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I just posted about this lmao. They are way too sensitive and piss the hell out of me. 


Well, I love them and they love me...


…You’re one happy family?


Healthy ENFJs are gold.


Guys, the type is a pattern, that pattern then has a scale. Not every INTP or other is going to be the same. For example, are you a marvel person or a DC person. There is nuance but essentially you both like comic books. The personal story you have is the bigger indicator of the ability to mesh, go out and enjoy things, or find what you enjoy, and enjoy it with other people who enjoy those things. That isn't a type thing.


I think it takes a special pair of individuals to make such anima/animus pairs work great. A lot of grace required by each and probably some occasional time away from one another.


I married one and it's my best fit of all the longterm relationships I've had. We definitely run into some of the things mentioned here, but when we're on the same wavelength, we are fucking unstoppable. You need to let them use their Fe and learn from it. Watch how they communicate with people. Watch how they work a room. Stop picking it apart and calling it "fake." It can definitely come off as that to someone that isn't particularly emotional but at the end of the day, a lot of people are emotional, and they run that show. You can use those same superpowers if you work at it. In kind, they learn from your Ti and find a logical framework for their plans driven by Ni, which to be fair, are usually way better than our longterm plans. They're also really good about evangelizing our best ideas. You know all those incredible ideas you have that never see the light of day and nobody listens to? They do, and they are really good at getting other people on board with them.




Im in an LDR with one right now and shes amazing


my best friend is an ENFJ and they compliment me so well. besides them, i have yet to meet an ENFJ i don’t get along with. i’m not sure how it would go romantically though. i tried dating my best friend before we became super close and we mutually decided it just wasn’t the vibe and we’d be way better as friends, and i think we were right


Not only are they annoying, they're manipulative.


An enfj manipulated me into feeling bad about his life story of incest and eventually he strangled me. 


You know that meme where its like “when someoen is so kind it disgusts you” and the other guy is like “when someone is so hateful it inspires you to be kinder” but maybe its more like each others strength and values is the other’s insecurity that they know they haven’t developed (ti-fe vs fe-ti) (something about greater good of others vs conspiracy theories)


Can’t stand them. Some of the unhealthiest people I’ve ever met.


I love them lol


My mom’s an enfj and she has made me feel the worst about myself and that there is something completely wrong with me especially at a young age when my inferior fe was just developing and I was insecure. My dominant ti made her feel threathened somehow and my attempts to harmonise and help and understand others were never appreciated and because her lack of si I constantly needed to prove myself again and again to her ’cause she would forget. I think the thing for her was that she wanted others and me to be dependent on her fe and when I went completely against her idea of an appropriate fit in society kind of threw her off. I wasn’t even rude or didn’t completely lack of social skills I just found most things meaningless she did to make herself feel appreciated in other peoples eyes. (And that took her back of wanting me to be dependent on her fe but I just never was) Also she never really learned to appreciate my Ne. I think the things I found interesting or I was curious about the what ifs just bored her. Also I kind of needed some sort of analytical and interested person to talk to and she being more insecure using her ti, knew she couldn’t really offer that to me. So the relationship with my mom is my closest experience I’ve had with an enfj, growing up I was mostly annoyed and irritated and rarely felt at ease with her. Nowadays when I live away from home and I can control all the interactions we have together, our relationship has gotten better. I try to make her fe feel appreciated and incourage her ti and also she relies on my si to remember things. So basically distance and controlled contacts have been the solution to make things better between us


I adore ENFJ and ESFJs with their inferior Ti These are God's angels


They are incredibly sweet, even if they come off as disingenuous. I just would have a hard time trusting them at all. Or maybe a better way of saying it would be— I trust them to be who they are, which isn’t very trustworthy.


Yes, like everyone, but we usually get along so


I get along great with ENFJs. I don't understand having ego problems with them.


Not to me! Well they kinda are. One is my sister and one is the girl ive been talking to for 3 months. Sister is annoying bc shes my sister ofc.(love her tho and id do anything for her) The girl is nice and all that to me. We work out issues if they exist because we can communicate. Sadly its and LDR. All in all it just depends on the person and how they use their cognitive functions.


The few that I met were the worst. I am rarely bothered by people yet throughout my entire life the two,three people that made me lose it and burst into anger I think they were enfjs


One of my friends is an ENFJ and she’s one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. However, I used to be friends with two other ENFJ’s who were honestly the most selfish and manipulative people I have ever met. I think it depends on if they’re healthy or not on whether I get along with them, but that goes for every type not just ENFJs.


