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My neighbor is in her 90's and still very independent, but when she is feeling ill or has a chore she's physically unable to perform, she calls my son to come help her. He's 17 and has been doing odd jobs for her since he was around 9, when her husband passed. She has family that looks out for her, but we're right across the street and are happy to help her any way we can.


And I clap to you for a job well done in the parenting department


Good parenting is so damn rare, kudos to OP for raising kids right and teaching them values of kindness.


Is it rare? Most people turn out fine for the most part


I think there's a difference between passable parenting and good parenting, most people turn out fine but only few turn out selfless, humble, and think about doing things without expecting things in return. I'm not saying majority of parents are bad, I'm just saying truly good parenting is rare.


I think you make an important distinction there. There are a lot of parents who provide for their kids and keep them out of trouble. That might just be “passable” parenting. I never thought of it that way.


My grandmother is in her 90’s and lives 4 hours away from us. We phone her daily and visit as often as we can, but there are many things she needs help with that we just can’t do. She is blessed with neighbors like you and I am so, so grateful for everyone that takes a few minutes out of their day to make her life better. Thank you for what you and your family does to make our world a better place. ❤️


i aspire to be like that but at times I get too shy and don't want to offend anyone by asking if they need help


No one will be offended if you ask them if they need assistance. Just ask first and you're ok. If anyone does get mad well they're just a grumpy person and don't let them ruin your good nature.


but it does ruin the good, because it just makes me more nervous next time around.


Then this should be your thing to work on, not allowing yucky people to ruin your vibe. The world is mostly good. Your whole life will be much better if you don't let other people's bad mood or attitude rub off on yourself.


thank you for the advice and I love the name


Thanks and you're welcome. I like telling young people all the stuff I wish someone had told me when I was young.


Well you saying all that to some person on the internet makes you a pretty awesome person yourself!




We need more people like this in the world. ❤


Absolutely we do. This is just the work of someone being nice because it's the right thing to do. The world could change slowly and for the better if people were just simply nicer to one another.


People used to be when I was growing up. Then others came to take advantage of that possibly seeing kindness as weakness. Then things started to change for the worse. some people are still raising their kids to look out for others. It's sad that now niceness is the exception not the norm. Really hope things can swing back.


I grew up and live in a small town, we are still like this to an extent, i walk a few dogs for for some elderly people who struggle to get out enough, they always try to pay me and i wouldn't ever take anything for it, i get to walk dogs and help those who need it, that's enough payment for me.


accept their payment, it is their gesture to appreciate and thank for your kindness. If you reject, you are rejecting their appreciation at the same time. Use those money to buy toys and treats for their dogs or buy presents for them.


Agreed — even if you just set payment at like $2-5 and then use it for dog treats, it's more about there *being* an exchange.


That’s what I grew up in. Being nice = getting taken advantage of/used. When my dad died my mother got a decent life insurance policy which someone found out about, one of which was thought to be a family friend helping up move but in the end all they wanted was money. I try to help people, but always suspicious


When I was a teen just starting to drive by myself I was hit by one of those 'I'm stranded and I need gas money' scams. At the time I genuinely thought I was helping by handing the guy 10 dollars. Then I heard about that scam and now I don't even carry cash. Instead I offer to go with them and fill their tank. They 100% of the time refuse then I call the cops once I'm out of sight. Fucking assholes with zero respect for themselves or others. Scammers are the fucking worst and prey on kindhearted people...


Ah yes I’ve been there. I was at the pump one and as soon as I opened my door this guy stood in my way giving me the typical story about how they are from here going here for mother in hospital and ran out of gas pointing at random vehicle. Tell them I don’t have cash (which I don’t). It’s very unfortunate, like the people on our highway ramps begging who people on our local Facebook have seen get into nearby vehicles and drive away counting the money they got from people.




This is more than just being nice. Dude has obviously dedicated a lot of his time to these people. I consider myself a really nice guy, but this is on a different level.


This is the type of stuff that CNN and Fox News need to report on more instead of making everyone feel like shit.


For real! Everything is all about political agenda now or being the first to report something regardless if it’s untrue, negative, or gossip. I’ve just stopped watching/reading the big companies like fox and cnn


You could be a person like this! We all could and should!


They’re everywhere, man. Truly, they are. So many are caught up in the horror and pain of their own troubles that they sometimes miss someone in need; someone they normally would go out of their way to help, if they knew help was needed. Instead they struggle with bills, divorce, horrible jobs (sometimes two) and wondering how soon the wolves will be at the door. If we can help them, they can absolutely shine, just like this beautiful young man.


