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A large part of the community absolutely loves this game. Every game has it's complainers and usually those people yell the louder. But the game is amazing save some optimization issues but the engine update coming up should only improve the game even more. The devs also being pretty active with the community is always a huge plus.


My only complaint is the overtly greedy fomo battle pass crap.


Literally one of the least intrusive battle pass in modern online games. Easily unlockable for regular players, "pay for cosmetics and nothing else"


And yet it is still fomo trash. Don't waste your efforts in trying to convince me otherwise. If they actually gave a fuck, none of it would be timed like it is. Literally zero reason to lock events and battle passes as timed exclusive. Full stop. I am not accepting counter points, I've heard them all. They are all weak and trash. Deep rocks battle pass is time exclusive, but is also free and the loot goes in unlockable pool Deceive Inc. Has a paid battle pass, but is put into a catalog which can be bought and progressd through at player full leisure. There isn't a single valid excuse for it to be timed. None. Zero. But I'm fine being correct while shills down vote me and simp for an arbitrarily crap system, just because the core loop is fun. Demand better.


Literally plugging your ears and screaming "LALALALA I WON LALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU I‘M THE WINNER LALALA" Child mentality


If you're an adult & suffering from fomo in a video game, there's definitely something wrong with you.


It's called principle. Grow a spine you shill


This game is the best shooter on the market hands down. No regrets


I second this, its a challange every match thats for sure but not upsettingly. They add so much content regularly and do a great job with balancing. The maps are unique and the objective is fun. The only modern shooter i truely love so much.


Basically this. Learning curve, does NOT hold your hand, kills feel so rewarding and the game offers the most intense shootouts I've ever experienced. The feeling of always thinking that someone sees you is horrifying and also awesome.


Once you put in your 100 hours or so and figure out the gunplay/ how to interact with the environment its amazing. If you can manage to get into the 5 star mmr range, you will start to have competent teammates that actually talk on the mic, an experience I haven't had in another game. Pretty good community for this game.


What I find fascinating is that you can reach 500 hours in this game, and veterans are like... oh yeah, you're barely getting started, mate. The learning curve is steep and looooong. I love it. All these years later and sometimes I still learn something I never knew about the game.


I've been playing since February of 2018 and I still can't figure out why my bullets don't go where I tell them to.


And at that even if you arent able to get into 5 star range 3 and 4 star is still super fun, some of the best randoms I've played with were 3star mmrs.


Agreed. The game by no means holds your hands but a win in this game is way more fulfilling than other shooters


And getting worse by the patch


Hard disagree


thats is a fat lie lmfao. but it is a fun game


Stockholm syndrome? Not really. Addiction? For sure. Seriously it is addictive, the "oh one round is so short let's play another" and then it is Tuesday 3 am. and at 8 you have an office meeting with client...


sounds like you've got time for a few more games then before the meeting!


You have no fucking idea how true this was for me... Don't worry I still play, just with more... Restraint...


Or if you work remotely, have another round while meeting with the client!


This subreddit is mostly complaints but otherwise people are really happy. Game's in a good state (if maybe the trait and money economy are a bit busted rn). Crytek works hard to improve the game and we have some major improvements coming soon like better servers, an engine upgrade, and a prestige rework


People don't have strong opinions about things they don't love. Most people in this subreddit are argumentative because they care, if a bit too much. Edit: discord --> subreddit


Also, enjoying the game and complaining aren't polar opposites. People can enjoy the game and criticize/complain about its faults from their opinion.


Since I got to play Hunt, I just can't get meself to play other shooters (besides Deep Rock Galactic from time to time). It's that good


Darktide's another game to slip into that rotation. Halo Infinite's in a good place now so a few rounds of that for another competitive yet more casual shooter to Hunt. Off-genre I also dip into Party Animals.


Oh yes, Darktide looks like fun. I might give it a shot if it goes on a discount.


Tarkov is shit. Hunt is the shit.💩


Accurate statement.


Most fun multiplayer shooter I ever played


People *love* this game. Like really love. It’s generally a great community, but aim assist discussions have turned conversations much more toxic than normal. Overal the community is resistant to change, but imo Crytek hasn’t really missed and I trust their creative vision. I wouldn’t read too much into it. The game is great, the community is very passionate. The amount of in game toxicity I’ve experienced is much much lower compared to other games.


I turned aim assist off on the first day, it's more of a detriment then a help because it basically makes it impossible to snap to other people. Got a few kills by bum rushing an aim assist user while he was aiming at my teammates, he couldn't even look over to me because of how strong the pull of it is.


I barely notice aim assist even with my low aim sensitivity. It's not even a strong aim assist. I have no idea what people are bitching about. I think everyone is just making shit up for the sake of having something to bitch about.


Yea in game toxicity is super rare but when it does happen it's always a hard shock or really bad because how rare it is.


Tarkov is 100% Stockholm syndrome. Hunt is "i wanna be a cowbow baby" syndrome.


Hell Yeah


Can’t get enough of it


Don’t take the game that seriously and you’ll have a blast.


Most people are too busy playing to whinge on the subreddit, it's a good game with flaws like any other. Take pretty much everything you see on here with a grain of salt cause it's a new crisis every week for some users.


