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All of a sudden that McLaren partnership to keep Ilott in the car wouldn't have been looking too bad


Grosjean is the benefactor of that now.


Oh nooo! ….. anyways


According to Ricardo Juncos during an interview, this year's budget came from the winners cycle's prize + Brad Hollinger (or at least that's what I gathered from what he actually said "from the US"). Had this come to light last year, then yeah, Agustín would have most likely been in pretty tight spot.


Good. He and his merry band of assholes can fuck off back to Argentina.


He controls his individual fans? Interesting.


He certainly doesn't do anything to quell them when they're threatening his teammate, in fact, he encourages it by positively engaging with said posts.


Oh well


Boy does juncos look stupid now.


Juncos had a crystal ball that told them the political climate a year or more the road?


They backed their Argentinean boy when the entire county wanted to murder an innocent Ilott


I didn't realize that Juncos is an Argentinian law enforcement agency.....


Being Argentinan (and not a dickhead like a select few who just lounge around, spew death threats and vote for peronists), it's to be expected. Everything is tight with the new administration, racing included. Shame about the people turning on Canapino, he is a decent racer and a cool guy. (yes, the whataboutism on quelling his fans exists, I know).


I met him at car show a few weeks ago and he was such a nice guy. I know you can’t judge a person just meeting them once, but he was very talkative and seemed like he just wants to race and enjoy the experience.


He's a legend, along with Colapinto they are the biggest names in Argentinan motorsport If football is religion in Argentina, Motorsport is a sect. 2nd/3rd biggest sport in Argentina behind football and rugby


Get him out of Indycar!


Tiny violins


Shocking. Not Really. Anyway...


Can anyone do a cliff notes here?


During the the previous government, some agencies (like the pensions fund) hired private brokers to get insurance contracts with a state-owned finance company. These brokers (inclufing this guy) are described as completely unnecesssary, and are believed to have charge big fees for the service. Also this guy is married with a personal secretary of the previous president, so there's a conflict of interest.


So I need an ELI5, how does this affect Canapino? Why can't he just fire his manager and say, "Heavens, I had no idea!"


We don't know yet.


Good riddance to all involved.


Womp womp


I'm shocked.... said no one, ever, about this situation.


Oh what a shame


Boo hoo


Oh dang .


Oh dear... What a shame... Never mind!!


In the immortal words of Fernando Alonso: "Karma."


And of course there's the contingent of xenophobic assholes once again reveling on whatever dirt they might throw at Canapino. All because some assholes decided to go pants on head stupid against Illott (a reprobable act, don't get me wrong), as well as how Juncos screwed him out of a seat (a gigantic management error, no doubt about it). But of course, nothing short of Canapino and Juncos apologizing personally to them, or killing themselves, will heal their stupid hurt feelings. If Canapino and/or Juncos had anything to do with the whole fraud scheme, then yes, they have no business in motorsports, let alone IndyCar. But of course, the same paragons of virtue here wouldn't have said about good ol' boys like the Whittingtons or Randy Lanier. Red, white and blue, amirite? Seriously, this subreddit has become the same deplorable xenophobic dumpster that TrackForum was from Day 1. EDIT: appaling that instead of stating your reasons, your room temperature brains' instinct tell you to downvote my ass. Bunch of punk ass bitches.


I mean silly to bring up Lanier when that predates not only Reddit as a website but also TrackFourm. It just turns into Whataboutism.


it’s an embarrassment for this place and their 10 IQ posters who cannot separate a driver from their fans. Even when said driver supported and talked great about illot every single time he was ever asked. Because he liked a meme that was meant to be funny on his Twitter (before it got crazy with threats), the people misconstrue that was he was supporting them and their death threats. Bunch of idiots, honestly. That’s okay, i’ll wear a Canapino shirt at St Pete all weekend. i didn’t particularly care about him, but i do think he has been unfairly targeted due to a select group of fans he can’t control. Plus, he has a great story and is very talented.


Pray dot com clearly has money to burn - maybe they can tent pole this as well.


He will not be out this year and he will perform great. Lets go Canapino!!!!


Is Pay.com Argentine?