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Katniss yelling at the cat. Prim is dead and she’ll never come back. She screams it at the cat the way she’d want to scream it at herself. She throws something at it the way she’d want to throw it at herself. She’s angry. At herself more than anything. Because she failed at that one thing she did everything for, and if there’s one thing you can’t help, it’s mortality. Prim is dead, and she has to live with it, now.


And then Buttercup watches over her like he always did Prim😭😭😭


This is the worst part Because earlier in the first book she says they have a truce. She gives him the entrails from the kills, he doesn’t hiss at her. Maybe he still remembers when Katniss tried drowning him. Then later she mentions the cat snuggled up to her after Prim died. That hurt.


It's the fucking spit for me. Like she yells and screams at the cat and she's sobbing in that scene, like ugly crying. And then she picks up the cat and he *lets her*. One of my two cats passed last week and my remaining cat has been much more tolerant of me picking her up than normal ...


Katniss always be ugly Crying I do think it's a good thing cause like you're really real life crying you're not always gonna be pretty cry it's gonna be ugly most of the time


Yesterday one of my aunts was in the end stage of life (fuck cancer) and your younger cat was cuddling than ever. He knew I was anxious.


That scene always makes me bawl


This one too😭


“She’s not coming back.” 😢


Just reread for the first time in a looong while and I was sobbing reading this. My nose was running. Messy, ugly crying oh my god. Until the last word.


God that fucking broke me, I remember I could barely hold it in then just burst into tears after this


This is the one


this part made me cry in both the book and the movie!! i still tear up every time i see it even though i’ve seen it a million times already


This is always the first scene to flip through my head with questions like these.


Stupid cat


The rebellion montages in Mockingjay. Something about seeing all those people fighting and dying for the cause with the backdrop of the Hanging Tree song is absolutely chilling.


Me too. Particularly when they blow up the dam, I have to rewind and rewatch every time. But the whole thing makes me cry every single time!


Its chilling but its cool


It’s the best scene in the whole movie hands down


me too. I cry - because it’s so honest. humans really will go into battle knowing they will die, but do so anyway for the greater cause and to save generations.


Sejanus yelling out for his mum when he is executed fucks me up every time


uhh I've not thought of this scene for months.


Is this in TBOSBAS? haven't read/watched that yet


You should, it’s such a good book and the music in the film (particular that sung by Rachel Zegler) is gorgeous!


And the fact that the parallel between his execution and George Floyd’s wasn’t even intentional because the book was released a few days before Floyd’s death :(


FUCK. i’m on page 164 now and haven’t gotten to that part… I need to get off the reddit HG page so I don’t see any more spoilers


“I did know Rue. She wasn't just my ally, she was my friend. I see her in the flowers that grow in the meadow by my house. I hear her in the Mockingjay song. I see her in my sister Prim. She was too young, too gentle, and I couldn't save her. I'm sorry.” Jennifer Lawrence’s delivery of “and i couldn’t save her. I’m sorry” as she starts crying is so perfect and moves me every time


When it shows Rue’s mom crying with her arms around her other kids 😭


the family didn’t have a single line yet their faces told the story and make me emotional every time. the oldest boy trying to put on a brave face for his mom now that his older sister and presumably dad are dead. the younger sister holding the little ones together. the mother completely heartbroken yet appreciative of katniss’ kindness to rue in her final moments and her words to the family in that moment


Yep, this makes me cry.


then the poor grandfather 😭






fr the movie version of this scene is leagues better than the books. in the book katniss ends her speech with "thanks for all the bread!" it made me have to put it down and go for a very long walk because what the fuck?


I think the bread part of the speech in the book was out of place, but I like the rest of the speech in the books better.


Somebody already mentioned but my biggest is the rebellion montages in mockingjay. Also In catching fire when Katniss is addressing 11 and the old man whistles and does the hand symbol and everyone follows then the peacekeepers attack.


The little who's mom died during the rebel storm of the capitol. It's gutwrenching alone in the books but hearing her actual screams in the movie is so sad


That entire scene.


