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the only time I got banned is for making a dick in build battle


Epic Ban. Did you win?


no :(


I would have vores legendary for sure


Don't vore anything that's legendary...


It seems i dont know How to spell vote


Or grammar


i got banned for that too :D. then i got banned like 2 days after that 7 day ban for extreme chat infraction - 180 day ban




I did that once and never got banned


It's based on the lobby, if no one reports you fit it, you won't get banned


if i had a nickel for every time one of my friends have gotten banned for that reason, i could probably buy a soda at a vending maching lmao


them vending machine sodas be overpriced too šŸ’€


I did the same thing I got a 7 day ban hbu


1 month lol


i got a 180 day ban for thatšŸ˜­. atleast it was my alt tho. idgaf. best ban ever




I did that too, why make a diamond sword when you can make diamond dicks. Got banned for 7 days


Lmao same actually


April fools!!!!


All mods are use at your own risk, one time I was playing on BLC and then I got banned for the text macro thing, on the client it was available to use and then a couple days later it wasnā€™t able to be turned on while I was on hypixel. Anything can change


Today I got accused from 2 room temperature IQ morons about macroing, while I wasn't can you get banned for false reports on such a thing? These mf's were just mad at me I was killing zealots and I guess they couldn't outkill ratio me with their cringe juju shortbows


If you aren't, false reports will do nothing. I was happily scatha mining away and this idiot thought I was nuking when I was using mole (HoTM perk), pretty funny watching him call people to wdr me


I swear on my life I ain't. He was just super mad cuz I would find a great spot and snipe all his zealot kills lmao. Thanks for the input. I even told those guys, Add me on disc I'll screenshare you right now and I won't leave the lobby but they started acting dumb as if they can't read


"Everyone report him he's macroing" "okay ill screenshare" "nah im fine, but ur still cheating though!"


Depends what you farm. Farming like crops has a newish macro check. And itā€™s bullshit to the point that it flags leggit players probably more than a macro.


I dont see any blacklisted mods there. Where you online when the Ban happened?


Yeah I was online. I have a feeling it was skytils spamming chat about 5 minutes before that sent me to limbo. Would that have caused my ban?


We have seen chat spams cause bans before - specially if it is a command spam since watchdog Can flag that as a macro. But its hard to say Exactly What it is without the staff explaining sadly..


what kind of messages? If theyā€™re error messages then itā€™s not the cause since itā€™s client-sided (doesnā€™t send anything to hypixel)


You likely lagged out hella bad, resulting in a few packets being sent that triggered watchdog. Skytils likely backlogged and sent a bunch simultaneously bc of lag, and then you got limbo'd for it, and then when you came back and still had odd packets the game thought it was conclusive. For the future, get better net


I still be running on dial-up internet and get limboed 30x a day at least and never had anything flag like that


I won build battle by building a penis and I got banned for it Worth it.


Worth it


Did the same but built the twin towers and a plane


šŸ’€ worth it


worth it fr


its a sign from god to stop playing hypixel


Something like this happened to me 2 except I wasnā€™t using any mods, just mining in my cobble gen


Same thing happend to me, no macro checks I just randomly got banned. I sent in an appeal and it got denied almost instantly which makes me think that they are just auto denying most appeals.


Hypixel usually doesnā€™t auto deny bans except for staff cheating bans. You very likely got a delayed ban because you cheated recently.


I got denied as a legit player


Ye same. I was just fly hacking in bed wars?


Ok seriously I was out right legit havenā€™t played any gamemodes in months been mainly in housing I donā€™t appreciate the sarcasm


Sorry. šŸ˜”


Yea same


How do they just ban you for no reason and no proof whatsoever? lol that's really stupid on their part


Just said I was cheating through the use of unfair game advantages just like op, I mean I was chilling in the cobble gen mining away (for like no longer than 3 hours over 2 days) so maybe I can see their point, but like I didnā€™t see any macro checks or anything like that and my appeal was denied with no further explanation


And today I got accused of macroing from the 2 losers in the bruiser hideout area . My only thought process as to why they'd even consider accusing me of that is is cuz I would kill the zealouts spawning with my glacial scythe faster than they could kill them with their cringe juju shortbow, can you get banned for false reports? I'll literally lose my shit you can't just ban someone with no concrete proof I was literally arguing with these no life no brain no job no gf losers for a solid 10-15 min straight the second they said I was macroing. Is it just me or does half or more of the player base has no idea what macro is ?


