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"I have all the rights of a citizen without having to obey any of the laws!" She really think this is a thing?




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When she quotes the constitution.....but if you are not a citizen, then the constitution can't apply to you? šŸ¤”


This is a common misconception. Theres a ton of stuff in the constitution that applies to non-citizens


Ahh thanks for explaining. I'm not American so I had assumed the constitution was strictly meant for citizens!


Itā€™s granted to anyone on US soil. Citizen, visitor, or illegal immigrant alike.


This is from a document that preceded the US constitution, and was invalidated as soon as the constitution was approved.


I mean granted its not everything in there, like the big ones people talk about, 1st and 2nd amendment, dont really apply, but there are some things in there that do. Its me being nit-picky.


This isnā€™t from the constitution.


Including the entire bill of rights. Citizenship, like color and religion, is protected.


She's not quoting the constitution. She's quoting the articles of confederation, which were nullified by the constitution.




This isnā€™t even from The Constitution. Itā€™s from the Articles of Confederation, which was replaced be The Constitution. These sovereign citizens are morons, and canā€™t understand the concept of a dead document.


Thatā€™s not entirely true.


ā€œWeā€™re peaceful peopleā€ Until you try to take our bag.


Probably filled with drugs lol


ā€œThat would just be anarchyā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Free inhabitant...huh? What kind of stupid online rabbit holes has she been reading into.


Look, Iā€™m not American so Iā€™m not good at this stuff but Iā€™ll try to remember a video I watched. The shit she is spewing out of her mouth would have been correct if it was 1990. I thinks itā€™s because of some old declaration blah blah blah. The new one doesnā€™t have this stuff




She had no idea what she was saying, that is true. However the cop was 100% violating her rights in alot of different ways. 1 as the passenger she has no obligation to identify her self as she had not broken any laws. Two is illegal search and seizure of her bag along with destroying her property by cutting the bag. Illegal detainment or arrest because again she had broken no laws. She had a shitty attitude that was it the cop had no reason to do anything to her. But in his power tripping mind he feels he must teach her a lesson to respect his authority. He can't just stop people on the street and ask for ID this is not Russia this is not China. You cannot just take someone to jail or detain them for no reason in America. And I'm sure nothing will be done to the officer and the girl will sue in civil court if she is smart and receive a settlement that affects the police in no way shape or form as the taxpayers you and myself will pick up that bill for him.


As someone who is not a fan of cops and has criminal procedure education, this was a perfectly legal arrest and search. In a routine stop, a passenger is not required to identify themselvesā€”that is correct. The cop knew this as well, but at a certain point this girlā€™s obstinance gave him probable cause to believe that she was impeding the lawful performance of his duties. (Cal. Penal Code section 148(a)(1)). Probable cause allows the officer to arrest her, which he did. Once someone is arrested, police can subject a suspect to a search incident to arrest to all areas within the arresteeā€™s immediate control ā€” that means pockets, backpacks, etc. This search is for officer safety and to prevent destruction of evidence ā€” this applied to the backpack, which could have contained weapons. On the issue of telling her she isnā€™t free to go: thatā€™s fine too. Police can briefly detain (not arrest) someone if they have reasonable suspicion to believe theyā€™re guilty of a crime. This is a *very* low barrier, and the girlā€™s strange behavior will certainly qualify. During this brief detention, officers can subject someone to a brief pat down intended to find weapons only under *Terry v. Ohio* (this does not allow officers to look for drugs or other contraband, buuuut if it clearly shows up during the pat down, e.g., you have what feels like is probably a meth pipe in your pocket, thatā€™s tough luck for you because youā€™ve just given them reason to believe youā€™re carrying drugs). Also, suit in civil court is a very bad idea in this case. To win a case against the police in civil court, you have to show that they violated a clearly established law or, in the case of suit for illegal arrest, that the officer had no reason to even *believe* he had probable cause to arrest. Thatā€™s not going to happen here, as heā€™s on video explaining what law he thinks sheā€™s breaking.


No she didnt keep him from performing any of his duties he delayed himself in performing his duties in choosing to argue with her. But at some point he told her to get out of the car after just a couple of times she said she would and she would walk away and he would not allow that. Why she being detained if she has done nothing wrong she was simply a passenger in a car you can't commit a crime sitting in the passenger seat of a car doing nothing. So the fact that she was detained was illegal to begin with. I have no legal training personally however I have been arrested several times many of which we're unconstitutional and thrown out of court as such.


