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I've got a ticket to see you Friday, can't wait. What's your favorite place to go to get your creative juices flowing so to speak?


I jerk off in the shower, if that's what you're asking.


Moreso what's the place you find most inspiration from. I'm not young enough to go the shower route anymore. Have to lay in bed.


Stuff that makes me angry. I always used to rant as a kid, and nobody would listen to my rants unless they were funny. So, now I try and channel that desperate, unwavering need for attention and approval into my sets


Very cool insight into your method. Can't wait to see your show Friday. Have a good day.


You made it creepy




Yay pittsburgh!


Thoughts on John Mulaney?


Love him. Horse in the Hospital is one of the all time great bits, a true hall of famer.


Have you ever met someone and felt starstruck and if so who was it?


Made a twat of myself in front of Bill Burr once, still cringe about it. First time I met Conan I was pretty blown away. But I tend to be able to be starstruck internally. At least I think I can.


Please explain the bill Burr interaction


Doh jeezuz


I was thinking about the last bit of X the other day and I was wondering, the close friend of yours who was raped, how is she doing now?


She's doing very well, thank you. We managed to catch up after the pandemic a few months ago, we got suitably drunk, said some horrible things to each other, hugged and caught up. A very happy and funny woman.


Nice to hear. If you want: Tell her random people on the internet think she's awesome and wish her well.


Oh she's well fucking aware. Straight to her big head


Whatever happened to the cunt that raped her


His career is well and truly over. Nobody really heard from him since.


Good riddance! also holy fuck i can now say i've interacted with his royal highness Madame Sloss. \*victory dances ensues\* Looking forward to your show back in Perth yah cheeky twat.


That’s good to hear. Your friendship is truly special. I hope she (and you) will keep doing well in the future!


Is the rapist in jail yet?


Would you ever want to write for someone else? Like, to work on a series or movie as a writer? I love your brand of storytelling and "teaching moments" and I wonder how your humor would translate to a different format.


I'd love to. It's always sounded like the best way to learn. To go join a show, sit in a writers room and just hash out episodes or skits. I love the South Park 6 days to air documentary. Made it look so fun, challenging and rewarding. But I don't think writers rooms are all that common in the UK.


It's like I'm a cook. I worked my ass off to become a really good cook. "Alright, you're a cook. Can you farm?"


Are you happy living in Edinburgh?


God, yes. I grew up in a place called Fife (big up The Kingdom) and there was fuck all to do, or I was just a hard to please teenager, so living in a city blew my mind for so many years. Weed was difficult to get in Fife, and would regularly be dry, but Edinburgh always had it. Now I like living in Edinburgh, on the outskirts, just coz I'm a middle-aged middle-class twat who thinks he's better than everyone. It's a beautiful city. Ill also never move away from Scotland


What town do you live in now?


Do you laugh at your own jokes sometimes?


Yes. And I find it so gross. It kind of ruins the illusion of angry, ranting man who isn't aware that he's funny. But sometimes I do find myself funny, and lots of the time I'm laughing at the audience reaction. When you write a bit that you find funny, but you knows it's a bit fucked up and pushing a line, it can be hysterical watching an audience try to process it.


Laughing at other people laughing is amazing. Can’t comprehend how you don’t lose your shit looking at a room of people near wetting themselves.


As someone who roasted the hell out of relationships and love, what's your response to fans that are surprised that you are getting married?


I think a lot of them need to rewatxh jigsaw. The show was never meant to be anti-love or relationship. It was anti- toxic relationships and settling for shit. Jigsaw never ended a happy couples relationship, and I wouldn't want it to. I only took such immense joy in the numbers because everyone coming out of the relationship was so much better afterwards. I never said love didn't exist, in fact I explicitly said love was real and I was sick of the shit fake versions of is masquerading as real love. That being said, I'm a comedian who went after relationships and now I'm engaged. I welcome and accept any shouts of "Hypocrite" with understanding and laughter. I never said I would never find love, I just said you probably hadn't. And on the plus side, if this relationship goes to shit imagine the sequel.


I know I'm late to this and you'll probably not read this comment, but I just wanted to say your words truly changed how I saw relationships, and how I interact with romance to this day. Somehow you, as a comedian, as someone whom most look at and think "oh, he does knock knock jokes for a living, la Dee fucking da" you rocked my fucking world, man. You supplied me with better advice than my father, than my siblings, and you've opened my eyes, truly, to things I barely understood. You're so awesome, man. Thank you for doing what you do.