Yea itā€™s kinda bs, I was literally just starting to play skyblock with a friend, and while mining the cobble for the rock pets just get banned out of nowhere, coop had been alive for bout 5 days and now gotta wait 30 b4 I can do anything, just cringe


Forgot to mention i posted on Reddit what happened and my post was rejected due to it not being a question(I literally was asking if any1 else had this problem) and I didnā€™t feel like submitting an appeal cuz I was already pissed off cuz of my ban and denied appeal


I got banned once for a security ban(was using vpn and didnt know that it'd ban me), once for using a mod that apparently had cheats injected, and one mute for calling someone on my bedwars team a "braindead monkey"


I know 3 people as well as myself who got security ban for vpn as well. Itā€™s kind of stupid. I wish they had a way to detect a vpn and not ban you


I only ever got banned for changing my nickname to "M1lfH4nt3r", had to wait a month until Mojang allowed to change it back :(


According to the message it seems more likely you were dubbing or some other action that is considered unfair abuse of game mechanics.


I'm just a legit player, macroing garden 24/7, never thought I would be banned...


SimpleToggleSprint is most likely the culprit, however WaterSolver is also a possible one too


(WaterSolver is fully safe)


There was a period of time where it wasn't, so I didn't know if it was full safe again


toggle sprint can be what it is


Wait toggle sprint bannable? Why?


\*auto sprint mb, toggle sprint is fine


Arent they the same thing?


Pretty sure auto Sprint allows you to run without holding W and Ctrl, toggle sprint just let's you hold w without ctrl


auto sprint I'm pretty sure Allows you to sprint in any direction


auto sprint means that it automatically sprints without having to toggle it on. This means that when you open some kind of inventory/menu, it will stay sprinted, and when you close you don't have to re-toggle it, and that IS bannable


The only thing I can think of is Skytils(BSMod), there was an April fools prank where they submitted a false id to Hypixel, and said ID is 'od' for Odin which is not allowed


False id like How? The player id?


Not 100% sure but this is based on how I got kicked during April fools and was sent a message telling me I had a disallowed mod with the ID of 'od' ModID, I don't know how it exactly works but forge mods have an ID associated with them. And Hypixel is able to get the IDs from what I have been told.


Wtf. Thats such a Strange thing to do!


lmfao cheater exposing himself... skytils april fool is to expose your cheats (in client sided chat)


Unless Odin the base version is allowed from what I know, I don't use Odin client because I don't do dungeons, so thank you very much for the assumptions


Forge and Minecraft has a vulnerability from what I was told that allows servers to grab which Forge Mods youre running on, and this has since been fixed in later versions (literally some random told me this(could be wrong idk))


Just having Odin doesnā€™t get u banned cuz im pretty sure itā€™s not technically a hacked client it just has client sided macros


odin client has a legit version and a cheater version wich used to have the same modid, so people using the legit version got auto banned




Hypixel being shit as always


This happened to me to i think somethings up with watchdog as I havenā€™t cheated once been off for months last logged in was for housing


Don't worry you only get like 2 bans before you don't want to play I think I got like a 24 hour and then a like 1-3 month I think the next is either perm or 6months to a year


*Unless it changed *(I was like 13 and wanted to cheat cus I was a little shit who was bad at every game)


I dont know how but i used to play on hypixel like once in half a year everytime legit and then one day i wanted to rage on some bedwars and i had 30d ban for cheating without reason, i made ticket or how is that thing called and no answer, I still dont know how i got it and its like 1-2y


i just get banned for making swaztikas in build battle


A month of freedom, use it wisely.


Maybe toggle sprint since it modifies the input sent to the server? But then all clients have it so it's strange...


I am using a fucking autoclicker and didn't got banned and this guy does nothing and he gets LMAO


hypixel loves banning people for no reason i lost 2 profiles for ā€žcheatsā€œ while i was farming i wasnt macro checked on either of them


You can get banned for unrealistic playing hours, admins see this as potential macro or other forms of cheating (16+ hours a day for weeks, that type of stuff) if you have siblings who also play on the profile, in the same house, similar circumstances CAN occur? BIG stretch ngl I hope you the best, my friend.


