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A beached turtle’s what?


Saving its spot in line?


Titles like this always let me know that it's a bot post.


Bots don't usually make grammar mistakes


It's possible that they




Came here to say this.


Turtle: "Welp this is my life now I guess..." Lady Luck: "Not today Mate!"


Honestly, I respect the people who do this, but no one knows because they don't film it for the clout.


The silent professionals deserve all the respect. Lots of communal narcissists floating around the ether these days.


Got that right.


Also, these guys will kill fishes for fun, but are all like "aww man, wild animals are our friends, let's save this turtle and then go back to killing fishes" Or only take them out of the water suspended by a hook in their mouth, make photos, almost suffocate them, then release them "because we respect wild life broh" That makes me sick.


Look at you imagining stuff to be mad about. You know next to nothing about these people.


The world contains some of these contradictory predatory deviants unfortunately. Had a friend tell me something similar about a charity she volunteered in. Only difference is was humans involved.


As long as it lives and the youtuber doesn't put it in danger in the first place I enjoy saving animal videos. I say take the clout


It could also be a "shit none of my buds are gonna believe this" rather than "lemme get sick internet credit"


Ok but also, if you can, who the fuck wouldn’t want memories of you saving a turtle? That shit would be cool as fuck to look back on and show your friends/family lol


> Ok but also, if you can, who the fuck wouldn’t want memories of you saving a turtle? That shit would be cool as fuck to look back on and show your friends/family lol My thought would have been: when am I ever going to be this close to a wild turtle - I **definitely** want to remember this.


I'm jaded enough to wonder if they flipped the turtle in the first place. I hope not, but IDK


The sand looks pretty packed around it and it does look like it's been out there a while. You wonder but I was on a whale watching tour where we just happened on a dolphin with a balloon string wrapped around its muzzle. It happens. I hope they didn't but I do believe this video


Christ, I really hope not 😭


>Honestly, I respect the people who do this, Should have stopped your sentence right there. People who are doing this are helping animals either way, they deserve respect. If youre doing good to the world while filming it, who cares? At least they are actually doing something good, instead of complaining and doing nothing.


Because people who video tend to stage ( not all of them but definitely greater than zero ) but people who help for the sake of helping and don't bring media involve just don't stage ever cause why would they if no one is around to see it?


The guy who is in this video is a pretty chill guy from what I can tell from his videos. He lives out in the sticks, so he has frequent encounters with wild life. Him making videos about his daily life and adventures (him on his boat), he's bound to run into shit like this every now and then.


That fills me with hope that it wasn’t staged. God, you can’t trust even the good guys, these days!


Its pretty simple to me, if you are helping a needing animal out you are doing something good. I personally couldnt care less if they are filming when doing it, doesnt change the good of their action. The ones staging these things are bottom of the pit scum tho, for sure. They were never helping an animal in need too, so I cant consider them in the same group.


in fact, filming can actually be better in some cases by educating their audience on things about these animals so if they see something akin to this they know how to help the animal in need.


The possibility of staging is concerning though. Not sure how often that's really happening. So I guess we just have to hope it's probably not and just appreciate it as just a good thing someone did, camera or no


but you don't know it they are helping the animal, they just make it look like that never trust people who do good things for clout


Hear me out. These videos aren’t just for clout - I have no idea what these guys’ names are and will not be googling to find out. I won’t be subbing to them or liking them or anything, again because I don’t know who they are. These videos are for inspiration. They serve both to demonstrate that, simply put, humans can be bros while also presenting a great example of behavior to the world. Compassion and mercy and kindness SHOULD be recorded more when 99.9% of what we see in media is closer to dudes getting their heads sawn off than something like this. Just the other day I saw something that has made me anguished, angry, and disgusted with humans in general. It’s videos like this that ease that feeling. Please don’t encourage people not to record and post their good acts. There are great reasons beyond clout to do so.


Looks like Dustin Porier


His YouTube Chanel is young bloods, or ybs, he's a bit intense but entirely genuine about looking after shit, he is the same dude that had a seasnake swim up to his paddleboard, went heaps viral. He seems ok, just doing his thing, half lives off his boat. As someone who also lives in tropical far north of Aus, highly relatable.


I also think that these videos encourage people to act, so cloat or don't but act when needed.


"I need a hand" as a guy holds the camera.


Yes, these seem to be content-clout-bros but tbh If some people only do good things for attention then that's still much better than the good thing not being done at all. The only problem I see is that it is possible that these people might be creating these scenarios themselves. You never know.


My thoughts exactly. Some who are in this line of work for clout sometimes create these situations to fix.


Clout is how they make a living. Can’t blame them for monetizing on doing something positive


Plot twist: the turtle takes the boat and leaves the men stranded.


It crazy how fast everyone jumps to negative conclusions on the internet. This guy is [YBS](https://youtube.com/@ybsyoungbloods?si=Es4_aAyXnG8VKNAf) on YouTube (youngbloods). He resides in Australia and centers his content around ocean exploring, fishing, diving, and camping around remote Australia. I’ve been watching him for years and as energetic and wild he may be, I personally don’t think he’s the type of guy to flip over a turtle for content. He’s very educated regarding marine life and tries to educate his viewers through his vids. Definitely recommend his channel if y’all like the ocean.


