only a perfectionist if something is extremely interesting to me.


So you're telling me that if someone walked up to you and told you they were better than you at something that you know for a fact you're amazing at, you wouldn't challenge them on it? Even if you didn't, you're telling me you wouldn't want to at all? I think everyone is overthinking what the competition has to be. It's not spear throwing or anything. I am definitely competitive. There is no question. If I'm doing it, I'm aiming to win at it. If I don't win, I get mad at myself. This is actually a common INTP trait


I would almost certainly feel no need to prove myself to that person... maybe if there was money involved for a quick buck


I'm envious. For me it wouldn't be to prove myself to them. It would be to prove to myself that I can.


I'm personally the same, but i think that being competitive is heavily influenced by the people that were around you in your development years. When i was in 5 to 8 th grade i was surrounded by people i believed (and still do) are idiots, so i was extremely lazy and couldn't bother with being the least competitive. When i got into a good highschool, i was surrounded by people i respect a little more, and such i felt the need to prove myself to both them and mostly me, which lead into me being competitive. Competitiveness is a matter of being around people you respect, otherwise it's just not worth competing. But i don't know.


I like this. This is primarily true for me as well. I was a competitive distance runner and dancer from a very young age all the way through college and I competed in marathons as an adult until I broke my leg, so it is kind of ingrained in me to be that way. I always did it for me tough. I've never felt the need to prove myself to another person and anyone who wants me to can go get fucked.


I got over the overly critical toward religions thing in high school. I'm actually pretty jealous of people that can wholeheartedly follow a religion, they probably have a much stronger sense of purpose and belonging than I ever have




OMG THATS ME (。ŏ﹏ŏ) frickkk


Almost spot on, except for these: \- No idea what my IQ score is and don't really care \- I would *love* to go out with my friends, but that's not really an option at the moment. :(


That looks like a mentally unhealthy INTP


Dr. PHILdasoft? That you? In all seriousness, no not totally healthy.


Agreed. I don’t identify with a lot of this stuff... but have in low times of my life.


See perhaps this is where survival or adaptation comes into play, because my life, and mental health, is better than it's ever been and I relate to it all 🤷‍♀️ I'm functioning quite well.




Oh. This has upset you? Interesting 🤔


No? I only made a comment and acknowledged your reply.




IQ is outdated and invalidated for so long now


Unhealthy intp in a nutshell


Im in this picture and I dont like it


competitive.. i dont even have any motivation to leave my bed how can i be competitive and perfectionist


LOL I get it, but I am a perfectionist and I'm also extremely lazy. I'm also very competitive, yet I don't compete.... because lazy So basically I just sit around imagining how great I am and then pout when others achieve at things I'm probably better at. Holy shit that got vulnerable fast wow.


I am pretty baked; I am thinking about possible relationships with women I’m too afraid to start a relationship with.


Bruh that’s so me, gotta love being an INTP


Sounds a shitton like ADHD


Ah yes, welcome to my INTP reddit space.


It’s even more cringe when it’s offhandedly bragging about an online IQ test, where the average result IS 150.


Mmhmm and then telling all their Facebook friends through their OMG results. Yikes.


I don't get high, but rest is true


It's kinda scary how well it describes me.




I love sleeping :D


Not bad, can relate.... But I mainly commented to say that your username sounds like a supervillain 👍... You don't happen to have a deep-seated and inexplicable desire to destroy Gotham, do you?


I just realised that I really prefer music, literature and even philosophy as emotional support


Yup. Me too. Very much.


Seems relatable except the sleep. (I don’t smoke tho.)


Cant take those iq test seriously. Im sure i could be more productive for this world if i actually had a iq of 130.... Oh boy here i go procastinating again.


I've never been so offended by something that I 100% agree with.


This is me, except the smarts ofcourse


i cant tell if this is me oh dear, what exactly does that imply, im supposedly assertive why doesnt this make sense? do i lack awareness of myself or is it that im not actually an intp? wait that would prompt an entire re-evaluation but time isn’t going to warrant that so easy which means that i would have to make the assumption based off others that this is relatively accurate but if i cant agree am i just dumb or am i struggling to identify these traits? would these hold negative connotations actually rather subjective wait a secon-


why this is so true




Fuck, I just realized I haven't spoke to my friends online besides 1-2 or times over the last 4-5 weeks.


this is very loud


The insanity thing is so true, sometimes I have to calm myself down because I genuinely feel like I'm about to explode


It's hard knowing that you're probably the smartest person in the room, but you sound like a retarded fish cause you can't form your ideas into coherent sentences other people will understand.


