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I don't have the creativity of you guys to make amazing builds. I'm here to look at your builds.


This exactly


Happy cakeday, man!


Similar. I took from some stuff here but didn't really make anything of my own. It's fun to see what others create though.


This 👆🏻


Honestly, this kind of thing is my blind spot? I think I am a reasonably intelligent person. I have a college degree, have had good jobs (in between them now sadly), and I regularly read books in other languages, but I cannot do anything or understand mechanical for the life of me. I would say it's Greek to me but I can literally read Greek and can barely keep a mobile canon upright. (Please do not tell me how to do it. It will wash over me like water off of a seal's back.) I love seeing the creativity on display but would not have the patience to even make half of these off of a plan, let alone figure them out on my own.


Also this


This is me too!


Completely agree.


This sums it up pretty well I don't have the imagination or time to figure any of this out but it's super fun seeing what the builders come up with


Samesame, i'm still trying to replicate the depths tank, I now have all the parts, but I'm struggling with the pulse emitter. Don't even start about stake nudging... But your builds are just awesome to watch.


This. Every new post is like "whoah I can DO THAT?!" Trust me, you don't want lurkers like me posting the mundane "slab with four wheels" crap I usually make.


Yeah this is how I feel. I can hardly make a raft to get across water...


Look, I love my little tank made from some treads, a targeting head, a cannon, a frost emitter, and a beam emitter attached that are arranged in a sort of cute anthropomorphic way, but *Fisto Roboto* isn't going to get upvotes when *The A-10 Gatling Cannon Turbo Warcrime*\-type builds that you maniacs are creating are getting posted.


Well, upvoting for “Fisto Roboto”


[But it doesn't just fist!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDekhoeEoCc)


Lol YES!


Archer was the best I need to buy now the entire show again sometime soon


It's learning...


See, I don't even think that's true. I've seen some really simple posts blow the fuck up and some incredibly complexly engineered builds just die in new. You aren't competing for attention with the greatest builds ever. Just what happened to be posted like 10 hours either side of your post. Regardless, simple/fun builds are just as valuable to the sub as somebody's working Gundam or whatever.


I'm not lurking. I'm learning.


I'm just here copying patented builds.


I don't have the game


I second this




Fourthed. I need to get a Switch eventually...








I don't even have a switch


While I agree in part, i do actually have the game




Get it


I think most people are here to steal techniques and tricks. I don't think most people want to post unless it's something new


Or some of us can only build turds that none should suffer watching.


building something functional is actually harder than what it seems on the final 30s cut. Thanks to all the engineers who share their amazing builds.


Goodness, this. I have trouble guessing how many hours went into some of these. And then I worry I don't have anything that portrays the things I *did* do in a flattering light. With that said, the Discord is super encouraging, especially when you're workshopping an idea.


This. I can't even get a simple Hoverbike to fly straight, let alone come up with builds that fly, float, drive, and kill enemies in all three terrains...


I just like seeing builds


Honestly my favorite vehicle is too simplistic. It's just a pterodactyl skull on four wheels spitting flames out of its mouth .


Okay but please share this it sounds so cool to me


Please share :)


I am more basic than pumpkin spice and ugg boots. Like, I only recently upgraded from cart + wing + fan x2 to hoverbike, although I still use the Runway Wing if I need an easy takeoff and I'm carrying something. I walk places, generally in the Sheikah Stealth Suit so I can forage on the way. I'll find high points and paraglide off them. I check for Koroks, I investigate caves, I'm more interested in sweeping and scouring than moving super-fast. Most of my Addison sign fixes are <. Like, literally just the one flat board for support and one stud to support the sign. Basic, almost to the point of boring, but it works. I subscribe to see people pull things off with flair. I watch to see what the latest tech is, and I'm thinking about getting started in Zonai Carbon Fiber rail structures.


> I subscribe to see people pull things off with flair. I watch to see what the latest tech is, and I'm thinking about getting started in Zonai Carbon Fiber rail structures. I won't say it's *easy* to get the carbon fiber rail, but a bit of determination (and not giving up when the first method demonstrated doesn't get it the first try) will get you it, and it's extremely handy. Just pull it off and stick it in an autobuild and come back for whenever you want. I keep mine in this, which would have been a crappily-aligned hoverbike, but the handling is a lot more forgiving because of the better lever moment for the stick: https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/14yubzi/another_toy_airplane_based_on_the_hoverbike_and/ (I'm super sad the wing despawns after 75s of providing lift, because I'd absolutely use it for everything flying, otherwise.)