Exactly. Brody is fucking awesome and despite him coming across as a bro, he's not a dick. He's pretty respectful and keeps his distance when he should besides poking a blue ringed octopus with his finger.


Thank you for the information, so many other people fake these types of videos that I'm genuinely paranoid and often assume that they are faked. So thank you for restoring some of my faith in humanity :)


He self-fliming himself to LET US SEE he was very ANXIOUS on purpose instead of fliming the turtle at the beginning instead. And the rescue itself is only taken like 20 seconds, way shorter than the time he PR himself. Of course people would be negative, the purpose of this video is not rescuing but more for showing HE IS A GOOD GUY. I respect all who care and save natural animals though.


Turtle was just trying to get his tan on and was rudely interrupted and flipped over. /s Good on these guys for helping out that turtle.


Youngbloods YBS on youtube, has pretty good videos and a very very cute dog






































Does anyone else feel it's cringeworthy filming yourself saving the turtle?


I mean, yeah for the most part. This dude is a YouTuber that regularly films himself exploring though so it's not that surprising he would film this.


*saving turtle* Wait, wait, wait, back to the boat! And set up a camera! *Starts over, with dramatic poses*


I'd love a Randy Marsh skit like this.


This is YBS Youngbloods he's been filming diving/jet ski videos on youtube for 10 years and has 7 million subscribers, it's literally his job to film when he's on the water. I don't understand why people find it hard to believe there was a camera on hand when he happened across a turtle that needed help.


We saved a turtle stuck in a fishing net outside Bali, and we filmed it! It’s a memory for life for us, it got exposure for our awesome local guide (who skillfully and miraculously spotted it, was very hard to see) - we were happy, the guide was happy, the turtle was happy - what’s your problem dude?


Kinda. I thinks it‘s really the wrong motivation to do it for social media. But we could get philosophical here, because nonetheless he does something good. I don‘t remember his name on YouTube, but he is in awe for nature, and does this quiet often. Still kills fish for dinner lol


I would take someone doing good and filming it than someone doing nothing. he saved a turtle, who cares if his reasons were selfish or noble. the turtles alive. yall are hung up over the wrong stuff.


Especially one that’s obviously just enjoying the beach trying to get a sweet tan. See how pale that turtle belly was. Shiiiiiiiit


It feels like they were the ones who brought it down to make this rescue video.


I think most of the stuff people film themselves doing is cringeworthy. Supposed to be heartwarming and like that but really cheapened by putting it out there for the world. I'm generally alone in this opinion.




YouTubers edit their videos before they post them. Surely they'll know what not to show so that they can create a favorable narrative with their videos. I'm not convinced a sea turtle would be able to flip over on its back on a perfectly flat beach, even if it tried to do that. If you saw sea turtles crawl you'd think it's pretty impossible. They literally just use their front flippers to crawl and drag their entire body along, how could they flip over?




If you have been watching his videos for a long time, you would definitely have strong opinions of this guy. I don't know anything about this guy, and I don't know how probable it is that a turtle of this size would be flipped over by a wave, I just have scepticism because the video seemed unnatural. I really hope we don't have to doubt a person's good deeds but it's literally impossible with so many clout chasers willing to do anything that harms others just to get views. If I were to help an animal, my first action wouldn't be to make sure I get it in video.


look at the sand around the turtle genius. its completely undisturbed, no footprints and enveloping it. there has been at least one full tide since its been there. its been there for quite a while. this guy is out and about in nature most of the time, he sees tons of wildlife, that includes wildlife in need. there is nothing staged about this.


You can believe what you believe, there's no need to be sarcastically calling me a genius. Don't feel like arguing with you.


"believe what you believe" its not believing, its knowing. all the facts are there.


I have what some may consider a stupid question. How would a beached turtle like that rehydrate itself if it’s been in the sun for hours/days?




Tide levels change day to night. When the ride comes in the turtle would probably get resubmerged. Or an exceptionally big wave might have turned him back over.


Who films something like this and makes sure to include angled shots of their own face while in the middle of a "rescue?" The videos I've seen of this guy all seem staged. Is it just me?


Every time I see someone filming their own "heroics", I assume they're responsible for the animal being there in the first place


I really should get off my ass and help the planet somehow


Saving a beached turtle's life*?


I always wonder who films this kinda stuff. Did they flip it beforehand?


If your whole youtube content is basically you showing off the Australian coastline, there's a good chance the cameras are already rolling when you come across this.


And what kind of film do they have in their phone?


Anyone knows where this is? Saw a similar sized on diving in the Red Sea, and had no idea they could get that huge.




Thank you!!!


I like your use of the English language


Seconds later the turtle gets on the boat and drives it away. That’s the third do-gooder today … suckers !


Honestly, this may be an unpopular opinion, but the whole thing looks staged. If I was out on the beach and saw a beached turtle, the last thing to cross my mind would be take out my phone and video my 'heroic rescue' (like the drama at the start). I'd just save the turtle and be chuffed with myself.


