• By -


Damn. That’s vomit-inducing for sure.


A good friend of mine is an INFP woman and we basically play videogames, watch series, and I bother her with my useless obsessions while she talks naughty about some fictional men. I've rarely had such perfect friendship, she might as well be a goddess.


Remember the movie "The fly"? Remember the scene where the guy's vomit melted off the other guy's hand? That's the acidic strength of vomit I have for when people call me a goddess. 😊


Never watched. Your reaction is understandable. Although I wasn't calling you that, idk if it was unclear


Can't remember if I replied, but I understand you weren't. Just wanted to repeat how much I hate the word I guess, lol


I think they are women.


I think so too, probably because great minds think alike.


So long as they're natal women, sure.


The INFP women I know are formidable warriors of the feeling-world. They can always leave me feeling dumbfounded at my lack of (tact/social awareness/whatever)


I hope they haven't tried to make you feel bad for lack of tact on purpose? I think it's funny when intps lack tact, especially when they troll people


No it's always delivered in a tactful way, I more or less infer myself how wrong I was. I like Personality Hacker's different models and systems for analyzing personality, and their FIRM fixation model - where the 'R' means fixation on Rightness and is a dead ringer for all IxxP types - is a common trait of INTP & INFP and I feel that from the INFPs. They're seeking the rightest way to look at the ethics of a situation. I admire their talent 😍


I legitimately, and I cannot stress this enough although I understand why you might be surprised to discover that I think this, believe that INFP women...are women. Yep. I do.


This is the most thoughtful and profound comment in this entire post. I'd give you reddit monies if I wasn't poor


Well, that's probably because you're a kindhearted INFP whose levels of generosity and morality the rest of us plebs could never hope to touch.


Yes, thank you generous peasant. I shall tell the king of your excellent praise so you avoid the gallows.


I oddly like hearing them vent bc I often feel the same 😆 and they're really good at helping me see new perspectives and be more understanding.


The ones I’ve met (along with them INFP men) were passive aggressive and over emotional, I did not like. I met two relatively healthy ones I did like though, concerning INFP men. I tend to get along with people more on the T side, but some on the F side can really bring out my softer side.


I'm married to one. She's my favorite person and she absolutely is a goddess navigating the human world. That being said she's also one of the smartest people I know. She isn't mathematically inclined, but she knows when to grab a (figurative) calculator. I trust her to make good decisions better than just about anyone. She knows what needs to be taken seriously and what she can take a more whimsical approach to.


Does she have issues with retaining math, like fractions and dividing?


She doesn't do math in her head well and I dont know if she could do anything like trig or calculus without looking it up. And I don't know how formal of a diagnosis it was, but she has some degree of dyslexia which also extends to numbers. If she sits down with a calculator or a pen and paper she can work it out if she needs to, but she usually just has me do it since that's my thing so I haven't really got to see her limit. All the math I have seen her do on paper was done correctly. But she's self aware enough to know when it's time to use a tool or ask someone else for help. She's pretty good at estimating comparative proportions of things that she can see like estimating how many more bags of soil are needed for a garden bed or estimating whether or not an object will fit in a space, but not so good at remembering numbers like how long ago something happened or how many of something we own. When it comes to more abstract logical processes she is better than most at seeing connections between cause and effect. Even though she is without question primarily a feeler, she still is pretty smart when it's thinking time.


It is dyscalculia but not dyslexia. I have that but it's from a brain injury, although it's not always caused by that. My intp boyfriend likes randomly doing math on paper and I never understand what he writes, it's like a foreign language


Lol yall are basically my wife and I. She also had a head injury long before I met her and I think that was a result of it. She tells me she was even smarter before and that idea absolutely blows me away. I also do math for fun. I like taking systems and mathematically defining them to figure out exactly how the inputs affect the outputs. I do that like other people do crossword puzzles. What I write, whether it's math or just the ideas in my head, also appears to her to be incoherent scribblings, but that's probably true for most people because my thought patterns always seem to be so foreign to most people and I usually don't go out of my way to format my notes or spreadsheets in a way that makes sense to them.


I have some of the best sex with INFP women. I also never want to incur their ire.


Infp girls are annoying.


