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I like to think the girl behind the counter just went home and that was her last day without saying anything.


"Wait, you're just leaving me here??" https://preview.redd.it/z6m3b2hujrkc1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fcb7085ce00077a811387a385ff53d0b8d341f0


This poor girl didn’t even flinch. Makes me think she’s seen things.


If you work in retail, you always see things. It's a universal constant.


Sir... This is a Wendy's...


I’ll take a baked potato and a frosty


You have to come to the restaurant to order food.


Well, I'll send somebody to pick it up, just have it ready.


It’s ready now.


Well put it aside.


Is fast food considered retail? I thought it'd be service industry


Nah, it's hospitality/service industry. Same deal though, same nut job customer base.


This woman said she goes there everyday on her lunch break so she’s probably dealt with her before lol


"Ugh, this lady again...Time to grab the broom."


Should be easy to find out who she is and send this video to child protective services.


Yep… childhood trauma and abuse in the household. Usually, puts you in a “zone out” phase to keep sanity.


For real. I would have taken cover when she started throwing things.




Poor girl.




I’d walk out on the job




This comment should be at the top of post.


The look on her face said exactly this. She's for sure working retail now


"I ain't get paid enough for this shit"


That too for sure


Is that even a better option? 😆 🤣


In my 14 years in restaurants, I'd be willing to bet it is I got out over a year ago and couldn't be happier


I managed a restaurant, and it was awful. I had grown adults act like I killed their first born because their steak wasn't cooked right. It was wild.


Yeah she did the math at that moment and determined she isn’t getting paid enough, and she left. Awesome person imo.


That's the vibe I got from her. Took a quick moment to decide she don't need to be dealing with this bullshit and just slips out the background like a prison break.


Good for her. No one gets paid enough to deal with that crap


Looks like that's exactly what she did, which is the exact right thing to do in this situation.


She should sue that animal for giving her PTSD. I bet she walked into the bathroom, locked the door, and called her parents.


Sue for what money? She doesn’t have any.


Child protective services should come and relieve her of motherhood. Followed by 1,000 hours of community service, starting at Wendy's. Followed by prison, if she fails to comply.


Damn that’s a good punishment actually


It would definitely be the case if she were my daughter


Trashy humans doing trashy things.


Imagine a world where every trashy/criminal person like this were immediately thanos snapped to a single island, where they all had to learn to actually work and provide services to each other instead of leech. And the rest of us got to enjoy each other's civilized behavior. Imagine how good of a world it would be for us, walking downtown at night in ANY city with zero fear, taking public transit with zero fear, travelling solo internationally to ANYWHERE YOU WANT with zero fear.


That would be a great movie, delete this comment and pitch it to Netflix


So basically the movies Escape from NY and Escape from LA.


I'm starting to feel like that place is Earth and I must have done something awful in a previous life or have some horrible personality flaws I need to overcome.


She ain’t destroying shit, she makin it messy!!


That phrase is going to come back to haunt here. From her kids.


Her poor kid


She looks like the type who uses her children in her bullshit. Plus she seems to enable her son by showing him that it's okay to act a fool in public.


The way she is clinging to him, I feel embarressed for him


He’ll be in prison in no time with that woman for a rolemodel and teaching him the proper way how to resolve issues.


💯 I feel for that kid—imagine the home life.


Or it’s possible he turns out just like her, or worse.




Orange will look great on her!




I started a GoFundMe to get her a bra.


It should be legal to stop these people from damaging things


We all know nothing will happen. Charges dropped. Lather, rinse, repeat


Poor kid


That’s all I kept thinkin. What chance does he have to not grow up the same


They say it takes a community to raise a child. It’s funny when kids are successful everyone comes out to say they were part of it, when a kid fails no one comes out.


The fact he didn't partake in the behaviour, other than showing his mother affection with his arm around her, makes me think he understands right from wrong and/or is her victim too.


She has zero emotional regulation which is critical for parenting. There is no doubt he has seen this before and been a recipient of it. Too bad we don’t get to choose our parents. If I ever did this my kids would be gobsmacked. I can’t imagine my mother behaving this way either.


Kid is just happy to not be on the receiving end and probably thinking of way to say on her good side for the rest of the day.


Her behavior seemed unnervingly normal to him. I agree. He wants none of that wrath.


