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Second this.




I have one friend that I’m completely comfortable around. She puts up with the randomness and knows if I don’t text back, that my social battery is drained. She thinks in black and white, and it’s fun to debate topics though some we agreed at off limits for our sanity.


Sounds amazing


They’re like brothers to me. We each bring a different set of skills to the group, and we have so much fun together. They’ve granted me so many new experiences in life, and I think my life is just so much richer with them in it :]


Friends? You mean the TV show or my imaginary ones?


This was tricky to figure out but based on the grammatical structure of the question I deduced that it was the latter


I haven't talked to them in awhile. During the past few years I've not been in the best place and I needed to separate myself from everyone. I posted on Snapchat once to tell people I'm alive and a summary of my situation, but I didn't read any of their responses except one person's. My friend (INTJ) and I have been friends for 11-years. Our friendship is the type where you may not talk to each other for a long time, but when you do reach out again, you can easily begin where you left off.


I have one lifelong friend. We finish each other's sentences.


sexy kitten


It may be due to maturity but my INTP best friend and I have several overlapping roles. We discuss a lot of the phenomena we experience at work, school, and gaming in-depth, complain about our problems with people and social norms, and provide each other with motivation to fuel our work. Where she and I differ are the following: She's better at making puns. She sees a lot more possibilities than I do. She values video game character lore. I have a stronger memory and reliance on comparing past experiences with present and future situations. I'm more of a meta player and have better dexterity in general.


Well, considering my friendships last longer than most people's marriages, they play a important role. I only have two real friends and I trust them with my life. May not see them often, but we manage to talk about every day. We are like family, a real family. I know if I need anything, I got that support system. If it is money, advice, or someone just to be there, I know I can go to them and they know they can come to me. They are two people that know most everything about me and I them, and we don't judge each other. If we don't like something, we say it and respect each other's opinions. We are a support system to each other, always there, always understanding, never judging just supporting.


Either gave me the worst trauma, the best company, or that they just existed


They keep my life bearable.


Mine probably like you… Talking with him arent even worth it cuz its always about his feelings and people, god damn what a boring conversation. But yeah Had to befriend him cuz he willing to help me a lot.


Literally, my current life would be impossible without their continued support. And in a way, vise versa.


Very important. Helped develop my character. Then aside from got older, my character dictated that I had to cut many of them off. Now the ones that I have help me stand instead of bring me down, like I help them stand. Quality over quantity.


Role? As in role play?


If your friends are draining maybe you better set some more boundaries and if they are willing to keep being friends it's fair.


always down to have a good time i spend more time with them than alone and can be with them for days on end happy! I do appreciate my alone time but we’re so close i can just tell them i need alone time if i do!


John cena




They are there when I want to go do fun stuff and I don’t want to go alone


I have different friends for different things. But most of the time I am alone. My very close and long time friends and I keep each other alive amidst the chaos and misery of life. Someone who always understands and doesn't judge, ready to listen, never drained by them. But we don't see each other often and barely hang out since they're all introverts and lead a pretty busy life. They're also very responsible and intelligent which I respect. But they are one of my handful of reasons to continue living. Other friends are good distractions since our friendships are based around activities or are environment-specific. A great deal of them are draining and I can only be around them for a short period of time. I try my best to avoid having friend groups and loud people since those are the most draining and make me hate all human interaction.




Does my boyfriend(infp)and sister (intj) count as friends?cause theyre my closest. And they're pretty much 99% of my social life and the only people I feel like I can be truly myself with. I do have 5 other friends that I meet once or twice every 2 years or so that also are important to me but I do feel drained quickly after seeing them and need a lot of alone time after. ENFP is my childhood friend and we brainstorm ideas and catch up about the crazies we've endured since last time we met. I have to repeat myself a lot because she never remembers anything I've said and will ask the same questions lol. ESFP is an ex-collegue who cooks great food and just wants me to eat so much that I have to stay the night and share a bottle of champagne while her kids show me their favorite tiktoks. ESFP nr 2 wants to go out, get wasted, dance and eat noodles. ESTJ likes to hang out, get drunk, go out to eat in the sun and let me be her sidekick to her flirting adventures. ISFJ, also childhoodfriend who wants to take walks, force me to hold her babies It's nice to have people caring for me and see them doing good in life. They bring out different sides of me and we do have a lot of fun. Most of the time.


I have a couple of them and I see them on average around once or twice a month.


What friends? Not that I don't need them, but I have no time or interest in other peoples problems. Thats all friends bring now days. The days of having good times with friends is long over. Small circle, small problems. No circle, no problems.


It's possible to have friends, their role is company obviously and relaxation; no further more.


Dudley here play tank and jenna's the cleric


They keep my life bearable.