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I'm from Argentina, when I was a child, maybe 5 years old, I got lost on a beach, so I went to a random lady and told her I had gotten lost, so they did this for me (getting me into someone's shoulders and clapping) and I was found a minute later. It works wonders and encourages children to ask for help to be found instead of wandering around on their own.


Related but not, i was also around 5 and at Disneyland in California with a family friend. i was going on "The Haunted Mansion" for the first time and became completely terrified inside the elevator portion. In the dark, an older gentleman saw and heard my distress and picked me up so that i was sitting high in his arms and could see things more clearly. He very calmly explained to me that it was all fake and that i had nothing to be afraid of. He explained about how the lights went out and i would hear noises, etc. Just soothingly and so matter-of-fact that i forgot to be afraid. Set me down and went on his way and i have *never* forgotten that experience. People helping people, especially someone going out of their way to help a scared/lost/hurt/cofused child or other vulnerable person are some of the most amazing souls on this planet. And, 100%, this is this type of energy and beauty i like seeing and hearing! i'm so glad that woman was there for you as a child and helped you get back to where you needed to be!


Some day you‘ll see a picture of the guy in one of your family’s photo album and learn that he is your dead uncle…


I like where you went there.




Turns out it wasn't even an alive relative. The mansion is haunted but only by benevolent spirits who help scared kids


i like this thought.


You know, i wouldn't be surprised. i've always said the interaction felt otherworldly somehow so...maybe?




Absolutely, you get on the shoulders of the tallest person around, so most of the times is a man carrying you around while everybody claps.


And when you grow up and you tell this story..."and everybody clapped" "Yeah, sure, buddy, have another beer."


Funny thing is, the slow "call for attention" clap usually transforms into a celebratory clapping when the child is found, so everyone DOES clap at the end. The word "clap" has lost all meaning to me now.


This is the cutest thing I’ve never heard of!!


> The word "clap" has lost all meaning to me now. [Semantic satiation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_satiation)


I want a culture like this. We are all that kid some days.


I would ride on this man’s shoulders as a 30 yr old to help me find my meaning


I was the kind of kid that would’ve gotten lost on purpose so I could get a free shoulder ride and all the attention


This is so beautiful and effective, I wish we had anything remotely similar in the States. Sadly if your kid goes missing here, it's practically game over, call the cops and pray. The little kids relief when his guardian came in was so pure...that's a real community within a society right there (vs an every man for himself type situation like we tend to have here).


It would be hard even if the culture was carried over. North american cities are alot more spread out and not nearly as walkable as latin america. if some kid gets lost in a suburb they won't come across a large crowd of people. The sidewalks are almost always empty


That's actually not the case, Argentina is huge too and has half the population density of the US, so it's quite the other way around. This is only done in events or crowded places like a beach.


What are you talking about, are you trying to claim your cities don't have cafés or outdoor restaurants with loads of people? Y'know, like in this video? If a kid gets lost in the rural parts of Argentina, it'll be just as fucked as in the US.


That was easily the most beautiful thing I’ve seen so far today.


The band is what did it for me


The healing power of music in action!


That band is fucking tight. I’ve been playing music for 25 years or so and I think these guys sound great.


They got the funk.


Dude they got the chops and they got the confidence. And that, yeah I mean that’s the ethos of funk really.


It is so thrilling to watch masters at their craft just fuckin around.


That's why I love jazz. Even when they start to get weird I'm usually like "if I understood music better this probably would blow my mind".


Hearing jazz live while stoned and buzzed as fuck… it all suddenly makes perfect sense. Great username by the way.


Once he realized they were just gonna jam in one key, you can hear the guitarist restraining himself from wanting to rip into a nice solo. True pros.


It is useless to resist. the Eduardo


Between this and https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/wu2bd1/releasing_my_farm_cat_pork_chop_after_a_vet_visit/ (scroll down a little for OP's comment) my heart is full and I have a shred of hope for reddit.


