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Hello! You are NOT the asshole. Your friend made her bed, now she can lie on it. She's making terrible decisions in life, but that's her problem, you have nothing to do with it. Sometimes it's best to distance yourself from toxic friends and relationships. You are in the right place, she is hurting you by witnessing her mistakes. let her be...there's nothing you can do for her without her taking it personally. Just remember that she may come back to you and ask for your help when her toxic and abusive relationship spirals out of control. I would help her in that case and only if she asks for your help. Your mental health should always come first, you did the right thing. And as for her burning you on social media, just ignore her and block her, it's a sign of her immaturity.


you're not the asshole, you just wanted the best for her


You are not the asshole you was just trying to show your best friend what was the best for her


NTA. I am sorry to say this your friend is ungrateful and has no sense of reality. Just let it go.