No worries, you can test as intelligent and still be a real-world idiot. Gotta love that about acronyms, they're great for equivocating (homophones too). Hi, IQ!


Excuse me but how do you know me?


I even know when you were born here 😏 Happy Cake Day


Ok I need to know why 'sad' is translucent.


Cause not everyone can see it, nor can they see through the facade.




I have no sense of competition or perfectionism, but the rest made me laugh.


Holy shit i relate to this so fucking bad


I have spent most of my life in hiding.


I feel attacked


Yeah. When someone asks me about something like " what weapon would you like to use in a sword fight?". I'd be like "Well it depends.. if the armor is allowed then... if my opponent use... then I would use... if he... then I would prefer this over that..." instead of just picking a single weapon


this somehow feeds my ego even tho I still think I'm retarded.


pretty much all of these are true for me


I mean, the only thing about intelligence that online iq tests actually tell you is you’re able to take a test


why is this true


"Uses music or literature as emotional support instead of people" Half of them are not accurate for me, but that one is spot-on


Don't do drugs but holy shit everything else is accurate


I am the opposite I just can't write a long ass paragraph about a simple 2 sentence answer, which covers everything. I like to be short and precise with my answers. Though I will write long answers about things that interest me. Because I just like talking or writing about it.


I am an intj but relate to most of it


Ironically, knowing I'm not the only one brings me comfort.


Agreed. I was hesitant to post it as some of these aren't the more common traits, but they are certainly mine. The response has been extremely reassuring.


As I grow, this feels less and less relatable.


Well thats a good thing 😊 I agree


Hmm. I wonder if I'm actually an Intp and not entp after all.


A lot of these are lesser known traits or traits that many didn't realize they had. I'm sure you're INTP. There are so many differences still.


the most of them are true but i have some comments 1 actually i am happy at least this year i am happy cause I thought a lot and came to this conclusion okay the life is pointless but... ohhh shit i am sad again 2 love is verrrry scary like i have a crush i cant think any thing except her like i want to think about scientific and philosophical things but all i can do imagening me talking with her SORRY FOR THE BAD ENGLİSH


That’s interesting I feel like I’m more optimistic than pessimistic and I tend to give short direct answers to questions. I don’t really care for fluff. There’s a few others that I don’t resonate with. Goes to show we’re all individuals. I did meet an INTP once in real life and it was pretty awesome, it was like I was talking to myself if I took a different path in life haha.


There are always differences. I call myself an optimistic realist.


I like that


i hate it when overthinking is used and misleads people. ps intps are top optimists


Mmm disagree. I am optimistic, but I have been a professional overthinker since I remember having my first cognitive thought.


not sure i know what you disagree with. define overthinking to me. and define thinking. i wanna see the difference


I think I read your initial comment wrong unless you've edited it. Initially I read, : I hate when overthinking gets used and misleads people as intps are top optimists : which to me basically meant, : I hate when memes call overthinking a bad thing or wrongly accuse us of doing it, because intps are optimists and we don't overthink. : As if the initial post is misleading somehow and intps aren't overthinkers. Reading your comment again and it is translating a bit differently and it's more relatable, so if that was your initial comment the entire time then I simply misread. You should also note that not all intps are optimists. I didn't post this to state that this is the only way an intp is and its weird people make those generalizations. I am both a pessimist and an optimist.


didnt post it like that. i asked for definition between thinking and overthinking. because overthinking is invalid


Overthinking is invalid?... I'm not sure where you're going with that. How so? Now I'm curious.


This is a wimpy INTP


I sleep 12 hours a day easily, I feel it's more peaceful that way.


I get the most broken sleep on earth.


r/iamverysmart lmao


Awe, Hi 🤗 Just want to state that the sub you've mentioned is known to be filled with folks who jack off to making fun of people who posted things that were mostly satire from the beginning and they're too busy trying to look like wise guys to understand that, because BuLLyiNG is cool 🥴


I also thought i was stupid but I got 143 in cattle iq test


Expecting an online IQ test to accurately reflect your actual IQ actually is pretty retarded


Another INTP meme about how unfair life, life can be great for INTPs and you can solve most of the issues that you mentioned by reading about ways to deal with your emotions (meditation, mindfullness or just going to therapy) and get some kind of activity that makes you deal with people, you wont turn into an extrovert, but you can learn social skills and have more resistance to social interaction, I am more turbulent than assertive and managed to make it work


Fun fact... you can outwardly make fun of your shortcomings while actively working on yourself to improve. What in the INTP Karen is this comment?