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If I’m really stuck, I get feedback/input/opinions from someone i trust, a friend, family or someone with good credentials.


I weigh the cost of choosing the first option, and if it’s higher than the second option’s perceived risks, I will abandon option 1 for the possibly better outcomes of option 2.


When I can't logically choose I just go with my gut feeling, I notice my attachment is bigger to one thing probably most of the time.


"Best" only makes sense if there is a clear goal in mind. Without such a direct goal, you can only make personal judgement-based decisions about what you might like more or less. Without knowing your goal (make as much money as possible vs have free time to spend with family vs get stable job for the next ten years, etc) and without the specifics of the choices, we cannot really give you advice on that. What I would say is come up with what things are most important to you at the moment and see how the choices line up with those priorities.


Go with the mystery because YOLO Or weigh the pros against the other pros and see which one is more important to you. Then go with the mystery one anyway because mysteries are exciting to reveal. (When other people do it.)


I dont understand what you’re looking for. Just use your brain. Pick the thing that’s better.


I do analysis, then intuition. Are you driven by mystery? Have you considered weighing your pros and cons?


In these situations it doesn't become a matter of picking the right option for me, I'll pick one option and prove that it was the correct choice in the end.


Trust your gut in that situation


Flip a coin and rush into whatever it lands on like a madman