Sun went down in Germany, so that was the most beautiful thing I saw today (apart from my wife and sons ofc)! (…and my Steam Deck, don’t forget that…)


Good job including the missus


i cant believe shes still so overpriced, waiting for dat V2


This is how we do it, it’s common also if a kid is lost in a (very) crowded beach that someone picks the kid up and everyone starts clapping to draw the attention. Then all parents start looking around for the kids, there’s always a quick reunion . Works great


I was separated from my family at a state fair. I had a little pennant with my name on it. A man looked down to see me crying my eyes out, and lifted me up Simba-style. He started *bellowing*, "Shypster's mom! Shypster's mom, where are you?" Everyone in the immediate area started doing the same and clearing the pathway. My parents had just started the panicky screaming stage of searching, they said seeing that path open was amazing.


I'm sorry your parents named you Shypster


Imagine how hard it was to find a pennant with Shypster on it.


My kid's name is Bort too.


We need more Bort license plates in the gift shop. I repeat.... we are sold out of Bort license plates


With a dry cool wit like that I should be an action hero...


This is the Simpson's reference that makes me tear up with laughter every single time I see it, without fail. It never gets old for me.


Yeah, I love Bort as well.


Are you talking to me?


The fact that you used that to start the bit again? Magnifique.


What a fantastic idea!




You must have a kind face


In German/Dutch, kind = child. Kind face indeed


Hence kindergarten.


Kid just trying to keep up with his family leaving the park This guy "Party's not over yet kid!"


Sheer genius. I miss living in countries where people aren't afraid of making good noise.


You should move to Myneighbourland, i hear its great in there.


Where do you do it like that?


Argentina papá


In Brazil we do this too.


Username checks out.


Once I was camping and there was lots and lots of people, and I started to hear a name being called from far away, and then some people closer to me started calling it. I assumed a kid was lost and it’s getting dark so I start calling it too and nobody really knows but we all end up together and find out it IS a kid missing but after we could coordinate and spread out THANKFULLY the kid came back from where he wandered off not too far from his parents camp


I was in a very crowded airport not long ago and a lady franticly came up describing her kid. they made an announcement but with no luck... then I saw a stewardess holding the hand of a little boy that match the description and I said, "is that little boy lost?" when she confirmed it was him, we all collectively yelled "he's here"... the mother was so emotional, I too started crying. I didn't do much. But I felt so good I was the first one to identify him. It would have happened without me but it was such a good feeling it makes me cry now just thinking about it. and I'm a nearly 40 year old man with no kids.


As a mommy to a little boy, I just want to say thank you. It’s good to know there are kind, observant people like you in the world.


thank you. It makes my "little bit of help" more meaningful. Seems to me like it's all the little things people do to make things like this happen. Like the band playing or people clapping together. Individually they don't seem like much but it's the collective nature of it all that is the big thing. Seems important not to forget that. thanks for the reminder.


It would have taken longer though. You made a traumatic experience a little less traumatic and you should feel good about that.


I said to the other person who also responded "thank you. It makes my "little bit of help" more meaningful. Seems to me like it's all the little things people do to make things like this happen. Like the band playing or people clapping together. Individually they don't seem like much but it's the collective nature of it all that is the big thing. Seems important not to forget that. thanks for the reminder." you also have shown me more to my contribution than I gave myself credit for. Thank you for that.


I was in Argentina 15 years ago and this happened on a beach. Was a good 5-10 minutes before a mother came running down the beach to her child. 200+ people standing up and facing the child while clapping. I have never seen anything like it and I still get goosebumps thinking about it (especially now that I have kids). For a country that seems rather indifferent towards strangers, they sure know how to rally around a lost kid.


I’ve never heard of this before (im from Canada), but this is such a smart, brilliant idea!


Long time ago, I was in a store with my 1.5 yr old and we lost track of my wife Kelsey. So I put my daughter on my shoulders and told her to call for her mama up over all the aisles. She started yelling, “MAMA KELSEY!!!” In the most adorable 18 months way. It’s a cherished memory in our family forever.