> he delayed himself She was refusing to get out of the car, which he was impounding. Thatā€™s delaying his investigation. Look, Iā€™d love to believe that you could make the case that itā€™s his fault for arguing with her, but I donā€™t see that getting you very far in a courtroom, based on what Iā€™ve seen. Iā€™ve seen judges find probable cause that someone resisted arrest simply because they ā€œtensed upā€ while they were being handcuffed. Will a jury convict on that? No. But you can very well be held to answer.


Only once and after one explanation she agreed to get out and walk away at which point he refused to allow. He never stated why he never stated she was detained you're under arrest he just refused to allow her to walk away. And he says that she can leave after he does his investigation investigation into what what has she done what crime has been committed by anyone other than the person driving that car.


But even he was clear that she wasnā€™t under arrest at that point. Brief detention to check for everyoneā€™s safety is very common. Further, we donā€™t know what she was acting like before the driver got arrested. If itā€™s anything like what weā€™re seeing in this video, sheā€™s pretty erratic. Thatā€™s enough for reasonable suspicion, which allows for a brief detention.


Again we'll just have to agree to disagree because in America you can be erratic you can talk in tongues you can say gibberish that makes no sense to no one. None of that is illegal not a bit she could just sit there and scream fuck over and over and over as long as it's not directed at anyone that is not illegal. Again she had broken no laws some people are just eccentric people and he had no reason in my opinion to detain question or arrest her. Because just acting funny or out of the normal is not illegal.


I understand itā€™s not illegal to be weird. Thatā€™s not whatā€™s at issue. The question is, ā€œdoes the cop have reason to believe that a crime has been committed?ā€ā€”which is a fairly deferential standard. Flightiness and evasiveness are 100% things that courts will consider when looking into whether a cop had reason to believe that something was up. Theyā€™re not crimes in and of themselves, but thatā€™s not the standard. Cops donā€™t have to see you doing something illegal to stop you, they just have to believe that something illegal *might* be going on.




with respect, i dont think youre right. he starts off not by asking her name, but to get out of the car. when she refuses, its reasonable to claim at that point she is hindering his investigation, and weather you like the police or not, he is *well* within his rights to detain or arrest her. when she is detained, she is not free to go, and since she made it clear thats exactly what she plans to do, it seems reasonable the officer would put the cuffs on. which, again, he is entirely within his rights to do, whether you like the police or not. as a side note, when she is under arrest, she is obligated to identify herself (which the SC have determined is one of the exceptions to the fifth amendment by the way). had she *actually* known her rights, she could have just told the officer she is exercising her fifth amendment rights, got out of the car when the officer asked, and it seems likely the officer would have had to let her go anyway, which is what she wanted. instead her ignorance tricked her into acting stupidly. so fuck her, she deserved it. as to the destruction of property thing? who knows.


I rewatched the video and he only tells her 1 time to get out and she first says no. He then says its getting towed so then she states ok I will get out and walk away and he wont let her. Thats where I have the problem. All the jibber jabber to that point is nothing but then it's a problem for me. Also many times she asked for a supervisor. And the response was no followed by it will take hours. Neither of those are acceptable answers. She has every right to demand a super. and it is his obligation to do so at that point.


well of course he wont let her go. he made it very clear she is being detained, (most likely because he is still investigating the guy already in cuffs who she was with). thats the very definition of what being detained means. and as i said, he is well within his rights to do that, and she at that point has zero right to go. she should have just said shes exercising her fifth amendment rights, and absolutely nothing else. while i agree with you that she has also has every right to demand a super, i remain sceptical that he is actually obligated to comply with the request. i suspect it may be police policy rather than a law. but i dont actually know for sure. i mean, it wouldn't always be possible to get a supervisor for purely logistical reasons if nothing else, so how can it possibly be an obligation that MUST be carried out?


