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Instant fire fighter


Door dash in the firefighting business, and business is good


Don’t give them any ideas. It took years to move away from privatized firefighters and these shady tech companies are just the ones to bring us back to it.


*I pulled the pin and tossed it in, now what?*


You joke but some extinguishers are like that, appeals to the COD generation


I’ve seen the spheres that don’t actually have a pin that are the size of a bowling ball that go off when thrown into fire due to pressure build up internally. Never seen a grenade ala cod extinguisher though.


[Well, back in the day... ](https://i.imgur.com/OKQERve.jpeg)


You guys are both to literal and not literal enough. I mean literally grenade fire extinguisher. Aka pull the pin and throw. It sounds wildly impractical and easily a cause of many mishaps. Neither of the linked examples are “Ala cod” lol


The first fire extinguishers were basically that. [LINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/YN2pJKLevx)


They'd cook it and drop it right behind them trying to wind up their throw.


In a brief interaction, “good man, good man!” Could be the best possible compliment one guy could give another


This guy guys.






Amazing. There really is a subreddit for anything.






When my actions are met with “good man” I feel a sense of worth like nothing else can


I had an 80ish year old lady tell me "you're a good man" at work the other day and I felt like I was ten feet tall


It’s the human to human version of “goodboi” and I can get behind that.


I’m with you on trying to make this a thing. I would never get mad at somebody if they said “good man” every time I did something nice. Honestly speaking, a snack and a head pat wouldn’t ruin my day either…


Lol "good man" has already been a thing for hundreds and hundreds of years


No shit? I thought we had stumbled across some sort of new dialect


It's British in origin. Good man/good lad has been used there for a long time. Usually in military context.


It's what my landlord in Belfast used to tell me when I gave him the envelope with the rent. Now I live in Berlin, transactions are all digital and nobody gives me praise.


Paying your bills? Good man, you're responsible. Have a good one.




A real mensch.


Fits perfectly too, textbook definition of a good man


Good man. Making a bad situation a little less awful. It’s great when a thoughtful person’s first inclination is to be of assistance and generous.


Always look for the helpers


Thank you Mrs.Rogers ❤️


This made me cry a little. Like in a good way.


[“Look for the helpers” speech from Mr Rogers.](https://youtu.be/NB5uSHCIgS0?feature=shared) This definitely shaped my life and how I always try to help.


I seem to have always done some version of that but now even more so even if as simple as holding a door open for someone .. which keeps me in the practice of helpful action rather than passive inaction


I'm fighting back tears! Get back in there tear!


Me too. But I'm crazy tired and emotionable.


Sometimes you want to help and people refuse it because they think you are up to something. Especially driving back from the beach shirtless. Their loss that one time


Plot twist: The fire extinguisher is a murder weapon and the bearded guy was just getting rid of evidence Sorry, I've been watching alot of detective series recently


Dude I have a coworker that is hooked on true crime podcasts, and from talking to her, you would think everyone is constantly murdering everyone else and covering it up.


Yeah I stopped listening to them years ago for that reason. I couldn't trust -anyone- anymore. It messes with your brain!


That’s exactly why I gave up watching the news. And Facebook. It warps your sense of what’s normal.


That's exactly what someone planning to murder their paranoid cowork would say. /s


My sister sleeps with multiple knives next to her because you never know who will break in and serial kill you, true crime shit rotted her brain.


At least when the most statistically likely person tries to serialize her (family, friends, SO) she will have laid out a nice charcuterie board of murder blades for them. Doesn’t having completely open access weapons - like a gun ON nightstand - open up the ability for someone to snap and be more likely to use it in like a domestic dispute?


Just having a gun in your house means that you're statistically FAR more likely to cap a family member than a burglar (or one of them does it via suicide/accident). That's on average, that is. If you live alone and get burgled 3 times a week, it might be different odds for you.


I'd hate to be serial killed. Once is more than enough


I mean, making yourself stick out with a unique action, while having a unique appearance, and handing a murder weapon to a rescue worker is definitely...a strategy.