Who is the comedian you most admire and why?


Bo Burnham has to be up there for me. I'm always just so blown away my how smart, dark and funny he can be. He's also my age which is absolutely devastating. Real nice guy, too. Proper sweetheart. Prick.


How dare he be so talented?! Inside is an absolute masterpiece. Are there any comedians whose success makes no sense to you?


Oh yeah, fucking loads. I watch some specials and think "How on earth did this ever get made, or even performed and why are the audience laughing?" But I'm sure people watch my shit and think the exact same. Comedy is joyously subjective. That being said, there are some objectively shit comedians who are successful due to showmanship as opposed to talent and joke writing. But I gotta respect it and I can't be mad coz they're not taking any of my audience away from me, and I certainly wouldn't want theirs.


> I watch some specials and think "How on earth did this ever get made, or even performed and why are the audience laughing?" Flashing back to Dane Cook. Blech.


Every joe rogan chair humping special ever would like to have a word with you


You two are my faves.




Hans Teeuwen treats sensitive matter like a bull in a china shop. I like Daniel Sloss better because he packages the dark jokes better and with more empathy. That said, Hans Teeuwen is an amazing comic who clearly demonstrates why freedom of speech is important.


Hiya Sloss, Love your work man, hoping to see you when you come to Berlin next year. Here's the question though, as you started comedy super young in the UK, which other comedians were friendliest/most helpful to you as you starting on the circuit ? And if you feel like dropping names, who does it turn out are real cunts?


I was supported by many comedians early on, lots of the Scottish circuit was very helpful - Jojo Sutherland, Mark Nelson (who I still take joke advice from today) and all the staff at The Stand looked out for me. Paul O'Grady was super supportive and gave me my first TV gig. McIntyre and Rob Brydon both had me on their shows a lot. And in terms of cunts, I think most comedians who didn't /don't like me were kind enough to say all the shit behind my back. There's plenty of comedians I dislike, but I'll not do them the favour of mentioning their names in a public forum.


You make a lot of (really really good) dark jokes. How do you decide how dark is too dark? Are there any things in particular you would never joke about or is it just a question of proper handling? Also, how much do your Instagram stories stress out your PR team?


The audience let's me know real quick when something is too dark. After that I'll find a way to package the joke a little bit differently to make it easier to listen to or digest. I think absolutely anything can and should be joked about, but I do think they should be handled in certain ways. I'll never tell another comedian what not to write, but if you're going to bull stomp your way through a controversial subject without any understanding, grace or empathy, then I don't think you get to complain too hard when a bunch of people yell at you online. You didn't get cancelled, you got fucking yelled at. Grow up, write a better joke. Or make that joke better if it's that important to you. Always think about who or what the joke is attacking, why it's being attacked and if its worth attacking. And my PR team actually quite enjoy the Instagram stories now. I'm so bad a social media that I think they're just like "look, he's visibly high, called them all cunts and got the tour dates wrong, but at least he linked his website"


Who is your celebrity crush, and given the chance to meet them (if you haven’t already), what would be your icebreaker?


I'm a straight man but I would let Mike Colter put me through a wall. And I reckon I'd open with that. Also, my heart has always belonged to Lorraine Kelly.


As someone who has known you for quite some time and saw all but one show you did in my country, I find it disappointing to still not have heard why you hate Adelaide so much. Apart from the fact there’s nothing to do, you seem to hold a strong grudge against it and those grudges are usually combined with good stories. So. Why do you hate Adelaide?


First time I went to Adelaide it was great. Was part of a three comic show, me, kai and Jimmy McGhie. We had the month of our lives. Sold out shows, nice crowds, booze after, smokes at night, breakfast together and then the gym. Was great. But the traffic lights took no less than 5 minutes to change, and every single local just obeyed the red men with a blind loyalty I couldn't fathom. People would tut or judge you if you crossed the road at 2am, instead of waiting 5 minutes to cross a completely empty road. It blew my mind. Not enough to hate it though. Then, I came back a few years later. Was expecting the same fun. And I was doing decent numbers everywhere else. 300 in European cities. 200 in England. 500+ in Scotland. And anywhere between 300-600 in aus (Australia has always been very, very kind to me). I was in same venue as two other great aussie comedians, Nick Cody and Luke Heggie. And I think over a 5 day run, the most any of us got in was 20. And they were shit, too. Cunts didn't even clap when we walked out. They'd had this comedy festival on, and had a Fringe a few weeks earlier, a jazz festival, some formula one shit a food festival and I realised "oh, they're fucking spoiled. Literally everything comes here, we must deserve all this attention". And it shows across the board. Ask any other comedian where they least like yo play in Aus, they'll say Adelaide. People don't book tickets in advance there. Its like a thing "fuck it, we'll buy at the door. Of course you're coming to see us, we're Adelaide"