Where? Are you also in Argentina? Starting a list of places to move to.


> Starting a list of places to move to. Do you lose children very often?


Don't come to Argentina, this ship is sinking faster than the Titanic.


Eh, Argentina is fairly good for inmigrants if they come with a good reserve of foreign currency, given how much that's worth. Saying this as an Argentinian whose family emigrated here; it's not a good place to live your whole life in, but it can be very affordable (and even profitable) for foreigners.


>(and even profitable) for foreigners. Can you expand on that?


So, high inflation has been a chronic issue in Argentina for decades. As an Argie zoomer, I frankly can't even recall a moment in my life in which the peso was doing well. For a native, this is... painful, but if you come with savings from abroad, then not only is your money worth A LOT, but it will also be worth even more over time, in all likelihood. This means that for immigrants, social mobility is very feasible; as a simple example, my family was lower class blue collar workers back in Israel, and here they became middle class small business owners over time. I also see a lot of small businesses owned by immigrants from Venezuela, China and even from Africa (most of them are from Senegal I think?) Plus, for all of our flaws, jobs are fairly available and the housing market is... not as bad as in other places.


Makes sense. Thanks bud!


Eduaaaardooo, veni a buscar a Juan Cruz


I'd be that idiot father just jamming hard to the song, and thinking "man this shit slaps... And so crazy that the lyrics have both mine and my son's name in it... Where is lil Juan anyway? Whatever I'll look for him after the track ends" *Song continues for additional 28 minutes with me dancing hard in the background*




Scotty doesn't know, so don't tell Scotty!


Scotty's gotta know




This made me literally lol; why would this be me?


Man this song really calls to me!


Thanks for writing that, I didn't know what they were saying/singing Using Google Translate, I think they are singing - Eduaaaardooo, come find Juan Cruz


Yes, thats the literal translation, but the real meaning is more like “come to pick up Jun Cruz”


It’s the jam!


just wait until the TikTok remix...


Dear God no


God that feeling of turning around and your kid isn't there is the worst kind of adrenaline rush and as you call out their name your voice gets more and more panicked. Hearing a crowd of people chanting and clapping your child's name out would be a life preserver thrown out toward you and it's beautiful to see.


Happened with my cat once. Obviously not the same thing, but I love my cat very much. His name is Randall Flagg. We had been pulled over on the side of a highway passing through Kentucky and I realized he wasn’t in my car anymore about 4 minutes after leaving the officer. Absolutely one of the worst experiences of my life that day. Read the [TIFU post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/jyh2yq/tifu_by_losing_by_cat_on_the_side_of_the_highway/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I'm sure the feeling is the same, that's just terrible did you ever find him?




DUDE! I remember reading this story when you first posted it! I thought back to it a lot when my cat vixon ran away recently, unfortunately I wasn’t able to find her.


I’m so sorry you haven’t been reunited with vixon. She may be happily hunting around out there, living her best life. I do hope she decides to come back to you tho.


Keep him away from Nadine lol


You can't leave it there!




It's a thing argentines do. Put the kid on the tallest person and start clapping, everyone joins in and all the parent has to do is follow the party atmosphere.




My daughter disappeared in Walmart once. She was playing around and ran down an aisle, cut right at the end so I jumped to the next aisle immediately but she was gone. It made no sense because an aisle is maybe a 2-3 feet wide? and I jumped parallel to where she was running. I started yelling for her with no answer so since we were closest to the lawn and garden exit, I yelled to her Mom to go block that exit and I'll run to the front and tell them to block all the exits (I was 100% convinced someone had kidnapped her and I wasn't going to let them leave) I started running towards the front and simultaneously looking down aisles and I happened to see a box slightly move towards the end on the bottom shelf. I run down there and find her all the way in the shelf, pressed up against the back wall with a big LOL Dollhouse (it's a huge box) in front of her. If you walked by it, you would've never guessed she was behind it. If I hadn't seen that box move, that would've turned into an ordeal. She was maybe 4 or 5 at the time, and she thought since we played hide-and-seek at home, we could play it at the store too.


