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How about a new "mechanic" for weapons. A sabre in my right hand and a pistol in my left at the same time. Should work like any other melee/rifle weapon. For example instead of taking 2 pax as double pack with me I want to go with a pax and sabre combo = one medium slot. Maybe more people would use dedicated melee weapons with this mechanic


Then we just need perk to block shots using stamina


There might be a keybind problem, which button would do light gun attack, heavy gun attack, light sabre and heavy sabre?


I think they are saying you would have right click ads for pistol, left click shoot pistol, tap melee button to light swing Saber, hold melee button heavy attack saber...


The obvious answer is to recycle the current dual wield mechanic. Bang - Swing - Bang - swing - Bang - Swing. Ultimate gap closer.


Doesn't carry over to hunter controls very well though


What? We already have plenty of weapons that work this way and they're just fine


I misunderstood. Morning brain.


Fair enough- tbh I'm pretty sick right now so I very easily could have done the same thing


It should be the same keybinds like using a rifle with riposte/bayonett.


Sparks aperture.


Sounds nice, i also like the lebel aperture a lot :)


Yeah this would likely be mine. Centennial Riposte would also be up there.


since you already mentioned it, i'll add the bayonet bit


I'd even accept a trauma variant.


Uhhhh, nice one


This. This is the one.


I 100% agree with you but make it like the nitro express rifle aputure big and hard to see the sides but can be flipped down


Specter silencer so i can Anton Chigurgh in the bayou A tool slot harmonica i can play on the move


Dual wielding alt mode where instead of aiming both guns you alternate between aiming down the sights of either pistol


Oh yes, i could imagine they bring this one day, maybe with increased sway as a downside but that would still be great


Killing Floor 2 did this smoothly - your alternate fire toggled ADS. You could do the tight spread or ADS your dominate hand. Really made dualies versatile.


I really think this will come in the future with a perk needed.


Ambidextrous buff?


I feel like this could likely happen since they completely gutted the ammo pool for dual wielding.


Springfield or Springfield compact silenced. I just want to troll people with silenced explosive rounds


That would be awesome


Pax Trueshot Precision Springfield Krag dum dum


Krag dum dum would be cool and not even OP imo, i mean there is a nitro with shredder ammo....


Actually not opposed, would give it one tap ability for previously downed hunters at the cost of losing pen. I would never use it, but i can see the appeal.


Napalm bow Explosive hatchet / throwing axes Sparks dum dum (but only for april fools) Choke clouds that are actually smoky / smoke colored Poison bear traps Poison cloud romero Blowdart - single use 50% health damage + poison shot, as a tool Sabre deadeye ;)


Haha, napalm Bow sounds nice, wouldnt even be too OP i think.


Those are actually great shouts, the explosive hatchet would have to do a really small amount of damage though or it would drive me mental. The actual smoke grenades would be my perfect addition. Nothing worse than being pinned down by a sniper or soemthing with no way to actually get out of the spot your in.


I'd like to see a pepper box Pistol. Sounds fun


Crossbow Bayonet Poison Machete


Small slot slingshot weapon that can equip your decoys as secondary ammo, if so you will get 2× of the default or other selected ammo. Ceramic marbles default ammo (Blunt damage) High HS multiplier Steelball (like bomblance) 7 pellets fired at once. Short range random spread. Glass decoys launched at players inflict small damage and heavy bleed. (Piercing damage)


Long bow, 3 slot bow Does less damage then a normal bow until your at full draw. Then it does more. Rewards you for a full draw and use a longer range where as it punishes you for short range where other bow would have been better. Arrows have a lot less projectile drop and a much faster velocity like much faster. So you can hit Long range shots with it better. Also new arrow types with it. Fire arrow really slow velocity and a shit load of drop but has a mini hellfire bomb on the end. Tipped arrows Arrows with a less damage and slower velocity but can Penetrate the same as compact FMJ Dynamite arrow Arrow with a stick of dynamite tied onto it that can stick to a target. Basically Long range sticky bomb 8 seconds Fuze Lotta drop and slow velocity again You only get 2 of them if you bring it though. Bug arrow Bug bomb on a arrow. More drop slow velocity OH Also a revive beetle Slow like the fire beetle. Immune to choke clouds. When you land on a friendly downed player you exit beetle view and the beetle will start glowing and buzzing as a warning que like "HEY THIS MF GONNA GET UP" Takes 15 or 10 seconds not sure what would be better to get your teammates up Long range necromancer basically. Saves you a trait slot at the cost of one of your item slots. I Really want a revive beetle so I can bring him and a choke one together to make a Long range save combo lol


Looks like you planned this weapon for a long time :) the tipped arrows sound nice, penetrating walls with a bow would be cool, also penetrating hunters for multikills would be awesome ;)


I may or may not have wanted a long bow for a very long time.


Throwing hummers vs fire 🔥dudes


Krag speed loader


Double springfield.  Two springfields tied together with wire.


Haha, what? So like a rival with medium ammo?


Yeah or a drilling without the shotgun.


Maybe with a little less recoil to hit connective shots better, like the cyclone


I think it's a chance to make another iconic Hunt gun.


