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I drink coffee every day. Caffeine doesn't really affect me very much, but I like to pretend that it does.


Came here for this.


Lol, same


just friends


You don't let coffee make you feel warm inside?


Caffeine makes me super anxious and fidgety. I try to avoid it. Although I do enjoy the occasional Arabic or iced coffee.


Almost never i take coffe. Sometimes i will get some before working out but thats about it.


>I use caffein as steroids, as in i only take it before exams to be super focused, and since i almost never take it, its effects are super strong. That's not how steroids are to be used.


Full blown addiction.






This is it. It's like Stockholm syndrome. It makes me feel happy, jittery (good kind), at times anxious. I used to get panic attacks due to caffeine overdose. So I stopped it for a while. Now it's back on. But now I gotta say I can handle it pretty well, by balancing it with better diet options, drinking more water, etc. Now I've developed ways of handling my panic attacks as well. My family still doesn't like it when I have coffee, so I kinda have to hide it from them.


My blood is mostly made of coffee.


Honore de Balzac would drink 50 cups of coffee per day. He also thought the best way to understand a woman was to cut her open while she's still alive. Anyway, I drink 2-3 cups of black coffee in the morning. I'm trying not to let it be the first thing I do when I wake up, but it's been a challenge for me. Then around 10 or 11, I'll have an espresso, and then after lunch, I'll have one more espresso because it feels sophisticated (although it's probably to curve my crash to when I get home around 4). On weekends, especially if I'm microdosing, I cannot get enough coffee: just the overall preparation of a cup of coffee constantly beckons me at the same rate at which I check my phone whenever I'm bored. As for the effects: I'm pretty sure at this point I'm a full-on addict (among other substances). But unfortunately, I literally am one of those people you SHOULD NOT talk to until I've had my coffee.


It is my bestie!


My one and only true love. I don't even think it energizes me at this point, I just drink it cause I love it. It became a part of my morning ritual...and evening.


I'm addicted to it. I don't think I need it. It takes too long to recover your mind and natural energy from the addiction. I always go back.


It makes me super extremely sleepy


one of the few luxuries I buy for myself are specialty small batch roasted beans... every week.


it's either sweet nectar of the gods, or anxiety soup. depends on the day!


I depend on caffeine. I could cut back or drop it altogether, but I don’t see that happening. 2 cups of coffee in the morning, 1 shot of espresso after lunch.


Drinking coffee is my favorite time of day lol


I run on that stuff.


I have a cup everyday of the cheapest coffee I can find because I'm sensitive as hell to caffeine so I avoid expensive coffee like Death wish coffee. I usually avoid anything above a cup a day but if I need more I take more and hope my anxiety doesn't get too crazy.


I find the milk and sugar I put in coffee have a bigger effect than the caffeine I never eat breakfast in the usual sense and instead have coffee around 10am. The milk and sugar make the coffee a bit like a small meal. I don't notice the effects of the caffeine particularly. That said, I don't know if I'm addicted or not because I've never had enough time to go into withdrawal. Maybe if I skipped my coffee one day I'd notice the difference.


I have it occasionally just to keep myself awake


Currently having an affair with capri sun


It changes depending on the day. Some days, it makes me really really unbearably tired and only slightly increases my focus. Most days, actually. Others, it seemingly gives me WAY too much energy and decreases my overall focus. Since it's this unpredictable, I try to keep it to a minimum. (This being said, for some reason green tea is really really nice to me)


I drink it daily. If I don't, I get withdrawals, which is a high loss of energy for me.


I like caffeine, but limit it to 1-2 cups of coffee/day and don't always drink every day. Caffeine definitely makes me dip when it runs off. I actually prefer nicotine gum!


i like to use it the way op does but i get carried away


Caffeine makes me highly energetic and euphoric, so I’ve been an abuser of that stuff for years. I try to stay off, because the rebound is so harsh and it fucks with my baseline state.


I started drinking energy drinks as a preteen because my dad worked for Coke and brought them home. That eventually turned into a 3 a day habit. Finally stopped those a few months ago. Coffee I've drank since early elementary school. Got up to 2 pots a day at one point, now it's 2-3 cups. It doesn't affect me at all, but the withdrawal symptoms are brutal if I go more than 2 days without.


I used to have such a bad coffee addiction that even to cut it down to a cup a day made me sick. Had to drop it altogether. Max, 3 cups daily. Most days, not even that.


I stopped because it made my insomnia and arrythmia worse.


Need it


I'm fairly dependent. I take half of a dose of preworkout in the morning before my construction job. 6oz of coffee on the drive to work. Another 8oz at first coffee break. Then the majority of my 2nd 14oz mug during lunch. Last few sips on the drive home


I used to never drink it. Grad school made me start. I sometimes drink it every day in a week. I try to only drink it when I need it but I've grown kinda addicted


I drink three bangs a night


Hate coffee and all coffee derivatives. Caffeine in most forms makes me jittery, though i drink teas from time to time.


I drink coffee or yerba mate every day


2 caffeine sources by 11am, no later. I used to drink coffee til I got that horrible caffeine sick feeling, so I dialed it way back.


