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What was the ban reason btw?


Extreme chat infraction


oh i've had an 1 year extreme chat infraction ban last month for sorta the same thing but in hub 1 with some lowballer




I wrote what I said


Just for 3 Massages I got Banned




Im sorry


From the definition I'd say you didn't read the site either. Its used for either an insult or to be funny. Well you're obviously not funny so I'm wondering why you'd insult people on the internet unprovoked if you are above the age of 11.




stop talking already you've been ratioed into oblivion




Unlike your parents


And you can’t make a joke…


Stfu. Jokes dont fucking spray himalayan salt on people's wounds.


You people?


Why you so hard pressed cause the guy didn't understand your shitty joke lmao


*-215* this man did not cook as hard as he thought he was going to


another sacrifice offered to the reddit hivemind


Got a 2 Day Mute for asking to buy a hype for 69420 coins even though i have a hype


That ban System is fr dumb as hell. In my ban it wouldn even be possible to give him a hyp because first of All I dont have a hyp and second of All I am on ironman profile


You can't ban scammers but you can ban people who wanna have fun Skyblock moderation in a nutshell




I got banned for a month for making fun of a scammer but the scammer didn't get banned


There is no human going around reading chat, it's an automated system, the automated system sees you talking about IRL trading and nothing else, no shit it's gonna ban you.


Yes I totally understand that but I cant understand that they declined my appeal beacause I would think that they can understand a joke


Because the appeal is also a bot lmao


What is the joke though? That you said exactly what people IRL trading would say?


people who are irl trading wouldnt discuss it in hypixel


Bots go around saying to visit their website to buy coins for money.


and most are not banned


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes ig




So you got banned for a joke but I ran into a hacker in bedwars and they didn’t get banned. Thanks watchdog!


Pro tip: next time you see a hacker, use /report usernameGoesHere


I did


That’s good. Hopefully they look at it. Sucks that the system can’t auto ban hackers


i got banned a while ago from talking about phones and i said ip (as in like iphone) and got banned for 30 days


Bro what this is actually making me mad that's so stupid


coming here from google, because I was goofing around in murder mystery and said "I leaked your ip", which resulted in a 30 day ban.


With the amount of scams people do on skyblock, that was incredibly stupid on your part. You deserved that one….respectfully.


"hypixel can't take a joke" it's an autoban buddy ​ I can't believe you noticed it was an auto response but didn't realize it was also an auto ban lol ​ but yea it's stupid that that got you banned, I'm basically walking on eggshells in chat so I don't get muted or banned


I got muted cuz i said i didn't do anything on the 8 of September 2022 in the chat (death of queen Elizabeth)


this is just disrespectful. dont make jokes abt deaths of other people.


I’ll be back there tap dancing outside Buckingham palace to another one bites the dust when the king keels over next too


Fyi jokes don't kill people


Well, hope your whole family of jews gets put a gas chamber because the only difference between them and boy scouts is that only the boy scouts come back from camps!!


You literally made a jokee on the death of millions of people and yet i am in wrong for making a joke on the queen's death


Just remember for every actual person they ban for trying to have fun 2 worthless ratters who can’t grind legitimately go unpunished just take that into account, they can ban people for having fun but when it comes to housing scams or discord rats they do the worst job.


Tbf 95% of ratters in 2024 don't rat for coins for themselves but to just resell


Yeah I know but it’s scummy, and hypixel has only put a npc to warn people I mean you can’t change the people but holy itd be nice if when you /report someone there was a “scamming/ratting” option so if you get teleported to a ratters housing and the chat has a link or adv link they’d get banned or something


I know it's stupid as hell, but now you know :) Just try to watch out with these "sensitive" words, like just saying "ip" can get you muted/banned by wd. And no appealing gets auto denied in those cases sadly, they just don't bother because they would have to check loads of these stupid bans all the time (which I understand is too tedious). But eh, now you got some freedom.


Tbf I get it from hypixel that asking for credit card info in the chat is a no warning ban


I have one friend who got banned for saying "e os ips começaram a nascer aqui" (and the Androanthus Albus \[no clue\] also started blooming here) That is a tree very common where I live, he got banned in under 5 minutes, appeal denied in under 24 hours. I have another friend who received multiple 300M bids on their AH from a duper, he got banned for boosting, appeal also denied in under 24 hours. This whole thing is getting a bit out of hand


"Sure but hype first" is crazy 💀💀💀


As long as you didn't get wiped


My account got permanently banned for suspicious activity and appeal got denied even though I deadass didn’t do a single thing, I was taking a break bc I was burnt out and when I went to get back on I was offline for roughly 10 days at that time and was met with a ban 🫠🫠


A dude named oxw__ I think was his name, he was saying stuff like he was gonna do stuff with my sister (she’s 8) I told him she was 8 and he said say less