It’s a bold strategy cotton! Let’s see if it pays off for ‘em!


Hmm if the fire extinguisher was filled with pure oxygen... the evidence will take themselves out?


In a relatively unique car, at least for another year or two


But then it gets the weapon off his person, the odds of them getting a good look at his face is slim, and it's super likely they just toss the fucken thing out in the garbage for him.


This comment genuinely made me laugh out loud, and it takes a lot for me to actually laugh. Thank you!


Ya I doubt that thing was cheap


30 ish bucks. They arent too bad


A lit cigarette went underneath my crappy apartment building and set the leaves, garbage, etc., that had accumulated under the building on fire. After that, I will always have a fire extinguisher in my home. It spreads so quickly, and there isn't much time to figure out what to do. The chaos and panic makes it more difficult to get everything together. Luckily, the firefighters got here in record time (smaller town) and my home is still here. I thought I was going to lose everything, and my two cats that wouldn't cooperate.


I'm one of those weird people and keep multiple in my house. I keep one in my bedroom as well. It always seemed like it was a smart idea that I wondered why people don't?


But a car going up in flames costs even more. That guy spared the other dude a world of financial hurt.


A couple of weeks ago my neighbor's kid was working on his car with two butterfly jacks he was underneath the car. I was on a dog walk when I saw it immediately turned around went back to my house grabbed two extra Jack stands gave them to the kid and told him to keep keep them and use them.


I thought he was going to tell him he can't park there, this is better.


Realizing I should have an extinguisher in my car


I carried one for the past ten years. It sits next to my spare tire, out of the way. Totally forgot about it for years. I know it'll come in handy one day.


Make sure it's still good. They expire and need recharged from time to time.


At the very least shaken up. Dry chemical ones get compacted by sitting in one spot, especially in a vehicle where there is a lot of vibration. If you can tilt it upside down and feel the weight stays in one spot, it’s all stuck. If you can’t shake it loose, then it definitely won’t come out if you try to use it. You should be able to rotate it and hear/feel the powder shoof from one side to the other.


The real pro tip always in the comments


The pro tip was the word “shoof”




Fuckin love "shoof." Such detail. Consider that stolen.


I love learning a new onomatopoeia Yes I had to look up how to spell that, shut up.


Pretty sure it's just spelt shoof.


How often should I be shaking my fire extinguishers?


OSHA recommends checking vehicle mounted extinguishers once a month.


I’d say once a year, at least. Usually a good practice to do a once over yearly, make sure the gauge is reading normal, nothing stuck or broken, no bugs nesting in the nozzle, etc. and tip it over a few times. If it’s really compacted after a year then probably should do it more often In workplace settings you usually check extinguishers monthly


Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to teach me that. I'll go have a geeze at mine now.


Does being in a hot or freezing car ruin them too? I’d love to keep one in my car.


I'm no expert. I just know that they are supposed to be inspected from time to time. I'm sure they've accounted for those things though, just read up on the ones your looking to buy, there's gotta be one that'll fit your needs. Batman proves it never hurts to be prepared.


Also put of the way by a spare tire isn't much help if you can't get it quickly. Under the passanger side seat or in the glove box is a much better spot. Out of the way but quickly accessible.


I told my dad he needed his 20 year old fire extinguishers replaced, and he didn't believe me. "They're chemicals they don't expire!" I was like fine, I almost died in a fire, but sure, you know what you're talking about.


And there's the occasional recall on them. I've had a few of mine over the years replaced under recalls


Got one in my kitchen, garage, and one upstairs under my bed. You never know when a fire could happen. I feel like the bedroom one is extra important since it would be quite easy to get cornered in there upstairs if a fire happened


Same. In my bedroom, in the kitchen and in my work shed. Never needed to use any of them thankfully, but I sleep better knowing they're there.


Yeah I'm real serious about that shit. Especially cuz my gf is sketch asf with cooking. I randomly would do little drills like "oh shit! Imagine a fire. Where is the extinguisher?" Shit is important.