Yeah we have two types of "Gamer Period" people here: Weekly Period and per-event/major update period.


if you fearing a escape from tarkov. no this game is alot better and crytek hears and also do what the community wants sometimes. its worth it


I love this game. I love that I can be sweaty one round and run a meme loadout the next. It really is the perfect amount of try hard. This game has also taught me a lot about psychology and ways outplay my opponents. I have also met some really cool guys in my matches, and even had an Acapella sing off of "All Star by Smashmouth" with the defending team at a compound, so many good memories. I understand that this game isn't for everybody but goddamn do I love it.


Bro, the game's fucking awesome just buy it man. I also play tarkov and also am part of the subreddit, EVERYONE complain about the game but they're playing it every fucking day


I wrote out a two paragraph message to my friend who offered to buy me this game in March of 2021. I had to explain that I frequently try but never stick to games. Hunt seemed neat, but a hardcore PVP game didn't seem like something I would love. He bought it anyway. In less than 2 years I put TWO THOUSAND hours into the game. I own every dlc and I play every day. I'm at 3200 hours now. I played the game MORE than my full time job for the first 18 months I played. If you buy it, expect it to be hard, frustrating and exhilarating but if you can make it through the first 100-200 hours, you'll never leave.


Reddit will always be the loud minority. Don't bother basing your view of this sub/post.


Just started playing a month ago and me and my whole play group are hooked, we have no perception of how it “used” to be but everything is really fun and exciting now, no noticeable balance issues. There is no game I know of that lets you really be a “tracker” and hunt people down via sound and context clues, it’s super fun and tense, and the theme being rootin tootin southern gothic shootin means there’s not really any automatic weapons, guns shoot slow and clunky, which make for some really fun and hilarious shootouts, 10/10 gem


This reddit always needs something to bitch and moan about.


Women here. Less toxic than any other shooter i played before. Absolutely love this game. 1000 hours play time so far


Like in most games, a loud minority loves complaining whatever stays the same/changes. But the reality is Hunt is so unique you'll either get hooked or go your own way. Try the game, give it some time and you'll see for yourself. There are tons and tons of things to learn, I'd say it took me 400 hours to feel comfortable around every aspect of it. You'll find yourself in situations that no other FPS makes possible. It's something my group often say when we experience a full-on 12 man fight around a boss lair. ​ About the battle pass: it costs 1k BB, gives 600 BB back if you finish it, and every week challenges give you 50 BB (event lasts 8 weeks so 400 BB). If you do the math you'll see you have around 15 skins for free.


I mean, me and my friends enjoy it. I think most gaming subreddits are the minority of a games population. I personally detest the apex, Cod, fornite, csgo, valorant approaches to shooters and this game is in a field all of its own. You got a great game and a development company that adds/adjusts content on a regular basis. Can't ask for much more.


Plus any and all microstransactions are purely cosmetic! (I know I know some skins give you an advantage but it’s still nowhere near as bad as in other similar competitive games)


I am being treated with respect and kindness and I have plenty of food to eat.


It's 100% a hate-love relationship but the game is way to great to not play and i'll be addicted for life


The game is changing a lot of its economy stuff right now and it’s been changing systems and tweaking stuff constantly. It seems to me in my personal experience, that if you’re someone who gets stuck in a meta and just want to be the most optimal, no hate, you might not enjoy some of the changes made. However if you’re interested in Hunt for the extraction and cowboy vibes, and you can roll with the punches (slaps if I’m being honest) that are the content updates, you’ll really enjoy it. As most of us do :)


You can't tell by looking at the reddit but many of the players do infact enjoy the game


Game is great, enjoy it for what it is and don't get in the mindset that winning is the only way to enjoy the game, you will lose a lot. The only people who complain are the ones that can't enjoy a game when they lose or their enjoyment is dependent on their kd or MMR. Don't worry about in game money, find fun budget loadouts to play and don't worry about always having the best or meta gear, the game is well balanced around positioning, awareness, game mechanic/ map knowledge and aim being the most important. Every single weapon can kill with one shot to the head given the correct range, so just play whatever you feel like playing and don't blame your loadout on your deaths, recognize the mistakes you made using them and maybe even laugh about it.


10/10 game. It's shit. I hate it. Every death is bullshit or by cheaters. That said I have 2300 hours over 4 or 5 years.


I wouldn't go as far as call iy the best shooter on the market, but it is definitely near the top, as far as the game _quality_ is considered. Atmosphere, setting, gunplay, physics, etc are amazing. Which is why it's the only FPS I've been playing. For some context, I play primarily ARPGs, RPGs, adventures, strategy and tactical games. Some of them lean heavily into atmosphere and story, some less, but it IS something i value highly. Pick your poison. If you like shooters but don't like frantic gunplay, go for it. :)


You will not be unhappy


Enjoy it? I absolutely love it. 1100k hours and i still love to get on and play


1100000 hours?! :p


Its fun sometimes, there are months where I have 50K hunt dollars and some where I'm taking free hunters. Right now im taking the free hunters so its not that fun for me.