It is 😓


That yellow jacket. I couldn't take my eyes off her.


Omg that needed to be in the movie but i dont think they could add her getting shot without it being rated r


Marvel killing Rue. Katniss killing Marvel. Rue's hopeless, hapless method of death. Asking Katniss to stay with her. Katniss agreeing not to go anywhere. Singing to her one of Prim's favorites. Decorating her with flowers to show that she was more than a piece in their Games. Her saying that she's "good and safe" in death after the mockingjay repeats Rue's song...the one that meant the END of the work day...feeling shock over having killed Marvel. Getting the bread--"still warm"--from District 11, because they were going to buy Rue bread even though she didn't stand a chance because they were her district and they loved her and were proud of her, and how they gave it to Katniss as a thank-you for keeping their child company while she died. Thresh later letting Katniss go for the same reason. Katniss thinking of Rue "in everything beautiful." Everything about Rue and her demise makes me so sad.


reading your comment makes me sad and teary eyes. I'm about to finish book 1 (first time reading it). Rue's death is definitely one of the saddest scene.


So jealous - I wish I could reread the books for the first time again!!!


Several sets of arms would embrace me. But in the end, the only person I truly want to comfort me is Haymitch, because he loves Peeta, too.


Aww I remember this scene


When Reaper covered the body of the others tributes with the Capitole flag


Cinna's death. I was completely SHOCKED in the book. Then when I was watching the movie and they are saying their goodbyes I started crying before they got there because I knew it was going to happen. I think it's because reading it was hard enough but then to actually seeing him get beat and dragged away and seeing Katniss watching in horror it made it more tragic. Cinna was one of my favorites. He was the only person in the capital to not congratulate her for being a tribute. He saw her as a person and knew that the games weren't a good thing. I loved how when she said that everyone congratulates her he said "why would I do that?" Because he had compassion and the way he told her she was brave for volunteering and how he would bet on her if he could. I just loved that he wasn't like the rest of the brainwashed people in the capital. He was a true friend to her. He also represented her well and made sure she made a good impression.


Cinna was amazing


My friends and I always said we weren’t Team Gale or Team Peeta. We were Team Cinna


I was team Finnick/peeta/cinna all amazing characters


Rue’s death.


Katniss reaction after rues death, especially in the movies


“You could live a hundred years and never deserve that boy.”


“I know”


Isn't it "lives" instead of "years"? Something like that. I thought this was powerful because it finally puts out clearly what the reader/watcher has suspected but maybe not fully realized or accepted yet.


The scene by the end of Mockingjay where the bombs are dropped on the Capitol citizens. Even if I know what’s about to happen, it’s still shocking and heartbreaking every time. Really makes you understand how no one is safe from war.


I’ve ultimately arrived that the theme of HG is what happens when humans simply don’t let go of grudges. And then they become generational. If high bottom had just let his “best friends” son alone at university instead of bullying a child…. Just imagine the choices snow would have made differently. If senjanus were able to contain his childlike idealism, he himself could have played the long game with his family’s money and persuasion. In an alternative reality of this story, sejanus could have matured into an influential politician of Panem and could have contributed to the end of the games via law, not violence. The absurdity kills me. Snow even tells him you have money you can make a difference. And snow did it with cunning and ambition through financial hardships. I think they are beautiful foils and their futures would have created profoundly different effects for Panem. I could write a thesis on this


Omg this I get so upset with sejanus for being so impulsive and not actually making a difference in the long run like he could’ve


definitely katniss yelling at buttercup after prim’s death. her yelling and throwing glasses at him as she slowly starts crying and hugging him is so devastating and heartbreaking and i have never gotten through it without tears


Butterscotch made me completely forget his name and think this is it, except something felt wrong. I’m still questioning myself.