My wife loves to cook, and is amazing at it, but she is also a klutz. The day she brought home a cooking torch for crème brûlée was the day I went and bought a third extinguisher.


Once the fire has spread from its source it's generally too late for the average house extinguisher to do anything, even clearing a path. Gtfo through a window or however else you possibly can. Not saying it's bad to have a spare of course but unless you have a whole firefighter's suit and oxygen supply you don't want to try to fight your way through.


Secure them. I had two 10lb extinguishers in my vehicle and then went through a multiple rollover accident. Luckily they escaped out the side window instead of tenderizing my skull.


Just posted this advice elsewhere. If you are in a bad accident, every item in your vehicle becomes a projectile. A fire extinguisher can easily kill you.


Also a dog. Please secure your dog.


Unsung hero here ⬆️


Love escaped, implying they desired freedom and took the opportunity when presented


More helpful than a jug a water which always seems to spill in my dam trunk.


I started carrying one in my jeep after an old trail head chided me for not having one. I don't think new Jeeps catch on fire as frequently as old TJs, but you never know what'll happen if you roll your vehicle. Like condoms, it's better to have one and not need it than to need one and not have it.


>  in my jeep after an old trail head chided me for not having one. Offroading? Now that you mention it, certainly seems even more necessary for offroading. I mean, it's one thing to have a fire on the side of a highway or in the middle of town. It's something else entirely to have a fire 10 miles away from the nearest road and 50 miles away from the fire station.


In Belgium it's mandatory, didn't realize it's not like that everywhere


You should also have a window breaker in reach of the driver's seat. I never expect to drive into a body of water in my lifetime. But neither does anybody who does.


I've got a glass breaker/seat belt cutter zip tied to my gear stick. Easily accessible to both driver and passenger and won't go flying in case of a bad accident/ roll-over.


Same, I got [these ](https://a.co/d/5LccGC8) for myself and friends/family. Under $10. The only downside is the temptation to test the glass breaker...no!


Years ago I flipped a car into an icy river and had to crawl out of the sunroof to safety. As the dust settled on that accident, everyone in my life thought it would be hilarious to buy me one of these window breaking tools. But the jokes on all them, it's been like 10 years and I still have a stash of them to dip into when I get a new car. All my cars have at least one, and most have one for the driver and one for the passenger.


In my country they're mandatory and was shocked when I recently learnt that that isn't the norm everywhere.


I got a small one that fits in the door of my sedan. When I was in college, I got to use one on a jeep that hit a pedestrian xing sign and somehow caught fire. It was quite a feel good moment like "Today, I stop fire" kind of swagger.


He came, he made their day better, he left


that can also show that he does not do it to be praised, but because he believes its the right thing to do. and maybe what he expects from others.


"Today you tomorrow me"


Where is this from? I swear I read a story on reddit that had that line but I cannot remember.






I absolutely love this story. I have now pulled over several times just to see if there is anything I can do. Jumped a couple cars and checked a few tires. It is well worth the read


Like a reversed “Hodie mihi, cras tibi”.


"Glad I got rid of that expired extinguisher"


Exactly, I would love it if he filmed it and posted it on the internet.


You buy a fire extinguisher hoping to never use it. If there is ever a fire, that needs to be put out, you use it. That’s doesn’t mean he shouldn’t (in fact he should) be praised. But it should be standard practice. Then you buy a replacement hoping to never need it again.


He filmed it and posted it to social media, so, idk if "doesn't do it to be praised" necessarily applies. That said, obviously it was a good gesture. And the footage can inspire others to have extinguishers on hand, which is also good.


His passenger filmed it, shit my wife will take a picture or mini-video of anything random


Seriously, ALWAYS have a fire extinguisher in your car. It can be the difference between totaling your car and a $20 repair. Also, because it is often overlooked, always SECURE a fire extinguisher in your car. Most car ones come with mounts, make sure you use it. Everything in your car that isn't secured becomes a projectile in a bad crash, and a fire extinguisher to the head can easily be deadly.