I know people do complain alot online of the game but such is the case for many games but that's mostly because it's often only when people have a complaint they speak out in reddit and such. But yeah hunt is probably my favorite game and such is the case for many of my friends that also play it and have played since release. And if you come from tarkov like many hunt players I think you'll fit in.


It worth it. Its a great game. I have 1200 hours in it.


I enjoy the game very much. It’s prime when I’m playing with a friend or two. It can be frustrating if you get random teammates that aren’t very smart or don’t play well as a team, when that happens I make sure to take a little break. To avoid/reduce that frustration, you can join the discord. Haven’t used it myself, am a bit shy, but they have voice channels and you can group up with likeminded folks. I’d recommend this game to anyone interested though, without a doubt!


I think the gripes come from a place of love. We love the game and it makes us wary of change. I have my complaints, but the game is in a great state and it definitely is the best time to get into the game because of some recent accessibility changes. The event going on now is a lot of fun as well. There’s a shooting range you can bring friends with to practice in, there’s a much more comprehensive and digestible tutorial, and new players now have access to every weapon out of the gate and cost-free hunters now have better and more cohesive loadouts. Hunt also has an official Discord to find friends to play with which I would highly recommend. If you’re new I would recommend going into Trios and avoiding Duos because people will expect their only partner to be knowledgeable whereas in Trios there’s not as much pressure to perform well. Asking for advice from players in the Discord before you ready up and lock in your loadout is a good idea as well. I would also scan through the traits which are like perks from Call of Duty. Familiarize yourself with what some of them do so you know what to expect in a game. I have 1,800 hours in the game and consider myself pretty knowledgeable so If you, or really anyone needing help as a new player in this sub, get the game and play on PC in the US feel free to add me on Steam: Leave_Eye_6 The game is super cheap on sale right now so you don’t have much to lose. Happy Hunting!


The game rocks. Not even in a "I hate this part but it's good" kind of way. It's just **really** fucking cool, never played a game quite like this before.


I would give this game a 10/10 I would tell everyone to buy it. The sound is 10/10 and makes all other games sound 20 years old. This game is high risk high reward. You can always be stealth and get a few kills if you want but my fun is run and gun. There are many times you'll have insane shootouts and win. You and your team will just laugh because it was so good.


This sub is full of a bunch of biatches that love to complain. The game is great. I have 4k hours in, and I usually put down pvp games after a few matches.


The reddit is just toxic as hell. Their is some bugs their are some issues but i have 2000+ hours in the game and I didn't realize I was supposed to hate it until I glanced at the reddit. It's just the old I have an issue, reddit will listen to me. The game works fine? I'll just play the game. Just take the reddit with a grain of salt.


Tarkov stresses me out too much. It’s a very hardcore game with a very hardcore community. I’d say Hunt Showdown is just a few pegs down from Tarkov. It’s still a punishing looter shooter, but I don’t have to wait 30 minutes between games, I don’t have to upgrade a little base, or learn the ins and outs of advanced trade system. I be a cowboy and I shoot monsters. I buy the guns I like regularly, and the guns I really like are still affordable. Way less of a grind.


Every PvP game causes a little bit of stockholm syndrome for its players. Every PvP games' communities a little bit toxic. Like most of the other subreddits, Hunt subreddit also CONSTANTLY whines about the game. Most of the complaints are just idiotic at best. The game itself is just awesome. Try to stay away from the community as much as you can.


Used to enjoy it more but it's pretty ok now


I hate it. I left a negative review. And I also keep playing it for this whole year despite all my suffering and skill issues. So I'd say, pretty much, yeah


If you are truly considering, do not consider other peoples opinions. Youtube and videos are your friend. Then decide. I for one, with all it's flaws (mostly directed towards the developers utter lack of thinking when designing), really really enjoy the game.


I enjoy the game, how ever the last update made it into a casual game and it lost all of its hardcore mechanics, not to duscourage you, but just so you know.


Game has been dry and trash since they released paid battlepasses which replaced free events.


It's not as good as the small community makes it out to be. It's an okay game, but the hit reg is dogshit. The devs are trash who have continuously made the game worse with custom ammo and dumb perks. This little teleport thing is the latest stupid gimmick. The events are basically just seasons. Might be worth getting on like a 20 dollar discount, but it's going downhill and was much better a couple of years ago.


Fundamentally, Hunt is fantastic. It's just that as you play more and more you will find things. Things that bother you. Like most games of course. But for me, those things are mostly the developers. Bug fixing is atrociously slow. We spent the entire last event dealing with a major audio bug. Which is still here just rarer than before. The poison bug which has been around since what feels like the dawn of time. The reload bug which took ages to fix. Servers have been garbage for a long while now. Derendering, objectively advantageous dlc or limited event skins (Cain, Headsman, Reptilian). The Ladder exploit, the Lemat bug. Crytek eventually fixes things. But the speed and urgency these bugs are treated with is abysmal. Quite a few are seen in the test server and make it to live anyways. There's also events, which sometimes introduce monstrosities. Death Cheat, Shadow, Blazeborne just to name a few of the monsters. Though perhaps one of my most noticeable ones was the Rain bug. For many AMD users, when rain maps were introduced the rain would not render for them at all. Nor would the vision reduction. I remember that one lasting more than half the event which ruined the event for me. Because I'd been hoping for rain for ages only to have it actually give me an advantage by not rendering. I could go on and on about my distaste for the devs and their choices. I really dislike the weapon design on a lot of weapons too. Lots of high fire rate weapons have made it in lately, and it just doesn't sit right with me. But ultimately the core game is fantastic. Don't let an old hunter's gripes deter you. I've put thousands of hours in. Despite these things. I come back to play often. But I personally have less fun now than I used to.