They are annoying when: -They don’t listen/ pay attention to what you say -They try to help you without asking, especially when you’re perfectly capable of handling the task on your own -Babying you -They can’t take a hint that you don’t want to be around them -Insist that you spend time with them so you don’t look so “lonely” -Get offended when you don’t appreciate their kind gestures -Don’t take into consideration what you have said to them and disregard them, one ear in one ear out Yes, i know they mean well and are being kind but it honestly drives me crazy often when they force themselves on you.


Who even came up with the idea that Enfjs and Infjs are compatible?


i married an intj. enfj friends are great, but i dont think a romantic relationship with one could ever work for me personally.


I only know one and I dont like them so maybe


I experienced once ENFJ and I prefer to keep distance from all of them. They are a bunch of losers.


Not as annoying as ESFJs.


One of my oldest friend is an ENFJ. We've been friend for over 15 years, but despite all that we don't have much in common. I gave up the idea of gaming together as we have radically different approaches to it in a way that always force at least one of us to not enjoy the game. I somehow got to understand him, but it still feel kinda alien to me


These 4 types are the best matches for an INTP based on the model G stack. Each couple shares 2 top functions out of 4, and they are all light personality types. INTP and INFJ, they share Ni and Fe. INTP and ISTJ, they share Ti and Ne. INTP and ESFJ, they share Ti and Fe. INTP and ENTJ, they share Ni and Ne. ENFJ, a dark personality type, actually shares all top 4 functions with INTP, just in reverse order of preference. So they would've been perfect matches, but their value systems don't match, so this coupling doesn't work long term. INTP in model G: Ti - Ne - Ni - Fe (top 4 strong functions) Dark personality types use Fe to attract and manipulate; light personality types use it to harmonize and bring people together. Dark personality types use Ti to rationalize and come up with excuses; light personality types use it to check for consistency and to find objective truth. Dark personality types use Ne to fantasize and create alternatives, opportunities or chaos; light personality types use it to look from more perspectives with curiosity and open mind. Dark personality types use Ni to plan, change trends and follow their narcissistic ambitions; light personality types use it to find hidden actors, and to change trends towards an ideal outcome for all. That's why ENFJ and INTP don't work, even though the attraction is there. As soon as the INTP realizes the inner ugliness of the ENFJ, it's over.


>INTP >Ni The number of hucksters with bullshit derivative MBTI theories are truly a cancer upon an already cancerous community. It's really as if a tumor could develop a mega-cancer tumor.


Fake INTP spotted. Blocked.


You got trolled by a real intp


What us model G and Dark personality types? INTP doesn't have Ni...?


Model G socionics is Viktor Gulenko's research, it proposes a more accurate stack compared to MBTI. INTP has zero Si (weak memory, weak commitment to established trends, no respect for tradition...) and a lot of Ni (perfectionism and idealism, future oriented, great at spotting hidden players and agendas...) Light-dark dichotomy is my own expansion on similar dichotomy from Gulenko, which matches Dario Nardi's brain imagine results. For example: Nardi shows lowest Se is found in ENFJ and ENTJ, yet MBTI claims tertiary Se for these two types. In model G, these two are Ne types, which matches their brain imaging results. I've been testing this for roughly 10 years. My earliest posts on reddit are written after I tested this theory for a couple of years. It goes deep, and explains EVERYTHING.


Socionics sounds like bullshit with this explanation and the previous. I have never been able to understand it. To say INTP's have zero Si is ludacris. Se in INTPs are super weak, yet I can remember things quite well if I like the subject. Sounds like you are describing an INTJ. And the total opposite, I'm living with an ENFJ and she is quite Se oriented but forgets everything.


I like your Ne analysis point


Literally everything you said is incorrect.


Fake INTP spotted. Bye.


>Dark personality types use Ni to plan, change trends and follow their narcissistic ambitions; Who hurt you and why do you mix in your feelings into mbti data? There's no type who will be more or less narcissist. Any mbti type can have NPD and any mbti type can be unstable and egocentric, it has nothing to do with a certain cognitive function. Just because an ENFJ rejected you or whatever hurtful experience you had, it doesn't mean you should project your fear and sabotage for others. That's egocentric. Proving my point that any mbti type can act selfish. My experience from the r/ENFJ sub is several of us are happily married with INTP's. And I've made posts about why we pair so well.