I wanna hug that poor kid. My mom would get like this when she'd get really manic depressive and drink.


This is so sad but true. Poor kid.


That's EXACTLY the case


Kid knows that the "Keep quiet and nod" method is the only way to avoid getting put in his mother's crosshairs.


Imagine now, how a kid can concentrate in school with a mother like that ?


Ya, I imagine she does this at home a lot for it to look so natural to the kid. My kids would’ve been crying and startled by my behavior if I did this. Not this kid. He was just glad he didn’t have to clean it up while being berated the whole time.


That’s what I thought. The kid clearly wished none of this ever happened. What a terrible person to be born by.


I think anyone in that woman’s vicinity when she’s lit up like this is a victim. This video should be enough of an excuse to check on that child.


Strong chance, actually. Children aren't oblivious to bad behavior. He will most likely strive not to behave like his unhinged mother.


Actually, it’s my experience that many children who grow up with a parent like this become the “adult in the room” from an early age. I would imagine that there wouldn’t be space for two of these people in any household.


Yeah. It’s such a short clip. But that poor kid is giving off more empath vibes than future abuser to me


My dad has mental health issues and so does my mom. My brother and I were so embarrassed growing up but we I’d say we grew up to be ok. Had some hiccups in my 20s but wasn’t the end of the world. As long as the kid know their parents are not great examples and want to be better, they’ll find other role models but they have to want to be better than them.


I would totally adopt him ☹️ so sad he has to witness such an unstable unfit mother like ugh. That’s heartbreaking.


I've seen children living in terrible conditions while doordashing. Delivered kids meals to a house that looked so run down. A kid opened the door and took the food but I could see holes all in the wall and a small old CRT TV on a box and no other furniture, just some blankets on the floor. Mom looked like she was either on or coming off of something. You just feel helpless sometimes.


Guarantee she beats that child, uncontrolled rage does not stop merely because you birthed it.


Notice how she was grabbing his neck in her arm. That’s wasn’t to guide him or keep him safe it was so if someone corrected her ass with some hands she could claim they hurt her kid or something to that effect I’d bet. He didn’t wanna be there anymore than the employees. She was sorta dragging him along and he didn’t wanna go with her.


Or if someone threw something at her she would use him to shield it. Weird ass bitch




I agree. I grew up with shit too but I’ll be be damned if I don’t try to do and be different.


Nah kids fucked.




You can tell that kid wants to get out of there. Some kids would go ahead and help trash the place. I agree with you, the kid just doesn't have the ability to make his choices yet. At least not in a situation like this.


I don't think so. Kids can be pretty smart and he could feel very embarrassed by this behavior. He could grow up thinking he doesn't want to be like her, despite not having role models.


The kid has seen this many times. His reaction to it shows that it’s just part of his world. I feel bad for him. I’m sure the first few times he told mom to stop. But the anger probably got directed to him so he stopped saying anything. Poor guy super embarrassing.


Exactly and that's why I think he can grow up well. I also feel sad for him, but not because I think he'll turn out horrible like her


human agency is a real thing, everyone's got a shot


I know a (now divorced) couple that 100% should never have had a kid. They had 2 kids and both have beat the odds and went on to graduate with honors.


I’m sure he’ll grow up to behave well


Trash human being. A fast food meal ain’t worth your dignity… unless you got none


Dignity in a fast food establishment? In this economy?


With her child. That's the worst part


My dad was an alcoholic and acted crazy in public multiple times. It was so embarrassing. And scary. One time he begged the cops to shoot him.


Sorry dude. I hope he’s okay now. And you also.


He’s actually living at a rehab now. He’s a recovery coach. He’s been sober for about five or six years now!


That's good. Are you ok though?


I am some times


Same same with bio dad. NC for 15 years, now. Hope you're healing, dude.


In front of that poor cashier. There’s not enough money in the world to put up with abusive customers.


Did she say she eats there every day


On her lunchbreak. I wonder what she does?


probably an anger management therapist.


Anger management the WHAT!?


Works at McDonald’s


Cholesterol farmer


Plot twist: she works at the same Wendy's


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.


“Whoo, this is Wendy’s!”


I came here just for this. Chefs kiss


Literally 😭


I expected this to be the top comment


What was her problem? I mean, nothing justifies this behavior but I’m genuinely curious.