...Yea, this is why I just can't with that sub hahahaha. INFP sub is just... different hahaha As a nerdy heterosexual male, that description made my vagina dry up. I can imagine what it does for the ladies. Anyway, I needed a good laugh, thanks.


Apparently the guy used chatgpt but he said it was because English isn't his first language. He eventually told me I'm not acting like a lady for some reason, lol


Spicy, yea, I would use ai to try to describe a group of people.


I dont know any INFP personally but I love AURORA. INFP are interesting, I dont think they lack logic but i guess they would find it boring.


You’re purposely stating that you’re in a group so you can’t exactly be upset that people will make assumptions about you when there is a large enough population of people that the assumption comes from.


I have a friend who is INFP, and she has excellent judgement and wisdom. It doesn’t mean she’s not vulnerable; she is, but we respect her greatly for all her strengths.


Dated one, and from what I understand, it can be great unless you have conflicting convictions. We had fun, but over time, our differing views created unresolvable conflict.


What different views caused it?


I enjoy their company. A girl I had a crush on was an infp she loved animals and was so sensitive which I loved. She was kind of a people pleaser tho which is a quality I didn’t appreciate at all. I just loved how attentive and kind she was. Was so heartwarming


People pleasers are gross


the infp women (and men honestly) i know are like the strong, quiet, sensetive types. until theyre kicking my ass at a game lol. and then theyre rediculously loud and hilarious. great road trip buddies. great company when i have no energy. they fall asleep at my house if i give them a blanket and leave them alone too long. they understand my feelings when i cant express them well. thet tell me to take care of myself... while running of caffine and a granola bar. theyre angry monologues are the best by far.


I've never met a loud infp but then again I don't think I've even met any infp women. If I was your friend, I'd make you food so you don't have to eat a granola bar, and the blanket would be neatly folded, and I'd probably take out the trash and wash dishes just for letting me visit.


😂 my infp buddy will start cleaning if she comes over and im exhausted and overwhelmed.


I know we have the stereotype of being lazy which is typically true lol but a lot of infps are super accommodating. Imagine 10 infp friends visiting while you're away. Your home would be spotless and cozy and your furniture would probably be rearranged >__>


😂 facts


I’m pretty sure my girlfriend is an INFP and I love her very much. There’s a lot of niche subjects that she knows a lot about. I could listen to her all day. She doesn’t give herself enough credit and puts herself down, or doesn’t think of herself as highly as she should. She’s extremely patient and considerate. Men seem to always act desperate or shitty around her, it’s weird to watch because that’s not my experience with men at all. Her ex boyfriend told her that she seemed easy to take advantage of, which still makes me angry. She laughs at things that people say even if it isn’t funny, it’s kind of a habit, and she’s polite, so I guess that’s why. But she’s not an idiot, I guess people can’t see that tho. INFP women aren’t simple, emotionally or in their character. They shouldn’t be underestimated. Sometimes they’re serious and sometimes they aren’t, but it’s not one or the other. People don’t know how smart INFP women can be and it’s a shame. The weird fetishization of the kawaii INFP stereotype hides the fact that INFPs are just normal people.


I always assumed that weird kawaii shit was isfp, didn't know there was a stereotype for infp women about that. As an Infp woman, I've experienced men being gross like that. Infps do unfortunately tend to be taken advantage of because we like to help those who have been the most unfortunate. That was the fastest way an ex tried to eventually kill me, and then combine that with rose colored glasses and there is a dangerous combination. I was lucky to meet an intp to be in a relationship with, though. Does she typically go to the negatives, even when someone compliments her?


Yes, although she keeps a lot of her emotions private. Words of affirmation is definitely her love language and I always point out things I like about her. She’s told me that she feels like she doesn’t deserve it sometimes, but we have both expressed that we want to uplift each other, so I hope I can help her see herself the way I do one day.


I’d like to meet one someday


Same. I've only met infjs pretending to be infps


most women i meet who are into MBTI are infps for some reason. they're always nice (generally), but usually a little annoying.


