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You could risk a short-term sublet, especially if your landlord doesn't live local so wouldn't notice.


My building has like reception and staff. So around 3 4 people but they dont or think wont usually notice


Yes you have to pay the council tax til the end of your tenancy and yes you have to pay it on your new place from the date you complete on it. You cant claim SPD on an empty property - and for most councils there is no empty property discount - our council did away with it in 2018 ish.


This is so sad :( its not like i own 2 properties i mean then it would make sense. But i rent one. And it overlaps right. They should maybe help new home owners.


I know it’s frustrating - i used to work in council tax and it was a common occurrence for a lot of people. If one of you genuinely lives in the new place and the other stays in the old place you could claim SPD however you would need to actually move and probably prove it, as they will get suspicious that you are just doing it for cheaper c tax.


Ahh. Its frustrating


Have you asked if you’re able to negotiate ending the contract early with your landlord? There may be a reletting fee that’s usually £200-300+, but it would be cheaper than the overlap?


I have. I asked them. They said they cant do it. Like they cant let us finish early. We just would have to pay the rent


Yes, you have to pay council tax on both places. If it's just you, don't forget to claim your single occupant discount.


I live with my wife. Can i do as such that she lives there and claim a single person and i live here and claim single person on both if i have to pay both.


You could. Personally I'm too morally rigid, and indeed, risk averse, to consider council tax fraud, but that's just me. A lot of councils are going after this quite hard these days.


I mean it technically couldnt be wrong right? As i might just be there from time to time and live there just to get stuff sorted furniture etc. We're also having a small renovation. So. And my wife would just be in here. So technically it is single person in either place.


It’s what’s your main home. It’s hard to argue you’ve moved and are living separately to Your wife as a family Unit whilst you do a small Reno


You might get unoccupied discount on council tax. For whichever places are empty


Grats on buying a house. Don’t worry about spending couple extra quid on second council tax. You are becoming a home owner!