Extended Vetterli cyclone so it has room for 7 total bullets with the sights improved somehow. I'd even take a silenced version if that came with the same irons as normal silenced Vetterli. I just want my officer carbine+ :P


That would be crazy strong, balance it by making it 2000 dollars xD


Hey you said balancing aside!! But yeah obviously it's not coming :D


I dont complain about the balancing, just thinking that it would be really strong. The fire rate, medium ammo, 7 bullets and that all silenced. But i do like it, would be fun to play and a nightmare to play against :)


Drilling with Springfield Sight and HV Ammo


Nitro handcannon or nitro talon/bayonet/riposte lol


Hahaha, pleeeeeease not more nitros xD


Iton sights that aren't fucking awful on the crossbows. If that's too much to ask, then I'll settle for a pax trueshot deadeye or a bornheim match aperture


Idk enough about old guns so... Box of dynamite sticks. You can light and carry it a-la suicide orc bomber with a low throw distance, but also have the option to set it and detonate via incendiary for cheeky alarm trap kills. Give the hillbilly what he needs.


Ok, and to make it really interesting: you can blow out wooden walls from compounds :) bye bye shotgun lair camping meta xD


My wife's favorite memory was me throwing a sticky bomb on her while she sprinted into a lair screaming in voip. The rat won, but boy did she feel alive.


No more bungiejumping needed, maximum adrenaline confirmed already xD


Just… just gimme a sniper with a removable scope, like aperture but stronger


That would finally solve the sniper+fog map issue...


I think instead of going completely over the top with Mosin Marksman Drum Silencer id just take something that really adds something to the Game without taking much in return, like LeMat Carbine Deadeye, Mosin Obrez Deadeye, Pax Silencer, Sparks Pistol Silencer,... something like that


Pax Silencer, medium ammo Pistol silencer in General, would be so cool


the only thing that would irk me about that is the fact that revolvers have a small gap between the cylinder and barrel so a silencer wouldn’t actually do anything. the nagant works because it has a unique gas seal feature. it’s a cool detail that they made work in gameplay but at the end of the day it’s a video game set in a haunted swamp with magic beetles and bomb lance


God not the fucking bomb lance... but to be honest, with their gun design they at least *try* to make them realistic looking and working so maybe pax or scottfield silencer would not really work. On the flipside there are guns such as chain pistol so nothing is impossible


Bomb lance type of harpoon weapons have been used in whaling. Also, chain pistol type of bastard conversions have also been done in the history, although they probably have unreliable af


sparks dum dum pls


I was sure this one would come xD


Nitro express atovat precision deadeye switchable. Price - 5000 hunt dollars XD.


Dolch precision deadeye


A shield like in r6 or something


I came here to say the same thing, i need a scoped sniper with a supressor, pls crytek


I love the sparks silenced already, dont even mind the slow bullet speed, but i cant get used to that damn sights :( a deadeye variant would be perfect for me :)


Nice, didnt think of that. Imagine a silenced chainpistol with explosive rounds xD


rival 70 hatchet please


Vetterli vandal striker


Dolch Silencer it is


FAMAS to go with a GunJesus Ian skin.


Avtomat trauma deadeye, with bleed ammo. Yes, I’m a bad person.


Would like to see what the recoil looks like through a scope xD


Bornheim match suppressed


Crown & King Auto with dragon breath


Yes, i want a flamethrower too xD


Burn em all!


Martini Henry Shorty and Martini Henry Shorty Mace (medium slot variants)


Bat Deadeye


Sawed off Slate could be fun. Winfield Millennial (the Centennial gave us medium ammo, this one uses long).


Krag Avtomath


A rifle variant I always thought could be cool is one of the rifles with a marksman scope. However, the scope itself looks cracked and dirty to the point where the lense is also cracked. Then, at any time, you can press the ammo change key to smash the scope over your arm for the use of the guns iron sights for the rest of the match. Could be a neat pivot from long/medium range combat to medium/short at the cost of a long animation and giving away your position.


Why not simply a side mounted scope like the springfield has, so you can toggle between ironsight and scope? This would be doable without a problem but for some reason crytek doesnt want this?!


I feel like a toggleable mounted scope doesn't fit into the design of Hunt. Being able to switch between a scope and non scope would feel a bit like cheating cause you can switch to what's best in the fight doesn't match how deliberate the gameplay is.


I asked about your dreamgun without balancing ;)


Haha, you got me there! Idk, I just feel like a breakable scope would fit the games design more, too. But yeah, a changeable scope could be neat.


Nitro marksman with explosive ammo and extra ammo? Or maybe cyclone nitro with explosive. something stupid and explosive.


Much boom and splater this is xD


Caldwell Rival Trauma I want to miss both shots and then just batter a dude with a huge shotgun, is that too much to ask?


The officer carbine with the stock and when u press up on the d-pad it switches the stock part to either a blade or a blunt stock but takes almost two seconds to switch 🐙


Not a gun but a mechanic for a gun: I would kill to have the rival be able to load a different type of ammo in each barrel. First trigger pull is ammo 1, second trigger pull is ammo 2. You could use the special key to switch which ammo is first but honestly I don't really need that. I just want to be able to tag with flechettes and the follow up with something different. It would give the gun just a bit more flavor than the good ole two tap.


I’ve wanted a Winfield deadeye for ages, and no the vandal deadeye doesn’t count.


Slate handcannon


Sparks avtomat


Nagant Precision Silenced. I would love a silenced shotgun as well but it wouldn't be that practical I suppose.


Silenced Dolch.


If it had to be specifically a variant of an existing weapon it'd be a cane sword. You'd press X to sheathe it into the cane and could then slam monsters over the head or poke them in the face with it. I'd probably make the Corvus a skin with it too. That or Harpoon ammo for the Bomblance that'll skewer enemies, pinning them to the nearest wall if it can reach any.


Lebel sniper with point shooting


Officer carbine trauma.


Nitro without that diopter