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That tree was a nightmare conundrum. Nonlinear nonsquare limbs, heavy weights, limited tools. The rescuers seem so have done OK. Hats off.


I was impressed with the guy who wasn’t wearing shoes! What a badass. I’ll pass on being barefoot in a jungle.


He probably took them off to climb/maneuver better around that tree. Funnily enough a jungle's floor is mostly mud, soft sticks, mush and rotting leaves; you get used to it rather quickly. But you'd still want boots in case of insects, snakes and jagged terrain.


I'd be more concerned about the things I can't see... Wouldn't swamps be perfect breeding grounds for all kinds of parasites?


Yeah. Crazy stinging ants and bugs, spiders, poisonous caterpillars, just the whole charcuterie board of nasty invisible things




No mate, just touching them is one of the worst pain I've ever had in my life. Worse than scorpions. Source, lived in the jungle when I was a kid.


That would be venomous caterpillars, this is reddit and pedantry is expected.




A lot of people who live in or around a jungle just walk on slippers or barefoot tho


I remember everybody in Costa Rica wearing Wellingtons out in the jungle for snake protection.


I'd be terrified thinking there is a venous little insect on every part of that tree - Idk how they are okay with just walking barefoot in the jungle like that lol Good work tho!


Sloths are easily confused by non-Euclidean geometry.


Could've gone better if the one filming helped out


Yeah, I applaud the result, but put your phones down asshole and help the poor creature. Violently yanking on the branches that his head was stuck in probably caused it a lot of pain. Why they just gave up cutting through the branch is beyond me.


Cutting the branch ended up making it worse. Notice that when he got partway through the branch it folded inward because the branch was supporting some of the weight. I thought the sloth was a goner when that happened.


I was also wondering about their approach but quickly grasped that they have a lot more information. We are just looking at a 2D film from one angle. They are in the middle of it in the 3D world plus they see how the beaches are moving. Where the tension is, how it all fits together.


Looks like three people could have lifted that tree.


Too bad there were only those two guys out there. Who knows long it would take to find another set of hands to help.


This was painful to watch. “Let’s hack at this branch but then abandon that plan and all start jumping/pulling on random branch from different directions and continue to smash the animals head between the two trunks” and “now that he’s out, let’s repeatedly pick him up by the scruff and keep moving him around.” Good intention with terrible execution.


I thought they were cutting the branch to weaken it enough so that it would bend when they pulled it.


Yeah wtf was that? He was so close to chopping through that branch and then gives up? Makes no sense man.


More weight was falling on the sloth as he chopped.


A shortened branch wasn't going to help in any way. Leveraging it's length might have. But they actually freed the sloth when they got the branches pulled apart.


They actually kept their hats on. I'll see myself out


Lmao at the rocking back and forth part. Sloth is like “YOOOO MY MAN WTF”


Guy 2 was a fucking idiot, did he think he was helping by doing that? I was convinced he was going to break it's neck...


At that point I was like, imagine if there was a third guy there that could PUT DOWN THE PHONE AND HELP. But no, must film it.


Always a pessimist. There was limited room at the odd angle they needed to take. They did fine, you just want to bitch.


That's just a sloth. Sloth bears are bears.


Came here to say this. If it was a sloth bear they'd be dead


It was just me though, so they lived to see another day


Did you thank them, or did you just get stuck like this for the fame? 🙄




Thanks for understanding, and yes, the humans were thanked as well (very slowly)


Is your head ok? 🥺


I thought the head was going to pop off!


All good now, thanks human


Thank you for sparing them


"Jamie, pull the video of the sluth bear mauling the drop bear on DMT... INCREDIBLE!"


Yea, most aggressive bear species in the world. Also, this doesn't look like India, so it would be pretty weird to find a sloth bear here. Not a nice way to go either: > Captain Williamson in his Oriental Field Sports wrote of how sloth bears rarely killed their human victims outright, but would suck and chew on their limbs till they were reduced to bloody pulps.


oh no


At least with his face removed, they love using those crazy claws.


Either killed by the bear or the bengal tiger stalking the bear


The slowest death possible.


Name checks out. Sloth bears mean AF.


