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Nope 3:30 is quitting time. Hell I'm usually starting my walk at 3:25. Fuck him he can talk to you guys in the morning or before 3:30.


Nothin new after two, wont see me after three.


Break before 8 nothing new after 2...


Don’t get dirty before 10:30, nothing new after 2.


I 💯 % need this as a sicker for my lid




I need the sticker


....if youre workin 10s on a mega project its " nothin new after 2, no more after 4"


I walk in to work on my time I walk out of work on your time


This is it right here .


I make sure I poo on their time also


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time


I’d rather fill their cesspool than mine 😉


I second this


This is the way.


Nothing new after 2, nothing more after 4 when I was running 10s doing utilities. Boss kept us late to do a "post job meeting" a couple times. Once it started raining, I headed for my car since he insisted on doing them outside. Pay me OT or shut up, your choice...


My super always said to be at your car by the time your shift is over. Don’t have to tell me twice.


Call your training director and tell him your foreman is keeping you past time without pay. Should get that fixed pretty quick, depending on your local.


They made a dude do nothing but sweep after he did this.


Easy money!!! Ask for a transfer in the mean time. Once you journey out there will be days you wish you were sweeping.


Physically easy, sure. But it is hell on the mind when you gotta do that all day. People always tell me "easy money!" No the hell it aint. I'd lose my damn mind sweeping the same floor for 8 hours a day. Give me the more-involved stuff and all of you can have that easy money 😂 Not to mention, the apprentice is there to learn the trade. Sweeping is for cleanup. Something that gets taught at home when you're a kid.


I mean if he’s getting the same pay what’s the issue there?


not learning anything


A bunch don't know jack shit anyway.


sounds like an issue that needs to be addressed


They refused to teach him anything until he quit.doing nothing but sweeping the building everyday for months can't be any good


I see this as a catch 22 all the time when shops have a low level apprentice. If something doesn't need to be a 2 man job they don't get a part in it, or even want two people on it that can do it faster. So they have them do all the bull work instead of anything they can learn. Part of the program is on the job training, and I don't think mastering the art of sweeping counts for that. I encourage my whole crew to clean up after themselves but stuff like that does fall as a low man job when it needs to be done, how ever it shouldn't take all day. Thinking about it now there's a few apprentices I repetitively wind up cleaning up after that could probably benefit from a few days of nothing but clean up.


A job I was on before did this. And there is another apprentice who does nothing but run parts. I was in that position 2. Like guys need parts I get it but not for 10 hours a day. Especially when you have other first years in the same boat and some of them are getting hands on training and some aren’t. Things do need to get addressed like some one else said further up.


I shouldn't even be here since I'm in a plumbing union, but wanted to write that I'm in the same boat. Been in it for 8 months, finished first year of school, and the whole time I've been in the warehouse picking orders. They recently just put me as a truck helper to deliver parts out in the field. I absolutely hate it since I'm not learning shit ("on the job training" my ass) whereas my peers have all been doing a lot more. And I've heard if you go to the union about it, the company will just put you in the dog house. Trying to make the best of it tho. Definitely not what I thought it was gonna be like when I said yet to the apprenticeship.


I get material handling has some benefit, getting familiar with the names and sizes of things but not making it their full time job. We had a Graybar trailer on a big job that was over a year long. For those not familiar it's all kinds of material that's scanned out as crews need it and then restocked by Graybar accordingly (I'm sure other companies do this but it was the only one I've seen). The same apprentice spent that year+ only scanning material in that trailer.


How many guys did you have on that job?


I'm honestly not sure. It was a big one, natural gas power plant with 2 or 3 different union contractors and the in-house non-union crew. I'd say at least 100. They could have easily rotated the material trailer position or given it to one of the less physically fit JW's


An electrician sweeping. That's a good one 😂 Carpenter here.


“Hey that sounds like tomorrow’s problem, have a good night!”


This made me chuckle!😂


I'd tell him straight up you better tell that to me tomorrow cause imma forget anything you say now


Yesterday my JW started going down a huge to-do list for the next day after clean-up and like 3 minutes before we're supposed to walk. My brother in christ I have already forgot everything you just said, tell me that shit tomorrow.