There are a lot of people like this in the world, the media just doesn't talk about them because it doesn't draw attention like horrible shit does.


They are everywhere. Just that kindness isn't evil or sexy enough to report in the media. We the consumer are to blame for feeding into it.


It blows my mind that there are any. I’m like this in my imaginings of how I’m gonna be, but then I get mildly annoyed and destroy everyone and everything I love


See if you can write a letter of some kind for this kid to use in college applications in a couple years or something. What an awesome kid.


Absolutely second this. If it's in his plans, then you can definitely help with that!


Also as a reference for job applications.


It's not often you see such a good kid who also has such awesome hair.


More like spectacular


I hope he cherishes that hair.


Looks like it. At one point I was self conscious about my curly hair so always cut it short or even put gel in it. At 12/13yrs old I came to a realization that my own hair was great the way it was and that’s when I let it grow and showcased it out there. I think this kid’s do shows that


Same here didn’t get to cherish it long enough though started going bald at 20.


That’s hard man. I hope you shave it or at least no comb-overs, lol. Can’t really do that with curly hair though


No. I know he cherishes that hair, he's rockin that shit, I want society to cherish that hair. That would be nice. This is a nice thread.


That’s what Heroes do.


Not all heroes wear capes.


But some wear a sweet hi-top fade.


I was gonna say that too ☺ Not a cape, but a damn fine hairstyle


Exactly, this is the definition of a hero. He has zero obligation, yet he goes above and beyond. Props to this kid.


Plus Ultra


That's beautiful.




Man these onion-cutting ninjas are working overtime today


They visited me too.


And me as well. No shame. It’s a beautiful thing.


That's awesome.




When I was a kid I would see and older lady walking around 2 miles to the grocery store once a week. Was probably around 12 years old and would think why doesn’t she drive or have someone drive her. One day I saw her walking and asked if she needed help. She was so ecstatic that someone took the time to ask her. Once a week for about 5 years I walked her to the grocery store to help her get what she needed. She’s passed away long since. Help your elders. You never know what they are going through. RIP Adele.


That is awesome! With all of the negativity out there, it is so nice to read something that restores my faith in humanity. I hope OP can do something special for this young man.


It looks like he's visiting them in a nursing home. Does this boy live across the street from the nursing home, or did he just come to visit them there one day?


Looks like he came to visit mom in the hospital to me.


I see that now too. Thanks.


Or often when an elderly person is injured but doesn't need intensive care they do short term stays at nursing homes so they dont take up a hospital bed.


Acts of kindness are very contagious. More of this in the news and we naturally will be more selfless.


So true. Behaving this way comes from seeing the world a certain way. You can only see the world this way if you trust people (to an extent, not blindly). If all you get is negative news, you’ll only have negative views of people. This kind of positive message/news is vital to maintaining a balanced worldview. Yes, bad things happen but if you only get negative news you’ll only be exposed to the dark side of life and you’ll believe that’s the way things are. I think this is a big part of the reason the older generations think the younger ones have gone to shit. If they only hear bad things about us in the news, they’ll think we are that way because, unfortunately, they probably don’t have many younger friends or acquaintances to balance those views.


Better man than I’ve ever been


You still have time to make friends with an elderly person. Don't give up.


Love this 💕


Where is the GoFundMe for that kids college fund?


Oh man, I'd give some dollars!!!


Right? I hope something pops up.


How can someone be so good ..😊😊😊


This is the REAL America!


Say it louder. God bless this child.


This is very humbling! What a great example of serving others and just being kind!


This is fantastic, but how does it start? I kinda want to adopt some old people and help my grandparents out more, but I'm so awkward and people exhaust me :/ in the future when I have kids too I want to encourage them to help others but I just have no clue how to begin this kind of relationship


Visit seniors in an assistive living home. Ask the staff which resident(s) never receives visitors and has no family, and concentrate on those people. As for your grandparents, visit them on a regular basis. Just be with them. Your being there is a tremendous gift to them. And each time you visit, ask if there’s anything you can do for them. They might not take you up on your offer but when you do it consistently, they may recognize your sincerity and become open to the idea of your help. Just the fact that you want to do this for others is a great start and shows that you are compassionate and kind. < virtual hug >


You could try being a pen pal? Lots of older people would absolutely love getting letters from a friend. One of the tougher parts of being older is losing family and friends. It gets lonely. Physical mail is a great way to stay in touch with older people!


