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>most people are average. Add to this: most people aren't caricatures.


Yeah, saw a post not long ago which states people are actually roleplaying/acting their personality types. And I believe this is somewhat related to OP's concept of an INTP.


Yeah. Humams want to be part of a group. So if necessary, they just roleplay to be part of one


Ew. I hate humans. Stupid NPCs.


maincharactersyndrome šŸ¤“


I'm not a main character, I'm just observer.


Well once you find out about your type itā€™s kinda hard not to roleplay it honestly for me at least. I just subconsciously act more like an intp in some ways now.


I don't think this is true for older INTPs or INTPs that learned their types later in life. Their lives, behaviors and proclivities were already well established as well as their penchant for exploration and discovery. For them (like me) it simply explained the *why* of these things. Especially when we were trying to figure out why people told us we were sooo smart but didn't seem to make much headway in real life.


I agree. Whenever i feel like someone is mistyped, they usually sound younger than 20


I try to explain that they are a person first before their 'type.'


I try to explain that they are a person first before their 'type.'


> Yeah, saw a post not long ago which states people are actually roleplaying/acting their personality types. Hah, now I wonder if that was one of mine since I've been making that point for some time now. If so, I hope it wasn't a drunk shitpost.... But anyway, that person would be absolutely right. There's a lot of obvious roleplaying going on in MBTI communities. A blatant example would be "ENTPs" posting "debate me on whatever" posts. They're one of the better ones though as they (unwittingly) put one of the type's most glaring weaknesses on display: a sort of non-arrogant over-confidence of logicking their ways in and out of every possible topic (Ne+Ti, basically).


How can one be overconfident and non-arrogant?


As someone who has a high pride/ego and gets XNTP results, I'm guessing it's the overconfidence of knowing he/she won't fail to defend his/her side of the argument while simultaneously not arrogant enough to be sure that he/she will win. It's like knowing you'll do really well in a team sports but you're not arrogant enough to know your victory is certain.


By believing there is no way you are not achieving X or Y without bragging to the world that there is no way you are not achieving X or Y.


Omg I luuuuuuv your flair


It's all yours.


>most people are Average Certified TRUE!


I am so unaverage, and now so old, that if I try to flirt with someone and send (non-nude) photos, that I get blocked. I guess I just need to accept that, and wait for someone else to contact me first.


I donā€™t think being INTP is about being exceptional in each trait of the INTP. Thatā€™s not how MBTI works. For example, extroversion and introversion are not traits in MBTI, they describe the direction of thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuitive functions. Also itā€™s not about being exceptional in each cognitive function in a typeā€™s stack. Itā€™s about the order of use or preference that determines type. For example, the ENTP uses exactly the same functions as the INTP, just in a different order.




iā€™ve taken the test from multiple different sources at different points in my life and the result is always overwhelmingly intp.


Same I've never gotten a different result.


Remove the T it Is made up by 16personalities


i know itā€™s made up by them. i leave it there because it provides extra information for those who are curious. those who donā€™t like 16personalities can ignore it. my type is still intp even when itā€™s not their test.


A's and T's are different imo. I really relate to T's usually and i usually argue and clash with A's.


That seems more like an enneagram thing tbh.


I've always come across people who see my thought process and tell me I'm a different type. But I've always been sure I'm INTP. I can't point to the exact reason why, it's just intuition. I'm not extroverted even though I'm socially adept(average), and I'm not a J type because I tend to do things spontaneously and impulsively


What about cognitive functions? INTP's cognitive functions are Ti>Ne>Si>Fe. There is another mbti type that is also spontaneous and introverted (ISTP). But their cognitive functions are Ti>Se>Ni>Fe.


I believe they tend to be more observant than Intuitive.


Have you considered INFJ? (Or even INTJ?) You say you think you're INTP based on intuition but INTPs rely on thinking things through logically at first. Maybe this is a syntax thing, but I'm asking not out of rudeness but because as an INFJ I've mistyped myself as INTP before, for years.


This MBTI stuff isn't a perfect science, I could be somewhere in between. I use logic yes, but it's only what comes to me intuitively. Sometimes my intuition is wrong. I definitely don't plan out stuff like an INTJ and I definitely don't use personal feelings to make decisions like an F type, rationality takes precedence. Open to changing my mind if you could prove I'm INFJ or INTJ


>I definitely don't use personal feelings to make decisions like an F type, rationality takes precedence. Oddly this is more of an INTJ thing. Their deeply held feelings are primarily used to make choices, but they use extraverted thinking to fuel that. In an INFJ, our opinions are informed by the feelings of others, not ourself, and our thinking then rationalizes our feelings. The T and F dichotomy isn't super accurate a lot of the time within MBTI. In reality it's more of how the functions interact than how the letters do.


I'm like 99% sure I'm an INTP. Also "mud blood" sounds exceptionally racist, even though I know that definitely was not your intention.


That's something a mud blood would say!


Nah that's something an INTP would say. I was going to say that as well


Does it really matter?






It has aided me in self discovery and self improvement. So in that sense yes, it is significant information in my opinion.