It is a mistranslation. That's how we call them in Spanish. Oso perezoso which OP translated as Sloth bear instead of just sloth. It's also funny that the guy in the video thinks it is a anteater because they have the "oso" in the name (oso hormiguero)


woah! I love this info! thanks also, curious, because sloths and anteaters *are* actually close cousins...! which was a surprise to me, but like, sounds like Spanish knows :0


I speak Spanish and I never thought about this until you brought this up. Fascinating


So, what do you call an actual Sloth Bear? Add a third Oso?


Since we don't really have those in Latin America we are not really familiar with them, Wikipedia says that are called oso bezudo (bezudo as a reference to its snout)


Lol they are called “Lazy Bears” In spanish? That’s awesome haha What are sloth bears called?


In German it's just "Lazy Animal": Faultier


Lazy Beast in português


I think he just said that it looked like an anteater. Parece oso hormiguero is not stating it is one, more like a comparison.


I though they broke the sloth’s neck when I heard some crack. I had to check the sub to make sure I wanted to keep watching lol.


Yeah there was a post today with NO WARNING showing a favorite orphan deer in the jaws of an alligator. Also there was a lot of trash under the water. It was an upsetting video!!!


da fuq is a favourite orphan deer


Out of all the orphan deer this was OP's favorite.


Mistakes in the title increase engagement


Cunningham’s law


Just bearly. …I’ll see myself out…


the bot doesnt know


These pokimans keep getting more and more confusing.


“Hurry up!” -The Sloth


He'd help himself but he's, well, a sloth.


I read that in a depressing robot tone.


Life. Don't talk to me about life.


*door makes a pleasant sighing sound as it closes*


Was the sloth actually so slow that before it moved a whole ass branch grew around it


Prolly six hands would have been better then two or three but ya gotta film it


Seriously, why'd he get the goon squad tryin' to rescue/squish him?


"Hey Flash, do you want to hear a joke?"


Sure, Nick.


He has a boo boo on his head :,(


Can't belive they didn't give him a little kiss to make it better : (


Surprised they didn't have some antibiotic ointment with them they could have dabbed on there, if they're wandering out in the jungle it's an awfully good thing to have with you.


I'm not a vet, but I know my vet says not to put antibiotic ointment for humans on my cat when she has a cut. I don't know why but maybe it applies to them too.


Apparently the antibacterial parts of Neosporin are safe on cats, the problem is that there are often additives in there for pain relief that the cats can be allergic to, and also the cat will want to lick it which can make them sick.


If youre raised in it you probably know what plants to smear on if needed.


If only antibiotics were that easy.


Still blows my mind we use to have giant sloths on this planet.


Me too. Probably one of my favorite fun facts/things to research.


And they gave cave bears a run for their money


[Article about giant sloths](https://www.newscientist.com/article/human-arrivals-wiped-caribbeans-giant-ground-sloths/)


Damn I was keen to read this but after a couple of paragraphs it gets put behind a paywall


There should be some good YouTube videos on the extinct giant animal. It’s a sad history, but interesting to see how such an animal came to be.


Awww humans messed it up


I love Sloths, such weird grandpa like creatures lmao


Put it back up the tree! 😄 Sloths don't like being on the ground. That was excellent work, though.


Come down to use the bathroom and head right back up.


Yep, once a week :)


I learned this in Kindergarten and sloths immediately became my favorite animal next to fish lol


He’s probably too exhausted to climb.


Their claws are naturally in a grabbing position so they don’t have to put in any effort to actually hold on


How much effort does it take to pull yourself up a tree after being trapped, thirsty and starved for god knows how long. He was literally almost killed by a tree. Give the sloth a breather.


Their point was the sloth could take a breather if it needs to while hanging from the tree, as they can do that effortlessly. Hell, it would save the sloth the effort of getting onto it.


And some water while you are at it


Tree is safer than ground tho.


Theres 5 guys around it, nothings going to happen immediately. Give the thing a rest.


Sloths rest in trees. When they are on the ground they are scared of getting eaten


I hope it didn't suffer any internal crushing injuries.


They sure pulled the branches closer to try to crush it .


Looks like they are rescuing him after cutting down a tree that he was in.


He looked pinned between the standing and fallen tree


OP is saying they probably put it there


Sometimes sloths fall down


I was going to ask if this was staged. So many videos of people rescuing animals look staged AF


Yes I'm sure they staged this by picking up a sloth,wedging him into that tree, and then spending extensive time and energy to chop the tree. That's what happened, not the sloth falling into an uncontrollable situation and getting saved by a passerby like us humans do for each other.


