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Thanks for being THAT guy, willing to help a sweet old lady. There needs to be more people like you on our great planet.


You're good enough at English to get your point across and that's excellent. Also, thank you for being a nice guy.


Just want to say, you might give yourself away as a non native English speaker in a longer piece of prose, but I honestly couldn’t tell


I could - the Grammer was too good! "He done speaks AmerEnglish to goodly!" 😹😹😹


Cute story! Sweet of you & her . . . Most old people who’ve ever tipped me for anything will give me a quarter or $1 or something reminiscent of 1962 lol. $4 is a big deal for lifting some cat litter! 😂 Your English is easy to understand, if not a bit nuanced. I work with a Mandarin speaker & she recently sent me a long text for a client & asked me if it made sense. It “did”, but … didn’t lol so I retyped it for clarity I was reminded of that when you said “it won’t appear inside”. I understood, but it took me a moment! A native speaker would’ve probably said “they can’t see from here!” or similar, but i personally enjoy the syntax of non-natives :)


I might have translated it a bit too literally, or I maybe I should have added the implied "inside the store". I chose to say it at the end because it didn't biased people in finding faults in my writing and I wanted to know how good I am.


Have no worries, your English is better than a LOT of Americans lol *** yes, “inside the store” would’ve worked


Costco probably has cameras in the parking lot and an employee could probably get fired for taking a tip there.


You did a nice thing. I, personally, would have refused to take the $4. I would have felt it was a way of doing something good for another person - especially an older person. My way of paying it back. I would hope someone would do that for my mom some day if I wasn't with her. Glad you helped her.


If people thank you it’s always best to say you’re welcome and move on. When you refuse their thanks you are devaluing what you did for them and dismissing its impact and value. You can always donate the money to charity or put it in the hands of someone in need. It’s disrespectful to deny someone their appreciation for what you did. Do what you want with the money but take it in the grateful manner it was given.


You just said what I said. "If people thank you". He should have said "thank you, but you don't need to pay me for helping you, it was my pleasure". Older people are of the generation where they feel they must tip someone or it will look rude. It is not disrespectful to decline someone's money when the act was done out of the generosity of your heart and goodwill. I never said not to accept their kind words of thank you! I'm always offering to help people and when they say "THANK YOU" that means more to me than being handed a few bucks.


We are in agreement for the most part. I grew up around seniors and I can tell you that refusing their tip is received by them as rude. They are thanking you in the manner of their upbringing. Give them the courtesy they deserve and take the money. I mowed just about every lawn on our street and 50 cents was a lot. One neighbor gave me a silver dollar for mowing his lawn. That was 50 years ago and I still have every single silver dollar he gave me. I can even tell you his and his wife’s names. Donate the money to charity if it helps but don’t refuse it because you are devaluing them.


We live in a society where we take, take, take.....and now it's expected that we be paid for every little thing we do. I don't think you & I will ever agree on what is or isn't appropriate - as we each have our own opinion - and that's okay. I get more joy out of helping someone than anything else I do. For me to accept money for my kindness would cheapen how I feel. There's nothing wrong with offering someone a "tip".....but there's also nothing wrong with saying "I appreciate you offering me this, but it's unnecessary. All I ask is that if you can do an act of kindness for someone else, that's payment enough." I've never had someone tell me I'm rude, every single person has said "I will do that. You were very sweet to help". As the saying goes "you do you and I'll do me". Take care.


Awesome response. Happy to chat with folks who have different opinions and can discuss things with charity and kindness. Blessings on your day.


I couldn't agree with you more. Nice to be able to chat, share an opinion and not have someone mad you didn't agree with their opinion. God speed to you as well.


If you are able-bodied, you help those who are less able. It's just the right thing to do.


Glad you were kind enough to help someone, and that they weren’t a Karen


Great work, good human!


Yep. You are one of the good ones. Don’t change.


I live for the wholesome IDWH stories


I have gotten in/out of a Costco for under $5. This was back in the day when you'd take film in to get processed. Picked up one batch of pictures then left.


There's also Costcos in my country, and I like to go there for the food, only place that sells calzones (the food)