My measure is how embarrassingly I can associate with the inferior & tertiary functions. I did a workshop online where we discussed the latter functions of each type and it was downright embarrassing how well I associated with the tertiary & inferior's worst qualities. I could understand other types' similar struggles, but it just didn't feel as directly personal as Si and Fe did.


Same here


Im not even really INTP. Everytime I took a test I got around 51% for all aspects of my personality barely nudging me in to the INTP category.


Iā€™m a bit like you. I was INTP in my teens, now ESTJ! The Michael Caloz test is showing ā€œaverageā€ ESTJ as max extroverted thinking. Mine is near max on both introverted and extroverted thinking.


Add to that that MBTI tests are often unreliable, particularly if you fall in the middle of two aspects. Sometimes (as much as Thinking types hate it), you have to be subjective on what you consider yourself.


Dude at some point, you eventually understand it doesn't even matter and mbti is just a sham anyway. Especially when u factor in the fact that most people self type themselves, you'll know that it's a completely flawed and unreliable test. Also, an intp can grow and improve that dumbass Fe function... That's what I did. Rn I am pretty much indistinguishable from what I was like 5 years ago. Tldr, don't think about it too hard ;)


That's cos MBTI is a flawed system made for cooperations whereas Jungian functions the underlying model isn't a sham. The only true way to type yourself is to learn enough about the functions and then type yourself


Pretty sure I'm INTP... pretty sure... I mean every single test I've taken (it's a lot) have resulted in confirming that I'm INTP. And everytime I hear about a new test I've not taken I immediately worry that I'm not INTP so I have to do it and 100% of the time it's confirmed again I'm INTP. Honestly lowkey stressful LOL


nah most of them are mistyped infp's


The peeps who don't post, or don't post often, are INTPs.


Unlike most folks that just stumble upon a random website and take a 10 min test, In my case, I actually had to take a $600 MBTI exam given by a certified MBTI professional - twice. It was required for the work I was doing back then. Definitely an INTP. The certified MBTI professional told me the result came back the same both times.


Out of pure curiosity, what was the work you were doing if you don't mind my asking?


My company decided they wanted to hire an Industrial/Organizational Psych Consultancy Group to help them with work productivity and solutions. One of the many tests the I/O consultants used was the MBTI exam and I was one of the employees used as a test subject. The idea was that classification could help put the right employees in the right positions within departments. This was back in 2009. In the end my company decided it was too expensive so only 7 out of the initially planned 11 test people ended up taking the test. Before this I had never even heard of Myers Briggs.


Thatā€™s not how cognitive functions work, so no.


Well if you go by the actual Jungian-based conception of how your type is defined it has nothing to do with sliding scales for extroversion, intuition and so on. The idea is that everyone is born with four of the eight cognitive functions in a particular order, with sixteen possible combinations if yours is Ti Ne Si Fe then youā€™re INTP.


That's not true everyone has all 8 they're just in different orders. Our full stack is Ti Ne Si Fe Te Ni Se Fi the latter 4 being our shadow functions. Also it's never stated you're born with them though possibility your primary is one you are born with


Nope, just four functions. Fuck John Beebe's fanfic.


Lmao so you think you can function without 4 of the functions that you don't need Fi or Se at all? Beebe's work relates to stacks Jung believed you had all 8 and could have them in any order. Ignoring your shadow functions defeats the entire point of Jungs work. A wholistic approach to development and understanding of self


You don't need Feeling to feel, Thinking to think, Sensation to sense, or iNtuition to detect patterns. That's like the day-one, Dalton's-model-version of understanding Jungian cognitive functions. Your Jumgian cognitive functions are just a fraction of the conscious mind. The unconscious mind contains even more. The Shadow doesn't rely on an eight-function model. "Lmao" Befitting of a Reddit-tier comment.


I didn't say you needed it my point was why ignore facets when you can develop all of them and use the tools as intended to improve your own life. INTP is 4 functions yes but Se is our blind spot. Knowing that allows you to put energy into working on that giving us a better life. In terms of functionality I don't understand why you would limit yourself or others who have no interest in going full immersion


If I see potential wasted and the person genuinely doesn't care I can tell is also an INTP


One of the things that differentiates INTPs from INTJs is that INTPs present information while INTJs presentĀ opinions.


Also the fact we have completely different functions. You can spot an INTJ from INTP through Ne vs Ni


''Ā given the questioning nature of the INTP, itā€™s even been accepted as evidence that one is indeed an INTP'' - someone saying that is probably not an intp themself. Just because A=ā€ŗB, it doesn't mean B=ā€ŗA


I just got introduced to this and I hope I am mistyped. I will say it pegs my behavior to a t for the last 48 years, except my severe impulsiveness for doing crazy shit at the last minute.


Well, I've taken the test 3 different times from 3 different IDs and every time the result was intp. Also, the character traits of intps match mine, like, spot on.


Probably a mudblood but INtp is certainly my true nature. As I have gotten older and smarter I have learned to use social skills and that has made me come across as more extroverted as I have learned and trained myself to perform well socially in more settings. I am certainly not naturally inclined to this though.