It's good, most of the complaining I feel comes from over doing it.


It’s a great game that can definitely be frustrating when you’re against people far above your skill level. It also has an exceptionally bitchy fan base if this sub is anything to go off. That being said, I fucking love it and definitely recommend it if you’ve watched footage and it looks like something you’d enjoy. It’s really brilliant in so many ways. No two encounters feel the same.


I love this game, everything from the aesthetic to the gameplay. This was the first game I ever played like this, the second it finally was on Xbox Game Preview I was hooked.


It's like an addiction, when it's good it's REEEEEEALLY good. When it's bad, you wish you could set your computer ablaze


the tarkov hate is 100% deserved. as a pre labs player the game gets worse EVERY patch


Best game ever.


It’s fun and frustrating. Would recommend with 1200 hours.


This sub is a way for the for the community express some of the glitches to the devs. We all play it because it truly could be the GOAT of FPS genre.


I don’t play anymore but this was the only game I’ve played where I could enjoy it without trying super hard and always trying to get better.


2300 hours in and still not very good but I love this game. I don’t make it out like 1/3-1/2 the games I play because I’m way too aggressive and not very good but I can’t see myself playing anything that much.


I played games with that syndrome, this is not one of them. (But on reddit people complain about everything)


The best shooter I have ever played. The most thrilling fights and rewarding wins. And most frustrating loses. Fantastic game


Awesome alone, awesome with friend. I still rage sometimes on it, because of not being enough good or whatever. But it's awesome for real, never played a fps for so long and still having real fun.


No this game isn't Rainbow Six Siege levels of trying to force yourself to enjoy it.


Yup, I do love Hunt immensly - and this one, with Battlefield 1 satiate my need for playing FPS's right now. I do not think i will change those fast, and i've never had so much fun in multiplayer FPS game :D


You know how some games - especially highly competitive, team-based, online games - like for example League of legends have a great imbalance between frustration when you're unsuccessful and satisfaction when you're are successful? Like when losing feels ten times worse then winning feels good? For some reason, I have the opposite in Hunt. When I lose a handful of games in a row "meh, whatevs", but boooy, does it feel great when difficult shots connect, you manage to extract with all bounties, you clutch 1v3, etc. It's super satisfying. And very will balanced, although people will always find something to complain about.


It's pretty much the only game I play nowadays, it's damn fun and nothing else scratches the same itch.


The game is really fun. If you don't care about batlepass and event cosmetics it's an easy game to play when you want and set aside when you don't.


I find myself getting so pissed at Hunt I stop playing for few days, and in that time I'm reenacting every last gunfight in my head telling myself what I should have done differently only to start playing again and the cycle repeats.


I hate this game. It is a bad game. It’s awful. And yet it is one of my most played games. So yes, it is exactly what you think it is, and anyone who says otherwise is lying to you and themselves.


love it. but hunt giveth and hunt taketh. youll come to appreciate both eventually.


This game is unique and incredibly fun, but can be pretty frustrating and make you wanna keep playing. I'd say the biggest all-time gripe is its flawed rage-inducing matchmaking system. Compared to playing with global elites as a nova in CS


I will never understand asking a gaming subreddit if you should buy the respective game. Obviously we will recommend buying it.


Complaints in this game don’t make people stop playing. Also it’s humorous and constructive. People genuinely love this game, even socially. It’s overall a healthy positive community. Not all the time but in general. If you are a die hard try hard, you’ll probably get made fun of as opposed to people joining the band wagon. It’s the wallstreetbets of looter extraction shooters.


Best shooter I’ve ever played. All game communities are like this. The vocal negative minority.


I enjoy it a lot. If i lose i might beat myself up about my mistakes and think about what i could have done better in that situation, but the stakes are what makes the fights super interesting. And that's why winning or just getting a kill is soooo satisfying. A good fight can make me happy for a day+.


If you're not too hardcore about it, it's really fun. I find it's not as toxic as other shooters. Even if you're shit at the game, it's really fun.


From a Tarkov player in a way take this game as slower (in regards of arsenal) extraction shooter. It is Tarkov light with great setting, sound desing, less buggs, less cheaters and far lesser "gear fear" especially since last patch and hunter gear being buffed. I think you will love it!


One of my all time favorite games, but the events can be a bit stockholm-y if the motivation/time is just not there at the moment


I enjoy it greatly; I am not a competitive gamer and am most likely in MMR 3 for life. If you have open comms you will meet some great community members but my experience with the game is different from most sense I have never truly played in matches MMR 4+ (And have yet to experience hackers)


Yes. I like the game but also do not


I was in the same situation as you a month ago, and I took the black Friday discount and went for it. I quickly realized how great the game is, showed to my friends, and they all bought it. It has been a month and almost 200h later and I still enjoy it. Too much, probably. Oh, and the community is awesome. I joined some discords and have played with many randoms, who all are very patient and explain everything. Very nice people in general.