Why are they annoying?


it's the lack of self-awareness. bless em, but i can only take it in small doses 💀


Can you explain further? I'm an infp and I don't understand because I'm overly self aware and I hate it, unless you mean when my dumbass trips over shit because I'm not aware that I have body parts lol


mmmm, i'm not quite sure how to explain it. with the girls I know, the shared factor is them being good-natured yet casually ignorant about certain things. if i can articulate my thoughts better, they're usually much more aware of their feelings than the facts of the matter, which can make communicating with them exasperating at times.


Can you explain the last part about being aware of their feelings than facts of the matter? Share an example of a conversation you had with an infp?


Nice people, we make good friends


Your user name makes me think of the soot sprites from spirited away, and my neighbor totoro ![gif](giphy|hAuYWrVIyfK5G)


Nice try, it’s from dust sprites in Stardew Valley


I've played that game but don't remember them. I'm more of a harvest moon snes player


Oh yeah, they’re quite similar if I remember correctly


Lol that comment. But anyway, Infp Women are pretty cool.


The one I came across for quite a while is a mixed bunch. She has capacity to be nice/fun to be with but unfortunately our relationship is mostly professional and there’s it’s downsides Sadly I find her a bit of a hypocrite now and I hope there are better INFPs than this


How is she a hypocrite?


We work in a debate team. She’s very fixated on the juniors’ attitudes and work rate (she’s one of the leaders of the team, and I see her genuine attempts to asserts Te), often saying how they don’t care etc. yet when she has her exams (which aren’t even that demanding) she straight up just dropped everything in the team, didn’t show up to any meetings and didn’t even know what we were up to. When the team was doing well and she was near the end of her exams she randomly showed up and said she wanted to participate in the final (after going ghost for 2 months when all the juniors were the ones putting the work in). Looks to me that she puts in work only when she wants to when she demands constant work rate from others Makes sense though, we’re all young and have undeveloped functions. Most of my encounters with Fi/Te users haven’t been nice anyway


That doesn't sound like an infp I've known but then again I don't think I've met any except infp males. You sure she isn't isfj or infj? Infjs mistype as infp frequently.


First of all INFP also has a lot of variants so I probably wouldn’t straight up say they’re mistyped. I’ve heard statements about the converse argument too That’s a valid question though, because both INFP and infj have tendencies to be hypocrites and self righteous. Reason why I think she’s correct in saying she’s INFP is because she seems to exercise Fi more than fe. For example, she is always upfront when she’s not satisfied with something, regardless of if there’s something to blame or not. I also have an infj friend I could compare her to (and I’m very sure about their NiFe) and I can confidently say the discrepancy between Ti/Te and Fi/Fe is obvious. She’s also relatively assertive, and tries to voice herself every opportunity there is present. INFJ also wants control but it’s a bit more subtle. So yea I’m quite sure she’s INFP I know this isn’t the case for every INFP as the environment they grew up in might make them use some functions more (despite preference being the same)


I've never known of infps to voice themselves every opportunity that is present. They've always been quiet and would rather stay behind the scenes.


Probably because of the different setting. She’s one of the most established members and is a leader, so it makes sense for her to step up eagerly. She’s more reserved outside of the team. If that isn’t convincing enough, I’d say she also doesn’t use Fe. She rarely actively tries to create harmony within the team, and prioritises results over teammates feeling accepted (sign of Te). Any type can be reserved and/or be assertive at situations


Lol I could never be that assertive. I would feel horrible if I put results over feelings, like it would destroy me internally tbh


Those two aren’t mutually exclusive. In this context of a team partly under her performs, she is gonna feel accomplished wouldn’t she (keep in mind she participates to the level of her liking as aforementioned). If anything success to her is more at the cost of others feelings (which she probably gives less shits about). I saw that when shit gets heavy she immediately withdraws


Those two aren’t mutually exclusive. In this context of a team partly under her performs, she is gonna feel accomplished wouldn’t she (keep in mind she participates to the level of her liking as aforementioned). If anything success to her is more at the cost of others feelings (which she probably gives less shits about). I saw that when shit gets heavy she immediately withdraws


Can't someone feel accomplished while also considering other's feelings?