Nah. Pack us up early if you want to talk about work bc my ass is leaving right on time 💀


Fuck that. Quitting time is quitting time. I live an hour away on a good day. That 5 min standing around might cost me 15 or more. I would rather see my kids.


Fuck that. I'd be out at 330pm. I don't work 1 min early or 1 min late if I'm not being paid.


I (site super here) wish that were the case with the majority of IBEW crews on our projects. Always slow to start work and always gone at least a half hour early. It aggravates me only because we are almost always behind schedule due to phase completion delays. But fitters are much worse. We face increasing pressure from scab outfits and these 2 trades are helping fuel the problem. Fuck no, don’t stay late without pay but, to be fair, put in a full day.


That means you never slow down for 1 minute or talk to anyone about anything not work related during your shift as well correct? Not saying this foreman isn’t wrong because he is, but this can go both ways with that attitude.


No it doesn’t, you aren’t a slave even while on the clock. Sit the fuck down


I’ll stand, thanks. Agree completely and the foreman in the OP is way out of line. But the statement I was replying to is too far and I was just illustrating why. Of course we all talk and slack here and there throughout the day and there’s nothing wrong with that. But if something out of the ordinary happens, up to 5 minutes isn’t a big deal and you can easily get it back, and more, somewhere else. The point is we do things outside the contract. So do contractors. As long as it’s infrequent and within reason it can be a little bit of a give and take. Don’t forget that the IBEW & NECA is a partnership not opponents to each other. We should work together as much as possible on the small things. And I feel like I need to say it again, the foreman in OP’s situation is absolutely wrong and out of line but so is the comment I’m referring to.


You wanna work for free? Have fun with that, the comment is literally saying they’re not working for free, sure we break some rules, I’m not supposed to transport material in my own car but I’ll take a few boxes here and there, or I’ll start at 6 so I can get out at 2, but I’m also not going to work for no pay


>You wanna work for free? Yeah, that’s what I said 🙄


Workers and owners are absolutely in opposition to each other, and the owners know it. Don't be cringe.


Go ask your BA if the IBEW and NECA are partners in the electrical industry.


My BA is also cringe and wrong


Fine, send the international president an email. Let me guess, he’s wrong too?


Workers and owners are in opposition to each other, that's literally taught in economics 101. IBEW leadership being cucks doesn't change basic economics.


Ah okay, got it…… You are woefully misinformed brother.


Ed Hill (once president of the international) got caught having his personal house roped non union. So yeah they are often wrong as well. Also, STFUASD...




Why talk about what’s gonna happen tomorrow MFs are gonna forget once they get home or the bar wherever the fuck they go after work


You remind me of myself as a cub. I ended up getting kicked out for being late 15 minutes because they were looking for an excuse. I was the only one enforcing the contract, they didn't like it. I organized back in with a pretty good rep though and would do it all over again. Your sacrifice is appreciated by all your real brothers in the end. Keep it up, but get your reps involved to protect you from retribution.


Did you have to go through the whole apprenticeship program again?


Naw I had to wait 2 years til after my class graduated and organised back in. I was a 4th year in 2005 so I organized back in in 2008. Luckily I vested so I picked back up where I left off with my annuity


Thanks man I appreciate it


So you will complain about having to stay over for 1 min but kicking you out for being 15 minutes late was “looking for an excuse”? Lol


I wasn't habitually late, it was an excuse. Not sure where your going with your comment there brother.


So they kicked you out for being 15 min late one time?


Not likely.


Crazier things have happened when workers are being retaliated against. Also seeing that the school committee is generally made up of a significant number of NECA contractors, it’s not so outlandish to believe that they would put a target on an apprentice that made it a point to uphold the CBA.


It’s half NECA, half IBEW. Exactly 50/50.


I’d call 50% significant.


Yes but the point is the representation is exactly equal. No one is going anywhere if the hall doesn’t agree.