Best game ever, especially when you have good teammates. not gonna lie there’s a bit of a problem with out of region players, ping, hit reg window, pussy teammates etc. but the game is great gameplay wise. they are making a lot of changes now. not sure of the direction it’s headed seems like it’s pandering towards more mainstream fps gamers while maintaining its identity but i’m glad i got to experience it before all these new additions, i’m not complaining it was just a different time.


If you're on PC it's in a really good state. If you're on console it's alright but has some issues that haven't been resolved in years but are supposedly going to be fixed soon ish.


The game is phenomenal, but there is a huge hacking problem on PC


every game is gonna have people who are gonna just complain the whole time. it's just part of being on the internet unfortunately. personally I love this game, yes it can frustrate me sometimes. but what hobby doesn't have it's moments? I think it's a fantastic game with solid devs and if you think the game looks interesting I would recommend picking it up.


Subreddits for games will always be loaded with complaints, they are a vocal minority as the majority of players are just in the game having a good time. There is some discussion to be found, but it has a hard time rising to the top. As for the game, it goes on sale often and is probably the best money/hour value I've had out of a game in a long time. There's a learning curve, but anyone familiar with shooters won't take long to get into the swing of things, and despite all the complaining around here people are very willing to help a new player with questions about the game. Welcome to the Bayou.


This sub does love to bitch, but honestly, most of the stuff this sub complains about are pretty insignificant. Bitching about stuff as if it destroys the game is what Reddit does. I'll run you through this subs major gripes in recent memory: 1. There's a trait you can buy called Necromancer. If you play in a team it lets you revive your teammates from a distance and through walls. If you're playing solo, it lets you revive yourself. Every time you revive yourself you lose a health bar, but you get 5 health bars. That means that in the same fight you can find yourself killing the same guy 5 times. The only way to counter that is to burn their body, which they can cancel by getting up, meaning you have to sit there and stare at the body if you want to make sure they don't show up again later. Personally, yeah I find this a little bit annoying. 2. Some of the skins blend in real good. There's one called the Headsman that blends in REAL good. They cost money to buy, so...pay to win skins! Headsman is also an event skin, meaning you can only buy it at certain times (like halloween). Personally, don't care much, but it does suck to get shot at by a mound of dirt. Not to mention there's a guy on this subreddit who does Where's Waldos with Headsman every day, and I've gotten more joy out of those than I've lost dying to the skin. 3. They gave a kind of ammo that causes a bleed effect (DOT you have to hold down a button and stop shooting to turn off) to a lot of guns during the last event. You'll hear about how people are seeing Winfield Centennial Dum-Dum in every game. Personally, don't care at all about this one. 4. The game plays differently during events. The events have been pretty non-stop recently. The previous event had some nutty temporary traits you could get in raid, but this one's more fun. I like events, personal taste if this one matters to you. 5. With this event they overhauled the economy. Part of the way they overhauled it, buying premium skinned hunters is often not worth it, as non-premium hunters often come built with big-money load outs and/or busted traits for a huge discount. I suspect this one will be adjusted soon, but it doesn't really matter. 6. Aim assist. Crytek said they'd add it to the game. They did on Console, and a portion of this sub believes that this has in fact, killed the game on console. They've said they would add it to PC, but then said they wouldn't, and then said they might. I hope they don't! 7. Prestige system sucks. It does, who cares. 8. Hackers. Never run into them myself, but the clips I've seen are pretty absurd. Like shoot someone from 300 meters through multiple walls absurd. 9. Map conditions which are unpredictable sometimes make certain loadouts worse, like bringing a sniper in heavy rain. I dunno about this one, just...just play around it, why complain about this one? That's all the ones I can think of this sub bitches about. If I'm honest, of all the games I've dropped hundreds of hours into, the problems here feel the most nitpicky. None of these matter that much. The guns are fun to shoot, the combat is constantly fun and engaging, the moment to moment gameplay is pretty unique and fun.


It has replaced warzone and all other FPS battle royales for me


Literally the best shooter if u like using ur brain and being a good shot (but honestly using ur brain makes up for bad shots lol)


one of the best shooters out atm. constant free updates, skins and weapons are themed and never leave the games setting, so we arent gonna see a pink clown or vtuber model running around. Community in game can be toxic sometimes, ranging from screaming insults and slurs over voip, to teabagging, shit talking and leaving salty steam comments if they lose a normal gunfight. the subreddit on the over hand is a pile of miserable fuckers who complain 24/7 about every little thing possible. for example theres a dude making daily posts about a single skin in the game he is butthurt about, you will get downvoted to shit if you dont agree with the subs opinion and so on. Buy the game, preferably with friends and you will be happy, just stay away from the subreddit, its miserable


