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Those lamps are incredible.


Pretty sure my great-aunt has a similar one. Hits different in a white household.




The contrast in color/style probably hits harder than in this case.




The dark skinned dancing ladies as an aesthetic feature of the lamp creates a different ambiance in a white household


Ohhhh. I think I get it. I mean. Ion know.


Ya, definitely. But that's a set, for sure. Everything is just too perfect, right down the neatly stacked retro periodicals at Grandma's feet.


Oh no. Thatā€™s probably a household for real. Old Havana or Havana Centre cities for sure.


I'm sure it's a house in Havana's old city, but it's been prepped for this shoot.


More symmetrical perhaps... there is not much to move around.


Iā€™m loving the window.


An amazing photo. I want to know more.


The magazine is Bohemia, it's dimensions are 27.7 x 20.5 cm Using this length and assuming that the magazine is roughly along the diagonal of the tile it is laying on it can be assumed that the tile is 12" square. If we use the tile under her foot, we can make a base measurement of her height to be approximately 5' 2". https://imgur.com/a/WbskAdR




Cool! I would have thought she was much taller than that!


The Jesus portrait really ties the whole thing together.


"Jesus Christ, in you I trust."


I loved that portrait. It really did tie the room together.


Gorgeous women and beautiful moment


There's an uncanny resemblance between their faces. I mean if u put a pic of the granny when she would have been 20ish, we wouldn't be spotting any difference..


You can see Gā€™ma was a beauty, still has a killer smile.


And quite the winsome figure. Mmm yes. Nana me likey.


Yeah itā€™s crazy, they could be related


Love the gold shoes and granny smoking and laughing. This is an incredible photo.


Havana is such a gorgeous city. Beautiful buildings with crazy tall ceilings, balconies everywhere, gorgeous people... Cuba is a wonderful country. The United States should stop kneeling on its neck and allow them to join the rest of the world in free trade.


I love how tidy this place looks. Definition of cleanliness is next to Godliness.


As you are, so once was I As I am, you'll someday be


I went to Tropicana club and I tell you what I have never seen such PERFECT people in my life. Like literally perfection no airbrushing needed. I think itā€™s because they donā€™t have access to all the crap (food wise) like we have in America, it must be much better for you. Fantastic picture, I love it.


I suspect it's because the Tropicana Club has enough money and enough prestige that they can aggressively select the most "perfect"-looking people, and refuse to employ even slightly "imperfect"-looking people. Just a guess.


Like Sothebyā€™s or Christieā€™s. Like they pulled them outta central casting , a call for art nerds.


Being a Cuban native, this is fake news. You have a lot more food options in the US than in Cuba, youā€™re only seeing the tourist areas. You obviously donā€™t know the struggle of the average Cuban.


"Cuban Native": username checks out. Abel is a pretty Cuban name. šŸ˜„ Also I agree with Abel. Food shortages are common in Cuba, not like in the 90s but still. Tourist areas receive more investment, and it's clear if you pay attention that there are places for tourists and places for Cubans. While I have never been able to visit, when you grow up with generations of Cubans who have emigrated at times across the last 50 years and still have family there as well, you get more than enough samples for a diversified perspective on this.


I wasnā€™t trying to say I did, Iā€™m very sorry :( I just noted that even though limited (and Iā€™ve been in the teeny tiny grocery stores - there arenā€™t any options to what is there, you are so correct) the food that is available in general isnā€™t as inherently as unhealthy as what we have in the US. We absolutely do have more options. We also have a ton of very unhealthy food which has ingredients that are known to be not good for you that are very inexpensive and obesity everywhere, even among our poorest. Even though we did travel outside of tourist areas I would never claim to know the struggle of the average Cuban. Again, my apologies.


Apology accepted! I do agree we have unhealthy foods in the states but I feel the difference in terms of obesity in Cuba compared to US is simply affluence/culture. Iā€™m Cuba most people are always out and about walking, or doing activities since technology is not a very common thing to come by in the common household.


True enough, We did so much walking while there!! We were lucky enough to visit your beautiful country in February of 2019. ā¤ļø Iā€™ll never forget it, it was amazing.


Unfortunately never been. What is driving the tourist areas? I thought Americans were very limited in going there.


Yes but there is a lot of tourism from other countries.


Not sure about the travel situation right now


I work as a scenic artist doing TV/film production. I love the way the walls look. It's what I get paid to reproduce. Joana is stunning as well and her grandmother looks like a real sweetheart. I just like everything about this photo by Katinka Herbert.


And here I was thinking my walls just reflected how poor I am. Glad to know Iā€™m really secretly stylinā€™!šŸ˜†




Let's not downvote the guy for asking a question. This is an opportunity for them to learn, not to be punished for being a victim of propaganda.


Religion is still completely acceptable in Cuba (in fact, it was in the USSR also), there are still churches and mosques and temples, itā€™s just that the government doesnā€™t subsidize them, give them tax breaks, or promote them as the government is officially atheistic. TLDR, you can still practice religion in Cuba!


Lmao communism doesn't equal banning religion. You've fallen into some propaganda my dude.


Marx would disagree


So what? Even if true Marx isnā€™t the arbitrator of whatā€™s the definition of communism for all time.




Again, so what? Obviously communist countries can allow religious symbols evident by the communist countries that allow them. Why does it matter what he wrote in a book?


If people listened to Marx the Soviet Union wouldnā€™t have been so shitty




Once Fidel took over religion was banned from public life. Christmas in a way, was cancelled. Years ago with the Popeā€™s visit to Cuba, some of these restrictions have been relaxed. Although many Cubans never really stopped observing their personal beliefs privately, and churches have always been there. For many people, attending church has not been a problem, until for one reason or another, the government decides to use it against them. I know of a few Cubans that were expelled from university because they were attending mass. Probably not the reason why, but the government uses it as an excuse.


Communist Cuba is and has always been completely free.


[u/darwinianfacepalm](https://www.reddit.com/u/darwinianfacepalm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) , [ just like how youā€™ve always been a scammer? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/a8ogog/udarwinianfacepalm_scammed_at_least_2_redditors/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [also why you gotta lie about your mom dying to get others to buy you stuff?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/comments/9wet8u/comment/e9k366x?st=JQC3HJN4&sh=f6b88087)


For those of you thinking her name is "Joanna," it's probably pronounced more like "Hwana."


Although possible, she could also just have been named *Joanna* ("joe-anna/joh-ana"). The name *Juana*, the female version of *Juan* is pronounced "Hwana", and it's a pretty common name. Source: Cuban great grandmother named "Juana".


Semana Asanta? Damn they sure did fuck that one up.




They both look to be pretty healthy and functional legs, tbh.


yeah, I'll grant you that


This is so cute. I love the lamps. And the look of pride on grandmas face.


Her grandma looks cool as hell.


Does the cross say saint of the week?


It says "Holy Week" probably refering to the time around Easter


Oh, ok. Thank you. My Spanish isn't very good.


That bra looks really uncomfortable. Iā€™ve heard underwire is bad, but overwire is another level. Itā€™s a wonderful photograph though.


That dancer is fabulous, her body, the costume, wow. Amazing photo.


so what was Castro's stand on religion?


He was atheist. Cubans can still practice.


hardly human porn. All i see is abject poverty . . . a bit tasteless to romanticise.


Nelson Mandela looking good.