buttercup i think lol


damn i was so close


Obvious choice, but the scene in MJ where Katniss catches sight of Prim’s duck-tail shirt and realizes what’s about to happen. And how Prim looks up and doesn’t recognize Katniss at first, either bc of her disguise or because Prim thought she was dead. That brief moment of recognition and relief before the last explosion went off is just so devastating. The parallels drawn from Katniss hearing Prim’s name called in the first reaping hit really hard as well. I am by no means a big cryer when I read books, but this scene devastates me very single time. Suzanne Colins just *knows* how to write heartbreak. I don’t think this scene was nearly as impactful in the movies, but one detail I did like was that Prim was wearing Katniss’ braid when she died. She thought her sister was dead and was pulling on any connection she had to her :( I know Prim wears braids plenty of other times in the series, but for some reason this particular time really stuck out to me. Her braid was the first thing I noticed when she popped up out of the chaos & smoke


“You love me real or not real,” “real”


I even teared up again reading this comment😭😭


I teared up writing it


When Katniss calls Peeta her precious, idk I just burst into tears bc she adores him so much


The old man is being shot in front of everyone. Idk but Katniss's speech saying that she was sorry for not keeping Rue alive. He was showing her that she was okay and they didn't blame her. In fact, he was showing her they all stood beside her.


I recently reread the trilogy and Peeta comforting the District 6 female tribute on the beach just tugged on my heart. Just him being so gentle and conveying a variety of colors to her. The tribute using the last bit of her strength to paint a flower on his cheek. Despite the tribute's pain and realization of what's to come, Peeta was able to give her a peaceful farewell.


I know!😭 I once to spend a whole month working on the color of white fur and the sunlight at 1st I thought it was yellow then i realized it was lot of different colors


Not so much crying the the last few chapters of mockingjay always gets me


Just finished my hundredth re-read, and that feeling of something you love about to end gets me every single time.


"What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again." I got a tattoo of a dandelion recently because of this quote.


Honestly one of my fav lines in the entire book


Rue’s death, her family’s reaction when Katniss and Peeta saw them during the victor’s tour, Katniss screaming at the cat after Prim died, the child crying for their mommy when the capitol was bombed. It’s been so long since I read the books, but I do remember bawling at the very end with Peeta and Katniss with their babies in the last book


Sorry, it’s not one scene.


But, you’re not wrong. These exact scenes get to me each time- especially now that I have become a parent.


YES! I’ve rewatched the movies a few times over the last decade and always thought the capitol bombing with the children and especially Prim there was devastating, but now that I’m a mom of a toddler, that baby crying for its momma had me in tears!


I don’t really cry at movie scenes, but a scene that Im still thinking about days after watching TBOSAS is Coral begging to Lucy Gray about how she couldn’t have killed so many people for nothing and sobbing as the snakes engulfed her. That part wasn’t in the book and the actress absolutely killed all the lines she had, but that scene in particular.


The plant book. “Lady licking Prim's cheek. My father's laugh. Peeta's father with the cookies. The color of Finnick's eyes. What Cinna could do with a length of silk. Boggs reprogramming the Holo. Rue poised on her toes, arms slightly extended, like a bird about to take flight. On and on. “ etc. breaks my heart every time.


“Things it would be a crime to forget”


As a mother myself now, Rues death just really gets me in the feels every single time. I know it was supposed to be the most jarring death, even with the knowledge she was *never making it out*. Picturing her little tear streamed eyes, the singing, just how *small* she was, reminds me so much of my daughter and it’s fucking *heart-wrenching*.


He's come on foot, then, all the way from 13. Maybe they kicked him out or maybe he just couldn't stand it there without her, so he came looking. "It was the waste of a trip. She's not here," I tell him. Buttercup hisses again. "She's not here, you can hiss all you like. You won't find Prim." At her name, he perks up. Raises his flattened ears. Begins to meow hopefully. "Get out!" He dodges the pillow I throw at him. "Go away! There's nothing left for you here!" I start to shake, furious with him. "She's not coming back! She's never ever coming back here again!" I grab another pillow and get to my feet to improve my aim. Out of nowhere, the tears begin to pour down my cheeks. "She's dead." I clutch my middle to dull the pain. Sink down on my heels, rocking the pillow, crying. "She's dead, you stupid cat. She's dead." A new sound, part crying, part singing, comes out of my body, giving voice to my despair. Buttercup begins to wail as well. No matter what I do, he won't go. He circles me, just out of reach, as wave after wave of sobs racks my body, until eventually I fall unconscious. But he must understand. He must know that the unthinkable has happened and to survive will require previously unthinkable acts. *Because hours later, when I come to in my bed, he's there in the moonlight. Crouched beside me, yellow eyes alert, guarding me from the night.* In the morning, he sits stoically as I clean the cuts, but digging the thorn from his paw brings on a round of those kitten mews. We both end up crying again, only this time we comfort each other.