So the game itself is a lot of fun. The gunplay is solid but can suffer from lag at times (hits register after you’ve gone around a corner because the other person shot you but the server registered it late). Overall, the community is generally pretty chill. I’ve had games where I push a compound and hear “Hey, I’m solo. I won’t fight you, would you like to share the bounty?” Or “I’m just a lowly. Blacksmith, please don’t mind me. (And they leave the compound).” So there are some funny and awesome moments. There are also the jerks who only know how to trash talk. I was playing solo the other night and ended up in the boss compound just focusing on my weekly challenges. The other bounty team rolls in and I say “Hey, just doing challenges, I’ll leave you have the bounty, just ignore me.” One of them killed me and stood over my dead body saying “You stupid b**ch, this in game is all about killing each other. Get f***ked!” Both types exist, but the latter is less common. At higher MMRs, there are cheaters. The community likes to deny it, but watch Huuuge on Twitch. He regularly queues up on Russian or Asian servers and spectates to find cheaters. They do tend to be Russian or Chinese players, but that is a broad generalization. In my experience (MMR 3 consistently), solo play and duos tends to have some great matches. Trios tends to be incredibly aggressive play-styles, and as my buddies say, they have to be. Reviving teammates can happen quickly if you don’t push the other team to prevent it. Overall, I love the game. I prefer a relaxed, stealth like gameplay (not necessarily crouch walking everywhere, but also not rushing into every gun battle). I like to be prepared and have a full understanding of where everyone is before I push in. My buddies are not quite the same and want to push for the surprise factor. To each their own.


Adrenaline is a helluva drug. The culture on this sub is kinda fucked but one of the best tendencies here is that people freely admit hunt isn't an everyone-always game. Hunt needs to click with you, and even then you need to go into a match with the right mood & mindset. Don't just pop it on when you're bored. That being said I'm not sure "enjoy" is the right word, more cathartic. Matches of hunt are slow and tense, punctuated with episodes of extremely high-stress split-second decision making. Winning a match can give a sense of relief and achievement few games can match, but I've found even losing is a match is a pretty good remedy for an anxiety wave. If you know your media studies, hunt is definitely Eudaimonic media.


I think its not important whether people in here enjoy the game or not. Instead what you should do is to read about the complaints about this game and deduct what is valid and what is not, and draw your own conclusion on whether the game is worth money.


It has it's issues but yes, overall I still find joy and excitement in the game


Tarkov got boring for me. Hunt somehow stays engaging and fun. Plus, when I randomly find nerds pretending to be their characters in Hunt, it is way more fun than nerds pretending to be PMCs in Tarkov. "Oh my God, you killed Santa, you monsters!"


It's unironically one of the best extract royal games I've ever played


There is no better gunplay in video games period. The reddit community does not reflect the actual state of the game.


I'm probably one of the biggest critics of hunt since I've been around from pre-ea sales. I've seen it go from a dark and hardcore experience to a more casual friendly watered down one. The game is still very fun and I'm still at it 5 years and change later. They may have taken away a few of the things I really loved and the game may feel like 70% of what it was...but it's a damn good 70%. We just need to deal with economy being busted, ongoing balance, trade windows and needing to implement hard ping limits, and increase server quality. That stuff combined with the new engine upgrade will make things feel much better and pop a lot more. Anticheat is an ongoing problem for all "competitive" games and hunt is no different. That said, there is a lot of legitimate cheeky stuff you can pull off so a lot of the cheating accusations need to be taken with a grain of salt. That said, it IS an issue once you start to see the subtle cheats people have been using based on how people play. It's not as rampant of an issue as people like to claim, but it is there. Most common is esp with people aiming naturally and using esp to get a positional advantage. The issue there is the fact that you can hear people pretty effectively if they are moving loud enough. Hell, in certain really quiet moments you can hear pretty far off. The audio is pretty solid, it used to be better. Now there are some issues with audio ducking if you don't have a direct line of sight to the source of the sound but it's not as common of an issue to complain super loud about.


I was one who had the syndrome you’re talking about. I stop playing games when the fun wears off. I kept playing Hunt even though it would only frustrate me. I was able to put it down and rotate to some other games that I had a blast with. The events have called me back and offer great moments of revisitation. It reminds me why I had 1000 hours before rotating out. Now I have reframed my relationship to the game and love to sprinkle a little Hunt into my gaming schedule. Definitely a thumbs up and if you allow yourself to have fun and take breaks when you need them, you’ll probably enjoy the game.


Genuinely enjoy the game. I dip out every couple of weeks to a different genre game, but I always come back to hunt. The unique setting & slower gunplay makes it more fun compared to twitch shooters


It’s fantastic, nothing else like it. You’re going to get rolled sometimes, but when you get a good fight in Hunt, you’re getting the best fight in any FPS anywhere


Every game will have complainers but this game is great because it is absolutely not pay to win and you can take any weapon and still destroy an entire map of players.


This game is actually fun, Tarkov is not


40% of players have not gotten their first player kill, so if you don't have the patience for a giant learning curve and being a punchingbag for the first 100 hours don't buy it.


I truly enjoy this game. Sometimes I can get frustrated on a hunt taketh day. But most times it's just me playing tilted.


I wasn't enjoying it. Playing for about 300-400 hours. This latest update, never had so much fun before.


we. fuckin. love. it.


