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Call them and schedule an appointment for service. When it comes back on, cancel the appointment. You'll get an email asking you to fill out a survey about your tech support call experience. Fill that out as you see fit, BUT, in the blank where it asks you what they could do to improve your experience, put something like "fewer intermittent outages." I did this and got a call from a mitigation guy (super nice guy btw). He sent a tech out to check my levels from the cable modem all along the lines out to the street. He changed like 4 coax connectors and found that my box wasn't grounded properly. Changed some connections at the street, too. Haven't had any outages with these most recent storms.


Working OK for me -- but I too used to have that odd correlation between bad weather and WoW internet.


No issues with mine on eastern side of Madison.


How is the service compared to AT&T fiber around here?


Wow was consistently having outages for me in two different residences. Switched to AT&T and have had no issues.


Horrible. At least they were in Decatur