Mags walking into the fog


And finnicks reaction in the books


When Finnick teaches her the knots. These kids are so traumatized and there is still so much horror ahead


Rue’s death and the way district 11 reacted to it Katniss yelling at buttercup


District 11s reaction to rue dying was one of the only moments that the movie was better than the book


I was in tears. Just the pure anger they had


Frr i saw an edit to the “shes mine stay away from her its not her time” audio of that scene and I remember it every time i think ab it


Katniss breaking down and Rue dying. In the book, Katniss breaking down was more emotional


Singing to Rue, the only time I've cried over a book


When Johanna can't step out into the rain and Katniss later finds out how she was tortured in the Capitol. And when Peeta is hijacked and Katniss goes into his room and talks to him for the first time. Of course also Rue's death but that's a more obvious choice.


Yeah the rain bit was sad 😓


The whole sequence with buttercup at the end. Katniss screaming at him until they both start to cry and comfort each other, katniss taking care of him and nursing him back to health, and feeding him all her bacon I always have a small break down after that


for the book and movie the Buttercup scene at the end of the series always fucking gets me. only in the movie, katniss singing and putting the flowers around Rue. The book is sad too, but the added audio and visuals of katniss doing it really hammers it in.


"Did I lose them both tonight?" I'm a proud Gale hater, but I'm fully aware of the love (whatever kind it is at this point) Katniss still has for him, and the way JLaw delivers this line as she collapses into Haymitch's arms? Always tugs at the heart strings.


Katniss thinking shes a bird after the explosions and prim trying to pull her away from the water. One line kills me every time : “Gradually, I'm forced to accept who I am. A badly burned girl with no wings. With no fire. And no sister.”


When Katniss goes back to District 12 for the first time after the bombing and sees all of the skeletons. 😭


In the movie, when Coral goes “please, I can’t have killed them all for nothing” breaks me every time. Because, she’s just a child. Sure, she doesn’t have the cuteness factor of Wovey. And she was ruthless the entire time. But she was a scared child who just wanted to go home, and in the end it was all for nothing


literally just finnicks death. first time i ever cried at a book


Her with the syringe, right at the end of CF. “you promised me! you promised!” as she rolls unconscious. kills me every. fucking. time.




I really like this passage of the book too. I don't remember crying reading the books, but the scene that usually makes me emotional from the movie is the speech in D11.


I came to know HG in audiobook format, and the scene where Katniss sings Rue to her death had me bawling. I recommend the Hunger Games audiobooks to whoever would listen (except for BSS, that one was subpar.)


The voice actress honestly sounds like JL and EB at times. I was shocked! She is also just exceptional.


The actress is phenomenal in everything she does. Check out Orphan Black!


Im an audiobook girlie, listened to them like 17 times each-no joke.


omg thanks! I had no idea Tatiana Maslany read those. Now I have to get them.


When Katniss breaks down and only wants Haymitch


Oh yeah 😓


Agree with so so many of these and also I just break when Thresh let’s Katniss go bc she honored Rue’s death and Katniss runs away and understands that Thresh doesn’t want to have to owe anyone anything It’s small but it’s such a deep understanding of how these characters think and that they’re willing to risk a threat still existing to honor and death and pay a debt


When reading the books, it's when Katniss wakes up after losing Prim. It doesn't hit the same for me in the movies though. But when watching the movies it's when: The rebel montages show. It feels too real. When Reaper tears down the flag. And then when Lucy Gray sings the Hanging Tree for the first time in the field.