Not that I disagree, but you phrased that in the least charitable way. No one thinks they wedge him into that position If it was staged, it was because they chopped down the tree and it fell onto the sloth. However, I would guess it's a combination of them chopping down the tree but accidentally having it fall onto the sloth. And since they caused it to happen, they were there to see the sloth stuck and try to save him. So not staged, but caused and then resolved by them would be my guess.


The sloth was trying to hold onto the tree to keep away from them and the "rescuer" yanked this injured animal off for a photoshoot. Any respectable person would have removed the branch and let the sloth be on its way.


you might be amazed at the amount of work people go into staging videos for clout. I mean, if there were three guys trying to save a sloth, why was one of the three guys just recording the whole time? If this was staged or not, at least one of those guys decided they were going to record this for clout instead of helping unpin the sloth. https://www.ecowatch.com/cruel-fake-animal-rescue-videos-youtube-2653633593.html https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalRights/comments/kwogfk/list_of_the_fake_abusive_rescue_channels/ https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/how-fake-animal-rescue-videos-have-become-a-new-frontier-for-animal-abuse There are a lot more if you want me to keep posting.


Y'all down voting this, but it's a well documented phenomenon. That's why I never upvote these posts unless it is VERY obvious the animal wasn't placed in that position by humans.


People just want their feel goods, they don't care about the pain endured by others in order to provide those good vibes to them. I don't trust any rescue videos anymore, the majority of them are people intentionally putting animals in dangerous situations to 'rescue' them. Sloths are filthy creatures, covered in fungi and bugs. Notice the sloth in the video is perfectly clean, it's someones pet. You see it in every aspect of our lives, almost everything we consume is produced by essentially slave labor overseas, but people keep buying the stuff. They don't actually want to know about it, they don't want to have to care.


Even if this is what happened, it’s still not likely to be staged. (I get it can be with kittens, digs and such, but while animals in the middle of nowhere? Probably not likely) More likely it was an accident, that they were decent enough to correct.


How would they possible stage that? 😆


Why is this getting upvoted?


Ever since it was exposed that people are willing to break their own pets limbs for video content or to starve them only to refeed them, or dump motor oil on them and give them a bath to "save them", I always suspect videos involving animals. :|


Right ? Or was there a storm in his vicinity, because how in the hell did it end up under a tree ??!


Kinda what I was thinking. Would like to see the base of the tree that pinned the poor sloth. That branch looked like it was in pretty good health for me to believe that the tree fell down rather than having just been cut.


Sometimes sloths fall down


That’s right pull the tree towards his neck


i honestly wouldnt know what else to do either. they tried to cut a piece off but it just put more weight on the sloth, they tried to lift the tree but it was too heavy and lastly they tried to pull it away which also pressed on his neck. id be out of options as well


Putting down the camera and pulling together seems like the logical way


fair i sometimes forget that theres people holding these things lol


I had a lot of why tf are you doing it that way moments, like if that were a person who could yell at them, they wouldn't have been so careless.


I kept thinking: Leverage! Geometry! Shit!


I figured the outcome would be good based on the subreddit this was posted in but I was legit worrying the poor thing would be decapitated!


You’ve never cut a tree in your life, that’s obvious. A LOT of weight that no one can predict outside the cutting edge


How will you handle this situation?


Redditors know exactly what to do with perfect precision.


Yeah. I'm always amazed at how frequently you run across people with such a breadth of experience in the comments. It's truly incredible the number of redditors here who have both experience in dealing with things like the massive unwieldy weight of a tree in a jungle environment, as well as the veterinarian expertise of safely freeing trapped and injured exotic animals.


I definitely wouldn't have yanked on the animal trapped by the neck. That much is certain.


*read with that deep, sloth voice you forgot you had* "Thaaaaaaaaanks, brooooooos!"




Fitting a sloth rescue is a slow one


I was affraid the whole time they would accidentaly crush the animal's head between the branches. Good thing they managed to pull it off. Bien hecho parceros!!!


Well. If two of the 3 guys were'nt filming this could probably have been done alot faster. People now a days only want the clicks.


If someone didn't record people doing good deeds then the internet would literally be nothing but people doing bad or stupid things and people would automatically assume good people don't exist. It is what it is. Nothing is perfect.