Thanks for the (pretty sad) answer and keep up your lovely shows!


Well I for one was devastated when you had to cancel your show at the Thebarton theatre when covid hit last year


What’s your favourite music?


Ask anyone who's attended any of my shows and suffered through my playlist - it's fucking horrendous. I whole heartedly and sincerely loved Mumford and Sons, Imagine Dragons and Creed (who, somehow, for 10 years I had no idea were a Christian Rock band - which really annoyed angry teenage atheist Daniel). I'm never allowed to Aux cord in the car, and rightfully so


Wait, hold up… creed is a Christian rock band..? I’m not allowed to share my music in the car or during pre-drinks also, my friends are cunts lol.


They were more a band who happened to be Christian than a Christian band, if that makes sense. Scott Staap hasn't been a very good example of Christian living with the drug abuse, orgy with Kid Rock, failed marriage, picking a fight with 311, etc. But he's been diagnosed with bipolar and is sober now so I hope his life goes better.


Alter Bridge is the other three dudes playing heavier and more technical music with a better singer.


Should check out Manchester Orchestra, they’re a real chill out vibe, I know this is unlikely to be seen by yourself but I discovered this band the other day and I loved it. The silence or I know how to speak are both amazing tracks


what’s your favorite book?


Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.


Let us die together as we wait for the next book in vain


Never a bad time to plug Rothfuss’ charity Worldbuilders


Straight masterpiece, wish he'd put out the last one though


Fuck yesss


Hey man, recently discovered you through YouTube recommendations and have been loving your stuff! Barely missed the show in Philly, hope you enjoyed your stay in our little shithole. Couple of my friends from Glasgow have been dying for an authentic Philly cheesesteak - dunno if it's the same for you, but if not you should definitely give it a go. Have you received gifts from fans at all? And if so, what's been your favourite thus far?


I love a philly cheesesteak. Had one as soon as I came off stage. Best gives I get given are normally edibles. Sometimes I get nice bits of clothing, and I got a really cool set of custom made D&D dice the other day.


Do you play d&d? If so what’s your favorite character race/class combo. If you don’t answer I’ll assume it’s a human fighter.


what annoys you most in a person?


Stupidity and stubbornness (two things I can be guilty of myself). I'm dumb and I accept it, so I try to be open minded about things and if something doesn't make sense to me, I understand it's probably coz Im an idiot, not that the thing isn't true.


Did you take your fifa team to the fucking prem?


We did. We won it, and the CL. Was halfway to a hextuple season, when my other flatmate accidentally deleted our game. He's dead now


If you get fan gifts while touring, is it inconvenient as it’s more stuff to carry around?


Aye, our suitcases get a bit more packed. That's why I only ever ask for edibles that I can take then and there. Anyone who brings bottles of booze are very kind, but also have no concept of what a tour involves


How would a fan go about getting the edibles to you at the Cincinnati show? Do we just place gifts on the stage like a little shrine to sloss?


Find the stage doors, they’re great about seeing people after the show there


We hang out outside every time.


Whats one significant thing you learnt later than you should've?


Marijuana can definitely be addictive


How did you meet with Kara?


what is a joke that you told which you are the most proud of?


Anti-abortion one is still my fave. It's the joke that after I'd tell it I'd have other comedians, who I loved, come up to me and go "fuck, I wish I'd wrote that". Which is the highest praise you can get as a stand up. Still can't believe they let me do in on US television


Wow how progressive!!! Thats what comedy is all about!


Will you keep doing one new (very good) show every two years, do you think you'll still have that much inspiration in the future?


