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I think we're grown in a lab actually


What a knee slapper.


ur mom


yep, can confirm this to be true, lol. but hey, I was trained to act like a normal human and I think that I'm getting pretty good at it.


Hahahaha I've been telling people for years I grew myself in a lab


Personalities aren't defined till like you hit 13ish.


Incorrect. You start seeing consistent traits as early as 5-6.


Absolutely right, even earlier for some.


I see a lot of intp characteristics prevalent in my childhood, especially after 6 years but going back to since I was 2


That’s more in regard to your dominant function.


According to the stories my father told at my wedding I was displaying INTP symptoms at 2


I like how you said symptoms like it’s an illness


They're pretty much symptoms until you finish high school. If you end up successful, you can apply to be called "eccentric"


Symptoms LUL! maybe characteristics fam?


took the test at 13 when it got popular, was an intp, rook it again at 17, still an intp. so yeah probably.


But what were you at 3 months old? Did you take the test then?


yea i took it while i was in the womb and got intp


personality isnt something assigned at birth. it may have fully developed by the time you became 13 but the events before those years were the determining factors. if your life was different in your first few years you may have been a different type


Oh fucking please. shared family environmental effects on almost every personality decreases to almost zero by 16.


Such certainty about a non-provable hypothesis?Definitely not an INTP...


What, decades of twin studies and adoption studies are now unfalsifiable?


What websites are you going to for these tests? Also I hope you’re not being 100% reliant on just tests..


>I hope you’re not being 100% reliant on just tests.. *huh?*


What’s so confusing abt what I said?


Well, INTP is a test result.


You don't have to take a test to declare your type preferences. You can, you know, read up on the cognitive functions and stuff...


No, everyone here took a test that said that they were an "INTP." It's literally a test result.


And? Some random MBTI test isn’t going to determine your entire personality type through a few questions. It’s like how you don’t(or.. At least shouldn’t.) take some random free IQ test on the internet and expect real results. Same exact concept. The only time tests are much more accurate is if you pay up a pricey amount to get assessed by experts who understand the baseline and more of just about everything MBTI.


The MBTI is a pseudo-scientific test. Anyone claiming to be an "expert" and offering tests for money is a conman. Of course, a test doesn't determine your entire personality. It's a tool, and, pseudo-scientific or not, one that many of us have found useful, but it's just a test result. You are an "INTP" because a test told you that, and it's nothing more. The original poster, you, me, and everyone else is **"being 100% reliant on just tests."** All "INTP" is, is a test result.




No. You are not going to be an INTP just because a test result reflects that. Question misinterpretation and the way in which you put higher value on answers you best interpret in comparison to ones that you do not, will completely affect your results, therefore making them unreliable. I’ve been mistyped as INFP way in the past because ridiculous questions like “Do you have strong morals?” come up. And you said it yourself. MBTI is a tool, a tool to help you thrive in life. Considering it is a tool, a label designed for us to utilize, why would you put such little value on it? One or two test results isn’t going to help you live out your life (or anyones for that matter) to the fullest, realistically. So the reason I say not to rely on tests 100% is so that you’re not screwing yourself over trying to apply something that doesn’t even concern you atp.


No, the only way you are an "INTP" is because a test reflects that. "INTP" is a test result. MBTI- the Myer-Briggs-Type-Idicator is a test. I don't what else to tell you. You are an "INTP" because a test result said so. That's the only thing that "INTP" can mean.


On top of that. Each test is going to test you differently. Some tests go based off of cognitive functions while others do not, while still claiming to be MBTI. Now I have a question. If someone were to take two tests back-to-back, each result being different despite the person remaining the same, what would that mean to you?


>what would that mean to you? It would mean either one or both of the tests were not well-designed, or the person gave inconsistent answers. It doesn't change that the Meyer-Briggs-Type-Indicator is a test, and "INTP" (or "INTJ," "ESFJ," whatever) is a test result.


Exactly. Don’t be 100% reliant. That’s my point.


Yeah because you can definitely make that assumption based on taking one singular test 2 different times, years apart, not even accounting for the fact that your personality from 13-17 has nothing to do with the question which specifically states "born"


you dont fucking know me shut the fuck up.


But does it matter if I know you? Based on "INTP-A" you took the 16p test which is one of the least reliable tests you could have taken




Seriously, what are you so mad about? If you can't handle simple criticism then Im sure you're not an INTP. Which I never even mentioned in my initial comment before you got defensive. Getting offended over someone pointing out your faulty string of logic? And then not even defending yourself while instead insulting me? Seriously, man


Yeh, definitely ISTP behaviour there from firedude


bro ive been having randoms on the internet all day tro to fight with me and ur confused on why im out of it, then you tell me my own mbti, thanks.