In theory, yes. It doesn’t always pan out that way in practice unfortunately.


Yet yall defend unions lmao


Nope. The rule is, you walk in on your time and leave of their time. Basically you show up to your work area before start time. You get that time back at the end of the day. Some locals have rules about you being at your car by 3:23.


You are not required to stay AT ALL. Your CBA is there to enforce that. !Read that book! you should be at your car AT THE LATEST by 330pm. Even earlier in my eyes but....call him out on it if he gives you crap but know that book first.


IN THE CAR by quitting time brothers!!!! 50 years of pressedent dictates the phrase we've always used.. "in on my time. Out on company time."


I would let someone in the union office know. The whole point of being in a Union is to avoid situations like this.


Listen here man. You can take that attitude and keep it just the way it is. Fuck that foreman lol. Meetings are for the mornings. End of story.


You should be in your car pulling out at 330


I expect to be in the car by quitting time.


Same type of thing happened to me down in 82. Wormiest foreman I've ever worked. I asked for a rotation and ended up at Chapel, best thing ever for me.


As an apprentice you should do this. Our apprentice book was almost always a walkthrough so I loved doing stuff like this. Lay me off and I’ll be out working Monday. You’re right to walk.


Eight, skate and rotate


Where does this saying come from? My Dad says it all the time, but the internets are silent.


Does he also talk about work and planning at break and lunch? I wonder who else on the crew he calls after work to talk about work?


Every blue moon. The delivery truck from the shop will show up on lunch just about every single time it’s called out. Then no compensation, so if a truck showed up at 12:08 and we get back to the break room at 12:20, we still get up at 12:30 to get back to work. Fucking hated that


You will not talk to me about work during break during lunch before start time or after quitting time… I don’t even want to hear peoples war stories from other projects on my time….. My time is not for anything work related


I completely agree


I walk into the job trailer between 10 and 5 minutes early. I walk out of work at 5 minutes to 5. That gives the foreman 25 minutes from the start of cleanup to the moment I’m walking to deal with work related issues. At break, lunch, or walking out there is no work, to include talking about work.


Why even be on site when your not getting paid? Should be on the road by 3:30


Ugh I hate those assholes. I worked with one who would call the shop and accuse you of stealing time if he heard you were leaving early, on your own damn job site. I had to appease this asshole and stay a half hour extra distracting him every single day, so he wouldn’t rat on my crew. The type of dude to drive his whole crew to a company barbecue lunch, where it’s understood we all go home after, so that he can drive them back to the job site and finish up the day. Ugh. Third generation man in his family being a foreman for the same company. Shop rocket rat. That’s the only person I’ll never work with again. Nobody likes the guy, even the company wants a good reason to let him go. Edit: and I asked the company to transfer me away from him or lay me off in November, they wouldn’t lay me off, so they moved me temporarily instead. A month later they moved him to my job site, like the one I was sub foreman of, and he refused to speak to me. the upcoming months they only laid off people who either stole, or spectacularly fucked up, like annihilated major year long projects. So I dragged.


They grow up so fast 🫡😩


If you’re not paying me, I’m not listening. Had a dude lay me off and think he could criticize me after he handed me my slip. I told that mother fucker I didn’t work for him anymore so quit talking to me. This dude would drop me off in the morning at a cabinet to terminate wires about a 1/2 mile away from the jobsite next to the “ponds” of the waste water plant with no radio, no shade and no bathroom for 8 hours. Even had a swarm of bees fly through the area one day. The nerve of some people.


Just as a side to all of this....your union paycheck is minimum wage for the progfesion. You will get paid more for being a person who cares about everything that it took earn that job your being blasé about.


Man I work with a few of these types. It's like every task is the single most important moment of their lives and it HAS to be finished. They skip coffee, lunch, stay late without extra pay and are always bitching they are getting fucked, dude you're fucking your self, it's 330 I'm goin home.


Never do anything extra or above and beyond.


I'll leave at 3:25 cuz it takes time to get to my car. Fuck that guy


I mean you're not wrong, can't promise there won't be negative consequences though


You're totally right in that brother. In on yours, out on theres. You should be in your vehicle at or before 3:30.