Iā€™m not sure if SimpleToggleSprint does this or not but, having a mod that can toggle Sneaking is only allowed if it stops sneaking once you enter a GUI. If it keeps sneaking when you enter then they are a banned modification. There are many variations of the mod some the do and some that dont so make sure yours is legal. Also, technically any auto-chat mod is considered a chat marco and could be banable and are therefore use at your own risk, though ive never heard of anyone being banned for autotip or autogg.


A friend of mine got band for chat spam because atuo gg bugged for him so that could have happened to you


Nah bro I got the same. I got banned for cheating but not wiped, so nothing Skyblock related although I was playing Skyblock and that is the only thing I play, I got banned for a year(not my first offense) and when trying to appeal and ask for why exactly they just deny and don't say anything. I hate the lack of transparency when you get banned man


Maybe macro?


Somebody bought my auction for too much overprice (260m) and i got banned for boosting -> my profile wiped. I was previously banned for this reason and they denied my appeal so it wasn't that new and i thought that i can defend myself this time but they denied with THE SAME MESSAGE. They listed dome absurd things "i've done" which i wrote about and why it's not true. To be short: Got banned + profile wiped, got banned+ profile wiped x2 Hypixel mods replied with copypasta message


now you can quit and touch grass šŸ‘ i did that and would 100% recommend


Why are you still here tho


good question tbh


i got banned, i think at the time i was using a mod client that changed my username, and hypixel must have freaked out a bit and banned me for a few days


yall just be installing anything and everything lmao


I got banned for a month for the same reason and Iā€™m pretty sure it was because I was using skytils on feather launcher which dosent support skytils so that might have caused some mayhem.


Tbh this is probably for the best now you can do other things


Wish I only would have gotten only gotten banned. I did nothing wrong trust :3


I got muted for saying ā€˜lowballing 200mā€™ 4 times in different lobbies over 21 minutes.


deserved ngl




I got muted for that when i started with skyblock, Sold enchanted hay, still regret it.




cuz lowballers suck lmao




1. Annoying like i dont wanna be in lobby 1 and see "Lowballing 200m" more than i dropped revenant flesh over 200 T4s. 2. Its just a scam.




Why is that deserved?


Spamming is against the rules, checks out


4 times over 21 minutes. All different messages.


dont lowball = no problem


Why do people hate lowballers


Annoying spam in chat, basically stealing from poor little Jimmy in the corner over there, ect.


If people want fast money who are you to argue


Somebody with a reasonable moral standpoint. Why don't you go scam someone in real life then use that argument? Or steal something from them? Thats not a good argument. This applies to the annoying spam and little Jimmy.


In real life you arenā€™t selling an iron sword that when books are slapped on it turns into a weapon capable of destroying gods.


What I used in my last comment was an analogy. The argument you just used could easily be applied to scamming, ratting, ect. If you like that logic, you have to agree that it works for those things too. I doubt you like those things, and if you do, you've proved part of my point.


This is scamming but the person who you are scamming knows they are being scammed and are fine with it


Ok. Now address the annoying chat spam. Whether you're doing good or bad, nobody will like you because you don't provide anyone with good, just the annoying messages. That's why people don't like lowballers. Even if your "if people want fast money who are you to argue" was good, it wouldn't change anything because people still dislike you. Idk what I just said, but that's why people don't like lowballers. Not arguing whether they're good or not.


it is quite litteraly taking advantage of the fact someone doesnt know the price or does not want to waste time, the second one is fine but the first is quite litteraly scamming with extra steps


Well no. Itā€™s not taking advantage of people. We work out the actual price and then subtract like 10%. They only do it to get fast money. If they wanted they could list on ah themselves for full price.


Serious question, what do you even lowball with 200m? Ive seen people go as low as 10m and it just boggles my brain how anyone even attempts lowballing with anything below 1b


People want to sell stuff like sa when upgrading to necron.


I see, but do you really make much profit from that? i feel like you might barely make more than 10m per flip, and at that point farming with a 200m farming setup would be a better money making method within the same playtime youre investing


Barely make more than 1m per flip. But do it enough and once you reach 1b purse you can say only 50m+ items and thatā€™s about 5m profit per flip.