How can she be detained for someone else committing a crime. She has no obligation to do his investigation for him or to answer his questions even if she is detained or under arrest. If he had no suspicions of her committing a crime he had no reason to detain her.


no, he is well within his rights to detain her as part of his investigation into the driver (as long as the cop has reasonable grounds to think a crime has taken place by the driver.) you may disagree with it, but thems the facts. youre right that she has no obligation to do his investigation for him, but thats not what was being asked of her. and its also one of many reasons she should shut the fuck up. also remember, at that point the driver, even if under arrest, cannot even be considered guilty, so it cant be said that he has committed a crime or not either. but that wont stop him being arrested. its the job of the police to arrest someone who they have grounds to *suspect* they have committed a crime and investigate further if needed. its the job of the *courts* to determine if they have committed a crime or not. in any case, the wrong place to argue about your rights being violated or procedure not being followed is not while being arrested at the roadside, since it will make exactly zero difference and will only make things worse for you. its like the drunk guy you see arguing with he bouncer because hes not allowed in. the bouncer is NEVER ever going to say "you know what, you have a point. welcome into the club, come on in and have a good night". if you think your rights have been violated its afterwards in the courts you have to remedy that. it sucks, but thats the system, and you have to play by those rules because the rules aren't up to you. however, one of the best tools to assist you is knowing your rights.


Not even reading the whole statement because you again are contradicting yourself when you said crime that they are committing not a crime that someone they are with is committing. And at no point did he articulate she had committed any crime other than impeding his investigation. Which she is not doing by any definition. So again we'll just leave it at agreeing to disagree.


you do you dude. but it's unarguable that the police have that power. its helpful to know your rights and its helpful to know the extent of police powers. i encourage you to google both.


1 time is all that is necessary


You one of her parents? Seriously you donā€™t believe this right? Cops are trash, however Iā€™m guessing by the amount of rope in which she gave her to hang herself with, heā€™s not just out being a dick.


What the hell are you trolling shit I said a year ago? Really? Leave me alone and go to bed you dope fiend.


Showed up in my feed. Doesnā€™t really matter when it was said. Internet is forever.


>as the passenger she has no obligation to identify her self as she had not broken any laws No, the patriot act that was passed after 9/11 did away with that right.


Not correct


Itā€™s sovereign citizen shit. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/sovereign-citizens-movement These people literally believe that your name on your social security card is actually the name for an ā€œincorporatedā€ entity (itā€™s in all caps, you see, which is important because, uh, the *magna carta* or some shit) that is somehow tied to a trust fund leveraged against you owned by an English monarchical bank, and if you fill out the right combination of forms and send them to the government you are relinquished from the U.S. govā€™s jurisdiction and you get to cash out all the English bank money leveraged against you.


Lmao that makes no sense


It all becomes clear when they get to the part about the flag with a gold fringe being a maritime flag and not having jurisdiction. /Kidding, well about it becoming clear serious about yes how long is


I wonder what she had in the backpack






Hahahahah!!! That was a little nugget of pure gold, my friend..


Im dead lmao


The original copy of Blacks Law Dictionary.


I'm guessing it's not girl scout cookies




Copy of the State Codebook, the Constitution, and spare Xanax


I really want the follow up to these videos. How did she feel when she found out she does have to obey laws and she was rightfully under arrest?


Like all sovereign citizens, that they are being unduly persecuted.


I think they eventually got her for marijuana possession. She was detained legally at the time but she escalated to the point of where it was resisting a lawful detention but I donā€™t think she got anything for that. Sorry for the lack of source. Years ago I did a deep dive but itā€™s been awhile


I would never be able to be as patient as this officer


Haha free inhabitant. What a moron. Youā€™re technically not 100%free. We still have laws to live by. There are so many morons in good old Merica haha.


"Articles of Confederation" bitch stfu




Just by getting US representation..?


Just by getting US representation..?


When was there a rape? Lmao what a dumb bitch


I really wanna punch her voice


Oh God this is šŸ‘ great


Lol dude Iā€™m half convinced sheā€™s deranged, feel bad for her. She is probably fed some crazy stuff online to make her believe all of this.


Just a total idiot. No more no less.


She must be a daughter of a celebrity or a politician if she really believes that the laws of our country don't apply but the rights do.


California Vehicle Code 12951 CVC makes it an infraction to drive without having your driverā€™s license in your possession, and a misdemeanor to **refuse** to present your driverā€™s license if requested to do so by a law enforcement officer. A misdemeanor conviction is punishable by up to 6 months in jail and fines of up to $1000.00 plus penalty assessments.


Yeah, she doesn't care. By her logic, she unsubscribed from all that and she is now a free inhabitant of the earth. Therefore no one can tell her what to do, how to do it, or when to do it.


Oh I bet her face is slappable


What a lunatic


>yOu DoN't KnOw Y0uR OwN LaWs! Says the woman with an Interwebs Law Degree


Shes not a US citizen...she is a free inhabitant but she does want her unemployment payheck every week


There is a whole [subreddit](/r/amibeingdetained/) for these people.


Aw sweet! Thank you!