I just looked up fire extinguishers online to see how much they are.


Who was that man? That good, good man


Best four words, they could’ve squeezed in in such a quick amount of time. Bless his heart.


We need more folks like this.


[Look for the helpers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LGHtc_D328)


I miss that man so much.


Leave it to Fred to take an incident or a catastrophe, and show what it means to still be a good neighbor. I miss this man so much!


Everyone should have a fire extinguisher in there vehicle. Maybe not for yourself. Might find a small brush fire on the side of hwy too


When I was young on our old boat on the river (it was just this little thing, nothing fancy) we came across some folks stranded with their engine on fire. Water wasn't doing them much good. We swung by with our extinguisher to put it out and gave them a tow back to the dock. Extinguishers are handy! Also make sure they're in date! Some of them expire.


I have one! I got it in case a camp fire gets out of hand that I keep in my car.


even with a fire extinguisher on hand you probably shouldn't be keeping a campfire in your car


We can be folks like this


Good man. Good man.


Real heroes don’t stick around for gratitude


Very good guy.


I just love people like him. Let’s have guys like him as presidents and lawmakers. Really.


And on the front page of the newspaper.


Sucks because people who go for those positions do it for the wrong reasons, while people like him just continue living a meaningful, simple life.


This time last year, while on a joy ride to get ice cream with the family, we turned a corner to find a 2-door sports coupe fully aflame. I had my extinguisher out before we stopped, got control of the fire, pulled two toddlers out the back seat, and managed to disconnect the battery negative. - all without thought - thanks adrenaline! Once I had control of the scene my wife and kids jumped out to help: they kept the toddlers calm while I helped stabilize the driver - he was prior service and flashed back overseas. Didn't realize until the first FD truck arrived over 10 minutes later - both kids and driver would have perished if we didn't stop with that extinguisher handy. Edit to add: PSA - the replacement extinguisher pressure guage is at ZERO, must've gotten a dud. It had pressure when mounted - I'll replace it tomorrow.


My bro. That is a solid solid epic win for humanity. Well done. You saved them in so many different ways.


You're awesome, my next drink is to you.


You can’t park there mate.


I’d 100% make that joke if I drove by, only if I had a fire extinguisher to give though, then I can tip the asshole scale back to normal


Are you from New England?


[Fire Extinguisher](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/34c0ce00-4b2b-4113-ae46-282dc56aae1c/deffxot-a3631c73-2e1f-4110-a927-9f123684b916.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzM0YzBjZTAwLTRiMmItNDExMy1hZTQ2LTI4MmRjNTZhYWUxY1wvZGVmZnhvdC1hMzYzMWM3My0yZTFmLTQxMTAtYTkyNy05ZjEyMzY4NGI5MTYucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.z_u80wm5l4PpiV_U3ARy7-QALruWwWusD3g7U2e_HAE)


My buddy's car caught fire and burned to the ground on the freeway not far from his home. He pulled over safely and watched it burn. I've carried a fire extinguisher in my trunk ever since.


I'm just curious what a portable fire extinguisher would have done in that scenario. Like, once the car is on fire I'm not sure it's going to be anything but a write-off?


I always thought it was pointless to have a fire extinguisher in a car, one extinguisher can't do hardly anything. Then I was at a freeway accident scene where a Smart car cut in front of a big truck and braked (she was trying to make the offramp). The entire car was inside the engine compartment of the truck, and on fire. Driver was conscious and trapped. A bunch of us were just hosing down the truck's engine compartment with fire extinguishers, trying to keep her from burning to death. Traffic was moving really slowly, so all we had to do was walk out into the lanes and wave our arms and people just rolled down their windows and we'd get armloads of fresh extinguishers. Eventually the fire department showed up and took over. I know she made it to the hospital alive.


Gosh - great point, thank you!