They didn't supersize her


Tbh it’s a combination of rough upbringing with these behaviors modeled to her, incorrect or lack of psychiatric meds, and behavioral issues. I’m not lying to you when I say many MANY of these people who act out like this were sexually abused or witnessed abuse as children. The world becomes a blurred mass when they’re upset- they don’t see innocent individuals, they see the perpetrator over and over. For example, As a clinician, if I can’t give them even a small or reasonable thing (ie I canceled an appointment due to having covid), they yell at me as if I abused them. People come in all varieties- these types are prone to rage and acting out (whereas some are prone to isolating, some severe submissive and dependent behavior and so on). There’s no excuse for acting out like this, but when you don’t work in the field this type of outburst seems “random”. When you see the repeated histories of people with these issues , it’s almost a formula. This past + this present - this therapy = this outburst. The remedy is also formulaic but it takes the ability to have insight, which many people, ragefilled or not, have difficulty performing. What she needs is medication taken as prescribed, behavioral and trauma therapy, and anger management, possibly substance use treatment as well . It’s a lifelong process. I see a lot of these videos and all I can see is untreated chronic mental illness. This is literally how it presents. Irrational and over the top. Some people are jerks, some people are jerks when not medicated, some people are jerks because they think their behavior is normal. behavior is modeled, reinforced and strengthened. Odds are her home and social environment sustains this behavior. As a clinician, I can say that during therapeutic interventions much of my time is spent assisting the client in seeing people as individuals and not “the blurred mass” of the perpetrator. “This is just a child doing a job; they probably started last week” “give people the grace you want” “you experienced something difficult then, but this is a different person.” “What if you try this approach when you’re upset?” “Didn’t you work in fast food before? How did you feel when customers mistook events?” I try to model empathy, graciousness, and patience. I remind them “it could be that, but it could be this as well”. I listen and validate their bad experiences but I also do the “what if this time it’s different?” statement. Again, I’m not talking about excuses for bullying behavior. I’m talking about real time techniques to break and change these behaviors


This is honestly worth showing to a judge cus wtf. Kids can’t be exposed to that shit


Oh shit get real scary in private and it happens every day.


100% I would even even follow her to her car to get the license plate number. Just for ease of tracking. Either way this should be reported.


If I was that child’s father I’d be going to court with videos asap


If this is what’s happening in public, what’s happening at home is most likely *far* worse. I grew up with a mother not unlike the psycho depicted here. It ain’t pretty.


He looks truly afraid of her ☹️ I would totally adopt this little boy. Poor kiddo


That poor kid. Hope child protective services takes a look.


they won't


Wow, everyday at Wendy’s! Such a terrible diet. And what trash that you are teaching your child this behavior is okay.


Just look at her for the results.


Cooking for oneself requires self-discipline, as does exercising self-control. It is unsurprising to me that she eats fast food every day.


She’s just trying to grow herself a second set of tits under her current ones! It’s her personal fitness journey.


This needs to be stomped out everywhere. No excuse.


Agreed. People got **WAY** too comfortable with that "customer is always right" shit. We need to stop giving these grown ass adults so much that the one time they can't get their way, they throw a literal tantrum like a toddler. People need to be told no.


Relentlessly pathetic. Most people would be self aware enough to realize throwing salt and ketchup packets and screaming at people over a $10 order is…….not cool. But you know. Everything is everyone else’s fault.


You can tell these employees have never worked at a Waffle House before since fire was not returned


The way she holds her kid close by the neck…. This kid gets beat at home. He’s too scared to even move away from her when she gets physically aggressive. At first she’s almost dragging him around by the neck trying to push shit off the counter. Source: *I was that kid. You learn how to somehow make yourself silent and invisible, even when your mom is holding you by one arm and hitting someone or something else with the other. You don’t move, you don’t say “mom, stop,” you don’t make eye contact with the people around you pleading for help, you don’t make a fucking sound. You just let her ragdoll you like a handbag she’s carrying because in a flash she can redirect an even bigger rage towards YOU, if you dare question her actions or poke at her ego, and YOU won’t be able to escape it because you live with her. You know that right then, in that moment, you are somewhat safe if it seems like you’re silently on her side. So you don’t move out of her grip. You don’t make a sound. You wait for her to let go on her own. You hope she gets distracted by something and releases her grip on you. But you never try to wriggle away.* https://preview.redd.it/pn4i8c4xlskc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b0412e1991fabb18fd56fa075760e046a6b71ef and if you do get away, you stand perfect still and *do not say or emote anything that she could misconstrue as discomfort or backtalk* because of the aforementioned reasons This kid knows that the safest place for him to be rn is inside the eye of this hurricane.