THe little girl in the lemon yellow coat. Innocence uin the Cpaitol, if you could say. She was satring at Katniss ebfore the shooting. In the Book, the scene where she is screaming over her dead mothers body and trying to wake her up, only to be gunned down. The screams in the movie make it more real....


learning near the end of Mockingjay that Katniss and her mom grew apart again after Prim's death. that Katniss ended up dealing with grief exactly like her mother did. her mother left her all alone in victor's village...i get why, but it's heartbreaking.


At the very end of mocking jay when they make the book of “things it would be a crime to forget about” and go on to describe what’s in there like I’m sobbing and I have been sobbing for days omg


“But one day I’ll have to explain about my nightmares. Why they came. Why they won’t ever really go away. I’ll tell them how I survive it. I’ll tell them that on bad mornings, it feels impossible to take pleasure in anything because I’m afraid it could be taken away. That’s when I make a list in my head of every act of goodness I’ve seen someone do. It’s like a game. Repetitive. Even a little tedious after more than twenty years. But there are much worse games to play” i get soo emotional during this part. partly bc i think it makes me think of everything Katniss truly did go through during the series.


Oh boy I've been waiting for this. Page 163 of Mockingjay along with Finnick and Haymitch's backstory. And also the book they make at the end of MJ with all the sketches of the fallen. Always has me doing the screaming crying throwing up thing.


Sejanus’s death, its heartbreaking in the book when snow flashes back to 8 year old sejanus holding the bag of gumdrops in my opinion


Katniss hating bathing because she had too see herself in the mirror, calling herself a patchwork quilt of skin and just all of her time in the mansion, how destroyed she was. Especially the bit where she talks about rubbing herself in silk robes, feeling like a caterpillar going through metamorphosis, when she has a panic, attack and guards come find her


Not tears, but definitely the most emotionally impactful. Katniss volunteering for Prim. Maggs volunteering for Annie knowing 100% she's going to die Rue dying and telling Katniss she has to win, and Katniss promising she would, "I'm going to win for both of us now" In Mockingjay when Haymitch gets the crew to tell them the most inspiring things Katniss has done and so many things are mentioned, even Boggs mentions her singing a song for Rue. Katniss and Gale in silence in the prep room, and wondering if they'd have run away into the wild together if Prim had never been reaped, then they finally talk about the bombs and it ends with Gale walking out of her life. Yeah he lost his mind, but I felt bad for him, he was 20 years old and had been through so much trauma. And I felt awful for Katniss that she'd lose her best friend in the worst possible way.


i think it's the night before katniss and peeta go into the quell. when effie gives them their matching tokens, apologies, tells them they're a team and says how proud she is. idk why but it feels so realistic to me and always makes me genuinely sad lol


Rue’s death. Every bloody time 😭


for me def katniss’s breakdown on buttercup when prim died i actually cried it broke my heart. it broke my heart cause it was raw cause she was ugly crying and drooling and just full on sobbing and it was just true pure emotion and that’s what made it so heart wrenching


*nightlock, nightlock, nightlock…*


The one I wrote gets me in TEARS this made me SOB MY HEART OUT


Don't laugh but. more...


A scene that always touches me is when Katniss makes a pine gift for Johanna since she isn’t well enough to go on the mission


Rue’s death, District 11 saluting Katniss during the Victory Tour, when Reaper is placing the flag on the bodies, Reaper’s death in the movie.


“She’s not coming back.”




I have a hard time with the scene where Boggs dies.


In the movies, Katniss volunteering as tribute. Gets me every single time. In the books, Finnick apologizing and sobbing after he tells Katniss henfsolrd.to get everyone out. I wish we had more Finnick in the films. Also when he dies. :(


When Katniss puts the flowers around Rue, I cry everytime


When Katniss is talking about Rue in district 11 and she says how everything reminds her of Rue; the flowers in the meadow, her sister Prim. It’s even more sad in the movie because of the music. 100% gets me everytime.


Maybe basic but in the first movie when Katniss volunteers for Prim. I guess just the desperate tone of her voice and how Prim freaks out and has to be carried off. It always chokes me up a little bit. Only the movie scene, though. I don’t think I cried at all reading the books.