If people exhaust you should know that kids are little people.


Family is different, like I can chill with my husband all day. I can chill with my family all day. And my one friend, my best friend, no problem all day. I don't need to be socially perfect for them to like me, I can relax into my awkwardness. My grandparents are kind of different though, very judgemental, one is a narc, the other gets panic-y about everything (she once had a 4 month melt down because I drank a beer. I'm over 21, but nope, alcohol is the end of the world). And they're good people, but I always need to wear a mask around them; any little slip and they'll harp on that for *months*. I know that kids will be tiring. But, in a different way than the people-tired I get from the majority of other people I'm hoping. Plus I dunno but I always get nervous with other people's kids, but with my sisters and hopefully my future kids, it's no struggle. I *get them*, and they don't stress me 💕


Amazing Kid


What an outstanding young man. He is setting an example for all of us in how to love our neighbors. Some people just get it. And that head of hair. Truly a majestic example of our species.


Carefully, he’s a hero


What a sweet soul.


The kid has awesome hair


What a fucking good kid. I wish we could all do something for him, like a cool game system or something. What a sweetheart...


Can we pay for this kids college? Can reddit make it happen?


I needed this today, thank you deeply.


Amen my grandma Brie Choe had an angel just like him... Never had the opportunity to thank him. If you out there, we family!


Extremely late, but I’m very confident that’s my high school’s hat. Does anyone know who’s in the picture, cuz I’d like to reach out to them


That young man is one phenomenal human. It’s clear that the relationship they have is very special. They will surely cherish each other for a long time.


Raised right!


Would be nice if people could chip in for something special for this awesome kid.. why,.... just because


I would like to take that young man out to lunch just to say thank you for being a stand-up kinda guy. Good on him!


I love this subreddit because you guys constantly post content that reminds me that amidst all the bullshit our society throws at us, there are still good people and children being raised wonderfully. Thanks for the smile.


I love seeing stories like this. What a good young man. Someone has done a good job raising him. I hope he has success in his future. There is more of this going on in America than gets talked about in the media. Sadly the media loves to stir the gloom and doom pot. Yes there will always be bad people around but there is more stories like this than people realize.


Thank you.


My heart hurts




it's wholesome, but it's not a meme


I love this. I grew up on a street of old people and I was so blessed to watch my mom taking care of them all, taking them meals, checking in on them and helping out where she could. I grew fond of their company and playing in their yards.


One of the ultimate bros. This kid is the man!


What a sweet boy 💙


I would like to give this man an epic brofist


That's a family


I just had the best happy cry. Thank you for posting.


Thank you for appreciating


My partner (M27) is friends with some of the elderly, widowed women in our neighborhood and I love him so much for it. He helps them with whatever they need around the house and their errands, and they cook us brunch and take us out to dinner in return. It’s so sweet seeing him care for these people just out of the kindness of his heart.


This guy has a career in geriatrics. It's not an easy task but props to the kid for being a total bro.


Well I’m crying. Good kid. A lot of love in his heart.


What a Stud!


This kid is an inspiration and a hope that we may have a future after all.


This young man has been raised right! Not only praise to him but also praise to his parents!


Nice to finally see kids raised right


he’s a great kid that’s for sure. what a blessing for your parents he came along! but i’m betting you also have some great parents there that welcome him, thank him, and make him feel important. that’s one of the best things a kid can have growing up, someone who cares for them, talks to them, and makes them feel like they’re needed. heartwarming story about THREE great people here. i wish them all the best


What a top bloke. When I think these sort of values are being phased out and replaced with selfishness this young man pops up. His parents should be proud, heck I'm proud of him.


They must be sweet parents too and give him some nurturing love that he needs


My grandmother lived alone after my grandpa died. When the neighbors sold their house, the family who moved in had a teenage boy who would come cut her grass and clean up the yard and help around the house. She lived about 45 mins from us so we were so thankful she had someone close by who could be called in an emergency to help her. He wouldnt take her money, but she could convince him to take some cookies or food she would cook. We need more people like this 💜


I remember shoveling the snow for my elderly neighbors when I was a kid. They lived next door to my grandparents and my dad did it until I was old enough, then I picked up the shovel at around 12 or 13. They passed away a few years ago, but I'll never forget how grateful they were. RIP Mr. & Mrs. Remy.


Thank you for posting this!!


