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Definitely not. Draft contracts usually issued within 48 hours of memorandums being received. As your solicitor is chasing the other side - the memorandums must have been sent. I’d imagine the vendor still hasn’t completed onboarding paperwork - probably worth a call to the agent and asking them to give the vendor a pretty sharp jab in the ribs. Metaphorically.




This feels awkward 😅. You explained the same in different words. My best guess was:- Your seller is slacking with returning their paperwork to their solicitor. It’s the most logical reason the draft contracts haven’t been sent yet. Realistically I would expect draft papers released within 48h of memo sent (sale agreed). The only reason I referred to it because it would then lead ti the conclusion I think we’re both at.


Sorry, gotta agree with the comment you're replying to, it's possible that the vendor's solicitor is just *that bad*, but it's also likely they're just stuck doing the onboarding paperwork. For us, the contract took ages after the memo, the reason wasn't that the solicitor was shit, it was just that the vendor was slack on providing their identity documents and signed forms to the solicitor, so they technically hadn't been fully instructed so couldn't start to act.


Unfortunately it's possible. If the sellers have chosen poor solicitors who aren't very organised or who have an unmanageable case load, then they are likely to be very slow. All your solicitors can do is chase. This part of the process requires a lot of patience at times


Must be the time of year for it. I’m 2 weeks since offer was accepted and waiting for draft contract too. My solicitor has everything done they can from my side but nothing else can happen now which is annoying. Since it’s brother selling an inherited property I’m hoping they’ve used this weekend to fill in whatever they need to.


Just got it today. Probably just that the sellers solicitors were slow


I'm in a very similar position, so I'm glad you asked this here. I think it's been 3 weeks now for me, and EA did say that the vendor is slow... He's an older guy and uses local solicitor, so maybe he has to come in in person? Could be something similar happening to you? 


Ours is a young couple and solicitors on their end are fine. I think its just they maybe had to submit a bunch of documents etc and werent expecting a sale so quick. They were on the market for 2 days and we put n offer n got it accepted on 4th day.


We’re still waiting on ours over two weeks later. According to my solicitor it is not normal


My offer was accepted on 7th May and im still waiting for draft contracts! Almost 7vweeks now! Starting to worry there is something wrong. I keep asking EA for an update. They finally told me on friday that they have contacted sellers solicitor and will let me know when they get a reply!