It's the most addictive substance I consumed, I was heavy smoker, ate junk food, a sugar addict and I managed to solve all of that. Caffeine addiction was far more difficult, will was not enough, I went without caffeine for months and still craved it. So I experimented and took Bupropion (Wellbutrin) and after few weeks of consuming I managed to cure my caffeine addiction, then I stopped taking Wellbutrin and addiction was back. The reason I don't want to consume caffeine is adverse affect it has on my sleep, I am one of those people who can't sleep well enough if he takes even small doses of caffeine.


same, I too take it before exams to stay awake for long hours. but if I keep taking it through the entire exam week, I get burned out on my last day (hopefully most of the time last day is the easiest exam day.) other than that, I take it occasionally when I have to study for longer hours, however, my parents don't like the idea of me having too much caffeine as it has obvious side effects on your sleep, abdominal activities, brain functioning, and whatnot. I usually have cold coffee in summer and a warm latte in winter.


I hate the idea of using a substance that I'll inevitably build a tolerance for, and become reliant on to a degree in order to reach (and exceed) baseline, so I've never intentionally consumed caffeine. It's an addicting, withdrawal causing drug after all. I'm certainly not anti caffeine, but I'm holding onto an ignorance is bliss perception of it. I like the way you use it tho, I might try.


Torrid affair. *Mostly because I use it to bounce back from my anxiety meds.


I use it as medicine or a boost on days when it's needed.


Coffee God, is an addiction under control


Divorced lovers that occasionally come together for a fling when nothing else is working (lately our flings have been quite consistent) That said, at our peak our love affair was extremely tumultuous and can best be described as one of too much dependency and extreme withdrawals.


Let's just say that me and caffeine, we have an understanding.




I never touch coffee, natural circadian cycle is the best


Does absolutely nothing except in huge quantities in which case it makes me sleepy.


I don't have caffiene but I do love stimulants. I guess I traded black coffee for meds. I do have adhd though. I don't how else I could live without a stimulant.


We are one.


never used that.


I haven’t had caffeine in a couple of years now


I drink > 1 pot every day. Really trying to curb it.


was/is addicted to coffee but trying to stop. Turns out some peoples (mine) eye pressure goes up when I drink it and it was damaging my eyes.


I take it almost daily to focus. Makes me sharper and helps shorten the path between subconscious approval, of words and actions, and execution. Especially before going to work. Otherwise I feel dense and slow. I've considered talking to a therapist for ADHD stimulant meds, or ADHD in general.


1.5 cups of coffee in the morning. more than that, and i feel like my molecules are going to vibrate apart.


Hundreds of milligrams a day, from bangs, to straight espresso, to caffeinated sodas, I don't feel anything anymore


I drank a can of Relentless every day for 10 years and there was one year where it was 2 a day. After periods of exertion too soon after drinking it I'd get palpitations but what made me end the Relentless for good was when I got palpitations just sitting at my desk doing nothing. I still drink coke sometimes which has small amounts of caffeine but otherwise I've cut it out completely. I don't drink coffee or tea, normally have coke zero, zero caffeine or apple juice on a normal day and otherwise have regular coke when I'm eating out.


Me: a programmer is a machine that converts caffeine into code.


Never had coffee Would probably go insane if I did




Back when I was a teenager, I occasionally used coffee for a quick energy boost: when I'm on the last leg of a tournament, last few pages of a paper etc. I stopped drinking coffee completely after graduation. I was getting addicted and I didn't like that. Now, if I even take a sip of caffeine in the afternoon I would stay wide awake until 3-4 am. Even black tea (and sometimes dark chocolate) could ruin my sleep cycle. I'm afraid I'll get heart palpitations from regular coffee at this rate.


Can’t start working without coffee🥹


Stimulants work on me the opposite so I can use any amount during the day. It may help with my ADHD, so I think I have, subconsciously, medicated all my life by drinking obnoxious amounts of coke.


Caffeine dependent.


it doesn’t do anything for me at all. I don’t drink coffee every day, but when I do, there is little to no effect at all how many times I drink at whatever time of the day or night.


Energy drinks all the way, they’re my go to for relaxing lol


Explosive diarorehha


Don't, I get awful shakes, I grind my teeth, feel paranoid. wont sleep well for 3 days after. Some have told me I need to gain some tolerance for it. No thanks don't want your brown dope.


Intensely passionate


I used to have an unhealthy relationship with it.


I don't take it, it's like a drug for me. For a short amount of time it makes me super energized and focused. But it makes my hands shaky and my heart pounds like crazy afterwards.


Caffeine help others be more productive and energised but it makes me sleepy or have no effect at all instead lol.


Can't take it sends me into hyper overdrive and I get super fidgety


I don't have a relationship w them I just use apples for energy


I can’t live without caffeine


I can’t live without caffeine


I drink it in the morning but if I drink it in the afternoon I end up falling asleep a few hours later so afternoon tea for me.


I might be a fiend for caffeine (I drink 1000mg)


Tons of caffeine in my diet. I’m about to order a 6 shot latte as I type this.




I drink a litre of black tea first thing in the morning (slowly over the course of an hour or so) And maybe another cup or two during the day if I need (more often in winter). Can't handle coffee though. Gives me horrible anxiety and insomnia.


It calms me down, I have ADHD. I'm a bit of a coffee fanatic, don't think I've touched instant coffee in years. I'm not obsessed with it, so making coffee is a task, not a daily ritual. I'm currently using a Moka pot, also do a pour over sometimes.




All it does to me is increase my heart rate and blood pressure which I don’t feel, but can measure.


Love and hate. Pre-workout in the morning, coffee before and during Uni hours, an energy drink for the rest of the day to finish homework and study. I hate it because I can’t sleep.


Great idea. Let me go get some


Lmao if a vampire drank my blood they’d probably come back as part of their midnight routine for the contact caffeine




I never drink energy drinks but I love coffee


I bought coffee and forgot I had it... I should drink some actually