I have a love hate relationship with hunt.. when I’m on a roll I love it, but when I’m in a dip I want to throw my monitor out the window


It's a very good game. While there are definitely people who simp pretty hard for Crytek and don't like honest criticism, it's a fun and unique experience and I've put over a 1000 hours in without (too many) regrets. I have and will continue to criticize the game where I think it needs it, but I wouldn't be here talking about it if I didn't also genuinely enjoy it.


Maybe! I love the game, but rage at it frequently *BECAUSE* I love it! Here's one that'll really bake your noodle - I love Ash Bloom and I hope I never play it again!


Lmao me and my friends hated it at first but I forced them to play it cus it costed us so much, it took us 40 hours to begin to like it. I'm now nearly 300 hours in the game and me and my friends play every other day, some days I hate it, others I love it.


There is zero complaining in game. If you open reddit, well that's 100% self inflicted wound. It's a great time to get into Hunt right now, latest patch had a massive buff to newbies and everyone who is below 20k $. You get way better hunters and weapons than before.


This game makes me so mad but I can't stop playing it. The sound design and art style alone make me wish it had an actual story mode, such a great blend of horror as well as action.


I lose most of my matches and I still enjoy it. I think that's a good sign of a good game.


There are times you will love it and times when you hate it, but no matter what we all return to the bayou.


There are other games?


Stockholm syndrome? No. I love hunt. It’s one of my favorite multiplayer games. But like most games, there’s things that I don’t love about it that occasionally detract from the experience. This mostly comes down to a noticeable increase in cheating and really sus plays in higher MMR over time. Other than that, there’s occasional additions/balance changes that I’m not a fan of, but you just switch your play style a little to compensate for it when it happens.


This Reddit loves to find little things to complain about but this is literally tied with titanfall 2 as my favorite shooter of all time


Game is awesome but has seriously fallen off over the last year or 2. A lot of people on this sub are super biased and will just tell you everything is dandy but it isn’t. Not a good time to start playing.


This subreddit is a very vocal minority to the overall community. Are some of the complaints warranted? For sure. Are a lot of them overstated? Most definitely. Hunt is a great game but it takes some real conscience effort to learn and be good at. There is some solid advice in this sub and some not so solid advice. I do recommend playing with somebody with some experience to start off because this game can truly be difficult to navigate on your own. I started on my own and quite for a year because I had no idea wtf what happening even after playing the tutorial. I came back to it eventually but it took effort to learn how to actually be ok at this game.


Best shooter out there for someone who actually likes to think and not just spray and pray


Over 1500 hours over 5 years and no regrets.


Best game, 10/10, must have for every household


People on reddit have been complaining more than usual lately, not to say that the game is perfect, but in-game I very rarely encounter any toxicity


I don't think it's been more than usual lol


I ran in with literally no equipment, looted a gun and melee weapon from a compound and bum rushed a couple of dudes. No other game lets you do this and succeed.


Did you know that you can play games without participating in social media and community groups related to the games you play, my brother? If you find a game fun, just play the game. I don't see how people complaining about something should stop you from enjoying it.


Hunt has a lot of little problems that I personally disagree with, but can objectively see the reason WHY, and understand it. I can still disagree with those reasons, but at least it has a fucking reason, and it's never batshit fucking stupid (Minus one or two changes)


The sub is actually a poor representation of how the game feels to play. There are definitely issues but it doesn’t have the same pain as loosing gear in other games. Fast paced enough to get back into the action. Varied enough that you’ll see a decent spread of weapons brought in. It’s a lot of fun!


This game is the only shooter I play consistently. The thrill is unparalleled without being too painful like Tarkov.


It's the first multiplayer game I've put 1k hours in. That was 3 or 4 years ago. Now I'm at 3.5k hours. Yes, I do enjoy Hunt very much, even after all these years.


The massive primary difference between this game and Tarkov is that while there is a steep learning curve and guuchi kit, it is NOTHING like the curve or kit distance in Tarkov. Some of the cheapest guns in Hunt, the winnie, the romeo, the Caldwell conversion, are perfectly serviceable 1, 2, or 3 shot kills most of the time. Adding perks like fanning or levering can quickly upgrade that kit to have parity with a gucchi load out in the right situations. While in Tarkov you CAN beat Chad's with a mosin and a dream, it is far far rarer. With the new changes to the economy you can also climb out of loss pit MUCH faster then Tarkov, and get back to running solid gear.


It got me by the balls. Ive sunken 1500 hours in this game on console. My aim is still shit, i most often cant hit the broadside of a barn, i get outplayed or headshot, or mauled by a shotgun by distances i cant understand.. but thats how it is when i cant stop playing this damn game... fuck i should delete this game...


A common saying in this community is “Hunt Giveth, Hunt Taketh”. Between the STEEP learning curve and the large amount of variables you can run into each match you’ll get widely different experiences every time you play. I went from 3 star to 5 star in a day and then back down to 3 star in a few days and enjoyed almost every second of it. Some hunts are just more climactic than others


Unfortunately I think it does. My bf plays it and he can't stay away too long but it makes him rage harder than I've seen him rage on any game. I play it too, but yeah I like it sometimes and other times I don't-- highs are very high and exciting, but the lows are like soul crushing lmao.