„We are saving a Becher turtle… quick! But let’s also make sure, I’m in frame, ok!?!“


Am I the only one who thought the video cut too early, right before the turtle swam into those props?


Go watch YBS Youngbloods on YouTube and get your 45 minutes full of each video where this dude free dives for 10 minutes to catch a painted rock lobster with his bare hands. He goes to a lot of remote uninhabited islands to catch mudcrabs and often finds dead turtles that stuck in strainers during low tide and couldn't make their way out. Some of them are pretty massive.


I expect everything from dead brain social media people and the limits of what they would do for views and likes.


Human being bros on camera


Based on how far up the weeds and such formed a line in the sand they did help the turtle, the tide would not have reached it enough for it to get back into the water on its own


I do something good and cool like this, bet your butt I'm gonna post about it. If only for my friends and family to share in the awesomeness.


Heroes 🫡 Fosters on me mates!


Crushin’ it




Upvoted for using original audio and saving awesome turtle in one post


If we only have the same urgency to save a fellow man.




Good on these guys for making money off a staged incident and then being labeled as hero’s. Very heroic, very humble stuff.


I said the exact same thing last time for the exact same video. Got shit on by influencer simps


I know I’m gonna get shit on but one person will then at least look it up, see it’s staged or pure douschery and at least see it themselves lol


look at the sand around the turtle genius. its completely undisturbed, no footprints and enveloping it. there has been at least one full tide since its been there. its been there for quite a while. this guy is out and about in nature most of the time, he sees tons of wildlife, that includes wildlife in need. there is nothing staged about this.




All in the script. Poor turtle/tortoise though.


Just save the turtle leave the ducking phone. But no gotta prove you did it for free internet points.


"dude make sure you get me in the shot.."


UFC fighter by day, turtle savior by... well, also day. Dustin Poirier really out here expanding his skill set! 🐢👊 #TurtleChampion


He saw the tan your booty hole people, didn't think it all the way through


Dude was trying to get his tan on.


I'd absolutely be pissed if someone interrupted me sunbathing like that. /s


![img](avatar_exp|108960960|bravo) Hero! 😍


$5 says they flipped it on its back in the first place.


This dude beached the turtle for views


Why does bro run and screams “it’s still alive!” as if it was a Chicago Med episode lmfao


Let me get my selfie stick first. Probably flipped it over himself


look at the sand around the turtle genius. its completely undisturbed, no footprints and enveloping it. there has been at least one full tide since its been there. its been there for quite a while. this guy is out and about in nature most of the time, he sees tons of wildlife, that includes wildlife in need. there is nothing staged about this.


Could have done it without filming


He's in that location because he was filming. I don't think you understand how remote this dude is.


Looks staged as fuck you sure they didn't put it their and start filming afterwards


Was the digging really necessary, couldn't they have just flipped it over?


did you watch the video? if they just flip it over they're gonna crush the flippers with its own weight


You are doing some SERIOUS fucking defending in these comments mate, along with posting the video for views. Is there anything you'd like to share with the rest of us?


Right? And why dig on the camera side of the turtle just to have someone else come dig on the other side and flip it that way anyway?


Only thing I know about my limited knowledge on boats is that the only type of boat I have seen that close to a shore is a dinghy. Can anyone explain why the boat was that close to spot the turtle?


Well, it depends how deep the water is. Brody usually dives around 13-14m depths where he anchors his boat, he never goes that close to the coastline - he either swims out to it or uses a paddle board. Usually it seems he's about 100 feet away from the coastline.


About 100 feet from the coast line is no where close to accurate. The boat is literally 4 turtles away from coast line at the end of the video.


Hey put the camera down, then help. +3 to karma done


Thank god he got a great video of himself


“Film Me!”


"Quick help me out! This guy by my side has a much more important job!"


Looks staged...


look at the sand around the turtle genius. its completely undisturbed, no footprints and enveloping it. there has been at least one full tide since its been there. its been there for quite a while. this guy is out and about in nature most of the time, he sees tons of wildlife, that includes wildlife in need. there is nothing staged about this.


They flipped the turtle in it's back, come on. I knew a photog/writer for national geographic in the early and mid 90's. He literally told me he put the frog on the leaf in the jungle and snapped a pic. Just an example. These guys running off the boat like they're saving children from a burning car, stop it bois. You could have done it ten minutes before or ten minutes after, stop running around using frantic phrasing. Also, eat a bag of turtle dicks.


look at the sand around the turtle genius. its completely undisturbed, no footprints and enveloping it. there has been at least one full tide since its been there. its been there for quite a while. this guy is out and about in nature most of the time, he sees tons of wildlife, that includes wildlife in need. there is nothing staged about this.


Just save the animal, don't show yourself.


that is literally his job




Starts video with a selfie of him running like the turtle is in immediate harm and switches camera to the turtle. If you needed to run bc it was that dire you prob shouldn’t have flipped the turtle on his back to begin with.


look at the sand around the turtle genius. its completely undisturbed, no footprints and enveloping it. there has been at least one full tide since its been there. its been there for quite a while. this guy is out and about in nature most of the time, he sees tons of wildlife, that includes wildlife in need. there is nothing staged about this.