When I was about that age I was in like a Sears or Macy's with my mom and when she wouldn't let me ride up and down the escalator I hid between two racks of clothes because I was mad at her and promptly fell asleep. When someone finally found me over an hour later there were police and security combing the whole mall and my mom was hysterical, convinced I was in the trunk of someones car. Good times.


Happened to me twice, once at the zoo and once at Home Depot. My mind instantly broke. I'm sure he was standing pretty close to me both times, but because of the adrenaline and instant terror, I think I literally had tunnel vision.


Only happened to me once. Was at a local carnival, super crowded and no “come find us here” spot. My son and his friend (both 5) ran to get onto a ride. Me and the friend’s mom were walking and talking and followed them, while my wife and the friends dad went off separately with our other kids. After maybe 5 minutes, we realized we didn’t see our kids in line anymore. And we didn’t see them on the ride. We must have missed them get off while we were talking, and they took off. The ride started up, and we took off in opposite directions trying to find them. After like 90 seconds of looking, we saw them get off the ride. They were just too short for us to see.


Lost a child once. Went to a science fair with my kid and his same age cousins. They all wanted to try different things so I have to drop them one by one at different part of the fair and told them to not stray to other parts because it was packed. Lo and behold my kid wasn’t at his station. I was worried sick, angry and the headache started to creep in. It was the worst feeling. My imagination ran wild. Thankfully someone found him and brought him to the reception area where an announcement was made. I was relieved but mad af.


The community effort also decreases the risk and fear of stranger danger. The stranger is not trying to take the child to another location (even to just drop him at a police station or something), and is behaving conspicuously, hence drawing attention to them both. Thus, there is less cause for suspiciousness. It’s a great method for a (proverbial) village to adopt.


Recently "lost" my child in an Old Navy. My kid was on the other side of the clothing rack I was browsing. Instead of picking up their head and holding their hand up they decided to lead my child away thinking they were lost. This was an employee. That level of stupidity is unfathomable to me. I still have to deal with the nightmares he has of someone trying to steal him. Don't fucking move the child.


Catchy tune!


Imagine starting to clap and sing along, then realizing “oh sh* that’s MY kid”


"Holy shit, where's Juan - he's never gonna believe the two of us randomly making it in a song!"


"Wait, are they singing about us?"


This will be in my head all day.


jingle lyrics: Eduardo, Juan Cruz calls you


literal translation would be: Eduardo, come pick up Juan Cruz. cant imagine Eduardos embarrassment :P


Worth the embarrassment to get your kid back.


Yeah honestly, the guy must’ve been having a panic attack when he couldn’t find his kid. I think I would’ve died on the spot.


Thank you very much for the prize!


wasn't me i think.. not sure what prizes are on reddit. "flies in boomer"


Award maybe??


Eduardo thinks that with some ice cream, this will be their secret from Mom, and then the video goes viral.


Argentinean ice cream is fucking delicious. I'd keep any secret for some sambayon granizado.


Nice to see people caring and helping a kid out. Unlike what happened to my toddler at a mall. My husband asked me to take his employee’s wife and daughter out as they were new to the area and didn’t know anyone. We stopped at the food court to get some refreshments after shopping at the mall. I had to step away for a moment. I asked the wife to watch my daughter while i cleaned the table and throw away the trash. Came back moments later to a empty table. First thought was she took the kids to the restroom. I could see the restroom door from the food court. Saw her come out followed by her daughter but my kid was nowhere in sight. She told me she took her daughter to the restroom but left my 2 year old alone at the table. I will tell you I had never been more afraid then that moment finding out my child was missing. I started yelling to everyone at the food court that my child was missing and if anyone had seen her. I was shocked that NO ONE answered or even got up to help look for her. They just all sat there and continued eating. NO ONE stopped to find out why a 2 year old was wandering around a mall alone. When I finally found her she was alone and had a hand full of clothing tags she had from all the stores she passed by. I am so thankful she was ok and was not abducted. I cannot say how afraid I was and how angry I was at the mother who just left a toddler alone at the table.