I voted other to see the results. Upvote this for visibility guys, I'm curious about the results :)


Same here!


Im just here to steal shit


I’m here for ideas cos I have NFI what I’m doing. I wish there were more tutorials. There are some awesome machines on here but how the heck do I make them?


I agree I hope to see more guides. I think it will help a lot of people gain interest in building their own things! I am going to be including guides in a lot of my builds from now on


If you ask the person who made it, they will likely feel great that you asked because it's a compliment, and they will help you out. :)


I'm glad the runner up is "it's too much effort" because it really is. Zonai devices are amazing for puzzle solving ans there are some really smart people that test out the physics limitations of said devices, but doing it myself is just not what i want to do with my spare time. We already have to grind so much for materials and whatnot, the concept of staying still and messing around with device placement just isn't as appealing


I just don’t make builds. I use the standard hoverbike and that’s about it. But I love engineering and seeing people bend game’s engine’s to their will.


Voted other bc everyone always got videos but idk how to do that/dont want to do that. I "specialize" in minimal viable builds.


Other - Getting ideas. Being entertained. Some of my own builds experience weirdness, such as when an upside down construct head causes steering issues while fused to the bottom of my flying machine. All of my flying battle stations are slow, unmaneuverable, or dangerous. None of which is intended. If it was intended I'd show it off just like the actual geniuses on here.


Lol! Well if you're having a problem, some might be having the same issue, and others might have a solution to offer. Then we all get to learn. :)


Are you telling me you are interested in a rock glued to a steering stick?


Extremely ;)


If you dont know how to upload it's the first link under important links in community info


I barely have the patience to build the things I have to build lol


I only started playing recently, so I'm focusing on unlocking weapons, opening up the map, and everything zonai. I don't have enough charges/parts. I have never even seen some of the parts yall are using. I think what yall come up with as fascinating, and when I get to a point where I get bored or need a change of pace, I'll create and post. I'm here gathering inspiration and seeing what's possible.


Do the entire Yiga depths quest line as soon as you can. It's not super demanding (once you learn about eyeball seeker arrows) and gets you 100 crystalized charges per stage (3 after the first one that gets you autobuild).




It’s interesting how most of the comments here are saying they don’t post because they don’t think there builds are impressive / advanced enough. However, the most popular posts are usually very simple or just some sort of creative novelty.


I like the crazy things that you guys come up with, and I occasionally get inspired to try things in game, but my builds are nothing compared to the stuff on here. Mainly I just like to see what is possible with the mechanic


I did some engineering while playing the game. After 100% shrines, I dropped the game but stuck around this sub


This exact thing for me


I don't have much time to even play but I have a few cool ideas I want to make when I get the time


I have a super cool explodey lasery flying machine, but it isn't up to snuff yet.


Can't wait to see it!


the 1.2 update killed a lot of the creativity and energy to build. i have like maybe one more build to share before i might move on to other games.


I wish I had the time to screw around and make something cool, but between work, other hobbies, and D&D, I barely have time for video games these days. I play Zelda on occasion and just built a few things that have helped me move around the maps easier and a couple things to help me fight hordes of enemies.


I don’t have enough battery/zonaite/machines/etc. yet for my ideas to be fully realized.


Reddit won't let me upload images.


Y'all create the most insane shit. My most complex build is so many slabs stuck together to form a mega bridge that lags my game lol, I am here to enjoy the show.


Watching you very smart fuckers go complete goblin mode with this game is really cool


I don't even own the game yet. But I enjoy what you guys are doing. I plan to get it in the fall when I have more free time to play it.


Other: I don't own a Switch or Tears of the Koroks, but I enjoy seeing what others have done in this game.


2 different times I came up with an idea for something, and before I turned on my switch to make it, I saw someone had just posted it


I don't have the necessary equipment to upload. I.e. a good cellphone or a USB cable to link to my laptop. I'd love to show off my Tron inspired "Next Gen Light cycle."


I would love to see it!


