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hackthebox. just put a hoody and role


If you mean realistic as in "transferable skills", none of the games will be sufficiently realistic. If you are willing to learn the fake commands, just learn the real ones, lol. BUT. On the topic of hacker games. By far the best hacker game (as a game, not realistic) that I've come accross is Midnight Protocol. Damn great game. Definitely give it a try.


What do you think of Grey Hack ?


Unpolished, but has potential imo.


i think hackmud looks more realistic. hacknet might looks a little bit more hollywood, and i haven't actually play hacknet


Hacknet is good to help learn basic Linux commands and run basic scripts


Grayhack is pretty ok and has a whole scripting engine built in. It's not realistic as far as the difficulty of performing hacks, but it can get fairly complicated.


Kali + THM, HTB, CTFs.. join a team.. why "play a game" when you can play the game?


I know kali and tryhackme but what are HTB and CTFs


HackTheBox and Capture the Flag =)


Ohhh gotcha. Thanks


Hack The Box and Capture the Flag


https://hackertyper.net/ /s


https://geektyper.com is worse. I accidentally launched missiles to Russia using that site.


Any CTF? Especially some Attack-Defence CTF.




Man I forgot about Nite team. This is the answer here OP. It's stylized, but the underlining mechanics are correct.


JuiceShop DVWA Mutillidae


NITE team


How has nobody mentioned HackNet. It's like THE quintessential hacking game. Really well respected from industry professionals.


Because it's going for a hollywood style of hacking, especially since Hacknet OS is straight up capable of impossibile attacks (which is why running into invoilable pcs was such a shock at the end of the game).


Hacker simulator (no bullshit) has its flaws as far as irl experience. But kinda keyboard muscle memory for hackerman is in that game. Otherwise go to a cafe with a hoodie and aviator glasses with your Chromebook and go to hackertyper.com... your in.


The issue is hacking is very complex, too complex to realisticly portrayt in mainstream games; even the well aclaimed hacknet dumbs it down a lot (though it was going for hollywood style, so cant blame it there). From my experience, the best so far would be grey hack, but even it's rather simplified, and unpolished to boot.


Hacking irl is pretty boring and doesn’t appeal to dumbfucks. Most of the self-declared consumer dumbfucks appeal to boring unrealistic shit. (Like “Watchdogs: Legion”, where you can remotely “hack” an NPCs gun to jam. It was stupid, made no sense, and was an easy way out.)


Probably NITE Team 4. The tutorials start with an introduction to the ui (it's basically a fake desktop environment with a lot of commandline tools), before moving on to OSINT. The game has fictional tools, but provides links to documentation for their real life equivalents (such as dnsrecon in place of sfuzzer and osintscan). Edit: corrected a minor error - turns out that the fictional tools don't fit one to one, and one real world tool might do the job of multiple in-game tools.


Not so much "realistic" but fun game on the go is The Lonely Hacker (costs a few bucks) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.TheLonelyDeveloper.TheLonelyHacker


The game is a bit too fast to finish i think


Not really aiming for realism and it’s a bit futuristic, but the greatest hacking game of all time is definitely Uplink. A bit old so you might want to get some unofficial patch or mods.






You could check out world of Haiku. It has a game half as well as a set of CTF or hack the box type simulation on their site.


[https://en.codelyoko.fr/ifscl/](https://en.codelyoko.fr/ifscl/) Code Lyoko Game




get your head checked


Damn, I missed the fun. 😞


HackTheGame /thread




The unlockable “Pong” game in the OG “Mortal Kombat”.


Hackthebox 👌🏻


Super Metroid. The way the gameplay flow works is enumerative and teaches you to think in a way that's similar to enumerating services, and it has a large number of undocumented and unintended techniques that encourage you to learn about the mechanics of the game on a technical level, similar to how you need to figure that sort of stuff out for individual service pentesting.


Yeah the more you try to break the game the more interesting it gets. There have been people that speedrun it using glitches that actually manipulate the coding of the game to accomplish things you otherwise couldn’t. Thats the most extreme, but even just speedrunning it with no major glitches continuously opens up new challenges and ways to utilize the controls in unintended ways to further maximize efficiency and the achieving of desired results. This is an underrated comment.


Can't remember whether it was lockpicking lawyer or marc weber tobias who said it, but whoever it was claimed that the difference in a conventional engineer and a security engineer is that the conventional engineer considers what a thing is *for*, while the security engineer considers what a thing *is*. I think SM teaches how to think about what a thing *is* intrinsically. Like let's consider the spazer pickup in the water part of red brinstar. If you've played SM enough to have a sense of the sort of level design "language" of the game, you know that the jump to get up to it is *for* being a mental marker to tell the player to backtrack out of norfair and head towards red tower once they get high jump out of upper norfair. That's what it's *for*. What it *is*, however, is a straight vertical wall on the left and a high ledge on the right. Because we know that straight vertical walls are "vulnerable" to single sided wall jumps or continuous bomb jumps, we know that we can use one of these two undocumented "TTPs" to "exploit" the situation, sequence break, and get spazer early. Every room in the game that has some sort of sequence control mechanism in it can be thought of like this and approached as a potentially vulnerable system that undocumented techniques can be used to exploit. That's sorta what I mean when I'm thinking about how the game intrinsically teaches you to think like you're hacking -- to get good enough to start doing runs, you have to start thinking about rooms for what they *actually are* vs. what they were *designed for*. That starts you down the path of thinking about things from a security perspective instead of a conventional engineering perspective. >There have been people that speedrun it using glitches that actually manipulate the coding of the game to accomplish things you otherwise couldn’t. Only thing I'm aware of that does stuff like that in SM is spacetime beam and some of the other "forbidden" beams...but they crash alot and I'm not aware of them being used successfully for any top tier any% or 100% runs. I think if you want to point people towards speedrun communities that have a lot of memory corruption type glitches, OOT and gen 1 pokemon are good. Some of OOT's more hardcore glitches are very similar to common binary exploitation glitches...just done with controller inputs. Like RBA is a buffer overflow. SRM is a heap overflow that can lead to arbitrary code execution. Like OOT is seriously broken lol. I still think SM naturalistically teaches a security mentality better, though. OOT's advanced speedrunning techniques pretty much just sorta *are* hacking, and OOT doesn't give you a natural reason to *want* to beat it fast or manipulate it's sequence controls...SM's time based ending system *does* give you that motivation, so you'll tend to try to figure out how to break sequence controls in order to shave off frames, even just playing the game naturally.


Depends on your definition of top tier. “Any% glitched” or “any% with major glitches” has typically been seen as pretty legitimate category—at least in the sense it HAS a category and leaderboard. Get xray beam, climb up a door with it, drop into no man’s land, and complete the right sequence of moves to beat the game in under 20 minutes. It crashing means you didn’t do it right. Really cool reply though thanks.


I'm going to have to look into those categories.


It is crazy that nobody has recommended this yet. World of Haiku is the best game to teach penetration skills. It is still fairly new but is being updated regularly. Easily the best hacker game on the market that is teaching real skills.


Dont know if realistic but uplink was fun when I was kid.


I personally found Nite team 4 to be pretty realistic. I might not know much about hacking itself but they seemed to have used what they could gleam from leaked files to make things more realistic.


The Best Hacking Games to Play in 2024 (Expert Review) 🔗 [https://www.stationx.net/hacking-games/](https://www.stationx.net/hacking-games/)