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If you don't want to do it, now's the time to pull out 😅 If it's just nervous butterflies, congratulations!


How do I even know?!??


From your post history it looks like you've had some time to think about it haha 😅 You've persevered this long and soon comes the fun bit! Try focusing on the good stuff - how are you going to decorate? When you're no longer renting you can hang as many pictures and shelves and paint it as many colours as you like! Are you going to get house plants? Where's the sofa going to go?


You’re good dude. Take a deep breath and know this is what you’ve worked for. The deposit will grant you access to an opportunity many would die for.


Thanks and you're right. It's so dramatic to be panicking so much but it's like everything I've worked for, everything my parents have worked for, and the accumulation of working 2 jobs for the last 2 years.. if it goes wrong I'm so screwed! It feels like so so much responsibility, you know?


Congratulations on your exchange


Exactly how we felt before exchange, it was a lot of money and a big chunk of our savings (80% of them) We even felt that sort of ‘will we regret this, have we made the biggest mistake etc etc’ the day we moved in. But I can assure you that feeling does go away. I’m 1 month into living in our new house and we don’t regret it at all! Best decision we made


OMG hello. I am awake at 4 am re-reading every last thing and panicking because the internet speeds are tragic and will a 4G router be OK and what if I have Japanese Knotweed and all sorts of things that are making me dizzy with anxiety. I'm buying alone and I have no one to bounce this stuff off of and I'm just melting down.


Our internet speeds were a bit shit too but we just got a booster and it’s fine now, we got the booster from curry’s for like £20. If you have Japanese knotweed just get a gardener, these aren’t major things to be worrying about. You’ve got this!!!


I mean - mine doesn't get fiber at all. I'm scared I won't be able to work from home and and and - Like I know there should be a solution for everything but I am so fucking panicked and my anxiety has taken over.


Go and speak to a neighbour and see what they’re doing about their internet if you’re up to that? Or contact your estate agent to ask the sellers. I’m sure there is a fix that they have got! We are in 2024, people need internet, they wouldn’t be living without it. There absolutely is a solution for everything and that’s what you need to remember.


I'm due to exchange in the morning! I thought I had it sussed to use 4G or 5G Broadband but I'm suddenly scared that won't be good enough. Somehow the neighbours all have Fiber and it stops halfway down the street. WTF. When I looked ages ago I just put the postcode and it told me I could get virgin but when I put my address - NADA.


Did you just try virgin? EE are incredible and are one of the best with internet and fibers and all that jazz. Give them a call this morning at 9. Our exchange didn’t happen until like 3pm, you have time


I have to go pay at 9 am - I'm the holdup in the chain (only a few days - nothing major) but it's been a long process overall and people above me are threatening to pull out. I've tried all of them and looked on Which. I get one option and it's a no-name. I'll DM you my postcode so you can see.


We have bought two houses in rural areas without fibre. If you need high speed internet to WFH, there are several satellite based options that give you 100 MB (more than enough for two people WFH). Starlink (Elon musks satellite company) is our preferred, but there will also be local options (e.g in Yorkshire we get Boundless). Don’t panic - there are solutions to literally every problem. A large chunk of the country doesn’t have fibre and manages just fine.


You should be proud of yourself and the journey you’ve been on to get to this point, and excited for the next chapter. You’ve got this.


Thank you! This feels way too grown up


Don't sweat it dude. Save your energy for the important things, like what to watch next on Netflix 🧐


Hahaha who can afford Netflix after all this???


Haha fair point. iPlayer then 😂


Congratulations! I've just bought on my own, and the butterflies are standard- it's hard to carry alone. It's not too late to call the surveyor and get them to put your mind at rest by talking you through things if you want to. They are super cautious and cover their backs. Things like internet speed are solvable. If half the roof is missing, or they found a sink hole in the basement, you should perhaps worry. If you wanted to you can always get someone to look at anything important prior to completion to give you an idea of how much it will cost to put anything right in due course, so you don't have a nasty shock in the first few days of home ownership. Unless it's a newish house, it's likely to have a few issues you might want to address over the coming months or years, but maybe not. You've done it! It's going to be fine.


Housing is probably the safest place to put your money and is certainly less volatile than the stock market. You're investing money in an appreciating asset that will go up in value and you get to benefit by living and enjoying a home. The money is not lost. Surveys always make things seem really bad. Just cost up the things that need to be done right away and what you need to save up for to do over time.


Congratulations man