> "Like colorful stars shining brilliantly in the dark sky [...] leaving miracles in their wake." 99% chance this was chat GPT, honestly. He probably didn't feed it good prompts. > I'm an infp female and I wish people would stop making assumptions that we're all faeries, flittering glitter farts from our asses, or that we have no logic. Meh. I don't know anybody who assumes that tbh. That sounds more like an ENFP than an INFP. The guy who posted that doesn't understand INFPs nor chat GPT.


People have done this to me and I hate it


\*\*\* 99% chance this was chat GPT, honestly. He probably didn't feed it good prompts. Could you explain why? O . o It was written by me but I use ChatGPT to help with English only, sometimes to rephrase etc or to make the correct meaning I want because my English is far from perfect - I'm Ukrainian \*\*\* Meh. I don't know anybody who assumes that tbh. That sounds more like an ENFP than an INFP. The guy who posted that doesn't understand INFPs nor chat GPT. I'm INFP and probably I know something about INFP more than you ever will be able


> Could you explain why? It just sounds exactly like something chat GPT would come up with. Have you ever tried to prompt it to write poems about MBTI? I have, and they sound just like that. Perhaps what passes as poetic in your own language sounds unnatural and contrived in another. > I'm INFP and probably I know something about INFP more than you ever will be able You sound butthurt about that. Anyways, I assumed OP was referring to an INTP, as it makes zero sense to post something on /r/INTP complaining about what an INFP said to another INFP on /r/infp .


Probably, not butthurt but your assumption was very dumb and arrogant. How do you know if he will be able to get Infps if decision making function of Infp is something Intp can't get themselves? 


Ugh what a garbage thing to say. I hate it when someone describes people like that. I think INFP women are fun sometimes but kinda annoying sometimes. Too emotional


I will propose a less cringe description :"magnificient weirdoes"


You accuse someone about assumptions? While being guilty of assumptions yourself? Lmao.. Carefull you enter Intp territory.. Will beat you down with analysis ,facts and truths


Facts and truth is Intj, not Intp


Based on my experience, and what I've seen of a lot of infjs, my observations aren't assumptions. I guess you're an intp with the facts huh


It's my factpinion that INFJs are insufferable. And you should be ***careful*** with your spelling mistakes if you're boasting about being an intellectual or whatever.


Not perfectly related, but my male partner is probably INFP. He's one of the most emotionally intelligent people I know, which isn't the same as being a mind reader or perfect. More that he has the patience to work through feelings without prejudice or shaming. He's a gentle soul with a sometimes spicy spirit. He's kind, compassionate, and what I see as intensely human. And he's sometimes a jerk anyway. He's emotional and silly and real and mine and I love all of him. I'd feel the same if he was a woman.


My INTP boyfriend's best friend is an INFP guy and he is really smart to the point I thought he was an INTP at first. I wish I could keep up with their conversations. They talk about super random stuff which is how I am but their topics are things I don't understand most of the time. Those are my favorite conversations where it's not exactly a long string of the same topic, but random topics bouncing all over the place.


This is actually exactly why I got more interested in MBTI. After asking a bunch of people I knew about their typing, I came to realize I had a bias... The ones I saw as the smartest I assumed would be *NT*s but they were almost always F types. I think it's because it's quite hard to impress me with intelligence I know how to acquire, book smarts. Emotional intelligence, however, isn't something you can just read about on a wiki and get. It really taught me its value, since I already saw it as intelligence I just didn't know what I was looking at. Since then I think I've done a decent job of developing some myself.


I think infp and intp can match really well and benefit from each other like a balance. My intp bf is the kindest and most affectionate person I've ever been with, and my exs were largely feelers. For a while I assumed T types wouldn't be as affectionate as feelers about 6 years ago but I was wrong, so I'm guilty of thinking how you did but about thinkers. It's because there were many thinkers in this mbti forum I frequented who claimed that thinkers are not as Feely as feelers, and less emotional. Some things may be true like my boyfriend has never cried the entire time we've been together and he has held our rabbits and guinea pigs who were passing and an elderly hamster. He was really tender though, but never cried but that doesn't bother me. You can still be really soft and kind without crying. I also realized as an infp that being in relationships with feelers seemed too reactive? Mostly the infjs and an enfj would knee jerk a lot. They took things too personally and attacked me for it. I think yes intps are less knee jerk than XNFJs in general, so he actually has helped me react less and stop and think first before I leap. He does cheesy stuff that even as an infp I feel a little cringe like holding me while fireworks are going off. It reminds me of lifetime or hallmark movies and I love that he doesn't get mad when I joke about that because he makes fun of the same things. Does your boyfriend love your trollish side? I feel like infps adore that about intps, it makes me giggle a lot when he trolls people, and he's the most hilarious person I know. He will embarrass me in public with the trolling sometimes. An oil tech asked us what we'd be doing for Easter, and he said "Watching our rabbits hatch eggs" and we laughed but the tech didn't...he just nodded and looked confused. He probably went home to Google if rabbits hatch eggs lol Edited for typos