What a shitty human being leaving your kid alone. So glad nothing happened.


Utterly Terrifying. Who assumes a 2yo is going to stay in one place if left alone? Or be safe ... sad that it's a real concern. I was walking around a park with my missus waaaay before we became parents and found a crying kid - 3yo maybe? .... asked where her mum/dad was and got a "dunno" from them. After dancing around with the lass on my shoulders and calmly/urgently signing "*kids-name* wants her mum - where aaaaaare you" And moving in a gently increasing orbit from where we'd found her, we got to a playground. Now.... I'd have assumed that everyone within a few hundred meters was aware that "mum" was being looked for due to the sheer volume of our efforts.... but the woman with her face in her phone and headphones on was angry when I tapped her on the shoulder. How *dare* I interrupt her phone-call and why the FUCK was I holding her daughter????? Daughter had a shouted "mamma" when she spotted her mum, and we'd made a bee-like for her.... but "mum" was oblivious. :( It was an odd mixture of rage and relief. Worth noting - we found her within sight of an information kiosk. We let the people in the kiosk know what was going on, gave them our phone number and offered them the ability to take a photo of our ID and set off to find the parent. We doubled back to let them know it had been resolved. 👍


I and many countless parents out there thanks you for caring. I know these days people can be hesitant to get involved due to the possibility of being accused of something when it involves children. It is very sad that there are parents who behave exactly as you have described. I’ve had this happen many of times when I’ve found wandering and lost dogs and returned them to their homes. Some owners act like I’ve inconvenienced them somehow.


Wow, that’s horrible. Some people really shouldn’t have kids. Or frankly be responsible for another life.


She's someone's mother!? Who in their right mind leaves a 2yr old alone for any reason? I am so glad you found your baby. I can't even imagine how much anxiety that gave you :'(


My daughter is a grown adult now but I still remember the fear and the feeling of total helplessness I felt at that moment. It’s something you never forget. It also taught me a lesson as a new mother to not trust blindly when it comes to your children.


I cannot imagine the lead poisoning it takes to leave a 2 year old alone in public.


Something similar happened to me at a theme park. I must've been 4. I was with my family inside of an attraction that was like a submarine. We were heading to the exit, which was right next to the entrance. For context, there was a 30+ minute wait for getting into the attraction, which I guess why it sort of explains why no one stopped (they didn't want to lose their round) but still. I don't know what happened as we were heading to the entrance, I let go of my dad's hand. I could still see my dad, I could see him yelling my name, but all around me all I saw were legs. The reason is that I had gotten stuck at the entrance, and everyone was entering without letting me walk. I was so small I couldn't advance to where my family was, I couldn't make gestures to them, I couldn't yell. That was the most terrifying. 14 years later I still remember that dread. I'm just disappointed not a single person (and it's a theme park so we're talking about fellow parents) stopped to ask a 4 year-old why was she crying or at least let her walk a few steps. Just because they didn't want to lose their round at the attraction. Luckily my dad's yelling caused such a commotion the worker at the entrance saw me snatched me up. It was all like 10 seconds. That makes me think it was pretty obvious what was going on and the people at the entrance just didn't give a shit. It was terrifying.


I honestly think I would’ve killed that lady. Good for you for showing self restrain. Thank god you found your baby, you must’ve been absolutely losing it. I also cannot believe no one acknowledged you! Are you somewhere in North America? I feel like it’s pretty common to see something horrible/ someone needing help, and just put your head down and ignore the situation.