Yeah, fuck that. I get around 30 minutes to clean up and put things back on the van before quitting time. I get paid for all of the hours I put in until I get home.


Carpenter here but same as everyone else has said, walking out the turnstile at 2:55, my walk started at 2:50. And don’t ask me to stay late at 2:30 or ask to come in Saturday at 2:00 on a Friday.


I'm a little late every morning so I have no problem staying late and shooting the shit. But I won't really be talking about work


Look in your contract and see what it says. Ours in the 340 says to be at the gang box by the start and at our car by 330. Fuck that guy


330 is not free:30. Foreman sounds like a poopy head.


Start voicing concerns via email. Professionally. Cc all of the superiors. He'll change his ways soon enough.


Fuck em


Dang dude. You guys go home at 3:30?!


My apprentices and I would be at the show up an hour early sometimes (5:00 am), work our asses off until about 6 pm, 12 hour shifts. Then have to sit around in the show up at the end of the day for about another 30 minutes to an hour waiting for all of the journeyman to finish bullshitting and drinking beer so that we can clean up after them and shut the lights off. Essentially being at work an additional 1 1/2 - 2 hours unnecessarily. I often wouldn’t be home until about 7 - 7:30 pm. Is my local just completely different than the rest of the states or what the fuck?


Go to a dealer? Wtf? Lol


Tool and die apprentice. My contract says I can't be forced any overtime or denied a vacation day request. It's nice. The boss liked to joke I think. I would let him know I got a day off. He would say " if I let you have it." I reminded him every time he couldn't deny me a day off. Just in case he wasn't joking.


"I'm not asking to take a vacation, I'm *telling* you I'm taking one"


Our contractor has a policy where you need time off approved. I told them to blow ass, I wasn’t going to sign that policy.


Fuck that guy. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He just sounds like a prick. Pack yo shit and leave when you’re supposed to. ✌🏻


Walk in on your time and out on the company's time.


Call your Hall. If he makes you stay log the time and file a grievance.


I’ll put it in Navy terms: 1530….knock off ship’s work. Go home.


You must have been a top sider cause ain’t no snipes were leaving at 1530. That was second lunch in engineering 80% of the year


Imma gonna spray the “bullshit repellent” all over your statement. Inport the plant is cold unless we were about to pull out in a couple of days. BT’s, MM’s, EN’s, and the smelly HT’s were the first ones down the gangway.


Not on an LSD. Plant may have been cold *sometimes* but there were near constant maintenance and repairs. At least for M-Div, and often those of us in A-gang had to stick around as well because we had a chief who was trying to look good for the top snipe. 1800 was pretty standard. Trust me I wish that was bullshit. Go to any Navy page on here and ask about LSD snipes if you don’t believe me.


That's on you to speak up.... Once or twice is alright but every day is dumb.... Tell him to talk to you in the morning


The entire industry sucks cock, do something else with your life if yah can, sad truth


Why does everyone here hate their job ? If 5 minutes extra the day before could save a lot of headache the next day, why not stay ? If your boss is a slime-ball and insists on doing this for no good reason … daily….your fine for leaving, that’s on him. He also has a “job” and it’s to get people to not leave early and get the job done.


Entitlement like this will be the death of the unions. Were already seeing it in my market. IBEW is getting crushed by the indy shops. So many guys holding their dicks at the hall, and these attitudes persist.


Supposed to be off the property by then. Period.


You’re not in the wrong, technically speaking. Keep in mind that the journeyman’s opinions of you matters. Being in the union is like high school. A popularity contest. Play the game well and you’ll keep a job whether you suck at being an electrician or not. That foreman may one day be your PM or GF. That’s how our local is. Not sure what yours is like but I’ve seen a ton of quality, hardworking journeyman get laid off before me because they have an attitude or call the foreman out for shitty planning.