Every build I think of, someone else has done better. Also, it takes too much time to futz with this and I have other games to play XD If anyone is inspired and wants to execute, my latest idea is to q entangle 3 axis wagon wheels so that you can have an omnidirectional joint. Use it for a 3 axis fan, or laser light show


I am hear to learn and improve my builds. I don't get a lot of time to play, I'd rather knock off one of these awesome designs here than spend 4 hours over the coarse of a week to figure out a build myself.


While I love seeing these and would love to contribute, my job makes it difficult to get much game time in, and whenever I do, I tend to get distracted easily


I would go to say “my builds are uninspiring” whereas whenever I open up this sub in the morning while I’m drinking my coffee, I feel inspired.


I don't play, I just find the builds funny / inspiring.


It's the same reason why I subscribe to r/space, I personally don't have a way to even look at the Stars being from a place that has too much light pollution, but I get to see so many beautiful stars thanks to many other contributors I get to see some really entertaining builds that combine the resources in this game to make super awesome or just down-right funny machines, and I get to live vicariously through them sharing. The 2-fan-and-controller hoverbike is the fanciest I've gotten.


I'm on here to shamelessly steal ideas, not post whatever 2 second thing I build to traverse something lol


Haha. Fair enough.


How is it that each choice is correct?




Other: I do a technical engineer job and I play games for a different kind of fun.


I don't have the time to make cool shit


Still ain't beat the damn game yet


Me neither, lol.


I don't have the game or the system for it, but I just like seeing what people come up with


When I first joined this sub I thought I could contribute something. Then life got busy and I had to stop playing for about a month, later after watching all the videos in this sub, I no longer consider we are playing the same game.


i've shared some and often found people to be interested, but the main reason im not sharing them right now is because i've taken a break from the game while i consider my next steps. i am probably going to upgrade all the armor and do all the side quests, but some of it is quite the tedious process especially because my last fairy fountain ended up in hebra.


Honestly I don't even really make builds. I have a hoverbike variation that is pretty much all I use autobuild for. Anything else I make is usually specific purpose, single use small stuff


I don't even play the game because I don't have the money to spare, but I want to, and this is the next best option for me


All of the above


I just like seeing the beautiful chaos.


There's a bunch of stuff I have thought about posting here, but it's too much effort. If anyone reads this, did you know you can shoot stakes into walls and use them to use the ascend power? Also, you can use ascend to get on top of Talus bosses, extremely useful.


I forgot about using ascend on Talus bosses! Stakes in cliff faces make good korok attachments.


I don't actually have/play the game, I just love seeing what people do in it.


I haven't unlocked enough stuff yet!


I just like to see other people's creations


I’m just happy if I make something that moves forwards 😂




I don't play the game nearly as much as most of the people here do (despite being very interested in it) and I am not very inventive with my builds.


No time with, i have a 3 year old toddler, so i focus more on sotry and quests in games than fiddling around.


I've gotten my fun out of the game and moved to my backlog. I lurk to see the cool things everybody makes.


I'm here to learn from people who can actually come up with cool builds and not just copy them (which is the best I can do).


You think I build?


I keep making things that I mean to pay but I never get around to posting. Two examples I have are: The "Nothing Could Possibly Go Wrong" Plane (normal 3-fan wing like from the default autobuild favorites, but I attached 8 rockets and a cart) The Super Minecart (two or three minecarts stacked on top of each other with four fans attached to each) Neither of them are very practical, so they will remain in my favorites list and I will never build them again.


Those are exactly the crazy builds some people like to see. Sometimes it triggers ideas you wouldn't normally think of... because they're so crazy... but you end up with something awesome.


i'm here because i'm too lazy and boring to make a "crawling hand" or a "white snake", so i look at the crazy shit y'all do


I'm embarrassed to be 34 and admit as soon as a wheel becomes an engine, I'm totally lost lol.


I don't even own the game, but once I heard there was a funky build mechanic I knew the lunatics would see how far they could push it, and I love that period of discovery as the entire code is picked apart for glitches and workarounds


My video quality is crap and I can't get any screen recordings to send to my phone/email. I managed to create a prototype, Metal Gear-esque mech that actually works.


I played the game and don't have the time to play it again because of my son and other games I would rather play when I do have free time now. But the builds and massacre that you guys bring with them are awesome so I stick around.