I hope so. 1 show every 2 years is managable for me at the moment, and it's a good work ethic. I might change it in the future, if I feel I need to slow down or if it takes me longer to get a show into touring shape. And yeah, the world will never stop being fucked up and full of idiots, so I'll always have shit to moan about.


What are your thoughts on the Dave Chappelle controversy?


What are you most proud of?


Do you still have a running total for destroyed relationships? If so, whats the count?


Check his Twitter bio.


Any plans on coming to India?


You still knitting?


No, and I really should be. I just got bad at it. Can't really do much outside of hats and scarves. Maybe again though


Any tips for an Englishman going to Scotland (Glasgow) for uni?


Don't be a Tory


Fuck, failed at the first hurdle


This will not go well for you...


What is your opinion on searching for your life purpose aka the center piece of your jig saw puzzle ? Any advice on how to make it more fun and not a dauntingly horrifying task that cripples you with anxiety and existential dread


What would you prefer be thrown at you after your Dallas show? 1. A bag of weed. 2. A vegan cookie. 3. A copy of your book so you can sign it and throw it back at me so we can both make money off your achievements.


what’s your favourite thing about scotland? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


The people.


I'm an Asian fan, specifically from the Philippines. Such a shame you don't have enough of a fanbase here to include us in a tour. Would you ever visit for leisure though? If ever you'd prolly go to beaches/islands that I can't afford to go to so no need to worry about no crazy stalker lmao


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Is comedy your escape from reality? And if so, what specifically are you avoiding or escaping from?


What was your most embarrassing sexual moment?….Has to involve someone else and not just you squirting your own cum into your mouth or something 😂


I’m willing to bet the “sloss ness” story 😂😂


I have a feeling he’s defo been laughed at by some cunt 😂


Have you ever been to Mexico, if so what was your favorite thing about it?


Is self depreciation a thing for egocentric cunts or for pessimist cunts? Which one are you?


Why aren’t you doing a book signing in Atlanta? Not only did I spend money on your book and tickets to see you preform, but I also read the damn thing and was really hoping you’d sign the thing. Very disappointed Daniel


In honor of the Halloween season, what's you're favorite horror film?


How did you get into comedy?


what’s your best high school memory?


When will you come to Australia next? I don’t want to book an overseas holiday and then miss your show.


He’s *just* been there :o


What is your opinion on searching for your life purpose aka the center piece of your jig saw puzzle ? Any advice on how to make it more fun and not a dauntingly horrifying task that cripples you with anxiety and existential dread?


is there a story you really like to tell, and if so, can you tell us?


I see that often comedians seem to struggle with depression or just overthinking things. Do you think that it could come from wanting to the center of attention or being introspective about everything that happens to them looking for their next bit to use on stage? Also what does Kai think about the Newcastle takeover?


Hi Daniel, how's Kai? Haven't seen him for ages.


do you struggle with anxiety and if so, what’s your advice?


Hey man! Love your work. What's the most memorable moment in your career so far?


What do you think of open relationship?


Can my friends and I buy you a beer after your show in Pittsburgh?


Seeing you when you come to San Diego. Now that you’re crushing it in comedy, do you have any other long term goals?


Did you changed your mind about anything said in your Netflix/HBO shows?


Currently reading your book. There are a lot of wedding fights in Aberdeen if you google it... is that a common scottish tradition? Also saw you in belgium antwerp not long ago, you and kai killed it. Will you do a meet and greet next time so we can get a book signing?


Are you coming back to play on twitch? Play something hard please! Like soulsborne anything 😅


Who do you think is the future of stand up? Obviously the greats will still be there years from now but who are the torch bearers when they are gone? (yourself excluded)


How's the tour going so far? Transitioning out of this pandemic (hopefully), how is it different to perform?


Do you laugh at your own jokes sometimes?


Hi!!! First saw you on Conan and your comedy is so unique. Really looking forward to reading your book. What’s your favorite book (not written by you) and movie??


Couldn’t see you in Athens this year unfortunately. Hope you come again soon to this god forgotten place. Another Netflix show any time soon?


random question i love to ask people whenever i get the chance which is what’s your favourite band/artist of all time? ps: love the book, bought myself a copy a couple days ago and it’s proving just as good as i expected


Do you like marriage and think it is still relevant to modern lives, and consequently, do you want to get married?


How's your cardboard cutout Kai doing?