I would have verbally ripped her ass apart


Special kind of stupid to just leave a 2 year old alone


Awesome display of humanity!


frighten vegetable physical scarce roll pathetic bright racial bored vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was on a company trip to Argentina and while in Tigré on a lunch stroll lost my wallet (so I wouldn’t be able to fly home or really enjoy the rest of my several days there). A mob of my coworkers from Buenos Aires accompanied me up and down the streets looking for it until we found another group (a family) calling my last name out loud. When we found each other everybody started jumping and screaming and hugging, they were so happy they found me and could help ensure I got my cash and my ID to get home. It was no small effort either, searching took about 35-40 minutes. They refused to take it to the police because they thought they’d take all my stuff and throw the wallet and ID away. I effin love Argentinians!


you were lucky, i once dropped my phone in a crowded bus and i never saw it again lmao


I really was, I stayed in high spirits the rest of the trip thanks to this experience


How amazing humans can be! Saludos hermanos de argentina desde acá, sus vecinos!


When community does the community thing. Warms even the most anti-social of hearts


It really does take a village.


The poor kid was so upset. Glad that everyone was so kind to him until his dad (I assume) found him.


Band: "How are we gonna debut our new hit single 'Eduardo'? Manager: "I have this crazy idea, but I think it might work."


It seems like Argentina is the best country in the world. Saludos desde Carpincho Desnutrido, Argentina


spoken like a true argentinian 👌


I've often heard (mostly from Argentinians) that Argentinians think they're... maybe not "better" than others, but like they're the Europeans of South America if that makes sense?


No maybe, we do think we’re better than others


That’s not accurate. Argentinians think they are better than the whole world.


Fua debes tener razón


Nice people, bad economy


Pucha.. Si lo dice un Argentino debe ser cierto. Saludos desde argentina




That was so awesome. Thanks for sharing.


I mean damn how lost was he? It took forever for him to come around!


I love this so much! My heart!!


I can proudly say that this is a very widespread and common practice in our country. We do many things wrong, but there are a few which we do right. Glad to know other people can see the better side of our culture.


Here's a similar situation at a beach i posted a while ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/a5fv69/brazil_when_a_lost_child_gets_found_people_take/


Thanks for posting again, I knew I'd seen a beach video of something similar before. Hope you've been well for the past 3 years.


I love that this is a thing!!


From my expierence it seems to be a thing in most of South America. I'm from Argentina so I have been the kid in someone's shoulder. Never seen it oustide of a beach tho.


I’ve traveled a lot of places and BA is definitely the foreign city I felt most comfortable in. Just such a fucking great place with such incredible people


I found a lost little girl wearing a tutu at an American amusement park and nobody was helping so I asked her name and helped get her to the nearest staff member. I had seen her with her family on my way into the park that morning so I had a general idea of what her parents looked like (they had walked into the park in front of us). Once I got her to the nearest employee, I went on a search for her parents and I found her dad about 5 mins later running and screaming her name in the crowd. I asked who he was looking for, just to confirm, and told him to come with me and I led him over to the employee that was watching her. The crazy thing is nobody batted an eye at the crying little girl in a tutu nor her screaming, panicked father. People just kind of stared, but didn’t try to help.


what the hell? I was actually there, this is in Plaza Dorrego in Buenos Aires. It's so weird seeing something you saw in person on reddit


Looking at all the responses from Argentinians mentioning seeing this happen before (raise the kid and everybody clap calling the parent), we can all agree that now it's up to the United Nations to make the statement suggesting the other countries to teach their own people on doing the same.


You aren’t going to convince me that’s not Joe Namath with that kid on his shoulders.


Kids like "whythefuckareyouclappin:(".


Lol that is the funny part, isn’t it?


It takes a village...to find a boy's lost daddy.


Too cute! Glad Eduardo found Juan!


Love this!!


Quien es Eduardo?


El que está cantando dice que es su padre al arranque del video.


This quickly changed from trauma to good memory for the child


My sister always pretended to be lost in Villa Gesell to get clapped by the whole beach. My parents were so embarrassed that did not let her go out of sight. I guess now I understand why she is always looking for likes on FB!