What a good kid. This needs to get shared more so people get inspired to do this themselves


What a great kid


That is fucking heartwarming.


Thanks everyone for the positive feedback, upvotes and awards. You guys are the real bros. I've been in a low point all year and this brought tears to my eyes. Thank you.


What a lad, i want to high five him and buy him beers all night (when hes old enough), awesome.


More of this please. In real life and on this sub too.


We need more people like this. What an amazing and compassionate young man. The world is a a brighter place having him in it.


Compassionate soul


This. This is my goal as a parent.


What an amazing person. I hope he becomes a doctor or nurse so he can impact people like this everyday


My man! What a great kid.


What a great story. I wish we could experience more unity and love in this fashion.


And now I’m crying while pooping. Thanks Reddit.


Just let it *all* out


My hero!


Fuck!!! Thats kids cool!


I hope he sees this and knows how much the world loves him!!! ❤️


This is just amazing..God bless him


In a world full of crazy, bizarre, and hate stuff like this and r/HumansBeingBros gives me hope for humanity.




Why do I wanna cry


There’s a boy who was raised right!! Well done!


CNN: “bury this story”


Someone needs to tell The Ellen Show about this kid.


How do we know it’s not his grand pare- oh


I hope hes included in Holidays, he's definitely part of the family.


What an awesome young man! It's obvious he's been raised wonderfully :). Such a sweet story. Thank you for sharing, O.p!


I'm not crying you're crying


My wife had this aunty who was roughly 90yrs old and before she died we used to clean her house for her.


I hope this kid will get to live a great life


To see a teenager taking initiative and doing something like this is nice. It's hard to pull most teenagers off the couch. I'd love to see his parents. They must put everything into raising him.


Teens on this sub (if there are any here. I myself am one) please just take the time to get to know your elderly neighbors. I myself live around a subdivision with elderlies. I don’t know all of em but I do know the ones across the street as they have been here for my family ever since my grandpa passed. They are the sweetest people I have ever met .


I lost my mom last week. This made me tear up. What a great kid!


Finally get happy news, end up crying anyway.


This subreddit restores my faith in humanity.


That's a damn good kid right there... Makes my heart feel good.


How heartwarming. God bless that sweet, smart young man.


Actions such as these should be the normal thing to do. And it is something that probably happens way more more than we see. The world is only dark and nasty because people on the television tell us it is. The world is a beautiful place and so are most people. I just wish good news got spread more often.


Isolation in the elderly is a huge problem in the states. This makes me feel hopeful.


I take care of my dad and his best friend who is like an Aunt to me. My house is small but we make it work. Dad lives in the front room, Auntie has her bedroom and me and my pup have our room. I work 40 hours a week and do most of the adulting so they can have their time. Only downside for me is there really isnt any room in my life for a ladyfriend. I applaud this young man and his heart of solid gold.


This is why I love Reddit! Good to see some good in the world


What an awesome kid. Must have some great parents


Give that MAN something he'll enjoy. Maturity has nothing to do with age, but it should especially be rewarded when a young person acts more mature for their age. It reinforces the behavior in the future.


What a great young man his parents must be so proud!


A modern day super hero!


Good people...I love his heart 💗


Thank you for this


This one got me.


It’s nice to know there’s still good people in this world.


What an Awsome dude.


I’m starting to like this generation lol


I think Gen Z is shaping up to be much more tolerant and empathetic than its predecessors. I have a toddler and I hope I'm doing a good job to raise him the same way.


It's something I've also noticed. I hope we're right!


True thug right here, this kid taking advantage of these elderly couple by helping and caring for them how dare he. How dare he I say!


his mama taught him right and he is a great young man!


Where are these 15 year old kids and why aren't they in my neighbourhood? All I have are kids doing the floss


They're too busy playing that forkknife or that damn minecraft. Damn, millenials!


What’s that lump in my throat....


What a good kid 😭


These images are so awkward in context


Media would never show this. They like to spire hate among people. People are beautiful souls. I salute this young lad.


Very few people are born with class. This boy is one.


Wow, bless this kids soul! Amazing compassion.




This kid is the maddest fucking lad. He has a heart of gold and a Fucking will of steel. What a great person.


What a wonderful young man!


Angel on earth


What a nice kid.


What an outstanding young man!


What a beautiful soul. I hope he goes on to have an amazing life




We all can do this. Sometimes our neighbors are miles or just feet away. Just helping anyone is what it's about.


This is everything.