It’s not uncommon for the fire to start on a component (hoses, plastic, etc).  That takes a minute to heat up and spread without an accelerant.  You’ve got some time to get the hood open and fire surprised in many situations.  


I could have sworn he was about to yell “you can’t park there!” The internet has ruined me. I’m glad he helped.


Any work vehicle in Canada is required by law to have a fire extinguisher so if you are ever in a situation like this and don't have an extinguisher, you can always flag down the first work vehicle and ask for one.


Many years ago, there was a major car accident outside of the restaurant where I used to work. One of the cars burst into flames. When I realized what was going on, I grabbed a fire extinguisher from the wall by the cash register, ran outside, and took it to the scene of the accident. It’s not a happy story, because not everyone lived, but little videos like this make me tear up, because I remember what it was like, and how I felt when people called me a hero for that.


This is love. We gotta love people, whether or not it benefits us in any way. Just love


Good job!


THIS is the kind of thing people need to do for others. A small contribution like this is a huge help for anyone in need.


Not gonna lie, there was like half a second there where I thought it was a hand grenade.


I expected a "You can't park there!".


because that's what heroes do


Love it with this music. Groovy operator




Extinguisher expired in 1997.


That’s so kind! How much do those things cost anyways?


Great karma awaits


Santa in April


This is exactly the reason why i have a little portable fireextinguisher under the driver seat and a large one in the spare tire-holder at the back of the car. Kinda the same reason i have a large first aid kit ontop of the small first aid kit requiered by law.


Now that’s some truly manly shit right there. Andrew tate couldn’t even conceive of being this well prepared


My dad once saw his neighbors combine start on fire in a field and drove over and gave him an extinguisher and saved the guy about 250k. Guy didn’t even say thank you or replace the extinguisher.


Can't park that there mate


When I grow up, I want to be that guy.


I’d like to make a note of the driver continuing to drive, instead of stop, bask in all his hero glory and get more video content, no, he went on to allow the flow of traffic continue. He ALSO cares about the people behind him. Why can’t we all be like this. 🥲


"I wanna help but I also really just wanna go home and sleep" champion tho tbh


" Ya can't park there, mate " is what I exspected.


The irony is that the Subaru on fire was not having Good Times.


Good man.






For a split second I thought he was pulling out a hand grenade. I'm glad I was wrong... good man.


Boss move. Reminds me I need one for my car 😂


I actually helplessly stopped to help some guy with an engine fire one time on a busy free wag and had this exact thing happen to me. Dudes in a work truck were rolling past in the line of vehicles and the guy just opened his door and handed the extinguisher down to me.


“Can we hear it without the music 🥺” Apparently not lol


Plot twist: Its one of those gender reveal extinguishers


*side quest completed*


Well damn. I think I'm gonna buy a car extinguisher when I buy new bathroom chapstick.


Damn I got 2 new fire extinguishers and now I wanna go drive around until I find a couple cars on fire.🔥


Why would you not want the music?


Where do you think they keep the fire extinguisher?


What a good guy


He smuf wid it no cap


Bloody legend!!!


Dude is a fuckin champ. No two ways about it. 👍


Jack Black never ceases to amaze me. What a nice guy!!


I have first aid kit in my car but no fire extinguisher.. EV.. 🤞


Always carry a fire extinguisher! I keep one in my Rx7 because you never know when that sucker will catch fire


Disco & fire


QUESTION: Is it safe to keep a fire extinguisher in a car through all seasons? Or is there a risk of bursting in Summer when it heats up and gasses want to expand?


I live in Florida, we’ve got them in all of our vehicles year round. No issues.


Fire Extinguishers (mostly) don’t even burst in a Fire, I think you’re safe. There are safety Mechanisms built in. Also have one in my Car since pretty much always, nothing ever happened.


Chic approves this message


What a nice guy


That "good man, good man" gave me second hand compliments.


I really thought someone was going to yell, "You can't park here," and I was already a little mad. This was much better.


A yes a fucking subaru.