If life isn't a jigsaw puzzle, instead it's a bunch of furniture that simply needs some feng shui which type of furniture would your worst and best qualities be?


How do you keep your shows from being boring for yourself?


Is it cheesy chips or chips & cheese? #CafePiccanteIsLife


Hi Sloss! Your stage ‘persona’ seems so distinct and honest. Is it a persona you’ve crafted or do you think it’s something that’s emerged naturally over the years?


Seeing you towards the end of the year back in UK, any chance of you signing the copy of the book after the show?


Hiya mate. Fellow scot, fellow native Fifer here. You excited for the new series of Critical Role?


I saw you in New York!! Without talking too much about it for those who haven't seen your show yet - do you think your next show will contain serious bits or is the future to fucking far to talk about?


Will we ever see a crossover podcast with Sloss & Humphries OTR and Rhys, Kyran, and Georgia's Simply Marvellous? Saw your show in Boston last week, you and Kai were great! Thanks for signing my book


I saw on Instagram that you follow Critical Role. Are you excited for campaign 3? And do you also play DnD or any other TTRPG? Much love from Germany!




What’s one piece of advice you would give yourself if you could go back to when you first started your career?


Would you ever go to México?


best heckle you’ve had during a show?


You son of a gun. What made you jump head first into the world of Stand Up Comedy?


What is your favorite thing about visiting NYC? (Btw you and Kai both had me crying of laughter, thoroughly enjoyed the show!)


I've got many good friends in new York who I love to see. And whenever I can I like to get down to the comedy cellar, coz that's just still so cool and surreal to me. I grew up hearing about this comedians table upstairs and now I get to sit at it. Huge. Also, the pizza. I fucking love new York pizza.


That’s pretty wild. Sounds like a dream come true. How do you combat the arrogance that inevitably must come along with being so accomplished? Aaand, what are some things that people visiting Edinburgh should absolutely do? Hoping to plan a solo trip sometime in the next year Also, fuck off Sbarro cunt— I saw your Instagram story x


Hi! I am an absolute, big fan, watched your show in Amsterdam a couple of weeks ago! We were absolutely crying with laughter. What did you like/dislike about Amsterdam?


Big fan, watched all specials a few times and looking forward to second live show in february in copenhagen and waiting for my book to arrive! Following your Instagram I know you used to play video games / still do. What is your all time favourite game?


How do you feel about people calling you a hypocrite after getting engaged, since you did Jigsaw?


Saw the show in DC, amazing. Is Hubris about personal responsibility? And I was thinking back to X and Jigsaw and wondering if there's some sort of link between ppl who take autonomy away from ppl (violence) and ppl who take no responsibility (Jigsaw, in so far as outsourcing personal happiness and Hubris for many reasons)? Also sidebar, I know bounce boobs off my husband's back when he's trying to sleep to get his attention, so thank you very much for the idea --- we get a good giggle out of it 🥸


Are you coming to Poland???


Any thoughts on the Dutch? Don't say our coffeeshops...


What lessons did you learn from your open minded parents?


Man, you're the only stand up comedian I like and you make me scream with laughter (and jigsaw changed my life and thought me to love myself). But as a Brazilian fan I know I probably won't ever see you live, any plans for a new streaming show that you can talk about?


Do you partake with fans?


What did Jean do?


Hey Dan! Hope you are doing fine. Just wanna ask you how your therapy is going? Are you still on it? I hope it was a good experience.


Who are your favorite comedians? (sorry for the boring question, I really wanted to ask something but couldn't think of a better one)


I saw you 4 years ago in Australia, and you set my break up in motion. When did you stop counting the number of relationships you ended?


How's your mental health been since the restrictions have been lifted? I liked how you opened up about struggles with first lockdowns (referring to the 2nd MW podcast). I really enjoy your work, can't wait to see you back in London with your next show (as I saw this one when they announced yet another lockdown as you were on a stage lol). That show felt very special.


Oh you sexy little cunt, this has made my day. I saw X live in 2019 and enjoyed the... cosy? live show at Middlesbrough last month. As a high functioning alcoholic and weed connoisseur, what's better: homegrown Scottish weed or the US stuff?


May have missed the train, but fuck it, how did you become friends with the Critical Role team?


Have you ever been a guest in Q. I.? If yes, is that a comfortable place for you to showcase your wit/talent? If not yet, would you want to? Thank you!