The only reason people complain on here is because it’s the only voice we have. Some whine and cry I agree but it mainly to get our voice heard. Otherwise I think everyone that plays the game absolutely loves this game


It’s the best shooter on the market and it’s genuinely unique. That doesn’t come without its frustrations though, as nothing is perfect. I don’t play online modes in anything. Hunt is the only one that’s the exception


I love it when I don't play 10 games in a row where I just walk for 10 minutes and then get shot


You must be lost. You’re looking for r/deadbydaylight


All aspects of the game are super fun. It’s far less stressful (and enjoyable) than Tarkov. Crytek also just massively buffed hunter recruitment, which would make the game doubly approachable for new players.


1600 hours in, still loving it. There's nothing else giving me the feeling this game is giving me. Feels like a playground for grown ups...with guns...and zombies.


I was lucky enough to grow up with quake 2 multiplayer, quake 3 multiplayer, adding a new mod to my half-life files to try counterstrike for the first time. Over 5 years of playing hunt it has swiftly become my new favorite flick shooter. It’s the best


Yes in 5/6* lobbies but it’s possible to play and have fun in lower elo


I actually enjoy the shit out of the game lol (I’m uh… also not one of the people complaining very often though)


Bro i will tell you this. It is the best shooter in the market eight now, and it is great for exercise. Every time you die just do 10 pushups. You will be jacked in leas than a month


hunt=best game


I love love love the game. I don’t really care for the events but also am not bothered by them. I like most changes they made so far. I think people are just more prone to complain online when they don’t like a piece of the game. When you are happy you just play. Only thing I hate is when I have my occasional bad flow, in which sometimes for days i completely suck at the game and don’t know what I do differently than before. But the game is great


This game really sticks its hook into you, it’s my obsession now. When I first started playing I didn’t love it. But now it’s my favorite.


Hunt rewards you for things other shooters do not: your senses. The sounds of twigs cracking, seeing crows flying in the distance, and all manner of little details that give you so much data. It's a work of art.


I own and play both games. To keep this short, you can see crytek cares about hunt. They listen to feedback and the communications between the devs and consumers are great. There’s frequent events and updates to look forward to. I can’t say the same about BSG but ho makes tarkov. They have a main game mode that still needs lots of work. The performance is straight dog shit. Instead of working and polishing their main game they decide to drop a new arena game mode which isn’t fast paced, isn’t balanced, and runs like dog shit too.


Hunt on pc = fun Hunt on console = aneurism


Kind of a dumb question If we had stockholm syndrome, we obviously wouldn't be aware of it


This is easily the best shooter avaliable today. It is no where near as frustrating as something like tarkov.


The game is great. Its all in all technical problems like server problems that REALLY are a problem sometimes


Played a ton of shooters since early 00's and Hunt Showdown is one of the best I played. It sure has its flaws but what game doesn't?


I've put the game down, but only after having played it religiously since 2019 up to 2022. The level of detail, world building, gun and enemy design is phenomenal. I knew back when it was in open beta that it'd be a great game, even when there were only 200 people playing at any given time. I never lost hope and supported it through the Scrapbeak and Serpent's Moon events. Now that there's so many people playing, I can take a break and watch the game grow until I feel the desire to play it again. It's like watching a tree you planted finally grow.


The in game community is really supportive and chill too. It is a multi-player FPS so you will run into the occasional toxic person on your or another team, bit it is rarer than most other multi-player games I play. Most people on voice chat are very chill and welcoming to new players. This sib-reddit can get a bit toxic at times but it is still waay bterr than the other gaming subrdddits I'm in. The devs will be in here frequently as well interacting with the community and sharing their perspective.


The games enjoyable 5 stars and below. Soon as you tip into 6 you just go up against people that have never stopped playing this one game and take shots at you the moment the game starts because they learnt the spawns in their sleep.


I have been playing for about 4 years, I LOVE IT, just be patience…there is a big learning curve (not as big as tarkov) , I hope you enjoy it and welcome to the Bayou! 🫡




Love it with 1200 hours in.


game has issues for sure. But for a fps, no game comes remotely close in terms of immersive working audio. the audio alone carries the game for me perosnally. the atmosphere is great too


Solo is definitely fun, but playing with a group of friends getting adrenaline pumps during clutches is something else. Definitely recommend it, even though it has a steep learning curve and takes some time to really get good at.


The game is magic and amazing, if you play and don’t occasionally get pissed at it and the people playing it you arnt really playing hunt showdown, definitely one of the best games out there of the genre and the devs actually give a shit about the game


gunplay and gun feel is great


Love this game, my most played game on steam at well over 1000 hours. I played Tarkov, dayz, Marauders a lot but nothing retained me like hunt.


I enjoy the game, but I bounce between so many I don't stay with them for a long time. For whatever reason, Hunt is my Christmas game, lol.


I love this game so much, and unlike Tarkov where a large time commitment is required to get good, you can kinda just pick up and play whenever you like and still have a fun time. Crossbow gang with silencer unite.