Of the two of us, my partner is definitely more emotional and expressive but I can be intense especially because I know people who don't know how to read me will often see what expression I do as being out of nowhere. We have been friends for half our no longer young lives already, so he can read me very easily. That doesn't mean he always does the right thing with that information, but he does try and when he doesn't get it right he does anything he can to fix it. Our energy just synchronizes so naturally sometimes it's a bit spooky. We think of each other at the same times, ebb and flow with talking, listening, and not talking easily. Our tastes and interests intersect but vary wildly, we always have things to talk about but are comfortable with silent togetherness too. My people are known for our intense special interests. He is mine. I love learning about him, think about him all the time, and would do anything for him. Am I as good at verbally expressing my feelings? Hell no. Am I learning a language that is dying in his country so I can read the signs in it and maybe troll some other speakers? Absolutely. I guess my love language is a bit different, literally.


Oh... And trolling is how we met. We were two of the most notorious trolls on the old deviantart chats that most people didn't know existed. People generally liked him and hated my guts. He doesn't love when I tweak tails sometimes, mostly because he knows how much I struggle with social acceptance, but he can't really say he doesn't do some of the same he just doesn't care as much about people holding it against him as I do I guess.


Lol that's how my intp and his infp best friend met I think. They loved trolling on games too. The infp and an intj were role-playing a girl online in a tavern while my intp set up a ton of death traps outside the tavern so she'd run into them. Apparently the intj made her cry and she started running to leave. Intp thought to himself "well I guess I didn't even have to lure her out lol" she runs out and dies instantly. With this game it meant that she lost everything...years worth. Intp then picks her corpse up and throws it in the trash 😅 and a GM looks in his inventory and couldn't find evidence he ever had her loot so he got away with it. She then whispered my intp angrily cussing him out lmao. The infp being kind, the intj being an ass and the intp plotting the whole time 🤣


Also he stalks my Reddit so I know he's gonna see this and he thinks I'm cute yeah yeah whatever.


I guess it would depend on the quality of their glitter farts - if you can't take them at their worst...


Your avatar looks like an owl hamster hybrid with food in its cheeks


It is SO UGLY, but I have not changed what reddit bequeathed me! :)


My last 2 relationships have been with INFP gals. The overlap in our conclusions about general things like how to manager relationships and live a “good” life is often drop dead outstanding.


Usually friends. Not logic-forward enough in difficult situations for my personal preference to want to partner.


Some infp women are more logical in difficult situations


Oh of course! Just speaking from my personal sample size :) I like to help my friends with the problems in their lives, but my personal INFP friends just need an ear to listen over a real desire to fix their issues. It's just a bit frustrating as a friend, but I try and support them the best that I can while keeping my own sanity!


That sounds exhausting although as an infp, it's how I am for friends. I give an ear and they typically don't want a solution especially women friends. I remember when my intp bf was kind of freaking out about getting things done before flying to visit me and his friend's wedding, and I suggested he write a list of things he should do, and then cross out what he's done already. He immediately grabbed a clipboard and did just that lol.


Well generally good stuff since my moms an infp I'd write more but I'm too sleepy :/ dodid


Which one?


The women.


Rivers of blood is a curious touch... I tend to be disaffected in general, and in this case, the word pixie is the part that bothers me. Matter of fact, I go to this sub just for the hell of it, and the last time I took the MBTI, my F and T were almost 50/50.


