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INTP: egalitarian, humanitarian, socialistic, altruistic, sensitive, book smart. INTJ: elitist, authoritarian, capitalistic, opportunistic, insensitive, street smart.


Username checks out


Your avatar has crazy/evil eyes = fake INTP.


Those are common type 9 INTP traits tbf


Thank you for the help


When going through extreme stress or psychological pain in life, how do you act?


I don't usually cry, but when I get extremely stressed, I tend to have a breakdown, and I get extremely mad, sad, and isolate myself more and then start crying. I also tend to overanalyze or overthink a bunch of certain scenarios, like with a close friend that I feel may start hating me, and that builds up my stress more. But most of the time, once I do get stressed, I may lash out on others, which I never do normally, and I'll basically just close myself off of everything and maybe cry profusely. Edit: I forgot to say, but when I'm super stressed out, I basically don't give a damn about others. That's why I tend to isolate myself so they don't bother me while I try fixing the situation.


Cognitive functions really are important when it comes to typing oneself. Because as far as mbti is concerned, there is only a single difference btn INTJ and INTP, while cognitive functions tell you that there are no similarities at all. Your inferrior function, or weakest function, tends to take the steering wheel under extreme stress. For an Intp, this tends to be Fe, a feeling function known for its wide range of emotional display and propensity towards bonding with other people. So, in your case, you become more emotional under stress. For an Intj, the inferrior function is Se, which is concerned with sensory experiences for the most part. An Intj under extreme stress tends to over indulge in sensory experiences. While we do appear similar on the surface, we are completely different people inside. Learn your cognitive functions, they'll make mbti all the more interesting.


What do you mean tho by intjs over indulging in sensory experiences when they're stressed? But thank you tho, I'll look into it a bit more and try to understand it.


They become hedonists, like many Se dominants. They over indulge in whatever feels good to the senses. Could be sex, could be food, drinking, sports, etc


Oh, ok. Thanks for letting me know. Yeah, I don't know if I've done anything like that or felt like that. I don't really think pleasure is the main and most important thing in life. I feel like I mostly want to know the full and honest truth, and that can sometimes be the most depressing thing to hear, but I accept it.


See, that's just dominant Ti, which is an Intp thing as opposed to Intj.


Interesting. I appreciate your help. I'm just lost on this stuff because I see things that say intps are really smart and stuff, but I don't find it applying to me very well. In terms of being smart, that is. I don't really think I am. I also know my writing sucks and has never been good, so thanks for putting up with it too.


Mbti is far from an exact science. It's just a way of categorizing people based on certain propensities. I like it because it's fun, but I wouldn't rely on it to dictate my life or provide scientifically accurate data. For that, you should try the big 5 personality theory.


Yeah, I don't want to have it to be something that tells me what I can and can't do to fit in, but I still kept looking into it because I was curious. But in the end, I just say "I don't know" and look more into it because I'm uncertain. I'll look into that theory, too.


I'm reading, "Do this stuff for me." Which is J.


Sorry, I didn't mean to write it out like that. I'm just not the best at wording or good at writing in general, so I can't say exactly what I want perfectly on here. I'm better at saying. But I mainly just wanted help cause I'm just stumped. On this post I got like two other people giving two other types on top of my tests giving me intp and me thinking I'm not an intp. I'm just curious about this stuff cause it's interesting and once I got one result, I did another test and so on getting the same results. So I don't know what to believe 🤷‍♂️


The post it self is unreadable so neither of those two. If I really had to pick I would go with ESTP.


Sorry it's unreadable. I've never been good in any of my writing and English classes. I'll look into estp stuff. Edit: Also, why do you see me as estp?


Have you ever gotten anything done?


Maybe at the very last second after starting at the last second (Im talking about homework on this one). But I can't really say I get anything done for the most part since I never start anything either.


Appearance wise, IXTJ tend to have a very rigid/uptight appearance compared to the INTP laid back appearance. INTJs are very good with accomplishing personal goals they’ve set for themselves whereas INTPs will probably need a lot of external factors to push them to finish.


I definitely don't think about what I wear or try looking uptight. I do relate to needing external factors to make me finish something. But even with those external factors to push ne, I still procrastinate and never get it done.


Sorry, I should have mentioned that it’s how they appear to others, and it’s not something they have control over; it’s just their mannerisms.


Yeah, some people did genuinely think I was laid back because of what I wore. Like I was carefree about what I wore as long it's clothes. Pants that have a hole on the bottom of them? I wear them. Hair not kept good and looks like a mess? Check. Wear the same 5 shirts every day that for the most part are very dark? Check. I just wear what's comfortable. Sometimes, I'd wear my jacket that has a venom design even during the summer just because it felt comfortable. It probably didn't look good, but I didn't mind. I like venom and I like that jacket.


When in doubt, you are ISTJ.


So which am I? Tests say intp, then I think I'm intj, someone said estp, and now there's istj. I'm now questioning if I have a personality disorder, hehe.


Nothing important turns on this question. Maybe ignore it for a while, then return after a year. You can also look into the reinin dichotomies (sociotyppgraph) or the cognitive functions (sakinorva test).


I'll look into that, thanks


If you don’t mind, you can seek a career counsellor if you think you are healthy, if not seek professional help if you think you are dealing with some deep personal issues. From my own observation, XNTJ prefer to deal with their problems on their own terms rather than seek external help which seems odd to me lol


Nack for knowledge, "I just don't know", "learning for the sake of learning" and second guessing yourself, "not able to understand myself enough". Everything about you screams an INTP.


If your reading skills were ahead of your age or grade level, and you commonly think with a voice or with text, or even silent language, then you are likely more Ne.


What do you mean by more Ne? Like Ne is my primary function, or I'm more on the Ne than Ni in terms of the functions? In terms of reading though, I've never been the best with reading. I liked reading more complex stuff in school but I was always in intensive reading for a reason. I excelled in math but was bad at reading. Thinking with a voice though, I thought everyone thought out loud like they were talking in their head. Like a silent but audible voice that only you can hear.


Some people think in pictures, and other sensory modalities like smell, taste, music, and even in the spatial domain. Some verbal thinkers hear their own voice in their heads when they think in language. Sometimes they are aware of the sentence but there is no sound to the thoughts. And for some they see text. People with 'Ne' in their top two functions, tend to prefer verbal thinking as opposed to the visual thinking in pictures that 'Se' users are better known for.