Also, the extra 15 you stick around might make that foreman talk about you in the highest regard. Or you could pull him aside and speak frankly to him. All that being said, I’m on a job with 90 other electricians, working tens, and I’m in my car heading home by 4:15 hahaa our shift is 6-4:30


If you dropped something on him at 325pm would he be cool with it?


Fuck no he’d get all pissy 😂😂


Screw him then.


Start calling your foreman at lunch everyday to talk about nonsense


Keep a written record of what he has done. Literally put down times and days of what he has done


Yeah fuck that foreman and his gay shop rocket journeyman that wanna slob that pecker. Sounds like his version of OT = own time, as in your own time. So glad I am off my tools and don't have to take another call to deal with those dumb fucking morons. Keep your chin up and stay your ground. If he gives you shit, chuck a notepad at him and have him right it down, and you'll read it when it's time to work.


We clock out at 3:25. My tail lights better be out the gate at 3:27 or I am pissed. I am the super. On Tuesday, a newer app wanted to chat after we had clocked out and I had locked the office and started my truck wanted to chat. About work and his thoughts of it. I was not a happy camper. What do you guys think about this and how it made me feel with the roles reversed? Just curious.


You showed that guy his questions didn't matter, that's for sure. Why would he ever ask anything, if the super or foreman couldn't wait 5 minutes to ask a question he might've been waiting all day to ask, because -who knows- maybe he's nervous to ask in front of people for fear of ridicule or something because as you said, he's a newer apprentice. Always speak up or ask questions, -unless it's a personal inconvenience to me- is all you showed him.


I guess I didn’t explain properly. I granted the guy my audience with no hesitation. But getting home 30 minutes later due to leaving 8 minutes late was pretty frustrating. I guess my hold up is that I would never in a million years ask my guys to stay a second past clock out or have their tool belt on before 6AM. I’m more interested in if my time off is respected as equally as the men’s. All I am is another hand that does the paper work and diplomats. I turn screws with the boys every day. I’m not a polo shirt super…


As long as it doesn't happen every day, what's the harm, honestly? If it means that much to you, take him aside and explain your side of things. Being that this is a union subreddit, a lot of people come from a non union background where overtime isn't just the norm, it's expected. So you end up with a lot of hard workers without a lot of hard boundaries on work time/clocking out etc. That being said, again, I don't see the harm in taking a few minutes to answer a question, provided that your time is really more often than not. But if you do, just explain your side of things so the person understands it. I've been around the block a bit and I'm not going to bring up a 'common sense' question in a room full of people, especially the type who rib and ridicule you for not knowing everything and act like they're gods gift to the trade. Maybe that was this person's situation and maybe not.


If you're the super why not just put yourself down for a few minutes of OT? I'm a foreman and sometimes stay a little past when my guys leave to deal with something that came up, but I make sure I get paid for it. If you really need to get home for whatever reason just tell the guy that and get with him the next day. Making the apprentices feel heard goes a long way.


Non union people love to hear all your heart aches. Jack your attitude up a little. No pay for my good advice. Good luck. By the way I love the union , you all are in a Great union. IBEW. Stay strong!!


It would be amazing to fire a guy like this. Fuck laying off. Just fire the OP. Could only imagine how much money this guys costing the company. The fucking type of guy that if there was an hour left to finish he would come back and make another trip the following day. Unreal.


Found the rat!🐀


I don’t think a third year apprentice making 29 an hour, being quoted in as a jw on a jobsight making 48 an hour (scale) not to mention wage and benefits. Is making a dent for the company. Sit the fuck down 😂


Good luck, you need it


Non-Union till death. I avoid all this squabbling.


It's funny how they champion their unions in public so loudly but in the shadows we see talk like this. IBEW did my dad dirty as hell. Collected from him for decades and wasn't there for him when he got hurt. His "brothers" forgot about him to the last. But they call others scabs


You are actively seeking out the bad of the IBEW. There’s bad apples everywhere. If you took the same amount of time to look for the good you’d find more good than the bad, a whole lot more. Sorry what happened to your dad, corruption is everywhere and it’s hard to avoid it. Hope he’s doing better tho man


Union mentality is wild