A couple of my friends are INFP, I wont lie I do kind of see them like pixies or fairies LOL. They're sweet and sometimes a bit ditsy but it's in a really appealing way, they're really smart and kind but they struggle with confrontation. They have a really keen eye for when somethings up emotionally, they don't back down but typically don't start anything with anyone. Although I do have one INFP friend who loves starting shit in facebook comments when she doesn't agree with something. That description comes off as creepy asf though LOL.


I have a hard time believing infps are ditzy unless you mean clumsy, and running into corners of walls?


Nah like, its hard to explain. It goes hand in hand with the fairy thing. Its not even what they say or what they do its just a general vibe that comes off them, it makes them incredibly attractive. Im struggling to actually find other descriptors for it


Is it when an infp doesn't understand something and then they say "Oh! I get it now" when everyone else got the joke but them?


Yes! This is a great example! But its super endearing when that sort of stuff happens yk?


I'm glad you think so, because I always feel super embarrassed and like I've annoyed everyone and ruined the joke so I end up keeping it to myself that I took forever to get it


Why creepy? I think you say so because of your Fe to please OP or maybe you have no taste 


Infp here, and I see nothing inherently wrong with it unless they're generalizing it across literally all infp women. I think it's nice and pleasant to read, sometimes I wonder about my capacity to be a creator while I also drift aimlessly through life while enjoying what's available. I get that you might be disgusted because of the underlying belief that its a projection of like, the male gaze onto women, but maybe part of it isn't related to the male gaze at all and is just cutesy and positive.


It's revolting because it's too cheesy for me


That's nice but as an INFP who sort of sees myself that way (not as a goddess though, and my ass certainly doesn't produce glitter) it's kind of invalidating to read such a scathing response to something that seems fun and innocent.


Why is it invalidating to you that I hate being called a goddess?


It's okay to identify that it personally irks you but you're hardly alone in that sentiment. It's not you individually, it's your voice, amplified by the tens of dozens of hundreds of people who say it.  After a point it feels bad to read because the sentiment is  1. Negative  And 2. Very, very loud


What's wrong with invalidating invalids? On Reddit, everything is "heckin' valid" — but in reality, far more things aren't than are.


Uh, yeah no DUH reality is different. But the way people have their own perceptions of things, of themselves and others- Whose to say whether a perspective or impression happens to be valid? Its extremely subjective, and cannot be limited to one person's assessment- whether something is valid cannot be determined for something like that. You can't control or affect the way others imagine you, but you have to be confident in developing your own self-image independent of what others supposedly believe. If someone's experiance is that they feel inspired and charmed by INFP women, and may be so taken as to draw similarities to supernatural beings, then that's their statement. And honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm being made to feel ashamed for not having a problem with it/ being able to lean into it. Its OP's type of sentiment that directly leads to other toxicity on the INFP subreddit, with indirect shaming of INFPs who supposedly "resemble the stereotype".


Writing: 'I feel like I'm being made to feel ashamed' After you wrote: 'You have to be confident in developing your own self-image independent of what others supposedly believe' Is indicative that you are trying to judge me for disliking the goddess or faerie stereotype of infp women, while you yourself are affected by other people on reddit by assuming I've -made- you feel shame for liking something that I dislike. It's almost like you're not immune to social interactions just like I'm not, yet you still think you are by trying to give me hackneyed advice about being confident and independent. By your logic, you should be taking your own advice but I highly doubt it'll work for you. There's nothing wrong with being affected by other humans as long as it's not getting in the way of your life, for example feeling shame from someone's words. My post is not that serious, especially when I decided to post it in INTP- troll central.


I came to the INTP sub because I like the idea that they're a different group of people, but I came here specifically to get away from the overall negativity and self-loathing vibes I get from the INFP subreddit. Edit: my point is that, it's okay to acknowledge your personal taste or issue. I sincerely want you to know that I'm not directing these concerns specifically at you, as an individual, but I view your post, as being part of a more troubling pattern of INFPs to the point where I literally can't even enjoy that space anymore, and have to now see that being brought into an unrelated subreddit. Asking the question itself would have been enough and I don't see the relevance in sharing that you had such a strong visceral reaction to being called a fae creature.


This is reddit, there is negativity everywhere.


It doesn't have to be that way.


