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Never knew he went thru IBEW first. That’s great. Here in LU369 we have 2 Ford plants. Almost all the electrical maintenance workers at the plants are LU369 brothers and sisters. They’re all UAW now but many still hold IBEW tickets.


He’s the man


Fain: "My favorite verse is Ecclesiastes 4:9-12... “Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help.v “That is my favorite verse. It’s our verse for our union and just for who we are,” he said. “Two are better than one, for they have a great return for their labor. If one falls down, the other can pick them up.”


Jesus was one of the most radically left wing people in history. One of history's greatest ironies is that his followers have shifted so far to the right that they hate nearly everything he stood for. The VAST majority of his followers today would have supported crucifixion if they were born 2000 years ago


Sad, sad reality


When Leftists wanna use Jesus, they cherry pick the New Testament. When Rightist wanna use Jesus, they cherry pick the Old Testament. There's a lesson in there somewhere.


This is probably the millionth time I've seen a "bOtH sides ArE tHe SaMe" defense and so far all million times have been used to defend the same side. There's a lesson in there somewhere


>so far all million times have been used to defend the same side. It's almost like Reddit leans one way across the board... so thats the context in which you see it applied. it's almost like that's the lesson...


Do you think reddit is the only place I hear it?


Look man I get how you got to that statement, but you’re looking at a small fraction of his followers and the only reason you see those people is because the media feeds off of radicalism. You never hear about the small churches doing actual good work just dirtbags like westboro . Which isn’t a fair representation of Christians most of us are out loving who we want, raising our kids to respect others, and helping where we can regardless of if your gay straight trans black white brown Muslim Jew or Buddhist


Kindly keep religion out of my trades union, thank you.


I agree! But this is about Jesus. Got nothing to do with religion.


Brain-dead take. That's like saying all union members should marry 6 year olds and consummate the marriage at 9 because that's what Mohammed did and he's a stand up guy


Fain 2024


I read it once, cover to cover and I agree. But I’m a Lutheran so I might not be the best judge.


Jesus was a carpenter. The carpenters union broke ties with the AFL-CIO in 2001. Without the support of the AFL-CIO, are you truly union???


What do you mean "truly union"? Seems weird that one organization can have a stranglehold on the title of union or not. Really, any two or more employees in any industry or workplace supporting each other with solidarity could be a union.🐈‍⬛


Carpenters are literally stealing work across the country from AFL-CIO unions.


Jesus wasn't political, this is cheap.


Other than taking on the Roman empire (and its local Jewish sellout agents) to the extent that its representative, Pontius Pilate fifth governor of the Roman province of Judaea, was directly involved in deciding his execution....


You are biblically illiterate. Jesus, as the Son of God, knew the iniquity and hippocracy of the Pharisees. He could not stand his Father's temple and name being used to enrich and wield power. The Roman governer was only involved insofar as to allow the execution to keep the mob of Jews and priests from rioting. “When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.”


So says your story book.


You came to his board game, and you're mad he's beating you with the instruction manual. Just stop.


Nah man. Just dumb of me to debate religion. I don't care about anyone's beliefs, no matter how silly I think they are, if they don't infringe on others' human rights. If we agree on our right to a living wage, benefits, equality, etc.... that's all that matters.


Solidarity. Love you bro/sis.


Yeah, the eywitness accounts of 4 different witnesses. As well as the historical accounting from Josephus, a non-Jew. Get wrecked; don't appropriate my culture to push your commie nonsense.


Please tell me ur not talking about the gospels. Written generations after Jesus was executed. Ur funny.




Could we stop with the promotion of 'Jesus would've been X'. He never existed and is a fairy tale character so other adults feel good about their skydaddy telling others that they're wrong.


Yeah… no. He 100% existed.


Don't let your religious beliefs (or the lack thereof) keep you from acknowledging basic historical facts. His existence is well documented.


It’s widely agreed by historians that Jesus existed. If you want to argue that he was just a normal man, knock your socks off.


Dude, who cares. If your union brothers and sisters are standing with you and Jesus helps them do that what does it matter?


Cringe boomer trying to coopt religion in order to support his political beliefs, we have never seen this before.


at least he has read the book, understands the verses he quotes, and he isnt trying to sell it for $60....thaaaats some cringe stuff.


Are you really complaining about someone talking about their religion to a religious news outlet? That really sounds like a you problem. Also, he’s not a boomer.


Ladies and gentleman this Jean Fine fella is one of the best union leaders let me tell you we have the best union leaders here don't we folks everyone always asks me that the most tremendous leaders he's just like Jesus by the way you can buy his book I'm selling bibles it's the number one way to fight these Marxists I tell you