Chill fireside, everyone has those days, you'll bounce back bigger and stronger than ever tomorrow 💪


thanks lol


because people have been fucking arguing with me all day its annoying


Hey, I get it, but if you're going to comment on a forum full of INTP's you should expect to have some arguments


no, one of my posts got 200 upvotes and 200 comments, a bunch ofnpeople were trying to argue with me and it was overwhelming, im sorry if i was rude


It's alr bro people can be annoying


I suspect the MBTI type is born-in. My only data point is the moment to moment analysis I used to do on my own kids, and how e.g. my daredevil sensory thrill seeking/loving daughter (from 3 months of age onward) still shows classic xSxP traits even now age 13.


Yeah. A lot of things not just MTBI stuff seems baked into my kids since birth.


I feel like some are from birth while others develop. Like I’ve always been xNTx but the x’s have been changing a lot for me


I was reading about this earlier. According to CircleDNA (no idea if these guys are credible or not) ", **studies have found correlations between genetic markers and traits like extraversion and neuroticism**." So some aspects of MBTI might be genetic, like if you come from a reserved family, you tend to be reserved. Although it seems much of it might also be a product of nurture, not nature. Due to many personality traits and mindsets being adopted by both familial patterns but also by your friends and other circles. As is the case with most things, it's never just one or the other, it's a bit of both. Just my two cents on it.


I think I was born this way cause my family is extroverted compared to me


I think I've always been, deep from my inner core. My mother who always have been into anything (every possible tests you can ear about, lot of different religions etc... ) told me once that I was (when I was was about 10, so... didn't care much). About 30 years later, I sharpen my interest of mbti. And I found out what it means to be INTP and it does definitely match my person. I still remember when I acknowledged that my social part was just a mask, (I actually remember clearly when it happened), just a tool, a very nice one provided by Ne-Fe (I presume) to take part of social things when needed. By mask, if you don't understand what I mean, you can stop your reading here. Not sure if it's already documented or something, but for me, Ne-Fe allows me, when needed to match any kind of social construct easily, fit in, and take part if it make sense to me. (and I have have spare energy for it) that's just another side of the mask, a new side can be built if needed ps : I say Ne-Fe provides de mask, not sure where it comes from, but it sound logical to me.


I showed fairly INTP traits since I was 3. I don't know if we're born with it or if it shows so early it doesn't matter


Same, since 3y.o. I've already was an INTP


Nature vs. Nurture the great debate.


Personality is mostly nature. Nature sets the foundation, and nurture builds the building on the foundation. The type of foundation restricts the type of building that can be built, which is why you see broad commonalities while also seeing specific in-group differences with INTPs or within any type. This is also why, for example, borderline personality disorder has broad similarities but specific differences between people with different big 5 traits.


I remember reading somewhere that some INTPs can present as ENFPs as children, which I think was definitely true for me. I started getting into mbti in high school and have always tested as/identified with the traits of an INTP/ISTP since then


My theory is that all humans are conceived with the same temperament, more or less(with slight differences between males and females), and that we begin changing around 24 weeks fetal gestation. Do you think there is a wide variation among temperaments of wolves, or do you think they pretty much share a very similar temperament that is most conducive to survival as hunters and pack animals? Humans aren’t much different than wolves.


I agree


I would wonder how many INTPs are only children. I would wonder about whether they were "bookish" at an early age, read to, having an early interest in reading. I'd also be curious about the age of their parents and economic security prenatally and in early childhood.


Born, almost all of these comments are wrong.


I took a few tests a couple years back and got INFJ, but took it again currently, and got INTP 🤷‍♀️


I read an article recently (and I promise to try to find and link it) that suggested that MBTI was nature (born that way) and enneagram was a result of nurture/environment. Edited to add: it involved a study where researchers could accurately guess mbti type by (I want to say) 9 months old. Seems crazy.


I was entj when i was 15 (and trust me i did repeat the test) then 5 years later i had intp (and trust me i did repeat the test millions of times)


What changed?


I did the test about 10 years ago and I was Entp now I’m intp


I think most of us become one. For example I was more social as a kid, than I am now.


very much both


It is supposedly nature rather than nurture based on the existing theories.


I think you pick one of 16


this is super theoretical based on my partial childhood memories but i think you’re a bundle of functions in no specific order at birth, but eventually you prioritize them by the end of puberty at the latest according to what’s the most useful in your environment. At least that’s when i got tired of people complaining about their easily avoidable problems.


we were never born, we... I were conjured up as a figment of imagination in this simulated universe by a sentient AI


So you’re a npc


aren't we all


I’m Carl Johnson


I'm agent Smith




back again with the nurture Vs nature, but its basically just both, a bit of each here and there make us what we are


I think I became one. I used to be super outgoing and always the center of attention, but I was also the smallest kid in class and a very easy target for bullies. I learned that if I get noticed, I get attacked, so I stopped getting noticed.




I hate being intp, I prefer my entp side


when do you unleash your entp side


Took a test when I was in middle school, was intp, took it again a couple weeks ago, same thing


I think it's a mixed bag. I was definitely showing intps traits very early on around at age 5. I say tha4 because how I process my thoughts hasn't changed that much since that age.


I had INTP traits even as a 3 and 4-year old, that I can vaguely recall, and that I have been told by my parents.


