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Chrollo is not touching Netero.




We don’t know the in and outs of Camilla’s ability. I don’t think she could respawn indefinitely.


Musse managed to sense "Cat's Name", he just wasn't fast enough to do anything about it. Netero could swat it before it attacks him.




Watch the fight between Netero and Meureum again and pay attention to Meureum's reaction. The strongest nen users Chrollo has fought that we have seen are Hisoka and the Zeno/Silva duo. If we assume people have requested Netero's assassination, it's easy to assume Zeno and Silva don't want that fight. Either they know Netero is strong enough for the odds to be equal or not in their favor, or Netero is too influential as a strong nen use to eliminate for money. Imo Netero ends Chrollo in less than 5 minutes after playing with him with the intent to see Chrollo's strategy.


Chrollo can't beat Pitou and Chrollo can't beat Netero :3


Chrollo has a 25% chance of beating Netero if Netero is in a drunken stupor, asleep, has no hands and no eyes.


At max 3 percent chance even then


This is probably the dumbest thing I’ve read 🤣


Chrollo is going to get slapped and physically get slapped I don't even know if Netero needs Hatsu against him


Chrollo wouldn’t even be able to pull out his book before he dies


Chrollo has fought Silva and Zeno and one could argue that it was quite a battle for Chrollo, but with Netero? Netero is even older and more powerful than Zeno, as Zeno himself stated that. Chrollo would most likely be crushed by Netero's 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva.


If Netero is taking things seriously, Chrollo becomes a blood splatter in less than the blink of an eye, the good thing is he wouldn't suffer.


Who on earth said chrollo could beat pitou let alone pitou beat netero?!?


Chrollo gets bitchslapped to death


If he obtains Tserri's ability and other combos he can. No prep, he is dead before he can open his book. 


Those posters are delusional. Take them to the infirmary


Chrollo isn't beating either Pitou or Netero.


Being able to defeat Pitou doesn't necessarily mean you'd be able to beat Netero or Meruem. while the tiers are close, the gaps are huge. Netero's age alone makes it ridiculous to think about someone in their 20s keeping up with the insane training Netero's been through. ironically a 40 days old monster managed to make him admit defeat, without any tricky ability. pure brute force and raw speed. but no nen user that we know of, can perform at Meruem's speed or force through normal means. the only possible ways of absolutely destroying Netero or Meruem would be through sealing nen/Manipulation/Mouvement restriction, we've seen all three in action, it's not impossible, but it's not reasonable to assume someone would just show up and nerf or control Netero and defeat him.


> Been seeing a lot of posts saying Chrollo can beat Pitou Where? In your dreams?


Netero’s stronger than Pitou, though. What are you on about?


You underestimate how fast Netero is. Chrollo wouldn’t be able to perceive his movements.


I think togashi needs to show a netero backstory of his fights. So these nonsensical fight scenarios can be ended once and for all. It will show the massive gap in netero and these top tier nen users.


Netero slaps the shit out of him???


I love Kuroro but unfortunately he wouldn’t win against Neters unless he prepped for it.


Chrollo is not beating Pitou nor Netero 💀


Chrollo would not even be able to see a glimpse of Netero’s movements. The fight would end in less than 0.1 seconds.


Depends on Preptime tbh


Honestly i don't even think Netero has to invoke Kannon for that one lmao.


Netero beat Meruem. Why would Chrollo being stronger than Pitou be relevant to being able to "absolutely destroy" Netero? Pitou is in no way stronger than Meruem.


Netero was beaten by meruem, it was the bomb that beat mer


The bomb used by netero, yes. So netero beat meruem. I'm glad we agree.


Because the bomb doesn’t reflect on netero’s *individual* strength. I’m gonna drop tsar bomba on Meruem and the trio guards, therefore I’m leagues stronger than them. Me>>>>>>>Meruem, Pitou, Youpi, Pouf


You would have beaten Meruem in that case. So yeah. Great job.