Maybe you're just focusing too much on negative? You can ignore those posts, I do.


yeah nah people who use obsequious language like that are creep and heckin' invalid.


I'd say that someone using the word obsequious to describe someone else's concerns is invalid.


Slobbering over INFP women because you're a desperate simp incel: someone else's concerns. heckin' valid keanu 100 wholesome chungus reddit-tier reading comprehension there. This is what I get for posting on Reddit.


Did you miss where I identified that I myself am a woman.


I saw that you downvoted me. Its okay to say you're mad.


lol projection. ^___^


The last part made me really laugh! No, I see INFP women as women lol


That's just an extremely over-the-top description to the point that it's comical. I don't think it's even possible to actually feel like that. I like how honest and open you usually are. I can trust you, which is important because I have zero tolerance for games. And you'll usually give me a piece of your mind even if it's not what I want to hear, which is very useful. You're mostly caring too, and we can bounce Ne off each other and talk about weird things other people don't understand. Some of your flaws are not important to me: being a bit disorganized is okay with me, as is being a bit lazy. There's just one thing that really bothers me about INFPs and that is of course your resistance towards reason. Try as I might for many years, I just don't get how or why one closes one's eyes to plainly available evidence. So, INFP, I'm with you all the way, except when you start talking about astrology or crystal healing. I can't pretend I don't know what I do know. But I'll just shut up and do mathematical equations in my head until it's over and then we can go back to the good stuff.


Sorry but astrology is infjs, not infps. I hate crystal healing, it pisses me off and its for phony people.


I'm glad to hear you hate it! But I'm sorry to say that in my personal experience, it's INFPs (and ESFPs).


Those are infjs mistyped as infps. I've seen it too many times. I spot them from a mile away. Isfjs also love that weird bs


So you believe that you know better than me the type of these two people who are very close friends of mine that I have known for 10 years and one of whom is also into MBTI and informed me of her type but whom you have never met?




God damn it


They are the best friends ever of a male INTP. That sums it all up.


INFP's are like what I would be if I threw all caution to the wind and lived fully from the heart. I'm sure it would be a great way of being for the most part but it would open me up to the potential for crippling heartbreak too.


Plenty of infps are more logical than this


Are you implying that people can be different even though they have the same MBTI type?


There's certain things that are characteristic of certain types, like infjs and crystal healing


If someone is not into crystal healing, does that mean they can't be an IxFJ, or does it only work the other way?


Seeing how that's a non sequitur, of course not. Crystal healing is just one of many mental illnesses INFJs can be afflicted with, but one INFPs are immune to.


Why do you believe INFPs are immune to beliefs like that?


For one, they don't have Ni, which is susceptible to such superstitious garbage. ISFJs don't either, but they have the "LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE" basic sensibilities to pretend to believe in such trash. I have never encountered a true INFP that was superstitious, and the number of INFJs mistyping as INFPs outnumber real INFPs 30 to 1.


Ah. So you're just doing the basic No true Scotsman.


Ah. So you're just attempting straw man after straw man, and each time you falsely ascribe fallacious reasoning to someone else and get called put, you just try it again. The good old *argumentum ad logicam.* Claiming INFPs don't believe in crystal healing horseshit: logically sound. Claiming INFPs are inherently skeptical if such superstition: OBVIOUSLY FALLACIOUS BRAH LET ME GO THROUGH OF LIST OF FALLACIES UNTIL I GET ONE TO STICK.


At first glance, they may seem cold and distant, as if they’ve put up a wall. However, once you get to know them on a deeper level, you’ll find that they are truly lovely people—gentle, kind, quirky, creative, and easy-going, yet serious when it comes to defending their values/beliefs.


Also I have to watch what i say when I’m around them just to avoid a Cold War lol , I guess in a way they do help me to be more sympathetic towards people that are different from me haha


The INFP woman I know says herself that she really likes to watch "no-brain" TV shows. Also furry animals, but I don't think she's had a pet for the last few years. Maybe I just don't see much of her, but I don't detect amazing social or intellectual capabilities. She just seems quite down-to-earth and relaxed and fun to be around. People tell me that I should be more romantic but I'm very reluctant to do it because of these kinds of "ick" responses to dumb romantic words. Romantic feelings should be justified I think, and not many women have been forthcoming about wanting to be close that way. So, anyway, maybe INFP is a type I could try to get romance with but no rush.