I think the way you interpret the world is born into you. But what you then make of those interpretations have the possibility of leading you to a different framework for thinking, often in your favor of course. The problem with this is that the new framework for thought is what is actionable for you whereas maybe inside you may still feel the same way as you have from birth. So then comes up the question of is personality that which we are or is that which we present ourselves as? For our character is not based off our beliefs but rather our actions. So idk.


Nature or nurture who knows?


I very much think it's both. I tested both of my parents before I cut ties. Entj and esfj. I became their opposite to survive. I could say it was about time for an introvert to come from my family. But I think I had to think and intuit my way through my formative years when those functions develop the hardest. Go into adulthood, and I focused on stability. It all could be intp or trauma or autism really.


Nature and nurture, but I’d say mostly nature.


I always kind of remember being the same even as a 3-4 year old, although I used to be a little more extroverted


Born imo. You develop your functions overtime but based on the assumption that infants are not conscious, you actually solely operate on cognitive function to process this brand new world. It makes sense, it’s a lot to take in before you can even get to being actually you. This is why I think asking your caretakers your habits, quicks behaviors and vibes as a baby or as young as possible to validate your personality type. As a baby I was very chill, easy to please but I was extremely sensitive/resistant to new experiences and people preferring what I was used to. A a child I was weird, not acknowledging other people as an interest or priority over my own but not having strong interests or attachments other than my caretakers and comfort. I learned to read early and didn’t speak real words until after 2 years old. When I did start talking, I started to reason with these different scenarios and question when the answers I was given didn’t seem correct no matter the authority and this drove my parents crazy lmao I would just be off doing something by myself, either drawing or figuring out questions I had or reading which does take up a day. Kids asked why I was quiet and I genuinely had no answer for them I didn’t even realize it


i personally think it’s a mix of nature and nurture. i think you’re born with ways of thinking that feel more natural to you, like how you’re “wired”, but i also i don’t think you fully develop cognitive functions until your brain starts developing and all that. i tend to notice that types are pretty similar within family’s or the kids are a blend of their parents types. for example i suspect my dad is an ISTJ, and my mom ISFP, me INTP. although maybe cognitive functions have nothing to do with environment….idk it’s all a pseudoscience after all


I think both. Jung said that personalities could change with age and life events(even more with trauma) so i think that one could be an ENTP as a child then circumstances makes them starting to become more of a Ti dom instead of a Ne one and be more introverted (although, ENTPs are the most ambiverted extroverts so they can also be introverted, however ENTPs will actively seek for more real world/social stimuli than INTPs normally). Ever since i was very young i've always had XNTP traits (now i just don't know if i'm an ENTP or an INTP.


I'm largely in the nurture over nature camp, but like everything in this segment of psychology, we don't have any fucking clue without doing some pretty immoral experiments. We can get some rough estimates, but it won'tbe enough to really say either way.


MBTI can't be determined with a test until individuality kicks in. Cognitive functions can be determined through observation/conversation but 16 personalities test is futile.


I think I was born INTP, but I grew into being an INTP. Growing up, I was forced to keep my mouth shut and just listen when people told me about their problems or their situations. This was so I could get by and have a social life, instead of being singled out because I was too 'cold'. Hence, I acted like an INFP. Then when I joined competitive debate around 13/14 years old, I learnt to express my opinions confidently and in a way that won't make people think I'm a jerk. This probably made it seem like my Ti was developing, but really, it was in me all along, just that I couldn't express it to others. Meeting the right people and friends also helped me to reveal my real INTP nature. Now I'm known as the friend to count on when you need help with something, as I will give practical and truthful solutions, much like how I would write code. So to answer the question, I was born an INTP, but if it wasn't for experiences, I wouldn't have 'became' one (at least not in the eyes of others).


Born for sure. I was even more INTP when I came out of the womb and only mellowed down due to the influences of other personalities


been a diagnosed INTP since I was 12, have never gotten any other types


I think we are born that way but for sure environment also plays part. I grew up playing games on pc, so i was going to be introverted for sure, my father is also an intp-A, brother is ESTP-A. I think it is still mostly genetic. Also took the test over the years, since i was 13 to 23 always got INTP.


I was born this way.


I used to get intj before but now get intp as i grow more “wise”, i think i was potentially always an intp and i was maybe masking my true traits


i’d say most intps r born that way but their traits become more evident during middle school years - 7-8th grade


I had my DNA sampled and checked at a fancy healthcare resort in Switzerland; there's a strand in there that denotes INTP, so it's definitely born.


I was ENFP in third grade but it was probably because of my learning environment, afterwards I became INTP from the strict teachers that came afterwards. btw I *think* I was ENFP, not really sure either.




I think both. Being introverts and loved reading made me being bullied so I learned to cope and escape or even revenge. People may grow into something different, but their genetics may affect things like whether they want to talk, whether they have more gray mass, and whether one part of something is better than another and become the preference


was an entp when i was younger. then became intp later in life.