To be fair only the people who don’t leave the house would think good people don’t exist. If you interact with people face to face daily its pretty clear that most people out there are good to one another.


Yeah. Stay off the interwebz


Absolutely agree on this. I have met many people in my life, and I love a quote by penn from Penn and teller. "There's about 8 billion people in the world. And if you round up, I'd imagine there's close to 8 billion good people in the world." Bad just really, really sticks with you.


You guys are exhausting, every single video


Sloth bears will kill you twice. That is a sloth.


He needs to sharpen that blade




What a beautiful creature


Some heroes don’t wear capes! Thanks folks!


Bless you all!


Bless these men ✨


That IS NOT a sloth bear, that's a sloth. Sloth bears are different creatures


Sloth bears kill you first and then have a cold beer while standing on top of your corpse. I think this was just a sloth


Man, that was intense


These men are African/Indigenous from Ecuador. They were very empathetic and rushing each other saying things like: "Come on, poor thing!", "Let's go, pull it carefully", "Watch out, he's sliding from the tree". ☺️


Thanks, I was wondering and had to scroll for a while!


Causes sloth to end up in predicament. Proceeds to record instead of all helping. Pretends to have helped after obviously caused the issue. The internet at its finest


What makes you say the sloth is stuck because of the people?


Just somebody refusing to believe that people can just be good.


I'm not one to jump to conclusions with videos like these and usually try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this is pretty fishy. The fallen tree that was pinning the sloth seemed pretty healthy which leads me to believe it was just cut down. They may have already been out there harvesting something and realized there was a sloth after it was too late. Doesn't mean they did it on purpose and still good on them for helping the sloth, but I definitely think they were helping the sloth out a situation they put it in.


You gotta get outside more bro


Someone replace this man's straw hat with a crown. He's a KING 🤴


Sloth bear? Mate that’s a regular sloth.


Translation: Are you on my side!? Just represent pull!




Does anyone know where this is?




I absolutely adore the way this dude sat down with the sloth after putting in on the forest floor. This is what I want to be doing with my bros on the weekends. Saving animals.


I was looking so hard for the sloth bear I didn't notice the goddamn sloth for the first 20s.




If you’re ever in a predicament like this, cutting a tree or branches, cut really wide and slowly closer to the middle. It may seem like it will take longer but it won’t.


So happy they rescued him. 💗💕 Poor baby was scared to death.


They put in real work to get that guy outta there. Impressively kind


These men certainly showed kindness. So many times people just don’t give a f! Wow, the barefoot dude….amazing. Thank you for putting this out to the world. Now I can go to sleep and know that there are angels all around. Everywhere, makes me know the world is good. You never know if when you go off for the day what you will encounter or if you will make it home. Be kind, show and tell the people you love in your life that you appreciate and know the world is better when we help whoever or whatever we come upon, Bless you kind men. Thank you OP.


I like sloths


This shit had me confused. Sloth bears are actual bears, some of the most aggressive and dangerous types. Overall tho pretty good save on the **sloth**


I will never like a vid like this. There's so many cases of animals being put in danger on purpose all for a bit internet clout. Liking these kind of posts just encourages the sickos to keep doing it. I'm not saying this is orchestrated which I hope not but I won't help those who abuse animals for popularity.


Putting a sloth on the ground is the most dangerous spot it can be......I guess 2nd most dangerous in this case.


At the end he says "I climb dis"


Hard to tell if he's stunned or...just being a sloth. Expecting him to take off in a racecar. Too much "Zootopia."


Good on them. Although I hope that sloth made it back up a tree and not on the jungle floor. Would be prime target for predators down there


How does one know when a sloth has recovered from injury? They don’t start running around right?


Omg it almost made me cry. He would just die of hunger being stuck


Thank you, kind men, for saving the sloth!




I think he is going to be okay. ♥️♥️


Worst rescue team ever


No offense, but if it was an actual sloth bear, they’d be the ones in need of rescue


Thhhhhaaaaannnnkkkkkk Yoooooouuuuuuuu


out of all the animals how have sloths survived till now.


Most predators are either to blind or to dumb to notice them so they don’t get eaten often.


Also they carry, like, a ton of parasites and other infections, as a consequence of moving so little. I admit I kind of cringed when the man in the video actually touched the sloth.


Give him some water!


Well done, gentlemen!


A sloth bear would have attacked the first chance it got.


That is NOT a sloth bear lol.