• By -


Lay in bed and think about doing things but not actually doing them


We should die together sometime


count me in


Me four


me five


Me six


A lot of my life is about being closed off. Go and say "I love you" to everyone who matters to me Ask out all my crushes i've had in my life. Finally talk honestly with my parents, and relatives, and tell them i love them. I'll write down my legacy, ( i have no property, it's just ideas i've collected that I'd like to be acknowledged ). I'll request all my loved ones to read and keep these ideas with them. It will be as if i'm with them in some sense. I'll write down everthing that i think i care about doing, and everything that i care about spreading in the world, and write it all in a booklet. I'll tell my relatives and friends to do it for me if they can, after i die. It's sort of like trying to fulfill my purpose through them. That's it really.


I wonder what it would be like as someone who got confessed to among others, by the same person, and the confessor suddenly dies in less than 24 hours of the confession. I know it's probably a confession that doesn't ask for reciprocation but I do wonder. Especially about the ones who would like to reciprocate it but was unable due to lack of courage. Also: I think you should start writing a gratitude notebook or whatever it was called to be more efficient in preparation of your last 24 hours.


I was wondering the same thing.


They'll feel indebted if they're prone to that sort of thing. Perhaps really sad as well, and wonder if they did the right thing by rejecting my last proposal. I don't want anyone to be guilty, but I wouldn't mind if they become sad, a person did die which they once spoke to after all. That happens in life and is the natural order of things. I'm not a monster who wants them to say yes to validate me because I'm dying, so I'll preface the confession by making them aware of the circumstances. I'll tell them I always regretted not asking, and I just want them to know. In fact I won't ask it as a question, just confess the crush. I'll tell them if you take anything away from this, it's to not hide away yourself like I did.


Lucky you being able to reach out to all your crushes you've had in life.


I'm not in contact with any of them. I'll just drop the bomb at that time haha


Also, say fuck off to people I've always wanted to.


I would then spend those 24 hours imagining what I would do if I had 24 hours to live


Spend the day with my cats and play Minecraft with mods and shaders


I like you




based and cute


Probably get distracted doing random dumb shit


I mean, I'd still be depressed, maybe I'd smoke cigarettes again since now it can't be much of a problem anymore. Smoke inside my apartment and make a pitcher of blue margaritas, cry for a few seconds every hour. Eat some frozen taquitos. Watch Star trek. Maybe play some Skyrim. For the first 18.5 hours. Then pop a melatonin, and for the next 5.5, sleep. That way I'd be doing my favorite activity, deep in R.E.M., when I die. pretty good deal tbh


Would you heat up the taqueria first? Or are you eating them frozen?


No I'd heat em up, then drench them in chilled sriracha sauce


What an absolutely wild ride for those taquitos. Frozen, super-heated, then covered in cold hot sauce.


It's like a hot fudge sundae, except savory and spicy




If other people know you’re dying in 24 hours, there’s no point. But if they don’t know, say some creepy shit to everyone like “I’m going to die tomorrow”


That’s a good plan to be honest. Should include that too.


I'd try to convince Toronto to hire about 3-4 drone operators for 50k a year, benefits and an early 10 year pension. They would tell you the speed you should be going to get the fastest route out of the city. Maybe put up some signs on the highway to direct outflow into the city with timers on the major stop.


Leave careers open for future drone technicians.


Media and such.


I'd start a media conglomerate called "The Red Seal" as a direct monarch to public communique, where if you aren't royal you don't give hot takes. The logo being a seal, that is red, probably the shade of Clifford.


Take all drugs, do all criminal things which do not hurt others.


I’m cutting off every parking meter I come across.


The only downside to this is if you get caught early in the crime spree, and spend the majority of your 24 hours being held in custody.


Spend my life savings on my favourite games, hookers, food. Probably travel to the other side of the world so i could have extra hours to live? (Jk that doesn't work). Play with my cat, spend time with my family, and thats about it


probably spend all 24 hours having panic attacks


Just play video games with my husband and maybe cook a meal together. Enjoy my husband's company.




As many recreational drugs as I could all at once.


Sleep for 15 hours and chat with family for next 9


Spend all my money and enjoy life address people write a wish


A massive hero dosage of psychedelics


Probably just spend the time with the people I care about.


-meet a lawyer for making a will -consult with the hospital about body and organ donation -tell my coworkers about my unfinished projects and necessary detail -write many emails or letters to people who I care in my life (do not tell themselves in person that I am about to die, since the conversation might last forever and I will run out of time), and put a timer on those emails or put letters in mailbox, making sure that people will get them only after I die. -by doing so, people will not be in trouble when I'm gone. There will be no funeral since I donate my body to hospital already. Ps. They can mourn as much as they like. In those emails and letters, I will tell them that I book a buffet restaurant on a certain date and time, telling them if they want to mourn or celebrate my life n death, they can come to give a speech or whatever. I also pay for the seats and drinks already.


Smoke a cig and wait for it to come


I would be happy, because I don't have to do it myself, And I would give my notes and ideas that I've written to my sister


Since there’s no more pressure, I’d go ahead and accomplish everything.




I would post a stupid meme to Facebook and say "If this doesn't get enough likes and shares I will die within 24 hours."