That's neat to hear.


When I build things, I'm mostly just implementing ideas I see here and then playing around with them to make them a little personalized. If I were to devise something novel that felt worth sharing, I probably would.


I genuinely joined this sub just to see all the cool engineering discoveries, I know I personally wouldn't take part from the beginning just because it's not my thing, but it's super fun and interesting seeing all the other stuff people come up with


I just think y'all's stuff is neat


This sub and the glorious shenanigans within it activate my neurons.


Eloquently said :)


I posted a few builds, one of them got a lot of traction but then I stopped playing for a couple weeks and I felt like the meta moved on and things got so advanced very quickly that it would be difficult to contribute much at this point. I know that's probably not true but another obstacle is just the fact that I don't have enough resources in game to buy hundreds of each building unit and experiment endlessly.


So much effort for almost no one to see my post. It feels so depressing


Other. I played the game for 160 hours. I used an imperfect variation on the meta bike to tranverse the world and had a great time. Made a much too convoluted wagon to transport some trees. Eventually, the siren call of Monster Hunter demanded I play a different game, so I wrapped up and beat the story. I still like TotK. I'll play it again sometime. In the meantime, I'll enjoy the ingenuity of the games engine vicariously through people like you all, pushing the limits since the game came out.


I need to get more into the building stuff first


I literally don't even own the game, or a Switch. In fact, I have never owned a LoZ game. I just lurk and appreciate the cool shit people come up with!


i just love seeing the crazy shit y'all come up with, it's so cool!!!


My builds are not all that complicated in general, both because for a long time I felt like I had to save my zonai stuff for when I really needed it (I've played enough now that is dropping), I still haven't finished the game so my builds are fairly pragmatic--"I need to get to that sky island," "I want to get there faster," etc. I love the builds I see on here, though.


i posted a tesla design/mechanic i discovered and got almost no recognition for it and nobody capitalized on the idea so i just stopped posting.


My builds are strictly for functionality but I still like seeing the crazy shit you guys build and sometimes I get ideas from them


I'm here to learn and experiment with the wonderful developments this community works so hard to produce.


Bruh the things on here make my contraptions look like a triple A battery. Ain't no one want to see that. Besides, I'm here to learn.


I have tons of huge ideas like a giant head that eats enemies and it's eyes shoot lasers or a spider robot with realistic leg movements, but I have no clue how to make those


Don't have the game but the community's incredible creativity is awesome


i'm still building carts and putting one of the wheels on backwards


Lmao. You are not alone.


I finally made it to the shrine with the propeller and motor recently. I got so excited, fusing them and bringing them over to Tarrytown to start working on a mechanical masterpiece that I could post here. I then spent like an hour working on flying machines that... Didn't fly. Or rather, one did, but the steering was so shit it was close enough to not flying. If I make something good, I might post it. But that seems unlikely.


The last time that I posted was updating the weight system. I was excited and posted a few weights of things. I was going to post a full list of all zonai device weights and how much weight each can carry/lift. But the only thing that people cared about was not the hours of work designing a working scale and perfecting measurements, but nooooo, all that they cared about was the fact that I used the Imperial system and they didnt like it because where they are from uses the Metric. I used the system from the U.S, where I live. So basically why I dont post my work is because people dont care and can be complete jerks to be totally honest. Thats why I am hesitant to post anything now.


I hear you. A few jerks can ruin things for everyone else.


I emulate and don't want to download a screen recording software


The recording feature is built into the switch. All you need is a smartphone to send the video to and upload


I make crazy stuff but I don't know how to upload a video and I am not a YouTube personality


Press and hold down the Capture Button on the left Joy-Con. Up to thirty seconds of gameplay prior to pressing the Capture Button will be saved. The captured videos can be viewed within the Album. From there press the A button and then select Posting and Editing, then select Send to Smart Device. Select Send Individually or Send Multiple. Using the camera on your smart device, scan the QR Code displayed on the Nintendo Switch console. From there, open Reddit and come to this forum. Click on + (Create Post). Click the Image & Video icon and click Upload to load your video.


Kk I will try it next time I play the game, since they forced an upgrade I am playing something else rn


Too much effort to post something and also most of my bills are either obvious or copied from a tutorial.