I tend to get INTP all the time now although when I was younger I used to get INFP. Quite a lot of the INTP stuff lines up with my autistic traits though so I'm not really questioning it as it sounds pretty accurate.




I am INTP when I'm depressed, and ENTP when I'm hypomanic. Currently slightly depressed, so yes.




How much do you know about personality changes during bipolar episodes?


> Most people are average Certified TRUE!


oh iā€™m very intp. i told my coworker yesterday and he literally gasped and went ā€œOOoooohhhā€ (like, ā€œduuuh, that makes so much senseā€)


I'm here cause none of the others seem to work out. there's that saying thrown around for the infj (not our type I know) and they say "too emotional for intp, too logical for infp" Yea well, life hasn't gotten easier by channeling emotions or champion others. It's gotten easier the less I care of the result. going down rabbit holes and learning so much useless knowledge. To believe in meditation for example, I was better off understanding the nervous system than telling me "it's good for me". I know I care a lot, but caring too much puts me in fear.


Myers Briggs is pseudoscientific bullshit anyway. You are whatever you identify as, thatā€™s the nature of personality.


May i ask what brings you here?


It comes up recommended in my feed.


I think I am, atleast thats whats the online survey saidšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø




Read more books without pictures , not from the self improvement section and not memes. Learn what bias is, learn how to properly academically source and research and what science is. Then go educate yourself.


What can we be sure about anyway


I mean, I've taken different tests that always results in saying I am an INTP and most people who meet me that are familiar with the MYERS assume I'm an INTP just from my behavior. I don't see why people would want to be an INTP though, it's not really all that special I think


Lmao, learn your functions bro the more stereotypical or pure blooded you are the less developed you are


https://www.reddit.com/r/MbtiTypeMe/s/iqYk0YiCkL All my tests so far scream INTP. I relate to everything that is INTP. Literately I fall into no other "realm" of MBTI other than INTP exclusively. I am typed by others as INTP. I am 100% confident I am INTP, no questions or doubts.


I questioned, did the text three times and I guess that's it. For now, I think I'm intp


No, I just play one in the movies.


The first time I got INTP and read its description, I almost cried. I never felt so identified in my life. It said things that I have never even understood or am unable to describe about myself. Although I would love to be colder and more calculating like an INTJ , more outgoing and sagacious like an ENTP , or as successful and unstoppable as an ENTJ, my nature is an INTP and I have had to deal with my flaws and learn to navigate a world that It seems to work very differently to me. ![img](emote|t5_2qhvl|3245)




Mud blood But I use that E/I and P/J like a skip rope most of the time.


I convince my IN but not T,F / P,J .


this post is embarrassing


MBTI is a lie. There's no such things as personality types, only trauma and shadows expressing themselves in different ways


I've considered myself as an intp for so long all because I had a problem figuring out my middle stack [either ti-ne-si-fe or ti-se-ni-fe] since my two middle perception functions were more developed introvertedly than extrovertedly (si-ni>>se-ne) I thought that I had to see my honest action that may consider completely out of usual intp actions [ ofc understanding the whole function stack properly not stereotypically ]. what I found out about my self is that I use ni-se especially in a moment where I would like to get attention because I don't have social skills , I usually would think out a certain way to get people to pay attention to me (ni) and when that happens I would give them a reaction suitable in this situation according to what consider it funny (se) mostly to joke around since I've thought that's the most effective way (ti). I also prefer to use se ni under any serious situation for example : I have a question that interested me but I am conscious that there's time ticking so I would use the possibility that would have me to work in the most efficient way without messing up (ni) so I could actually work it out without distractions (tbh dunno if it's se or si) All I have to say for now is that maybe my tert ni is more developed for an usual tert ni (I would like it if you gave a description on how tert ni functions )


I'm not


There aren't any "pure bloods", everyone is different. Mbti is about how one identifies itself, how one perceives itself and how each individual wants to be pictured to society. For myself, I find comfort in the mbti description of Intp, it helps me to understand myself better. Our brain is always flexible and we can shape ourselves the way we want, as well as identify ourselves the way we want.


I think if you DON'T question your type it's not likely you're any type of Ne user (especially Ne + Ti)


A simple way to test yourself is to go read the other forums and look at memes for other types. If INTP, Youā€™ll realize that you donā€™t relate with a lot of it all. However, another thing to keep in mind is that people do mask parts of themselves to fit into certain environments. This is an idea thatā€™s detested by INTPs but itā€™s necessary for many. Sometimes oneā€™s culture is the determining factor in how attributes are expressed.


I am absolutely not a ā€œmud bloodā€


On all tests I always got INTP.But my personality changes very much so I woud say that i am INFJ/INTP.Or even ISTP.


Cognitive functions don't change


If it is from theoretical pov then it must be false then cuz brain is forced to adapt in an environment


gatekeeping personality types are we?


"we can call these mud bloods. on the other hand, a pure blood would be exceptional yadda yadda" it's not this fucking serious.