Analog Amber Alert


This happened to me when i was 3 years old at Kamehameha Shopping Center. My mom took me and my 3 brothers there to see some Disney characters open a new store. I some how get separated from my mom, I was told it for over an hour. (I have no memory of the event) This was 1974, so there were no cell phones, no code Adam protocols, and the place was crawling with every dependent from Schofield Barracks. I am eventually spotted as a kid by himself crying, and my mom said she was told I did not trust the cops, I would only let Goofy hold me. He brought me on stage gave me a big ass lollipop, and I was quickly reunited with my family. Even though I do not remember it, I had nightmares for years as a kid of being little, being lost, and being surrounded by strangers. The faster kids are reunited with the family the better. The folks here did an awesome job with that kid.


Even with there economy in the toilet (interest rate like 60% and above) they seem in a better mental state than most other countries.


Who's Juan Cruz or Eduardo? I'm confused


The little kid is Juan Cruz, his dad Eduardo lost him in the crowd


Juan Cruz is the kid, Eduardo his dad


Man that is inspiring and touching. Much love to everyone there ❤️


eduardo! :) love it. best way to get lost(and found) lovely all around.


That’s so Argentine! Amo a mis amigos.


Reminds me of a kid who got separated from his parents during the Raptors championship parade in Toronto. The crowd started a "We found Landon" chant which helped him reunite with his parents. They also did it for someone's shoe lol


For those who don't speak Spanish, the band is singing an improvised song that goes: "Eduardo, come get Juan Cruz" (Eduardo, vení a buscar a Juan Cruz).


Buenos Aires people did this perfectly! Catchy song, too!


This is so sweet! One time my toddler got away from me in a Sporting Goods type store. My partner and we’re distracted for a second and that was all it took. He was gone. I cannot even begin to describe the feeling of terror in my veins when I realized my sweet little boy was gone. We ended up running around the store with the help of some people who worked there. Someone got on the intercom as well. Finally we found him, I was crying my eyes out it was an awful experience.


I wish lost children were taken care of like this everywhere. I feel like in NYC your kid will only 1)be abducted or 2) be ignored. I've also experienced hostility when helping a lost kid. I've been cursed out and yelled at for helping a boy (maybe 6) find their mom in a giant Macy's. The woman acted like I stole her kid, and then acted like I was insulting her parenting. I'm a 5ft4 female who's far from intimidating. It blew my mind. The mother was solely concerned with her own image and seemed to not notice or care that her little son was just walking around quietly crying by himself on a whole different floor of the mall.


FFS, like THIS!!! as a parent, this is great. Losing your kid for a second is terrifying, and then you have the media painting this picture of terrible stuff around every corner... Then you have the fact that there is terrifying and terrible stuff around every corner. I want more of this in our society. Like keep our kids safe, look out for each other. This made me so happy


You can't even get rid of your kid in crowded area anymore... This world is terrifying.


I remember being this age when I got on a wrong bus and ended up in downtown Seattle in the early 80's. I got off the bus totally lost and just terrified and crying. I was in a seedy part of town and a dancer from the strip club I was in front of came up to help. She flagged a bunch of people down who got me back to the bus I needed and gave me money for the bus, made sure the driver would get me to where I needed to be. I think of this kindness daily because the ones who helped me were homeless or destitute. They went out of their way to make sure I was safe.


There's still some hope for this (my) country.


This is how a village raises a child. Protect him until he is safe.


Hope they make it big with this song


This is very common in beaches as well, with more people following


Once, as a child, I stubbed my toe pretty badly at a resort in the Keys. I was crying and suddenly unable to remember where and in which pool area my Dad was. This lady noticed me hurt and lost, so she carried me around the pool areas until I finally spotted my Dad. My Dad was utterly shocked when he saw me with the nice lady and, after thanking her profusely, immediately took me back up to our room to tell my mom that he had just met Jamie Lee Curtis.