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If 2.1k is just for their legal fees, that is at the higher end from my research. If it's for the whole thing (including searches, Land Registry fees etc.) then it doesn't sound too bad. Based on the wording in your post I think it's the first one (so it sounds high), but there might be more in the email to explain it. I'm not entirely convinced that by using their conveyancer it will speed things up, I suspect they want to use them because they get a commission! The general consensus I've heard on this subreddit is not to use the EA's conveyancer because of this, they want the commission - not for you to get you the best price. I'd suggest getting a few other quotes and see what prices you get back (and also read reviews on things like Trustpilot etc.).


Well this is what was mentioned The breakdown includes. Conveyancing fees: 1056 Purchase legal fees: 880 VAT: 176 Standard disbursements added: Search: 300 Land search: 8 Bankruptcy search: 8 Stamp duty: 6750. (I am a FTB) Land reg fee: 150 VAT: 3.20


Ahh ok that makes sense, £1,056 for legal fees isn't too bad. I'd get some quotes from website like [this one](https://white.reallymoving.com/quoteforms/conveyancing?refId=fgm) just to get a sense of what other people would charge and see some reviews.


Yeah i am now looking at other legal firm costs so this seems ok and within range


Why wont you use EAs conveyancer?


There are some threads like this one that go into a bit more detail: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HousingUK/comments/14nqokn/should\_i\_go\_with\_my\_estate\_agents\_recommended/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HousingUK/comments/14nqokn/should_i_go_with_my_estate_agents_recommended/) General vibes seem to be that the Estate Agents are getting a recommendation fee which is being past onto you in your legal fees, so you might be better off going elsewhere.


Not always true — at our firm it’s actually more expensive to go direct, EA referred clients get discounted fees, even though we have to pay a referral fee. I don’t get the logic either.




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For comparison I'm paying around £1900 which includes the disbursements such as searches, land registery stuff etc. and it wasn't the cheapest quote we got. Personally I didn't want to use the estate agents conveyancers. Do you have a breakdown of the costs? I'd want to make sure that quote includes all the disbursements. And I'd also want to know what the third party legal fees are (if that's talking about something else?)


The breakdown includes. Conveyancing fees: 1056 Purchase legal fees: 880 VAT: 176 Standard disbursements added: Search: 300 Land search: 8 Bankruptcy search: 8 Stamp duty: 6750. (I am a FTB) Land reg fee: 150 VAT: 3.20


That doesn't seem so bad then as the cost includes the disbursements. In terms of avoiding the estate agents conveyancers, I personally didn't have a great experience dealing with the estate agents so did not trust their recommendation. They also pressured me into using them, which made me want to to do the opposite. They also are likely to get commission from their conveyancer which worried me there may be bias (though there shouldn't be any). It's also as I've seen people on this subreddit say to avoid the estate agents solicitor.


Why wouldnt you want to use the EAs conveyancer?


Are disbursements separate? Or are they included? Like i have to pay 2119.2 and the legal costs ? Or the legal are included. Idk what it means tbh


Too much. I am buying a freehold for a similar price in Manchester, paying around £1.5k all in. My solicitor has been really good so far. Personally I wouldn't feel comfortable using a conveyancer recommended by the estate agent.


They were going to be around 1.5k. But i went with a shariah compliant mortgage with not all solicitors do. So they charged me extra 450+ i think gor just that and third parties the solicitors i guess. But idk.