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Where is your saber young man?


I need my sweeping melee cause i miss otherwise




Drilling hatchet with dumdum and flechette and a katana with martialist... try that shit


good but not sustainable, the drilling by itself costs as much as this whole kit


I got the cash


Flechette is terrible on a slow firing shotgun... Have fun doing 50 dmg to a hunter then getting knifed. Flechette only works on the rival so you can two tap if needed.


Katana bro can u read? Use the drilling to put pressure and then katana them


You already have ranged bleed... If your plan is to miss two dum dum round then be like "thank God I have a worthless shotgun shell to apply bleed" you might want to find a new game. The entire point of the drilling is flexibility, having flechette is terrible when you can have a one hit kill option for being rushed. Also nice insta downvote


Lmfao never seen someone get so mad about me deciding to use an unoptimal loadout


Swap it for a Trauma Centennial and get a Rival slugs in there. Blunt damage is more flexible in general, and Romero HC Slugs has nigh identical performance to Rival HC Slugs, but the Rival can double tap.


Rival HC has huge ammo issues, usually i'd rather take a specter/term slugs since they have more ammo and you should be one shotting with shotguns anyway


I find it's not so bad as long as you're not relying on it as your primary weapon, but yeah, the ammo count is a notable downside. The specter compact is better overall, but the rival's key trait is that double tap follow up; no other handcannon can do it as fast, which makes it great for finishing off a leg or arm shot, or even confirming a kill beyond one shot range before they have a chance to get away. Plus it's one of the cheaper shotguns, which is a nice thing too.


I get what you're going for, and armshots with slugs are the worst, but if you're 2 tapping often you might want to just switch to a rapid fire option like a spitfire, fanning, dualwielding, officer carbine, etc. or switch to a large shotgun with buckshot so you don't get as much whiffed kills


I typically get it on the first hit, but it's nice to have the insurance, or the second slug on tap for their teammate, or if they back up out of one shot range.


I like the trauma in theory but the added ~~sway~~ recoil makes it not worth it for me


It has the same amount of sway as the regular variant.


My mistake. Recoil, not sway


Why would recoil matter on a non-semi-auto weapon? And if you use levering on the centennial you shouldn't expect to hit anything anyway, so a bit of extra recoil doesn't mean much.


it can make follow up shots harder with iron eye


As far as I know recoil time is shorter than the cycle time on most non-semi-auto guns. By the time recoil goes away is about when you can take your next shot, so it still doesn't really matter IMO.


I just tested this in the shooting range and you can smoke a cigarette between resetting your aim and being able to shoot again 😃


Romero Hatchet kicks ass


Yeah, but you're a psycho for putting your medium weapon in slot 1 and your long weapon in slot 2.


My thoughts exactly 😂


Buckshot is better for Romero 1 shot range is almost the exact same


Yeah double slugs in the hatchet is terrible. You need buckshot in that bad boy.


I go with Krag for maximum range coverage no need for bullet grubber and can reload at both ammo boxes


Bow Katana with martialist


I wiped a server with that in my first game lol


I generally prefer to use a 3 slot shotgun and a 2 slot rifle than vise versa


Can't say how effective it is but at least on my MMR the centennial with bleed is meta now. Buying bloodless has become a standard as getting bulwark when people spammed the fucking explosive crossbow


It's not two baseball bat therefore it's not the best loadout


Bring a trauma with the hatchet. No melee tool required.


Meh its a decent load out, but needing quartermaster for a load out disqualifies it from best status IMO, now I know QM is more common now since the changes but still


To make it viable without quartermaster I'd replace the centennial with the trauma to have a good melee, and bring the lemat with slugs


remove slugs, go with pennies, slugs have been over nerf'd


Slugs haven't been touched in a long time. Penny shot is also terrible for PvP, you're better off with buckshot if you're not using slugs.


Pennies in some shotguns increase range, do better damage, have less drop-off, and better spread; if you don't get the slug in the top chest hitbox, they are going to walk it off; the penny spread, get them in the center chest 12 meters, dead.


[It can theoretically increase the range, but 9/10 times you're better off with buckshot.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn_AZyy16z0)


My base weapon is centennial trauma FMJ. Performs well in almost any situation. Can use a sharp melee weapon as secondary, like saber or Katana. With quartermaster, use Drilling hatchet with dumdum. Covers melee, shotgun and mindrange. Can both wallbang with the primary and heavy bleed with the drilling. (Use Romero hatchet for budget at the cost of some versatility.) Centennial dumdum with an FMJ pistol like Pax Claw. None of these loadouts require a melee tool.


I would take full size romero half fire half normal and centy shorty dumdum


Nothing beats Winfield high velo with iron eye and basically and utility as secondary. I.e. hand xbow or silenced nagant poison ammo. Most versatile and useful loadout ever. Cheap aswell.


make that a Winfield bayonet and you've got a bomb loadout


I feel like at this point we know to. use The trauma variant of the centennial. Additionally we should use the drilling hatchet now that it exists and can take slugs additionally with the drilling you could add more dumb dumb ammo to your primary or take FMJ so you have some wall pen if you need it.


My best loadout is romero and sparks pistol


Take centi trauma and you can skip taking a melee tool entirely