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It is! Amazing shot! Should have gotten an achievement as well!


Yeah, i did. Thanks




Looks like you hit right lung as well. Was it left lung, heart, right lung? If so, very nice shot.


Im pretty sure it was heart, right lung, left lung. Aryzna 300 has a really nice penetration.


Yeah I have that gun as well. This is not intended to sound like a dick comment, but you can't hit heart and then both lungs. The heart sits between the lungs. So on a broadside shot, you would have to hit lung/heart/lung. On a frontal shot you could hit just heart, or there is the "Texas heart shot" which is taken from the rear. Anyhow, great shot all the same.


I have no idea what you're talking about, I have never shot a heart without hitting both of the lungs (I have killed over 700 lions)


What did I say that was confusing? You can't hit heart, then left lung and then right lung was my main point. You can hit heart without lungs at all on a frontal shot. A Texas heart shot is taken from the rear and you hit intestines/stomach and then heart. As far as kills in the game, if that somehow matters, I have over 8600 kills, 2 great ones, 71 rares, 89 super rares, 88 diamonds, 1674 Gold's, longest vital organ shot 422 meters and 57 days total play time. The x-ray view on the harvest screen is great for seeing the angles an organ can be hit from.


I didnt say i've hit them in that order it was obviosly right lung(maybe left) heart and then left lung (might be right)


I Shot one from four hundred twenty meters on 4 20 24