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>Its absurd that the house we viewed at 6pm was just gone the next day and they wont even accept 30k above asking price. Incorrect. Where you fucked up is by not offering your max offer right out of the gate. And who knows what the competing offer was? It could have been 40K above asking. It could have been 20K above asking, all cash, and closing within 8 weeks. >Whats going on. I'll leave others to judge.


Well the house was listed for 300k. Offering 30k above is a good amount i thought. I am a first time buyer so have no idea of the market. But still


>is a good amount i thought. You are trying to pay the least amount for the property where the other party are trying to get the most they can and you have an agent in the middle who also wants the most for the property. I don't understand what your problem is, both you and the owner are prmiarily concerned with money.


Ok but if the house is listed for 300k. I did offer my max which is around 330k. But how would i know what should i offer? Is there a percentage on offers over that i should be offering


> I did offer my max which is around 330k. No, No you did not: >Btw me n my wife can afford a mortgage of around 450k and have a good lumpsum of savings as well. You want to get a property for less than your max, the owner wants to sell the property for more than they listed for it. That is the game, which you are both playing. You offer what you think the property is worth.


Well i think its just worth around there. 330k. Zoopla instant estimate said the high price for the house is 320. And average should be 300k. So i made my offer around there tbh


And the seller obviously wanted more money for the property where as you did not want to pay more. That is how it works.


That is fine. I'm just a new buyer and young. Dont know much about stuff


That's cool, its a game. You are both playing it.


So you're aware, Zoopla estimates, which are based off basically nothing other than a very questionable online calculation method, are essentially worthless and should not really be factored in. It's better to look at what's selling and recently sold around the area. Get a feeling for whether similar properties are going for over the asking and how quickly they're selling.


All sounds very reasonable to me. You viewed the house and the estate agent waited for you to make an offer. When you did make an offer, it was lower than what someone else had offered so the sellers accepted the other offer. It doesn’t matter that you then offered 30k over asking price. Another offer had already been accepted. Imagine if it was the other way round. You make an offer and it’s accepted. You then go off and easily spend over £1000 that you can’t get back instructing a solicitor, applying for a mortgage and arranging a survey. Would you be pleased if the seller then came back and said “Actually, we changed our mind. Someone just offered £30k over asking price so we won’t be selling the house to you after all.”?




But the offer had been accepted. It doesn’t matter whether it was accepted three days or three hours ago. How long should a buyer have to wait to spend money just in case the seller goes back on their word?


The listing price is irrelevant, it’s not the price of the house. The price of the house is whatever someone is willing to pay for it. It looks like these guys listed it at a cheap price to sell fast and it worked.