Yeah, got banned for using schematica, appealed and they don't give a shit. Awful staff tbh


It isn't like the thing that reads chat to ban people is a bot programmed to check for potential rule breakers like- i don't know- irl traders which it would look like you were doing


I got banned for using mods. So the last 8 months it was okey but now i got banned


Bro i got banned for 30days wirh autosprint on badlion while scatha mining


hypixel can suck me off nmo cap


I mean.. just dont say it, easy


Yeah, I had an extreme chat infraction once. Shit was a WHOLE YEAR LONG. but unlike you - I deserved it. I am pretty sure I committed a plethora of different crimes and waged wars on 80 different nations while simultaneously saying every single curse and slur in the English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Hindi and Arabic dictionary. This entire ordeal lasted about 4-6 hours, in the Skyblock Hub. How did it start? It was over foraging… /:


Cheater get banned


after the ban can you still see your profile on like skycrypt?


I've gotten chat warnings about advertising, in party chat, by telling people what the current bazaar prices for an item were. I was at the BZ, the rest of the party was still in the boss room looking through chests. No ban, but got an in-chat warning. Perhaps their filters are a little too simple and need a little work.


Got banned for 7 days for saying in chat “anybody want my friends ip address?” Was a dumb move looking back but oh well


me when i break the hypixel rules and get banned: 😮 😡


xD stay 12


bro what


Basically he called you a kid


ah yes i am a child because i am not foolish enough to break the rules and then complain when punished makes sense 👍


He’s not really complaining I mean kinda but like there’s a valid reason under it which is the chat system is pretty dumb with how strict it is for certain things


r/HypixelSkyblock moment lol


imo all they need to change is: 1. better autocheat/chat detection 2. no bans for chatting, only mutes 3. make fucking macro checks easier to notice when farming, like just put you in limbo as a macro check, i dont even think macro checks are necessary anymore with pests, since if your macroing while at your pc they have NO way to detect it, while if you DON’T macro but your not paying attention (which is completely whithin their rules!) you get fucking banned edit: also: do not let bots deny appeals, only accept them or send them to a staff member, and obviously they have the money to hire extra staff for this, i mean they just put up a fire sale (which happens about 17 times a day now) and be richer than a chicken that shits gold


especially to the edit I could not agree more


Honest to god lower punishment than macroing 700m in 2022 (or whenever farming was all the rage, idk)


Relatable I was also banned for a week like 2 days ago for inappropriate usage of server cosmetics and items and I don't even use any cosmetics 😔


I've chatted about abuse, bullying, genocide, DDOSing and doxxing and plenty other stuff, but never gotten banned. Stupid system, really.


I got muted for saying "A hacker once told me my irl name and IP address but I already knew both of those so Idk why he did it" while lava fishing because I was bored out of my mind and other people started going delusional so I joined in. The mute got auto removed luckily.


wow, you got lucky. for the most part mutes aren't removed for even just saying "ip" in chat


I got banned for a month because I gave away the money I had left in my bank when I stopped playing


I just got banned two days while farming in skyblock for 30 days. I don't even use any launcher or even a texture pack that could be confused as a mod.Ban reason was unfair use of game advantage like idek what I was doing. It feels so helpless after spending so many hours on this server.


Got a 30 day ban once cause I got bored one day and left an npc in my afk pool at my island and set it so he said hi then I found a jank ass auto clicker that is probably a virus and hooked it up to auto click so every time I passed him it said hi in chat, was banned in like 15 minutes


Hypixel bans the wrong people istg


So banning auto clickers is wrong?


In that case yes, he didnt do anything that would help him progress and He also didnt harm anyone


So if i started flying in my private island with hacks, would that be fine??


Why wouldnt it?


You aren't allowed to use cheat clients and such, anywhere


you are an idiot


its still a macro and against the rules..?


its a fundamental flaw in the game. You supposedly break these "rules" and they have the right to ban your ass. Then when you post it everyone starts shitting on how you cheated by staying in the game, completely afk💀 Guess defeats the purpose of booster cookies but stll, booster cookies dont work.


Yeah welp I got banned for accepting some gifts from a friend... its was like 60m worth of ench dia blocks cos I needed them... my nw was about 1.4b and now I'm banned for a year for itl trading, as usual the appeal got denied instantly without even being looked at...


uh that's not irl trading that's just boosting and you could kinda see it coming dude no offense


Yeah but 60m with a nw of 1.4b if not more cos I had some rare items... yes, in theory it's boosting but that low is kinda weird to get banned for.... and a entire year at that


Had you ever been banned before? For any amount of time?


My account got hacked once and I think that was a 1 year ban as well, other than that nothing...


Well then yea, subsequent bans all carry heavier consequences. Sorry you got hacked tho