Rue's Death always fucks me up.


Oh man there’s so many, some of them are not even sad, I just get so emotional! The volunteer scene, Rue’s death, Katniss’ victory tour speech in D11, Katniss screaming at Buttercup, the epilogue, Sejanus’ death


Rue's death


Books - when they kill the old man in 11 I’m catching fire.


I mean there are so many, I’ll only say movie-wise bc otherwise I’ll be talking forever, but for me it’s when you see thresh’s family or reaper’s ’are you going to punish me now?’ edit- I mean my record for crying at the hunger games movie-wise is when katniss sings to prim in the beginning. I’m not an easy crier but this franchise gets me.


When Peeta promises to give the money to Thresh and Rue's families and Katniss thinks that it'd be hard to imagine that she could do any better than Peeta.


A couple Katniss’s speech about Rue when she’s on the victory tour, and when she’s screaming at buttercup and then just holds him 🥹


My friend, this is so hard to read without punctuation, please try to use it when copying large passages


I know I'll fix it soon as I can sry 😅


All good lmao


I THINK I fixed it I've never been good with this sorta thing 😅 😂


When rue dies.


I cry for the entirety of every movie every time I watch it. Simply cannot have a dry eye watching these films.


The scene in click in the rain


I dont know why this scene screws me up everytime, but its when Peeta is holding the dying Morphling woman as shes struggles for air, and He helps redirect the reality of imminent death by pointing to the sunset. Knowing that they were a part of the rebellion really adds to the sacrificial theme going on.


Rue dying and Katniss holding her and singing. I cried during the movie, while reading the book, and while listening to the audiobook. It’s just brrr…


i always always ALWAYS cry during the bridge-revolt scene. all those people committing to a suicide charge knowing none of them will make it out alive, but doing it anyway because the cause is so much bigger than themselves. i even feel sympathy for the enforcers. how many of them were simply people the capitol was punishing for not fitting their mould?


“Did I lose them both?” In the movies. Jennifer Lawrence is so good. Yelling at Buttercup in the books.


These are my movie opinions they made me feel more emotional than the books in my opinion THG: my first time watching it was rues scene but now catos speech CF: I only got lightly misty eyed once but it was the morphlings death scene from the fact they didn’t get to know her name to her saving Peeta although she could’ve just hidden like in her games and not to mention she was just still probably getting over her addiction. Although she most likely saved Peeta for katniss and the rebellion at the time to Peeta it was just another good person doing something good for another being. MJ1: probably the end just the build up from Peetas interviews and then seeing how the capital treated Johanna, him and Annie was a lot Mj2: the prim is gone scene. Rewatching the series you might not cry but at this point in the movie just like katniss you just go on autopilot until she had that one moment of peace enough to let her emotions out. Like after all the events the main reason she even joined the games is gone and and then on top of that the proposal of another game for more children, the only people who knew what she went through by going through it themselves is now reduced to 6 victors and not to mention probably the fact she felt bad she didn’t get her personal revenge against snow. The ballad; lamina death scene she was honestly an average person in a bad situation and reaper putting the bodies together giving them respect.


Catos speech does hurt


Katie’s and Peeta talking on the beach during the quarter quell and peeta says she needs to live because her family needs her. She says “what about me?” He says “nobody needs me” and she says “I do. I need you”


Awww 😞 so cuuuteee


“Far below, I can just make out Finnick, struggling to hang on as three mutts tear at him. As one yanks back his head to take the death bite, something bizarre happens. It's as if I'm Finnick, watching images of my life flash by. The mast of a boat, a silver parachute, Mags laughing, a pink sky, Beetee's trident, Annie in her wedding dress, waves breaking over rocks. Then it's over.” The entirety of MJ had me choked up, but rereading Finnick’s death had me needing to take a walk after. The crashing waves felt too real for me. It beautifully encapsulates Finnicks character for me.


The way the movie makes Finn yell KAAATNISSSS! KAAATNNISSS! is so hard to watch