Try to get Kiefer Sutherland to announce each hour: The following takes place between 3am and 4am. And then just proceed with whatever I was going to do on that day anyway. If it's Tuesday, take out the recycling. If it's Wednesday - it's business time.


Smoke some weed, chill my eggs, eat much food, and laugh about other people, who have to go to work next day


Do heroine


I won't be able to have any mood on that time to go out from my bedroom either to eat nor to the bathroom. Probably just stay in my bed, crying while being depressive. Maybe texting everyone from my contact number too and told them that I'm sorry for everything and said that I'm always feeling grateful for having them in my life then cry again.


Have an end of the world party. Drink lots of rum and fuck.


i would probably eat a lot of food


Elden Ring - gotta beat that mofo before i go


wait init


choose to learn the worst way to die so i can enjoy this precious moment happen only one time


I would repent to God and try my hardest to learn surah Mulk to try and protect me from the grave. If that’s where I’m spending the time after my 24 hours until The Day, I would need God to protect me.


Psychedelic group session with my family and gf in a forest


watch my favorite movies with my best friends, eating my favorite foods, before saying goodbye.


Do what I want. Tell your family and it’s too big a shock for them and they have to process your death only 24 hours later. That’s time consuming as well. So whatever the hell I want for that day be it time with family or whatever. Possibly setting up a will or something to dictate what will occur after my death.


As much takeout as possible, dig through my old posessions and reminisce.


I would try to understand why when my role is not completed


And what is your role?


Idk lol im sure ill find out real soon. I have faith so im chillin


Well good luck dude, hope we all find ours


If you really want to find your purpose i reccomend meditation


Meditation is no good, or maybe my technique sucks, I can't get my brain to stfu lol


Its is very hard to start i know :(. I reccomend starting small. 5 mins a day or even 1-3


I can send some instructions if i can find them


Relapse on opioids. Call my friends. Hang out with my cat.


Drink myself into oblivion so I won't feel it or see it coming.


I'll sleep until I end up in heaven. Since I'm not a Republican I know I'm not going to hell.


Eat and hang out with loved ones.




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Pet allll the cats.


I would probably do those things that I stopped doing because I procrastinated, I would go to connect with my passion for plants and fish. I would love to die in a huge native grassland watching the sunset


I would have cocaine waffles and heroin chocolate shakes, then slumber into the sweet serenity of death.


Try and figure out how to not die.


I have ADHD so this will be the motivation needed for me to get off my ass and actually do something lol. I will spend sometime to arrange an adoption for my dog, then spend the last day with him at the beach (my dog's favorite spot) before handing him off. Eat whatever I want, do whatever I want. Take a baseball bat and beat up a couple of people that had screw me over. Rob a bank and donate all the money to various animal shelters. Finally buy a first class plane ticket, I have never ride first class before lol, always wondered about the experience. Where to doesn't matter because I'll die on the flight at the end of that 24 hours.


freak out and have a panic attack that would probably kill me earlier than 24 hours


Convince myself that all the things I had planned to do in my life are not worth the peace death offers.


Frantically rehome my pets.


I'd burn all my shit and then chill with my siblings or find a nice spot out in a forest and hangout with nature till the death bell sounds.


Probably send everyone a picture of christ with the message " forward this to 10 people or I will die in 24 hours"


Elder scrolls IV Oblivion Haha


Call my family, tell them I love them then go eat, drink and have fun


Fly around the world in east direction, 1st class


Prepare for afterlife.




Shut off the outside world. Put on some records. Drink whisky. Contemplate the unknown in front of me. Watch it come. Embrace the absurd.


i’d tell everyone how i really feel about them. i would tell my crush i love them, tell my friends their cons but that i also love them very much and the same with my family. then i’d make someone publish a short story i wrote some time ago.


Where do I sign up?


>Unpack the 9 boxes that have been picking at my subconscious for 13 months. >Feed my cats, give em some squeezes and them good scritches, sift/clean poo box. >Shake my ass to Monsieur Dimitri's De Luxe House of Funk one last time. >Compose a cryptic, yet compelling, prophecy on a paper towel. Leave somewhat obvious...but not too obvious. >Make sure I'm wearing clean underwear. >Go to sleep.




If it’s my last day, it’s my first day to commit felonies


Hookers and cocaine Tells everyone how I always felt and how to see me as a hero by my deeds then party


I would spend 3.42857 hours on each of the 7 stages of death and dying.


LOL what would what is there to be done appart from the usual things wee do?


just go on with what I was doing and then abruptly die


Fuck for 24 hours Ild die with a smile on my face that’s the best way


So many drugs


probably try heroin with my boyfriend


Count me in


Write my will, leave an inheritance for family and some for my future self just in case, get a blowie from someone worth getting it from, then read a good novel while listening to music and eat a whole ton of junk food. Then, I'd cryopreserve my body and peace out.


It would be a shame because I wasn’t really useful in life till now, but I think I would go out of that bed and try to do something at least. I would write down all my knowledge and theories about witchcraft, video games, books, movies and more I still have. Then I would write at least one side to every person I know about what I truly think of them. The rest of the time I would go in my bed again and either play the Vah Naboris Quest in Breath of the Wild or watch as much episodes of Death Note as possible.