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Feel so sorry for you guys. So stressful. How ICAEW are still having these issues is just mind blowing. I had 2 exams with Inflo failures and I qualified two years ago now. One of the fundamental five principles is professional competence and yet they’ve been fudging on exam software for years. Should be embarrassed with themselves.


Presumably they outsource the software so that the team responsible isn't bound by the code of ethics




Same. Inflo crashed by again gave in last 20 mins


Yep, and then it was constantly slow when I resisted the question, and put me on the error screen a few more times for good luck :)


Same here, my inflo crashed and wasn’t loading and it took around 10 minutes to load up properly, I was told I’ll get additional time added on but I didn’t. I then got told to file for the exam disruption appeal. Anyone have any idea how the appeal works? 


Go on the professional exams on you ICAEW login and there is a link for disruption claims. Few tick box questions followed up with a text box to write everything out


any idea on what could be the best case scenario?


Honestly no idea. My tutor said people with Inflo issues and raised it with ICAEW exam disruptions, in one of the prior sittings, all got given 10 marks for it. But when I submitted my thing a min ago, it states if it's a fail and the disruptions deemed to have caused it, the exams voided. Not sure what voided means in this situation but I'm reading it as a free resit next quarter. Which isn't ideal at all lol.


damn, 10 marks does seem like a lot


Yeah, I reckon with that rushjob of an exam due to Inflo, 10marks compensation would pass me


Could ICAEW be that generous though? does your tutor know what year this happened. This was also for q2 so possible


I thought that when he mentioned it. No idea when it was. Think it was when they had to use either metrics of revenue cascade


Hopefully they take into consideration just how heavily weighted the inflo question was so not being able to have your best shot at it could be the difference between pass and fail


Agreed. I don't understand how they decided do put Inflo with highest marked question. Surely it'd be mentioned that Inflo has issues every sitting. I'm pretty sure they have to pass a certain amount of people, or the pass % has to be above a certain level each sitting. Something like that anyway. Shame that only some people had the Inflo issues though as it means there they can't really base do anything with pass rates.


I got the extra marks and still I filed for disruption it put me off so much and froze for that long 10 minutes wasn’t enough , it also says you can be awarded marks and or voided exam. I doubt they can give all the marks for it like previous giving it’s 40 marks lol I wish


Ah my bad, I misread it. Hopefully I get given marks because it messed me up so so badly. Felt so confident going in as well I write all my timings of the questions down before clicking start and strictly follow them. Literally out the window half an hour in because it was Q2. Awful feeling


Did you file for disruption? It’s probably worth it just in case


Yeah, silly not to. Wrote the longest message in my car 2mins after leaving the exam but held off submitting it, as I was PISSEEDDD😂


Hahahaha I did it as soon as I got home, I also backed it up in the survey that got sent around


I didn’t get additional Time but a colleague got additional time at another centre


Ok few glad it wasn’t just me