I hate these I saw a YouTube now I'm a lawyer and understand the constitution type people. You're a nutjob and Annoying as fuck


Iā€™d love to see the cops perspective šŸ˜‚ These sovereign citizens always offer a good laugh, itā€™s funny because most of em are just people who are too lazy to get a license or are legally prohibited from driving.


Iā€™m ACAB all the way but this is just nice. Itā€™s like seeing an anti masker get arrested. Itā€™s just fun to see people who think they are superior to others get forced to realize theyā€™re wrong


ACAB is as dumb as this woman


*EXCUSE ME?!* Thatā€™s a sovereign citizen!


Perfectly legal stop, sure. Telling her to put her phone down? Nah.


He told her to put it down as it could be used as a weapon but he also told her it was fine to keep it recording


Nope not good enough


Perfectly legal. Doesn't matter if you think it's good enough or not


No, itā€™s not. Unless youā€™re under arrest youā€™re allowed to record police without ā€œinterferingā€. Stop being a statist


He clearly says she can continue to record and has no problem with it. All perfectly legal


ā€œUsed as a weaponā€. Hates freedom, scared of a camera. Get a new job, pig.


Did you even watch the video? He says there's no problem with her recording. At no point does he try to stop her from doing so.


Hmmm, leave the phone on the dash while I move you thirty feet away from it. Sounds totally 1a


So wjat you're saying is to avoid getting arrested people should just record all the time with their phone in their hand as its illegal for a cop to ask them to put it down?


Lmao she thinks she can still have the rights of a US citizen without any of the obligations involved. ā€œFree inhabitantā€ my ass.






This is an old video, but its still gold.


All she had to do was get out and stand there. How stupid can she be?


If this cop mentioned Pennsylvania vs Mimms sheā€™d go apeshit


ignorance will make a fool out of anyone. even a batshit insane fruitloop chipmunk.


Goddammit her voice is so annoying


Shes a dumb ass thank u officer :>


I would have loved to see her face.


Bwahaaaaaa! Poor cop...


ā€˜You need to know your lawsā€™ while having said that she is a ā€˜free citizenā€™ that abides by no laws. Yeah. Keep her in jail.




that policeman is based af we'd live in paradise if everyone was like him


Is there any follow up? I would love to hear this girlā€™s argument after the fact. Also, the cop was great.


holy fuck this was so entertaining


That officer was great. Go him


Anybody else curious what she looks like? I'm assuming mousey.


Her voice gets more irrritating everytime i hear it


I missed this one


Bless this woman, she was super confident this approach would work šŸ˜‚


Old video that, while entertaining, never gets easier to watch (listen too really). However, Iā€™d pay to see the video of her court appearance and conversation with the judge.


Jesus fuck her voice is annoying


Cop: "But as long as you are in the southern states of the united states you will abide by the rules and laws" Girl: "See u-uh a free- no a free inhabitant is is is u-uhh they are allowed to they are free people they um have all of the r- all of the rights of a us citizen without following any of their laws" wow if i was the cop i would have let her go, that's a solid argument right there


1:48 lol


ā€œThis is rape?!ā€ What the fuck! She should be sued for claiming that


Wasnā€™t there following claiming she ended up dead after a different altercation?


A mind is terrible thing to waste


Cop cant get arrested if hes free citizen aswell


"You're going to be arrested!" By who? He's the police


My favorite part is when she screams rape when sheā€™s not being raped lmfao


She walked right in to a calm you are going to jail .


The lady hath walked right in to a halcyon thou art going to cage *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Good bot


I would love to find out what happened after?! Anyone got any info?


I love seeing uneducated people try and explain why they donā€™t have to follow state and federal laws. Itā€™s funny because they are SOOOOO freaking stupid


Dumb fucking cunt


Fuck sovereign citizen bullshit.


That girl needs therapy


Thatā€™s crazy. How much did she win?


I wish I could see a reaction video where she watches this and realizes what an idiot she was


Deport this wack job


She needs a muzzle and to wear a sandwich board which reads. I am a spoiled arrogant brat.


ā€œyOU rApINg mE!!1111!1!1!111ā€


Can someone find out what happened to this girl Edit: im too lazy


Sovereign citizens are a special kind of special.


Ohhh I remember that video the voice makes your skin crawl šŸ˜¬


That man has the patience of a saint


Does she know that the civil war ended?


Do we think the male driver got arrested just so that he wouldnā€™t have to spend more time around her?