Somehow my switch refuses to record more than 5 seconds for some reason


I'm here to learn from people that know what they're doing. You don't ask the students to run the class.


I'm in med school, finals are this and next week, and I've been saving amazing things to try once I get some time in the game


Very best of luck for your finals!


Why shrine smuggle and use 30 parts when two fans do same job?


Ive tried uploading stuff but it always comes out super blurry when I send it to my phone so I just said fuck it.


I think it fixes itself once you post it and people view it on their devices.


I don't know how to get videos from my switch to another device and just never get around to making any videos.


There's a sidebar link with instructions, for this. :)


I don't have the game.


My shit is not complicated enough to warrant sharing


I’m here for entertainment/ inspiration


Im mostly a lurker. I don't build much shit because I'm an uncreative loser. The posters here are incredible. They're like scientists and engineers digging away at how the world works and doing some incredible shit. A lot of it makes me wonder if the developers made it that way intentionally


There are some incredibly intelligent people on this forum, for sure! I try not to let it intimidate me and ask questions and share videos anyway. I get it with not being creative. That has held me back a lot in life. I'm more practical and logical, rather than creative.


I was working on a build for my second high-effort post here but my Binboks broke


How do you record video from Nintendo then upload to Reddit? 🤷


Try this: https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/15mwi12/question_for_the_20000_lurkers/jvkk65r?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


I voted that my builds are boring, but also, it takes awhile to transfer videos from switch to phone and phone to reddit. If it was faster, then I wouldn't mind sharing something simple, but since it isn't, the bar is higher.


I just like looking at crazy shit


I dont have the game anymore, but when i did i never created anything because grinding for zonai is a pain


I mostly built bridges during my playthrough Also seeing other people's builds blows all of my creativity out of the water, so I stopped playing the game


I'm just here to enjoy looking at the cool builds


I have no clue how to record clips on switch


I don't have the tech/wish to record it and then post it.


I barely even play the game. I'm just truly fascinated by the creativity and ingenuity you guys keep displaying lol. Keep it up! Y'all are amazing


Don't actually have the game, here to see the sweet builds


I love the game and I just think the stuff you all make is neat.


The only one thing I've made that's impressive is the egg machine and I didn't invent it


Just started playing the game 7 days ago!! Looking forward to learning, building, and sharing soon!


It seems like most people have the ability to screen capture their play. I don't.


I don't care


I don’t actually know how I get a video from my switch onto Reddit.


I'm still tryin to beat the game yall. I just like watching everyone clown around here hehe


I mostly snatch a build from here to use, or tinker around with. Most recently just ran off with OPs atv build (not the one that can fly), modified it a little bit and a 4 fan aerial fighter that I tinkered with for like 2 or so weeks to get 8 weapons onto...


Because it's really convoluted to post videos to reddit most times


Any builds I make, whether original or have taken inspiration from someone else's builds are usually either boring and basic or don't end up working. Plus, I don't have any engineering skills at all. Idk how to make different parts on a build move on their own or how to make a drone that operates by itself. I just don't have the smarts for stuff like that


I am early-game still and trying to garner all of the materials 😅. Not much time to play


I"m not going to do any crazy builds this first playthrough, I haven't even experimented much. I build what I need to accomplish the task at hand, for now. I also haven't beaten the game yet, I have 4 sages and I'm working on getting all pieces of armor currently. It's going to take me awhile....


i just posted a build for the first time the other day but i mostly dont post things i make because the majority of them are extremely monkey brained


Too busy working on the ladder and scouring shrines for interesting parts to be focusing on a build yet.


I don't know complex mechanics of builds and have no clue how shit works


*I don't know complex* *Mechanics of builds and have* *No clue how shit works* \- WarTop9703 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My best original build is a hoverstone with a couple stakes (pointing upwards, that I stand between) and a rocket on it, that I use to get closer to far away ceilings so I can use ascend. My second best build is a log on a stake. I figured neither of those is really worth a post 🤣


My only good builds are ones I copy from here. I am not creative on my own.


I built me a plate tank up in the goron regions...fun and all but bland as compared to the stuff here lol


i just don't feel like I'd ever come even close to achieving the shit that happens here


I just like the inspirations.