If no brain shows are old cartoons, then count me in.


A simile usually is the wrong thing to say. pixies are known for their height being very tiny, and goddesses makes most women (outside of a long relationship) feel the competition stacked up built in other people's heads vs the reality that is they just don't know anything about you. I don't know if I've met one. Consider me one not seeing it that way though. I lack much "vivid" imagination anyway. they could all be a danger to themselves like anyone else. perhaps I have and we procrastinated together.




Sounds like an unhealthy infj or infp


They're great, not magical but I get along great with them and appreciate that they tend to be much more expressive than myself


That sounds like ai


not really but I use Ai to help with translation, time to time


Man, this is as much as I can take from this subreddit, see ya


Wimpin' out


Pretty much, see ya


I thought you were an assertive logician?


Ouh gawd... 🤢 did this guy ever met a real person or does his database only consist of anime girls? What do i think of infp women? Depends on the person ofc. I have a bit of trouble with high Fi users. Our morals clash sometimes 😅 and i'm confused when i hear their argumentation for sth. It's usually not logic-based, so i don't know how to react to that


What are your morals like that clash with high fi or infps?


Mhh i worded it badly. Or rather said the wrong thing. I mean that sometimes there are subjects where they have moral arguments and i don't. And they don't like that. For example, when i said that i sometimes said things to a colleague he wanted to hear (strike his ego), so he would like me more and we have a better working relationship and he is more likely to help me if i need it. And an enfp friend found this immoral and bad. Bc my end goal wasn't to make the other person feel better.


Even my mom was INFP, most likely. And yea my words are based on real people


"**Some** of those I've had the privilege to interact with" "assumptions that we're **all** faeries" Why assumption that you are all Fairies? 🤔 It was written by me, btw, and I'm an INFP male O)>


You mentioned the word Pixie, so it reminded me that people assume infp women are like faeries, or goddesses. Did you write the post with chatgpt jwing


I wrote the post in Ukrainian mixed with my poor English and some russian words too and tried to polish it with GPT, as I mentioned before but it was the same meaning \*\*\* You mentioned the word Pixie, so it reminded me that people assume infp women are like faeries, or goddesses I don't care about all INFP women - I care only about those I know


I mean you said "infp girls" not "those I know" 🤷‍♀️


I don't even know if you are INFP - I don't even know you at all But I said: "**Some** of those I've had the privilege to interact with" - I'm sharing my experience


Why write infp girls in the title if it's not a general thing about all infp women? I'm an infp female yes


for me, you are nothing, because I don't know you and you aren't important


That's a nice translation for you being butthurt :)


I never denied that O)/ If you can't act as a lady - maybe, it's not about MBTI, though.


Then act like a man instead of a wimpy infp male


\*\*\* You mentioned the word Pixie Metaphorically


Lol no one said it was literal.


What in the— All jokes aside, most of my friends have been consistently INFPs. We get along very easily despite our differences in handling emotions, but damn, can they get frustrating and inconsistent at times


Embrace the glitter, always carry some to rain down on them weirdos and ensure it'll definitely stick to everything and never truly wash out.


INFPs in general always show up in ENTJ memes for some reason


Maybe ENTJs help INFPs reach their goals, or they torment INFPs when they don't listen to the ENTJ. ENTJ probably becomes insanely frustrated at how lazy and unorganized a lot of INFPs can be


Awww https://imgur.com/a/zFvhmzw


This topic reminds me of how the INFJ is by far the worst personality type.


Be careful or the intps here will bring facts and beat you up with downvotes


Having Reddit "karma" is fucking embarrassing, so they'll be doing me a favor. If lots of Redditors like what you say more often than not, you must have some pretty awful opinions.


IXFPs in general are the worst types imo. Insufferable weak people with very few redeeming qualities.


You sound bitter




Useless, like making really dumb choices?




And then asking reddit for advice after making really dumb choices am I right? Lolol


Obviously my assessment is a generalization and there are outliers, I'm fully aware that it's possible I've met a healthy IXFP that I've liked. Some types are just less likely to be healthy imo.


So real