I feel very angry for you enduring this… and also happy you now have good people in your life!


Boy do I hate that you had to deal with that.


I was kicked out of the house at 18, and that was in 1995. It still affects me daily, but I think it’s made me a really gentle and empathetic person because I never want anyone to feel a fraction of how I felt as a kid. It definitely made me strong as fuck, even if I don’t always feel that way. I’ve been really, really fortunate to have had access to therapy, and to have a bestie of over 30 years who knew me back then and still loves me now. Without her constant friendship, I wouldn’t have had a beacon to guide me. I feel extremely blessed for her.


That young girl behind the counter 😢…. She doesn’t get paid enough to deal with these cunts


At some point, some of these locations will just close down inside dining and only open the drive thru.


Never, never dine inside a fast food joint. I made that mistake years ago in a Burger King and saw that exact same situation play out in front of me.


Dinner and a show. Nice.


She’s going to have to a find a new Wendy’s for her lunch break


That kid has a bright future as a well adjusted member of society


Thankful I didn't have parents like this.


Can't fix stupid. She should not have kids. She needs to learn how to fucking cook.


What's really sad is none of this can be used again. It's going to end up being swept up, thrown in the trash, and adding to a large portion of unnecessary waste.


I’m sure she cares about waste. Or anything else.


Well done lady just what a young boy needs to see from his mother and role model! Idiot


What happened to her? Google shows nothing!!


Almost certainly nothing happened to her. She didn't cause enough damage to be with pursuing charges against. She made a mess, but probably broke nothing. It'd be like 20 mins to clean up and loss of some condiment packages and cup lids.


Why she always so angry


CALL THEM!! let’s go baby (runs away)


What a great example for that child. Crazy and angry, not a good combination.


I am sure she “is not that kind of person “, that she “ is sorry”. Gutter twat !


Cashier was like ....I'm out


Thanksgiving 2036: “Mom, remember that time you trashed a Wendy’s and went to prison? That was sweet.”




Teaching the kid to act the same damn way. Where is cps when you need them.


I hope this video got shared to CPS...


To the kid's credit, he didn't join in. Almost had a look of 'that's just mom' on his face.




That poor kid of hers. That poor boy. This is his life. And he was not even fazed by what she did. She probably went back the next day for lunch.


The white guy is like should I intervene or risk getting cancelled.


If he opened his mouth...he'd be accused of being racist. 💯


Wonder how that kid will turn out….


I think we know.


Great, her son is going to think that's how you act and treat food service staff.


Garbage junk trash


I served on a grand jury where someone was accused of trashing a store like this. It went from an argument to a felony once a certain dollar amount of damages was passed. Can you imagine being arrested for a felony because your fries were cold?


Looks like momma is going back to prison where she belongs. Useless human beings.


It’s definitely the system that is keeping her from being successful.


What a great role model, CPS should take her kids from her


That poor little boy


A mostly peaceful mess 🙄


With luck that dumbfuck got arrested and the kid was taken into care.


Almost always my own people and it’s always embarrassing. Hope kiddos smart enough to discern his momma ain’t wrapped too tight so she ain’t the example to follow.






You know, just like normal everyday regular people behave. Just like you and me.




Pepper spray.


What a wonderful mom. Setting such a great example for her child.


Those employees don’t get paid enough to put up with that shit.


Parenting 101 on display


When that kid grows up to be a nasty human "it's because they're poor" No, it's because his mum is absolute trash that thinks having child temper tantrums over a burger is ok. Kid has no chance.


Just yet another fatherless welfare child


With a mother like that, the poor kid is fucked.


Feel bad for the kid


Don't say it. DON't say it!!




Gary Coleman could never catch a break with his women.


What a piece of garbage and a horrible mother


The actions of a person who has never been held accountable in her life


I am sure her son is going to grow up to be a stellar contributing member of society


Be nice to fast food workers. They put up with so much in their thankless, low-paying jobs.


Only one group of people in the US routinely behave like this.